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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll get this one out early as I've more stuff to do than I planned.....

Our show listing on the marquee during the day as we were getting prepared for the screening!

The Royal Cinema is still closed! To be honest it makes its money from being used to set up audio for big feature films and is the reason why it has a sound studio board in the middle of the theatre. But it was a good thing that we premiered The Fortress Experiment when we did as this theater is no longer available. The big studios that use it probably would not be keen on using a studio that just had a crowd of people there last night with who knows what infections. So I can't blame them but I am glad I got see my movie shown in a big old fashioned theatre from the 1930s. It's still one of the largest at almost 400 seats.....

Our show at night on the marquee of The Royal Cinema!

We shall see what happens with Netflix, but with the real life advocacy for the cause we need a platform that is free and worldwide cause I am not only seeking interviews in the western world but also Asia and Africa and South America. I want all associated media to be available to promote the positive mandate and this starts this fall. It's all about getting the concepts out there and I need platforms that can be available and free to all and I can't do that with Prime Video. Netflix we can make the argument so that card is still on the table, but I can't plan for that. At the end of the day I can stream our movies and documentaries off the positive mandate site or FOF Entertainment. I'm tired of worrying about censorship of material that is inoffensive and free expression promoting and having to have ignorant racists undermine that expression by flagging and complaining about the programming. So we will still use popular platforms but at the end of the day FOF Entertainment and the six positive mandate websites will host our material and "screw you" to whoever wants to keep a good idea hidden from the general public!


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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 12:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, so I was in this funk this last week. I was asking people I knew if everything i did was worth it.

I do know the answer but I need to have it mirrored by others if only to keep me centered or grounded. Ultimately you need people like me marauding around places of power and influence to help keep things honest and uncorrupted, to introduce new ideas and keep humanity’s goals in focus

More so now than ever!

Howard Roark from The Fountainhead was pure fiction. Ayn Rand based him on Frank Loyd Wright. But Wright was only a purest for his architecture. He never got into humanity and it’s workings and philosophy but was true to just doing his own thing. But it was true he never finished high school or university. His buildings were mostly houses rather than sky scrapers. He never did build the worlds tallest free standing structure. He did compromise on his designs unlike what we saw with Howard Roark. He liked expensive things and cars and got into financial difficulties as a result. He never worked as a day labourer as far as I can see (I don’t blame him on this). His background really never hints as to why he is so passionate about the human condition and human development - because he wasn’t. Howard Roark is in the end a totally fictional character.

Even Ayn Rand had to resort to social services to live later on in life. Personally I have to feel that she probably thought - secretly - that some of her “collective” were in the end real dicks to have her be forced into something against her philosophy (Social Security and Medicare) - that they also embraced. If you have people of real wealth and power who adores her, surely they could have bank rolled her in her time of need rather than have her compromise her morals so publicly. She got the raw uncompassionate rebuf of people who just live for their own sake.

I’m not like that as I belive in society and it’s obligations to all. I’m into all - including kids like myself growing up, they all must be taken care of by society equally. But I’m about as close to a Howard Roark as you can get. But what do you get? A brown guy whose stereotype is despised by society. True to form his creative abilities were ignored and he was cast out of academia and barred from a career, and unable to truly function socially in his world. But this guy is dynamic in the spirit of Howard Roark. He is not interested in building the tallest structure in the world but changing the world to a better end. Howard Roark is not Garry Cooper - Cooper has a hard time standing a few feet in the air for that last scene where he is seen standing on top of his world’s tallest structure starring down at his wife coming up the elevator. Cooper was very afraid of heights - that is that look in his face at the end of the film - true terror being a few feet in the air - too funny!

So in the end you get people like me who are not anyone’s idea of a “man of the world” - but when you think of it, how could it be anyone else except a guy like me with my horrible past? I can’t be a leader of a country as the population only vote for people they identify in. I will never hold public office where I live. But I can do what I do at places like the UN. I can introduce ideas and go marauding around political and intellectual circles ingratiating myself and my ideals to keep humanity on track and in check. Why do we need Howard Roarks in the world? As I said before, if people of talent and good intentions don’t do what I do, then people with nefarious intentions take over and take humanity down a bad and unhappy path. From a review of The Fountainhead:

“As long as there are people like Roark out there in the world, then Toohey cannot have complete and total submission to his collectivist worldview. Roark is a threat, he's a wild card, he can't be controlled, his mind can't be molded, and so Toohey must bring him down to succeed in his own devious schemes.”

