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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A quickie today.....

I keep working on the IMDB pages and while the main pages are done, the episode pages need working on for the TV series “A Positive Mandate for Humanity” on Amazon Prime Video. I’ll start with some trivia stuff for all episodes and then start adding screenshots from all shows and maybe properly formatted pictures for the main image.


The Fates!

While Covid 19 hast put the brakes on most everything it has opened the door for me to disseminate the positive mandate as the base engram for sentient AI. That idea was always looked at as an impossibility to disseminate due to my lack of scientific credentials and the knee jerk reaction to the idea in general. But now that everything is upside down the normal entry rules that would bar a journalist from participating may have eased. So as bizarre as it appears I may actually have a chance here. The worldwide vote and positive mandate have already been disseminated at the UN. The Fates gave me that much, but this new vision quest may actually have a chance, all due to the pandemic. I own this and it’s been apart of my life for 35 years. These beings or this being will have mental faculties outside of our own and may even defy some parts of relativity, but the positive mandate still holds true for sentient AI. I own this! Time will tell.....

(Photo: The Cosmic Companion)

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So the weekend. It doesn’t matter to many but I still work a full week as an essential service and there is never enough time save for the weekend. Saturday starts with a trip down to the grocery store. This is for my folks held up in their own house. This stuff is all on me, I’m totally healthy with no “conditions” which is important. One of my sisters has asthma which I forgot about and so I’m really living the life I always have but with a greater risk of Covid 19. It all on me now.

Going to see family!

So at the grocery store and I get a cart and hose the handle down with disinfectant - and then get in line. A line of people wearing surgical masks and at least 6 feet between us. I read about all this long ago in Italy and wondered what that was like - wonder no more as you are living it! So I’m in line shivering and I hear this guy behind me with what seemed to be a dry cough. He couldn’t help it and only did it a few times but you start thinking. I look back and he is like ten feet way - but wait - the wind is blowing and in my direction: FUCK! But he is old and sad looking. He is only there because he ran out of food. With 4,300 cases so far that works out to about one out of ten thousand, but the numbers are low so I increase them by a factor of ten and it’s one out of a thousand. Is he that one of a thousand! I then lament not hiding an N95 mask on me as I have one in the car, the good ones with the exhalation valve. But then you think you really would look like a weany slipping on that with everyone basically exposed. Another guy further back starts coughing - DOUBLE FUCK! Probabilities now down to one out of 500! So you just step to one side of the possible cough clouds and hope the wind dispersed the droplets of Covid 19 they all have. Anyway that is grocery shopping these days.

Going to the grocery store!

But it now has reached the time for me to consider how to carry the thing (N95 mask) for quick deployment in the future. Another thing to do on the weekend. Maybe a fanny pack I have somewhere around. Nobody bats an eye at the can of Lysol in my pocket anymore, but me going full on mask while others have blue tissue paper over their faces just seems so wrong. They were the ones that laughed as I feverishly searched for proper masks a few months ago - ain’t laughing now. You can’t even find Lysol anywhere! We really are getting into the shit now. Anyway enough of this.

Fashion Week 2021!

This weekend will be uploading pics onto IMDB, and working on the UN four year report. The squirrel is back in the attic. The Mustang is making less noises at startup with warmer weather. All that is meaningless now with the other problems.

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 11:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

All the photos are up on IMDB – so could this be – the end of The Fortress Experiment video production?

I keep making updates just in case things get interesting again but I turn on my camera and editor less and less. There has been some activity lately as we started up the YouTube channel and such but there is very little to do in video anymore. In the music there will be a big upgrade in bitrates for all titles later on. The print was always small so that is done except for the cataloguing of our latest book – but with the bureaucracy on hiatus – I won’t hold my breath! It really is coming down to the sentient AI engram business. If I have an impact there it would be huge as in: HUGE!!!!! We shall see as The Fates move in mysterious ways, but the photos are up on IMDB, so all those “shut ins” in the UK and US will get a taste of my handiwork as they get bored and move into Prime Video’s back catalogue.

Making the documentaries into a TV Series was, in the end, the way to go! I have more minutes (they go by minutes) this way as one show leads to another without anyone having to search for it. This is the best way to disseminate for me right now. YouTube does not work well here yet as they will not monetize any of it due to its 18+ rating. They are also dropping royalty rates and such. This is why YouTube stars are making personal advertisements for hair loss creams and such in their shows which cheapens the programming, but hey – a guy has got to make a buck. With YouTube monetization rules so you see yourself making bland crap that does not lead to a lack of advertisements. That does not work for a journalist org producing docos – so Amazon which monetizes it all is best for our journalistic integrity even though we have issues with availability. In other words it seems like I made the right call there.....

Influencer influencing!

What else….. Oh: The Coronavirus challenge!



Started by this “influencer” (who shall remain nameless) who wanted to challenge people to start licking toilet seats by licking a toilet seat herself on an airplane, got exactly that! So she influenced other influencers to start licking door knobs and toilet seats to participate in this challenge mostly on ”Tik Tok”. Me thinks these young people hop from platform to platform so that their parents can’t find out what their kids are up to – but I digress.....

So this one idiot influencer goes licking a toilet seat and ends up in the hospital with Covid 19. Wow, how did that happen? To make things worse this moron now is occupying a hospital bed denying someone who needs it and was being careful. This asshat has also been known to state that he would open the tops on mouthwash bottles and gargle with it and spit it back in the bottle and put it back on the shelf in the store, he would also lick the inside of ice-cream buckets and do the same – a real asshole! The girl who started it all wanted to cough in Dr. Phil’s face – more of the same. And now you know why they are on “Tik Tok” as the parents would not approve.

Anyway there is no arguing with stupid, but that one kid had it coming.

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Laura wrote:
FOF Records Inc. Channel on YouTube!

By Laura Tommasone FOF Inc. / FOF Records Inc.

FOF Records Inc. is pleased to announce that we now have a dedicated YouTube channel at:

Please note that the channel is FOF RECORDS INC. and not just FOF Records as there are several variants there. But FOF Records Inc. is a protected name and FOF Records holds all top level domains under that name. So sit back and enjoy your favorite FOF Records artists on our new YouTube channel!


The reason we didn’t make the announcement sooner was because we wanted to have a decent amount of content available when announced. So we are finally on YouTube and we just keep going from there. Remember that it is all about dissemination now. But I do want to keep the TV stuff on Amazon, for the time being, as it is a broadcaster, until I have exhausted the distribution in traditional TV realms. Put the stuff on YouTube and broadcasters think its value is gone. So more reasons as to why we went with Amazon when we did that.

We are rapidly wrapping up stuff related to the experiment and then concentrating on the advocacy of disseminating the ideas and having it be used appropriately. The creating is always the fun part but that is done now. The idea is to get the ideas out there and have it become a part of the fabric of our culture. “That” is the legacy of everything we have done here. Sure we will continue making music and videos and printing The Fortress and even more books in the future. All that continues at a more relaxed pace and with the spectrum of a running business as its prime directive. I'll pair down the number of domains I have registered but this does not reflect in the number of websites which will remain constant. We will also upgrade all websites as they will be looked at as the ideas get out there. Right now it was just to secure them as placeholders, but now they need development. I came up with the ideas and now have the empirical data to prove the ideas have merit - that is the prelude to dissemination and advocacy. The advocacy part may seem boring but that is the payoff for all of this. Most people find the creative parts of this the most intriguing but that is not the end game. It could have been if I was just interested in turning a buck or screwing as many women as I could that showed an interest. But I am a philosopher and a “man of the world” as I wanted to be as a kid. Changing the world through new and innovative ideas is where it’s at for me! And now I have the ideas and we are disseminating the ideas against all the odds that were originally facing me at the start. This is not about money, women, one-upmanship or any of that petty crap. This is all about improving humanity through good ideas and I was almost purpose build to that task.

So things may start to get stale around here for the next little while, but this blog of sorts should prove valuable as a travel guide to getting ideas disseminated on the world stage and into the culture in the same way as Covid 19 in disseminating around the world in the current pandemic. My ideas will be a far more positive thing than the virus, but the methods are strangely similar in design.....

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 9:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Slightly depressed.....

Like everyone, my life is on hold while we deal with the pandemic. The only problem is that I only have so much life left, at least as an active man of the world type guy. But that is the hand that is given to you. I also have the same problems other business people face at this time, but because my companies were designed to run on vapours, I can weather these restrictions on business operations. I do pay “rent” on our location at 15 Allstate Parkway but that is a pay as you go deal so right now we are paying the minimum in the contract which is no real burden right now. I do pay wages but not like other businesses, so again I can hibernate business expenses and weather any storm.