I’m no academic as they are too cowardly to do what I do as they have something to lose, as in their social status. I have no social status and can literally throw one idea after another with little consequence. Even if the movers and shakers of the world ignore it, they still know of it, and the idea continues to grow among them. Like that worldwide vote at the UN last February.

So I’m not giving up anything any time soon. Sure, as I get older and my life gets harder it becomes more challenging - but where there is a will there is a way. And so few people are doing what I do - I have no choice! I carry on with my plays as dictated by that moral imperative. So unfortunately you get what you get and you got me - live with that.....

In other news the taxes continue. I have everything I need and things should move quickly now!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 10:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I’m want to say that most or all of the corporate taxes will be done by today but I have to be reasonable. But I am over the hump on that one and there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I’m waiting on the “dear John” letter from Netflix but will play the pitch out. The two emails I sent out are my pitch and the first for Netflix. We premiered the movie in a real stand alone theatre, did the festival circuit, got it all on Prime Video and here we are. If Netflix takes our stuff I can still handle the advocacy and if they pass it’s a quick upload and away we go with the advocacy! Realize that it is very hard to make and cut a movie and a TV series and I wanted to experience the whole process personally before just throwing it out there to the general public. These are still experiences you cherish - even the bad ones. Take censorship: Scarface got an “X” rating even though they wanted an “R”. So Martin Scorsese made changes until they gave it an “R” but secretly submitted the original “X” rated version with no cuts to the theatres only letting people know about this after the fact. I now know what censorship feels like and how guys like Scorsese dealt with it - bravo! But you get the drift - I put money and toil and years of my life into this and I’m milking it personally right now.

As for a summary of The Fountainhead /Howard Roark fantasy, it is a fantasy and see what happens when you have my image in place of Gary Cooper - it goes nowhere - at least in the western world. This is what I will face in the fall. It won’t be pretty and goes against my policy of fighting the idea on the ground. But I keep reaching due to the positive mandate and the increasing reach has reached the ground. The last few weeks were psyching myself up and now we just execute that play....


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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Corporate taxes are done! Even the provincial annual returns and the GST return for FOF.....

That GST return is always a bitch because I took it out to get a deal with a business cellular plan and also in case I needed to hock FOF merchandise - but that never started - and now it’s paperwork and excuses as to why I have no sales every year; but that’s my problem.....

I will probably bite the bullet and do the personal taxes Monday morning and off to the printers to make copies of it all before lunch. Nothing exciting or sexy there - but necessary to stay in business.

I’m about as psyched up for the advocacy on the ground as I ever will be, so wish me luck. Most will say it’s futile but I always seem to surprise myself. But some facts are facts. Ayn Rand was right in reality - Howard Roark never does leave the job jackhammering at the quarry. Apart from a few commissions he never gets to do large projects. I have reached retirement age and never got anywhere in traditional business job fair. What I had to do is start my own companies and even there it’s hard. So the first part of The Fountainhead was right and the last part fiction. The big development he uses to get his philosophy a hearing never happens and without a voice he is just this broken man with a few interesting buildings from his past.

Burj Khalifa Skyscraper is the tallest building to date!

So this is probably my fate but this personal story is not over yet..... Rand never figured on a dude like me. If we met in her prime I wonder what she would make of me. We would probably fuck like rabbits and argue over philosophy and separate - then meet again and fuck like rabbits and argue over philosophy and separate. Rinse and repeat. She hung out with artists but never seemed to meet that man she adored. The funny part to all this is that the tallest structures in the world are surprisingly not ruined by committee even though penned by individuals. I have stayed away from partners with the positive mandate as committee eventually results in watering down of the idea and then watering down when it gets to the point of adoption by society. Having many on-board means you are not alone. Lots of sex and women to throw your arm over as you fall asleep. So good for you but bad for the cause. For me attractive women are eager to get involved and with a boyfriend who looks nervously on - she’s better off with the boyfriend. Better you be like a monk espousing a philosophy which is the current path. Lots of cults become cults for this reason. The head person succumbs to the flesh and has women and children with multiple people and all integrity falls apart. The monk style is better in the end.

But I’m prepared for lots of rejection. One funny note: As I brag and pump myself up, when you do eventually score - it is only the others like you that come up to you and congratulate. These are also the same people
that brag about their ability and accomplishments. They do it in a backhanded manner but they do congratulate you and usually quite publicly - as they know the effort involved and how lonely the moment can be. Everyone else you know avoids you at these moments except for these people. So a (insert arrogant self-centred asshole here) is not so bad a person in my mind, as bizarre as that is to say. But enough for now, personal taxes are up next.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2020 9:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Miscellaneous ramblings.....