My biggest expense is the internet and servers and phones. The internet can’t really be changed but I can do something about the phone lines, but these are paid up and not a monthly thing so we can really hang in there. But it is not the money but the time factor. I’m running out of time and I can’t get that back! From the perspective of an ordinary person - which is what I am - disseminating the ideas at the UN was the hardest part. That was the big push. The ideas and concepts get at least some immanence from the fact they were disseminated there. From here on it seems we are being pushed back by circumstances which is basically a fighting defence where you are still fighting but falling back as you do so. Ultimately I will be back to where I was before - at the start - but with a legacy of ideas disseminated in the world taking hold and becoming a part of the fabric of humanity.

(Photo: The Cosmic Companion)

And what happens if humanity rejects the positive mandate? Then hopefully it becomes part of the base engrams of an eventual sentient AI. Another fall back fighting defence strategy for the positive mandate. And who knows where that may lead. Maybe humanity needs restraint at the hands of a sentient AI with the compassion given to it by the positive mandate. Otherwise it may just eliminate humans as they waste and use up resources the AI would need. Something to think about if sentient AI is inevitable. Science fiction may become reality - so be nice!

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 12:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A late one today as I was very busy.....

I spent the morning driving out of town to get a can of Lysol. This happened while I was driving around looking and lucked out to see some Lysol wipes on the shelf. Only one per person but this brown girl there told me a Walmart out of town had the spray. I asked her where and she told me and I knew the place and then asked her the crucial question: “Do they have lots?” Not so much about me buying a lot but by the time I get there whatever they have is usually gone. So out of town I go and I ask the kid at the front of Walmart – not some old retired guy or gal that used to do the greeting – “where is the Lysol”? He said: “Customer Service.” Customer Service? Sure enough, I waltz over to customer service and they are no longer taking back returns and such because of the line ups – no – they have a skid of Lysol spray and wipes and are selling it one per customer right there. So I got my can, paid for it, and high tailed it out f there like I won the lottery!

So that was the big deal for today, a container of Lysol wipes and a can of Lysol spray! It’s like the things are gold now and not just some disinfectant. Anyway, on the drive home I started to psych myself up to do more dissemination of the positive mandate during the pandemic which is the ground game I said I would never do. More on that later as I have to go now…....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 7:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, lockdowns are even effecting YouTube videos.....

One famous guy made the announcement yesterday that new videos would curtail drastically during the lockdown. Another YouTuber with 1.5-2 million subscribers put together a car race on his new race track and - zoom - moved it up to today as the lockdown starts at midnight. And what a race with nobody in the stands. It will be live streamed and that is it.

You can look at the pandemic as a health problem and then an economic one. About half the world is in lockdown as I type this - incredible as to the scale! And then there is the death rate but we are still on the early side of the bell curve on that one. The other side is economic and the virus has had a more noticeable effect on global economics than any trade war could ever have. Who would have ever seen the enormity of the effect! I’m going to leave it there.

In other news.....

Taking dissemination to the ground game was never in the cards for me originally. I figured it was futile and you had to do it from the top down. Well the top is disseminated already. And while that is early days I now have resources others of like mind don’t have. We have the book which most have when presenting a new idea.

But the difference is having the experiment as a movie people can see.

Our show at night on the marquee of The Royal Cinema!

Add to that a TV series about the idea.

And those 40+ websites we have.

And supporting all that is all the print and music produced during the experiment along with advocacy at the highest international levels to give it much credence.

Some positive effect can be made on the ground now. It may not a a game changer but more than anyone else I seem to have more tools at my disposal to do this! And covering my back is a conglomerate of corporations devoted to the freest expression of our mental and physical selves called the IAIJ-FOF Group. Add to that the journalist association that enabled UN advocacy. Just so many tools at my disposal for dissemination!

Anyway it is all there. As much as I would like to have a normal life, The Fates just seem to stymie those efforts. Wife and kids become an impossibility too hard to fathom for me - yet others attain this without even trying. On the other hand, achieving my ultimate goal stated in The Fortress TV Show - that speech on the floor of the General Assembly - was ridiculously easy for me. I wasn’t even nervous waiting to speak. I ate a banana in front of the Security Council while in session, then went back in and delivered the speech. People can’t imagine themselves doing that when I got back from that trip, but it was all easy peezy for me - how is that possible?