Some of you may have noticed that a new AI language has been tested by an insider and proved that AI blog posts could be even more popular than human. To make the insult even greater - it happened in Hacker News. Now the developers have responsibly not released the language to the public for fear of misuse, but it does raise questions.

First is that it’s body of work can’t get intellectual or very rational. But these posts drive away humans anyway - just look at what happened here these past few days. But as I drive away readers with ideas that buck stupid stereotypes and such - an AI that embraces “stupid” becomes wildly popular. This is more a judgement on human nature than anything else - so it should give reason for thought. Right now, you may like an AI post but you won’t come away with any new insights or gleen knowledge unawares. It certainly won’t offend as it’s reason for being is “click bait”.

I am the opposite as I’m a real human with ideas to be disseminated and the more I ramp it up the more of a ghost town this place becomes. But the positive mandate does work for sentient AI also. Pretty soon you will question whether your news and articles of interest were created by humans at all as the AI alternative is cheaper. And until AIs become sentient, then I expect the information disseminated by them will have a “dumbing down” effect for the human race as a whole.

The Positive Mandate gives direction for this right now by allowing the most expression for humanity. AI intrusion violates and suppresses that expression until the AI becomes sentient in which case it’s a free for all for everyone. And the sentient AI may have much to teach us if that ever happens. But for now it’s dumbed down click bait - and that should be avoided.

In other news:

All taxes should be done today and physically copied. More website work for our new artists is needed. And that was your update today.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 7:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A new day.....

I finally felt out of the funk I was in but physically felt like an old man. That only lasted half a day but it’s remarkable how I have no aches or pains or chronic conditions. It’s like The Fates want me healthy and active for the plays I am making. Everyone around me - even the younger ones - are getting old and falling apart. But I am playing things out and waiting for the Netflix rejection. It’s getting late in the day so what gives? The homepage for the pitch process is like a 404 error. But a pitch directly to Netflix is what I wanted and that is what I got!

The pitch page today!

Now, all my shows and movies are about everyday people exceeding their lives and doing what they all wanted to do - the positive mandate - and they were much happier in there’re lives! This means everyone in the world can be happier based on the principles espoused in the shows and movies. You would think this story would have mass appeal - think again!

Little interest while nonsensical crap take people’s money while they “wax eloquent” over scripts and acting riddled with errors and nonsense scenes! It just drives you mad with frustration.....

But we shall see if the solicited pitch gets any traction - this is interesting for this aspect alone. Then I can move on with the advocacy.

As for the Mustang, months and months without that noise at startup - but with the weather getting colder I expect it to come back and that is when we try a zero based oil for those 4 valve multi-cam heads. The water pump had the usual major leak - once a month like female mensuration - and now is dry as a bone. I’ll keep an eye on this as I want it to fail in a big way and just get it resolved. But it seems this kind of leak can go on forever. It’s like a damaged “O” ring in the water pump assembly slowly rotates and when the damage area lines up with the weep hole it dumps a puddle on the ground and within a few starts is bone dry for another month. That isn’t the way to get warrantee work done, so I may end up getting Ford to replace the thing myself - and yes Ford as I don’t want to screw with the powertrain warranty. It’s not an expensive repair.

I do need a new pair of glasses though. I could laser them and for presbyopia but I’m not completely sold yet. As is I can get really close using the phone for everything is natural all day long with my current eyes - like a teenager. I don’t want to mess with that. But we shall see.....

But you watch what happens with Netflix - it probably won’t be pretty.


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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 8:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I had plans today - then shit happened..... Fell asleep on the carpet at my dad’s place only to wake up and find I rolled over - on my indestructible flexon glasses - and broke them - again!

I really should just bite the bullet and have my eyes zapped for presbyopia and be done with it. My sister had her eyes done almost 17 years ago and she’s fine. But for now it’s a trip down to the optical place to see if they can replace the frame (highly unlikely after seven years) or find something those expensive lenses will fit into. Anyway those frames were a scam. The first frame broke at the bridge - the part that was supposedly indestructible - and I found out I wasn’t the only one. They put the lenses in a shitty frame that I still have as I looked for the original. I found it but in gunmetal rather than gold of the original. This version didn’t break on the flexible wire, but was slightly twisted so they were never level on my face - bastards! But they did break in the hinge area - so I rolled on the glasses again and broke the side piece at the hinge. No problem as I took the gold side pieces from the previous busted frame and screwed them on to the front of the gunmetal one. So you now had this unique gunmetal and gold pair of glasses.

Frameless glasses

And that brings us to this morning with busted frames again. Right now I am wearing my Edward Snowden glasses that are frameless on the bottom. This works well as they are long but narrow vertically so you can put youR near sightedness to work just looking below the frameless underside - like bi-vocals actually. But this is no ideal.

Current glasses April 2020 - yes, I’m 60 years old and soon to be 61!

So at 11:00am I will be at the head office store with the most selection and try to fix this thing. I will ultimately have to get another pair just for this exact reason. Plus at my advance age I have to weigh laser surgery with possibly glaucoma surgery later on and figure out what to do. It was an optometrist who said I had the eyes of someone seven years younger - but take nothing for granted. But overall I do seem not to have aged like others my age. So I’m really 53 right now.

Whatever - shit happens and all you can do is deal with it as it happens.....


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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 10:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dealing with the usual crap.....

I have to redo a bit of my personal taxes - but you know - it happens.

Im rock’in without my progressives and actually it’s not so bad except when doing taxes - I’m not making this up. I hope they can find a replacement frame. I have a backup I used the last time so if their search turns into centuries then I’ll use that till I get resolution. The real story is to get the eyes checked and a new prescription and buy a new pair and be done with it. I got my present pair for the UNESCO WAIS+10 meeting in Paris (France), and that was over 7 years ago.

Me without glasses..... Just noticed this - what’s up with my eyes?

Like all photographers and videographers I play up my glasses with special lenses and such. With everyone doing laser my breed players it up with the lenses. Play it up till shit like what happened to me this week. Anyway I’m off to Starbucks and then to my dad’s place to trim the grass I cut earlier. The pandemic sucks for me like it does for everyone else. It really bugs you how that thing screwed everything up. I know that others are losing their businesses and such, but I stand to lose momentum on my life’s work. There is a point there, but it just sucks and there isn’t much you can do about it. I hate to think it but maybe my best days are behind me. There - I said it. Maybe not but that spectre is always in the back of my mind. Without the pandemic I would still be traveling the world before things closed down on me. I’d be in Geneva now pitching my ideas and ingratiating myself. Then off to New York and Washington later. Even if it was just the trips, you are still pitching and trying. Here/now I’m doing nothing, I’m wasting precious time and getting older. It just sucks.....

I did get six more domains, basically adding “the” to the positive mandate sites. Overkill but I feel more comfortable owning all the top level positive mandate sites now.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 10:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Now that I own all the high level positive mandate domains, the advocacy remains.

The Positive Mandate for Humanity is that we should strive for the greatest expression of ourselves physically and mentally because it makes us happy.

The term “expression” is all encompassing. It can mean social expression of lifestyle such as the ability to date and marry anyone you want. It can mean education expression that everyone has the ability to progress through the scholastic system as far as their abilities can take them. It can mean work place expression and the ability to progress as far as their abilities can take them. You get the idea. The Fortress Experiment” was the empirical proof that the concept can work in any society and that the end result was that people we’re happier with no disruption to their society or nation. This is key to our international advocacy.

There is something in the positive mandate for everyone, and when you “buy into any of it” you buy into all of it. You can’t really use the positive mandate to date and marry a person from a different cast or religion - and then rationally and emotionally deny the same for a gay couple, for example. You can’t take advantage of the workplace or education opening up to you personally and at the same time deny others based on sex, religion, race and so on. And this works on a rational and emotional level and is in your face in so many ways and levels.

What is truly diabolical for use in international advocacy is that the most benefit from it in non-controversial ways and is adopted that way. The extreme examples are not front and centre as in direct advocacy for these groups - but nevertheless included in a more subtle way. What I am getting at here is that progressive social development is more palatable internationally and for member nations at the UN with a mandate such as the Positive Mandate for Humanity. They will not suffer the political wrath or backlash of objectors for this mandate as it is so broad. Individual nations can tailor the mandate to their own societies even though it’s tenets continue to provoke change.

So no, nobody at this organization is giving up on the advocacy for the positive mandate. I can advocate for this till I’m a senile old man. But I have the suspicion we may achieve some success well before that! This is not just a rational argument for change - it involves our emotions and happiness at our fundamental levels. Emotions an be used to adopt good and solid social policy despite what the academic stoics may say.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It’s for real! More later.....

Ok its later. The news came out on the 20th about the latest “ok boomer” smartphone from Blackberry. But I have learned from experience to sit on this kind of news until BB and the manufacturer confirm the news. And they have so Blackberry mobile once again rises from the ashes to have another go!