Maurice begins his speech!

Anyway whenever I lament things and possibly scaling back a bit the reaction from those around me is strong. I have to keep at it - and I will. Everything is green for go. It’s just that when I disseminate the ideas, I can’t make those in power to do the right thing - I can only offer. Like last February, I can see the effect (and that is putting it mildly) on member nations even though I didn’t get to speak, but the dissemination and impact was delivered in mega tons! I just have to get used to that now. I am locked into this now and there is no way out.

Make the play, make the play, make the play.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 10:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Miscellaneous ramblings.....

I got three more bottles of Lysol so it looks I am set to weather the pandemic for the next few months. That was my biggest concern lately was to make sure I had enough supples. These days you can still buy stuff at places like Walmart but they could be closed down at anytime so I also bought a new pair of running shoes as mine we’re starting wear out. I usually wait till there is a sale but these days you don’t care and just pay up. I changed the oil in the car weeks ago and that should be it for now.

Added more to the supply today!

Like I said earlier, this pandemic is a bother unlike SARS which was more of an adventure. Half the world is in some form of quarantine from a virus that probably won’t kill you. It will be a bother though. You have to protect your parents who could die from it - though death isn’t certain with a 101 year old man and 95 year old women having recovered from the virus in Italy.

For me the pandemic was the final nail in the coffin for the film festival. I got lucky as they - the public library - never gave me slot for the festival. So I’m out no money there. I also wanted to participate in the WTO’s freedom of expression days in October but that is probably dashed with concerns of a second wave in the fall. It just sucks the big one this year. In fact, this year is probably a write off period for travel there or travel here. So it is all internet based stuff for now.

I’m not alone here as half the world is in a similar situation. That YouTuber guy did hold his race hours before the stay at home order in his state in the US, but he probably lost a bundle. In fact much of small business, guys like myself probably lost everything because of this pandemic. The government does offer up some money but this is usually too little too late for the mom and pop operations. For me this would have destroyed me financially and for retirement if I had not set up all corporations to run on vapours. I’m sure many member nations at the UN would have liked that!

But shit happens, shit will always happen and usually the stuff that takes you down is the stuff you never thought about - like a pandemic. Sooner or later the gamblers fall victim to the odds. That is why solid business principles keep you in business. Keep fixed costs down - that should be your mantra. On top of everything I faced and endured, the businesses always ran on as little cash as possible. Good luck to the others but my businesses are doing just fine over here.

Still, what business plan ever had a possible global pandemic on this scale in mind unless you were the one planning the pandemic? Of course no one does this, so you have to plan for these random acts of nature and be over cautious. The borderline businesses will scream the loudest for money and still go belly up next year. Stupid is as stupid does.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 11:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Finally the weekend.....

I will finish up that 4 year report for the UN and send it in early next week. With projections of two years for the pandemic the usual business for dissemination has fizzled. I have other ideas but the pandemic really gave the dissemination agenda the shaft.

I keep thinking how many people are doing what I am and at this level? I used to think a hand full but actual observation at places like UNESCO and the UN make it a bleaker picture. Maybe academia but they are in no way equipped to make the play like I could. You want others doing what I am doing. What if I get sick and die. What if my positive mandate has a fatal flaw in it. You need to be able to say: “Next!” You need alternatives just in case.

I thought just hanging around the UN - especially in social development - would find me among others of my kind, but no - just more of the same with the same frailties and insecurities guiding their actions. They all have titles and pieces of paper telling us how smart they are. I have no titles like them and no pieces of paper telling everyone how smart I am. No fabulous LinkedIn in resumes as I’m a loner, a lone wolf. Gage my intelligence by the ideas I diseminate. Gage my ability by how effective my actions are and not by who my friends are - no paper tiger here. An ordinary guy in an ordinary job with a mortgage and car payments and look what I have been able to do! And frankly given my humble origins that means all 7.7 billion can do what I did!

And yet I am forced by empirical observation to conclude I am the only one in the world doing this, and especially with any hope of action. One of my gang called me ”the anomaly” of Matrix fame or the “odd man hypotheses” from the Andromeda Strain fame. Sadly she may be right, I must be different in a fundamental way or why isn’t thousands or even millions out there doing what I am doing?