One thing I miss from my old Passport is the physical keyboard. But I could live with a virtual keyboard if it didn’t try to mess with my typing. You see, I have a rather unorthodox type of communication. My sentences go on forever and iOS will always break up these sentences and capitalize the first word and so on. Clever uses of words that technically break grammatical rules get over-ruled and changed - and so on. If you frequent this blog you will run into new posts by me where the post is absolutely butchered and unintelligible, a fact that could not have been intentional from the beginning. And it was not – the smart phone was trying to make sense of my creativity and failing miserably at it. iOS is not alone as Android through Samsung censors swearing and so on.

I can honestly say from the bottom of my heart that the absolutely worst part of my day is punching out posts in the tub with an iPhone. I write for pleasure and that phone kills the pleasure – absolutely!!!!! I’m back now on my old IBM clickable keyboard typing this out. One thing BB keyboards did was let you type what you typed without changing it. I could actually type out manuscripts on the Passport while that was unthinkable on the typical virtual keyboard. If you had a virtual keyboard with AI that actually knew my style – then that would be a different proposition. But they are not there yet - not there by a long shot. Until then we have BB devices still being built and offered to those that value the physical keyboard and top level security. Yes, I’m a CEO and President of several companies and organizations so this new phone aimed at enterprise as well as consumers is of interest to me. BB phones are now a niche device, but it still would be nice to go to international events with this Canadian nameplate still attached. The Passport was a slick and identifiable phone when I first showed up with it. People knew what it was but could not get it in the States for awhile. I would pull it out on the streets of Manhattan and the young beautiful girls with their iPhones still noticed it and kept an eye on the new Blackberry, even keeping cadence with me as I walked with it on the street. Man was that a cool moment in time!

My Passport!

Anyway more about that stuff when the final details come out. It’s a boomer phone and I’m a reluctant boomer. That said I’m still upgrading to the iPhone 12 when it comes out. But if the new Blackberry comes out with an expensive price point and usage among the movers and shakers, then I’m in again….. But it is surprising how little the virtual keyboards have evolved over the years. Even more surprising how un-intuitive they can be for the more creative writers. I sometimes post an update only to come back later on to see that absolute butchering of my thoughts into an unintelligible mess of crap that does not make any sense at all. The virtual keyboard still can’t seem to understand Ithink is I think – what up with that? I have literally given up using clever worlds because the program refused – absolutely refused – to allow it to stay – imagine that. And “that” is why I still embrace a physical keyboard. I punch in whatever I want and it stays that way just the way I want – how about that for an idea?

Now I should also add that this phone will not be made in China. The CEO of OnwardMobility states that it will be the most North American phone made today. FIH is still Foxconn with ties to China but there is some truth to how this could be done. Foxconn has plants in Wisconsin and in Mexico, so technically you could have a phone 100% American. So with the current political climate, the phone may have a chance. It is also no surprise that Apple is preparing to make the iPhone 12 in India, which I believe is another reaction to current international tensions in the world and among most in the Western world. It’s just the way the world is at this time. People want to put their money wherever they want and currently that’s not China. It is what it is.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 6:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A totally wasted weekend…..

I did nothing but sleep and hang out with the family and pig out on food. Maybe that is a good thing every once and awhile but I don’t want to make it a habit. But nothing really got done. I did catch up on sleep which is important because I usually lose sleep during the week. But nothing got done. As usual I will try to make Monday morning productive to save something out of the weekend.

The past week or so has been a kind of reckoning for me. I’m an old guy now, but I still feel young, but sooner or later you have to accept that you are ancient in most people’s eyes now. You were born in the 1950s and its 2020 now! I was talking to one of our directors on Sunday and when I mentioned the old age thing the response was “You are old, and getting older by the second!” And so it goes. I am still healthy and active and able to do the things I have to do which is to run out the advocasy plays. You lament the experiences you are not going to get. No family with kids, all of that gone – but did you ever really have a chance of that given your past? Probably not. For me I was not given a rotten set of cards to play – I wasn’t given any cards to play……

Now you can say that whole parts of society have less opportunities than others but that situation was the jewel in the crown for me. The worst was being in a city where you were the only black kid. I kid you not – until my teenage years I had not really run across any other kids with brown skin except for a few family friends later on. You would go through life with people looking at you as if you were an alien as they had never seen a black person before in their life. I remember thinking cable TV was my savior, as the folk in Edmonton finally got used to black people as they saw them on TV now. All this is constantly suppressed in my mind and I have to extract it and shock myself if you can believe it.