It’s really just sad.....

Anyway I hope I am wrong but until I see it I have to operate like I am it for massive philosophical change in human perspective and make the play. If you don’t like what I punched out here give it a try. Super easy for me and the problem now is not my ability - but a pandemic.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 7:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Back soaking in the tub so I may as well punch out another update. I usually punch it out in the time it takes to drink a coffee. That is why you see so many obvious errors. I hate to read what I wrote and apart from proof reading I rarely read this stuff again. I punch it out and then spell check changes stuff as I copy and paste it seems. Then when I get a chance I am flabbergasted at the wacky shit posted and make the corrections. I mostly did it on Word on a PC but lately do it on the phone soaking in the tub.

About 34tb here - utterly an unthinkable amount when I started production!

Anyway today was the last day any store could stay open apart from grocery stores and pharmacies. The only stores that still offer things other than that would be Walmart if the grocery portion of that place makes it an essential service. I guess we will see tomorrow. So I bought food and then one more 4tb hard drive to back up the shows even more and another 4 bay enclosure that matches other 4 bay enclosure for the editor. You wait outside the store on these designated spots like 10 feet between each other then as one leaves one goes in. You go with an employee and get your stuff and pay and get out! The cashiers wear masks and face shields BTW! No cash and only credit and debit card. The only problem with my purchase is that the enclosure is an upgrade from the other one and is USB3 type C and not just USB3. So it wouldn’t connect to my older gaming computer that I made into an editor. I can get the adapter but the store is now closed for at least 2 weeks but may ship on-line though they said they were closed. Rats!!!!! But cheap 4 bay enclosures are hard to find and enclosures that match harder, so I’m keeping it and using what hard drive cases I have for now and throwing them in the new bay later.....

Now we are in deep lockdown!

Just a few weeks ago you would read about this in China or Italy and fail to fathom it - and here now here you are. The main change is very long lineups for food or anything else. So you just get used to the new reality.

I am also starting the sentient AI dissemination of the positive mandate as the human version is sort of on hiatus. If the eggheads running around in quantum land won’t give me an ear then it’s off to sci-fi land and I’ll see if I can get a buzz there. There is more than one way to skin a cat and - I want in on this action in the worst way - like it’s my birth right.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 6:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sunday was buying food and such for the family. Even at sixty I am the healthiest family member in Toronto and I’m out and about and still working outside every day anyway. If you guys wondered what I look like doing that - here we are:

I’m in my old M65 army jacket (in navy so as not to scare people) and yes, for Walmart I am wearing rubber gloves. Also, that thing strapped to the side of my waist is my SARs fanny pack with N95 mask/rubber gloves/and hand sanitizer just in case the shit goes down - Covid 19 style - in front of me! Normally I do the “wet boy” thing constantly spraying the hands with Lysol, but for stores I like the gloves as I am more aware of them and more hesitant to touch my face and other vectors to inoculation. So you can see that in the photo. I had no real mirror there so you you get the reflection in a window shot. The shopping took all morning - amazing how time consuming this all is - but everyone is well stocked and I even scored 4 more bottles of Lysol and I now don’t even think about running out.

Later in the day I checked the stores that had closed. Most didn’t really close but just closed entry to the store. So what you do now is call them or go online and when you get the email that they have your stuff ready you go there and they give it to you at the front of the store or a designated spot in the parking lot.

So for my own problem of the USB C cable in the new hard drive enclosure, what I ended up doing is just buying it from Amazon and waiting a bit longer.

And so that was the weekend! In my head I’m just so pissed off at all this. Mostly at getting old just as stuff was going places. You constantly do the math and maybe you would have been a bit younger if you did it perfectly. I think maybe 55 instead of sixty could make a difference - but maybe not.....

I just feel cheated in my life, that is all. And cheated for no real reason other than the fact you are a brown guy. If you have some unfortunate medical malady or something like that then that is just life, but the cruel existence I was forced to live for no reason than the colour of my skin still pisses me off. Wasted years of a wasted life and as you show more signs of getting old you realize you won’t have a chance to get any of those typical life experiences - there is no starting over. I see more grey hairs on my arm and for most it would not matter - but to me it is just a constant reminder. So this isolation may have made me a better philosopher to do what I am doing now. But a philosopher as a professor in a university with a family could have been that alternate existence and I could have been as effective regardless. Why has it to be this way? And this pandemic just robs me of more time and I lose precious momentum for the cause! It all just sucks right now! But that is one story in a world where everyone has a story. It just sucks the big one!