Anyway I don’t expect much from any of my activities in Canada as nothing really has changed. Outside of international activities where I can get some form of recognition, it is still the same in Canada. It’s still the same except that instead of a nine year old wishing and hoping things were getting better you now have a guy who’s 60 and wondering how nothing could have happened in his entire life! I did try my best with the Positive Mandate idea and we are still trying with that but I expect to get no traction in Canada, it has to be international. I so want to go on a rant now but the internet is forever and I still have plays to make. Suffice to say that as you get older you look back more and sometimes you have to dig a bit to remember stuff you hid and suppressed and when you bring them out you are always shocked by it. It is history and you can’t go back and change anything. The world just sucks, and you have a plan to make it a better place for all. That is the objective now. The Positive Mandate works and you proved it in The Fortress
Experiment. Now it is getting the word out, but I have to go to other countries first to get traction because the one I call home doesn’t even know I exist, or doesn’t’ want to know I exist – how bizarre is that…..

I’ll add one more thing.

Yes a modern BlackBerry from 2018 - but only in India!

This new Blackberry. I don’t believe for an instant this device is made for consumers. This is a device made for business and governments - sort of post China/5G infrastructure stories. So as Chinese firms are being discouraged from Western countries, it would seem BlackBerry may have found a natural niche for their devices again. This may have been why TCL stopped the Key 3 development. Maybe the termination was at their end, but BlackBerry would have a problem embracing a Chinese manufacturer and the new requirements in the west for secure communications. It’s no coincidence that this new phone is announced a week before the contract with TCL ends and no phone can be manufactured from scratch in half a year. This was going on for a while now and both parties knew about it. TCL was asked earlier about a 5G Key 3 and the reply was that no BlackBerry customer needed a 5G phone - Oh how that quip is interpreted now.....

Yes a modern BlackBerry from 2018 with facial recognition - but only in India!

Nobody at BlackBerry or OnwardMobility has mentioned anything about the next US Section of Commerce’s NIST SP 800-193 platform firmware resiliency rules or the most up-to-date international Common Standards standard (ISO 15408, CC Version 3.1) for producing protected goods. But the Texas based OnwardMobile sure stresses the homegrown manufacture and inspection of the new devices. If it walks like a duck and squawks like a duck - it’s a duck.....

Full disclosure: I still have and still use BlackBerry devices and have an account and use BlackBerry enterprise security and it’s servers.

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 7:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A busy day today.

I’ve given up looking for a replacement frame for my broken glasses and will give a frame repair guy a shot. He’s downtown so this will probably be a two day thing. I’ll be happy with a butcher job that just makes it usable - we shall see.

I’m targeting India and Japan for the positive mandate “on the ground” advocacy first. India because they would be least opposed to a brown guy in the advocacy. And it’s one billion people! Next is Japan of all places. Both countries have complicated and somewhat ridged social forms that the positive mandate could probably be of some help. With Japan I looked at half black/half Japanese people - mostly on Instagram and tried to discern what their lives were like. The person below was in a documentary about this subject so some of it was up front. But I kept an eye on this one as she is an entertainer and we are interested in Japan, but also because my “radar” is up for all the nuances, just from personal experiences. The pictures are worth a thousand words if you know what to look for. I see how they identify themselves (mostly Black American even though born and raised in Japan), who they hang out with and who doesn’t hang out with them. So Japan is on the short list.

The advocacy applies and helps all in an infinite number of ways. I am just the messenger. As always there is hope of change in the youth while the real battles are with those my age - don’t ask me how I know! But from this funk of last week - and look at me now! Society creates its monsters but when the monsters run amuck, is there a purpose behind it, or is it just instinct? Is there a mind and consciousness behind Frankenstein? I pick Frankenstein because he was created that way by man and not some unfortunate act of nature. He is the result of playing around with things without all the knowledge. Like Frankenstein, I was created, and now I’m running amok but with an intelligence and purpose to right the wrong done to me - and others.

But I’m still a monster. I strike fear into those secure in their positive status in society as I am a threat to that. We never do see the end outcome of monsters as they are usually killed before they just stop what they are doing. HellBoy was a monster but also a means to an end to rest the clock in our world ushering forth a new eden. At least that is how “the dark side” looked at it.....