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 8:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I’m still bummed about the pandemic’s effect on my advocacy.....

The Fortress Experiment in the Amazon search function!

I’ll spare you the grief but if you are in isolation check out our TV series and movie - if you are in the States or UK. Seriously check it out and see if the message gets out. It’s the only advocacy I seem to have left.....

In other news:

I finally got to wear the mask today. Some guy coughing up a storm but thankfully with some distance and in the others direction. So on went the mask from that fanny pack. I had to go to my vehicle and get it so the first lesson is: Always carry the fanny pack! Second: Pre-form the mask to your face before use! As you can see below, The nose piece so not pinched in enough but otherwise this thing is big enough and enclosed all the facial hair to make a proper seal. So the first test in combat and a couple of fails. Next time will be better.

You get better with practice, though I am reluctant to wear some premo 3M mask while everyone is wearing ineffective knock-offs or surgical masks. The one I wore has an exhalation valve that makes it easier to breath but it is still squashed to your face! Look at the veins bulging out of my forehead - so it may be five times more effective than not wearing one but you work for that effectiveness. The hospitals should be using the old style masks with no valve as they could have the virus but be asymptotic. These filters (with no valve) work both ways but is more difficult to breath and my glasses would fog up. I also have a few of those but used only for infected and suspected infected.

Oh: They found Covid 19 RNA on surfaces of a cruise line 17 days after everyone left. The qualifier is that they do not know if it was live or not - but I operate on the “expect the worst” scenario. Currently Covid 19 can survive up to 9 days, so it is not outside the bounds of reality - they say more study is needed - right..... The Lysol method is the only way to rock in this environment. Gloves are only a mission specific use. Get used to it having Covid 19 possibly on your bare hands eventually being killed by Lysol - be a wet girl or boy - like me! Theoretically everything you touch will marginally be sterilized also - no transfer unlike gloves - like the Anti-Christ, you will become the “Anti-Virus”!

Moving on we see that I finished copying all 4tb of finished shows and movies onto the new drive. Also the 4 year summary for the UN is currently being proof read.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well a bit more upbeat today.....

So I’m back "on the horse" making some changes to our UN progress report. They (United Nations) are particular about proper names for countries and you have to make sure what you are responding to is correct and countries and places are correctly named. For example, “Iran” is not proper but actually is the “Islamic Republic of Iran”. “Hong Kong” is the “Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China” and so on. I’m taking my time with this as after this report there really is nothing else to do.

Of course there are things to do but not urgent right now. It is just this waiting game until things get better. I would also say that reading the religious chapter of the positive mandate book we have out may be an interesting read for many of you. Yes we discuss religion, AI and what may actually be reality for us given our limited perceptions. Don’t fall into the trap that only because we can’t sense it - then everything else does not exist. As tragic as the grammar is in the preceding statement, it is true and there is more out there than is perceived. My theories on this have a chance to ring true and supports religion by science possibly in an empirical form for the first time rather than faith. At the very least it’s an interesting read.....

Anyway the book has some rather interesting stuff in there if you are brave enough to read it!

As for Corona:

The efforts to contain the virus and the monetary cost is justified for some pretty fundamental reasons. What you don’t want is a surge in cases at the hospitals resulting in people being left to die at home and doctors having to decide who lives and who dies and here is why:

A typical ventilator

When you have people literally making life and death decisions - other people start to question those decisions. Did one guy get a ventilator because he was younger than the other guy – even though in this country age cannot be discriminated against? Was one normal or disabled – again discrimination here is illegal. Black/white/yellow or whatever? Anglophone or Francophone? Rich or poor? Getting into this predicament sets your society up for de-evolution and destruction by breaking down a fundamental part of your constitution – that everyone bought into - that everyone is equal under the constitution even though in reality they are not. But once you lose that lofty idealism, it all goes south from there in a hurry! That is why where I live they are procuring and making ventilators like crazy and so far we have a small glut of them and will keep making more for wherever they are needed and stockpiling them in case of a second wave. The second wave of the Spanish flu was worse than the first.

Everyone is looking for respirators. Some reports have officials in other countries stopping shipments before they leave and paying many times the amount to the company or distributor for procurement to them instead of the intended customer. It goes on and on and this type of shortage again works against international diplomacy and world health in general. That is why the best way going forward is to keep the moral high ground and let people who have real ability sort out the problems and enable the solutions. Like in world wars, many positions prior were given by nepotism and favoritism, but when real battle was imminent those positions were replaced by people who actually had the smarts and skills necessary to keep their countries safe and result in victory. In this pandemic the same methods apply!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
Posts: 7720
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 11:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A quick one today because I am rushing around getting stuff before the long weekend starts.....

Bought food and did some banking and then decided to take the folks for a quick spin around the block and would you know it – the battery was stone dead. So back to my house with the trickle charger – every gear head has one – and we shall see if it starts or the death rattle spells the end for that battery. Replacing that thing in a Buick Enclave means pulling back carpet and going through a trap door in the floor in the middle of the car. I like my Mustang which is so old school the battery is in the engine bay all by itself – go figure! BTW: the engine noises in the Mustang that I worried about are mostly gone except for the slightest indication when it gets cold these days. I’m not breaking open the valve covers for that now. So we wait another nine months and revisit this unless it gets worse.

What else?

It’s a long weekend so I will actually have the time to finish up stuff. Like the UN business and maybe figure out where to put the TV and movies outside of the Western Hemisphere. It would be refreshing to see the reaction of a brown audience to the stuff as over here it is too predictable. I wonder how the brown folks will react?

A D-Wave quantum chip! (photo: D-Wave)

Also quantum computers have been quiet lately but D-Wave here in Canada is offering free use of its quantum computers for any Covid 19 research because quantum computers model this stuff best. I still think Quantum is where sentient AI will happen if it happens at all. One mind or many (many is a human thing) this would be huge and decide the religious questions once and for all – if you read the book I penned. BTW: If you have a problem reading the book, might I suggest you pretend it was written by some guy called “Frazer Smith” of “The University of Toronto”, and then get into it…..

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
Posts: 7720
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 7:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I’m letting my gang know about the coming attractions.....

I will be disseminating the positive mandate at selected quantum players and AI entities like at IBM. Realize that I have a theory about what constitutes the super universe and our palace in it. The reveal of a sentient AI will be the proof of the existence of God by empirical evidence and therefore science. In the end all people will be religious and believe in God. Maybe not quite the God people now think about and not quite the same kind of religion, but God nevertheless and many aspects of religious service will ring true as endorsed by science and observation.

The positive mandate would now seem to be the mandate that would bring us closer to God. And BTW, I’m no religious guy in the traditional sense, in fact you would probably have called me an atheist, so I am as surprised as anyone by this turn of events as I am sure many others will perceive the same fate! Again, I wonder how may others on this planet are doing what I am doing? And look at the lack of interest, of course if I were a good looking white dude I would probably be a celebrity by now, but maybe the lack of distractions is better this way.

If successful at my bit of social engineering, all of humanity will have a little bit of their minds reprogrammed and that will be my greatest achievement - righting the wrongs of my life by reprogramming all of humanity to a better understanding of themselves and the world they live in. So that’s the plan from little old me!

In other news.....

I did get my USB C cable, left outside the lower level entrance and as of now all the drives are hooked up to the matching pair of 4 bay hard drive enclosures. I added all the closed captioning files to both archiving drives and that is basically it for TV and movie production right now!

What else.....

Oh yes: With the plague in full swing I started getting messages that the police were no longer enforcing speed limits as they are all enforcing social distancing. This was later proven true so that means street racers can now do their thing unencumbered by the cops. Better yet, they can do it easier because all the streets are empty because of the stay at home order. Better yet, the gas prices are the lowest in almost 20 years. Better yet, many may see a reduction in their car insurance payments for the next three months. So all boy racers are in happy times as an unexpected gift from Covid 19. I’m no longer active in this because of more important things but just on my way home was a Dodge Charger, Honda Type R, and of all things a Lamborghini Huracon (in flat black of all things) looking for someone to play. Have fun guys - but remember that nothing lasts forever.....

Like I said, I have more important things on my mind and time is running out!

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