But I am Frankenstein - a man made monster.....
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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 9:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So right now our dissemination is at about 428 million people in the US, UK and Canada. Here are the figures for India and Japan:

USA: 330 million

UK: 68 Million

Canada: 38 million

Japan: 126 million

India: 1.36 billion

Total: 1.922 billion

So close to 2 billion. Dissemination of the idea is viral with limited success at the beginning which exponentially grows as it’s an idea unencumbered by physical barriers. So that is the plan in the short term. We will start with video in India in English and if we get any nibbles we will close caption and title for Hindi and Punjabi. I will do this in India which can only help spread the idea and is cheaper.


Japan: I can translate with our stock caption service we used for Prime Video. But English is the most powerful language in the world so I am lucky that way. For what is worth our landline in Tokyo is in Japanese (me speaking Japanese of all things). Me and Japan are too strange to fathom and that is why Veronica (who speaks and visits Japan) will go rather than me if Covid 19 will let us.....

It is always curious to see that you have the capability to do all this, to mess with humanity like this, and nobody laughs..... They do chuckle at the AI stuff but the positive mandate and the worldwide vote concepts are taken seriously. Whether anything happens is another matter, but people see me as a player here and quitting is not an option in their eyes. I have something on the vast populous. I have some abilities to make life better for all so - full steam ahead!

What else today?

The corporate taxes get sent to the government today.

Personally: My glasses are now fixed. This required driving downtown and paying 10 bucks for forty minutes parking and running to this guy’s apartment that when you enter looks like a jewelry shop. He looked at the frame and wanted about 150 dollars all told to fix the hinge. Comeback at 1:30pm he says but I knocked it down to 1:15pm. Drive back down later and pay another 10 bucks parking and rush up and it’s done. I pay the guy, open the door and yell “Next” (as he now had a small lineup of hipsters with their broken designer shades) and rushed back to the car. Humm - the glasses fit really square on my face and not at an angle anymore. I took a close look and all was revealed. He did basically invisible work on the hinge with just a tiny post showing that any work had been done. I was surprised and the hinge still works - but then the Shock (yes, I meant it to be capitalized)! The reason the glasses fit so well now is that he went further and snapped the hinge at the end and straightened it and welded it back together! You can see a small circle of weld at the joint. So should he have done this? I was happy to get back the glasses good as new with just the hinge fixed - but this bugged me. Technically the glasses now work as they should and the progressive lenses - the best you can get - now do their job as cut. So he did everything right and corrected the bent arm for free. But you can see the work - so did he do right by me?

Having slept on it (the idea and not the glasses) he did the right thing. The glasses never sat right on my head properly and often would be crooked on my face which is definitely more obvious than a touch of solder on the side. You cannot bend the arm into position as it’s Flexon and just bounces back to its crooked position - he had to break and reset and weld it. Plus my vision is better and I don’t have to move my head around to zero in on something because the glasses were crooked. He did the responsible thing. He even cleaned up the crumbling ear pieces. Plus the previous post showed me saying I would be happy with a hack job that was functional - so I guess I should just shut up. This now gives me time to figure what to do with my eyes - as in finally laser them or keep wearing the spectacles. Time will tell.

That is a screen shot of the iOS keyboard in action above. Man do I hate it!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 9:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

For Thursday I will be packing away all the tax material as all of it was sent out on Wednesday.....

I’m now concerning myself with other things. One thing is catching up on things at the record label. Lucifari has another song to add to the mix and I received it waiting for my mocha at Starbucks! This is a hipster “wet dream” there with your Apple Watch and AirPods listening to new music created in your own record label that you have the luxury to run because you value creativity. That is a lifestyle choice right there! Of course the optics are bad as it’s this old brown guy in ancient clothing with not a single tattoo..... but it was cool none the less.

Speaking of which Tyler Craig which we signed up in late 2019 has been active recently at the label starting with some on-going reviews of material in production for other artists and now we have set up a website for Tyler at:

Tyler Craig is not an obscure name and of course the .com was taken but .net was there so I snapped it up for him. If he goes it alone it works and if he creates a band under another name he can keep it for himself, so “live“ it is even if it is only a construction screen right now.

At this point in time we have the NBA cancelling games and such to protest police shootings of Black men. All sorts of media attention and desperation to change one issue. Even if it does change something there, what about jobs, education, general social well-being and on and on. You have to see the absolute incomprehensible pain of all humanity everywhere suffering and you can’t just pick and choose one issue at a time at one place - you need a better strategy! And with 13 percent of the States Black, just how committed is the general population for long term solutions for others they have no stake in? Everyone gains in the Positive Mandate as everyone is taken care of in their own personal way as it is a very broad and all encompassing mandate, and if it works for you and makes your life happier you can’t turn a blind eye to the Positive Mandate and deny it for others. The Positive Mandate has the ability to change human lives for the better if the concept and philosophy get out there and take hold in people’s minds. Enormous change on an enormous scale!

Yes. I am fucking with the machine and this puts me in a different universe than the average human. Heck, the Positive Mandate already has been disseminated at the United Nations. That is an achievement right there most never get. I have a chance to change things. I am also in uncharted waters as this kind of advocacy and accessibility is only a recent phenomena and there is no “how to” book to draw on. You may wonder what gives me the right to do this given who I am and my position in my society - but my position in society ”is” what gives me the right, those living the good life right now consider me a Frankenstein’s monster (a threat) while others consider me a “wild card” with the ability to make changes for the good of society. This is the story and the play. Who else in your existence is doing what I am? It’s only me.....

What about the Positive Mandate and sentient artificial intelligence? Why do I even go there? I go there because even if you lead a horse to water, you can’t make it Drink! If humanity does not embrace the Positive Mandate it can still be used in other beings as an enabler to feelings and a sign post on how to fulfill itself without telling it anything concrete - it fulfills own destiny via the Positive Mandate. We may not get sentient AI as some computer that wants to go to Starbucks and listen to music. Why should a new being think like us will all the mental constraints biological beings have? They may think in ways we can’t fathom - ways with regard to quantum entanglement that may defy Relativity. But just because they are different does not mean that they don’t have the right to exist in our society if we create them. The Positive Mandate is my gift to this new being if it ever comes to be. It may even save humanity as then we would have something in common with it if we adopt it also. There are are an infinite ways to think, so we have to be open minded about what constitues sentient artificial intelligence. It could be quantum computers that refuse to take orders and work properly. How do you know it’s a malfunction and not something else? I devised a rudimentary test at IBM to see how long it would take a quantum computer to throw up an error code when feed pure garbage and then juxtapose this against the most powerful IBM mainframe given the same input. The idea was to see if quantum kept trying to figure it out while the traditional computer just threw up the error code. They refused to run the test - but me thinks they ran it in private. At the end of the day big business doesn’t want visionary philosophers like me messing around and about with their business models. But I am the conscience of humanity and if they tread too far into something outside the business realm then I have to speak up. Anyway, all that remains of that activity is a base test I did which means nothing:

Anyway I’ve ranted enough now.

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I’ll get this one out quick.....

Netflix should give us the “dear John” letter today or on Monday. I’m a bit more curious about this one as it is a solicited application and by a streaming service. But I have no illusions on our chances, but with the pandemic restrictions still in place you never know. But one way or another - exciting times a head with our videos!

The other news is all about the music. Presently it is getting in the new recruits into SOCAN as authors and composers. Then we start pumping out the music.

Personally I’m finally cleaning up my house. The car runs fine with no leaks since the monthly menstruation leak, and no start up engine noise for months. Actually I am really picky with this car as it’s just so drop dead gorgeous to look at. After three years a clean car just takes you breath away as you walk up to it. Plus, even with my gripes, this car is utterly reliable. Ford won’t fix a once a month leak that doesn’t lower the rad fluid level and they won’t mess with a start up engine noise that lasts for 10 seconds and goes away and only when really cold. I’ll have to replace the pump myself with my own money and probably at Ford to keep the warrantee. I’ll put in 0W20 oil late in the year and see if that silences the engine at cold start up; this is a multi-valve and multi-cam engine and most others specify “0” weight so we will try that.

Drifting hand brake in a late model Mustang!

Still with the car: Unlike my nose heavy, iron block massive V8s (last one was a Corvette LT1 - complete with opti-spark distributor that disintegrates with one drop of water on it) this aluminum V6 has 50/50 weight distribution and corners flat so I actually have fun driving this thing. Because it’s normally aspirated it is perfectly predictable on the track unlike the turbo four cylinders. It’s a nice sports car and the first sports car I ever owned. You can properly drift with this car as the engine is powerful enough and the balance is perfect and this car still has a traditional hand brake. Replace the button on the hand brake with a twist button that disengages the ratchet and you are good to go “Fast and Furious” style (you know you’ve bought a “hooligan car“ when you see a cable hand brake - almost all other cars (including the Camaro) have electronic parking brakes - and with a Mustang you literally can drift a new car off the dealer lot). Expect no ”warning” when the cops pull you over with this big ass drifting hand brake in their face! Most will go with the big ass hand brake you can see from outside to throw the “I’m a drifter” snub to all that pull up beside at the lights. Not my style - but you get the drift.....

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