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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 2:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Laura wrote:
Three New Websites for the Positive Mandate for Humanity

By Laura Tommasone

Screenshot of new website!

We are pleased to announce that our organization now has three new websites dedicated to the Positive Mandate for Humanity

The .com and .net are simply redirects to the .org website for news and information about the positive mandate. will now be the all encompassing website for all advocacy from the positive mandate to the AI threat on jobs and so forth and other concerns such as privacy in our technological world and many more areas of interest. The websites are still being tweaked but are now encrypted and up and running as of this moment. These sites mimic our other main sites as to expedite their rise in search engine rankings, so the websites may seem the same but there is method to why they are constructed this way.

More news as it becomes available.

So there you go – three websites for the positive mandate for humanity.

Why the long spelled out URL? Because were all taken. Positive mandate is still there but Google that and all sorts of things pop up that have nothing to do with what we are doing. Positive mandate – but for what? So it is and spells out what the concept is when people try to go there. The NASA shot was used as it is free for use by anyone and shows humanity’s achievement and the open hand welcome reflecting the world below – I love it! So that got done on Wednesday. I also bought some mortar mix for the bricks I should pick up on Thursday to fix the chimney. I also cleaned up around the house which is always a good sign. I’m getting back to normal although I watched the news as I would still be in New York at the UN – with better luck - and so that was still on my mind. But I would have been back home by now and that angst will soon disappear. But I still have my Apple watch – but of course I would rather have traveled to the UN.....

It would be nice if I could bitch about things to my best friend, but he died in 2015. I could bitch about life to my mother but unfortunately she died in 2015. This is how it goes as you get older so can you blame me for getting into a funk? But as I bitch about things I must remember that The Fates gave me what I wanted back in February six months ago. I have a concept and it makes sense to people as we move along. You are a philosopher and you have an idea, a concept and philosophy that can go places – so isn’t that what everyone of like mind wants? I suppose so, but a little sugar on top is always nice. Those moments come and go and I’m not getting younger. Like the chance to speak at the green marble lectern in the General Assembly Hall. Never thought about it while there and - boom – they email you the opportunity to apply as you are there with all the other big wigs on the floor of the General Assembly! I applied and of course it was a long shot but I did have a chance. On my way out one time I wandered right passed the thing, just a few feet and yet so far away. Will I get another chance? Who knows, but remember my motto that it is over before you know it is over.....

The Fates

My mother and best friend all thought they had more time and things just happened unexpectedly; and so goes the way of all flesh. So I am a philosopher, man of the world, and The Fates let me have that along with the positive mandate idea. This is not something I created but something all want and I am just the person to disseminate it and help make it into flesh. But still, many would give anything for that chance. So I have that – but you always want more…..

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 7:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

One thing at least got done in the past 2 weeks – the chimney is fixed, for now anyway.....

I got the mortar mix and then bought 15 bricks and that was a total waste as they were the wrong size and my dad has hundreds of bricks of all sizes in his garden and I used those instead. Of course the bricks only cost me less than 17 bucks but there was also the time wasted driving there. But that part is done without hiring a guy to break down the top part of the chimney and rebuild it. That will happen soon, but not now anyway!

In other news I have more guidance in the big omnibus paper of everyone’s gripe about new tech on society. I have to be careful here as turning 60 really does seem to change perspectives. I find myself thinking to myself that I could just give a speech at the UN with all the gripes of folk addressed and relinquish my obligation that way. But I will be beholden to my “man in his 50s self” and go for the side event also. They could say “no” but that last side event covering all the issues would be good and archived there at the UN. See how turning 60 changes you! Now I’m thinking stuff like: “I don’t want to be a bother”, and thoughts like that. I have to keep reminding myself that the world needs good ideas and everyone likes this one, so push it for all its worth. After February I can go outside the UN system and get publicity and start pushing the concept out there on the backs of the advocacy I have already done. It is a good idea. I am sure someone will say that some guy called Mambooloo in 1030AD said something similar; but the positive mandate is human nature so why should it have changed, and it is a mandate to show guidance in shaping policy as technology changes our society and we have to adapt to it.

So since the positive mandate has legs to the idea, I have registered more domains:

Positivemandate. org

I know, I did say that positivemandate was too ambiguous yesterday, but knowing I had all three top level domains and that if it gets popular people will want the abridged URL – well for the money involved I just registered them for one year. We will see how I feel about them in a year…..

So that is it for now. Finish the big omnibus paper and finish up the AI in the job market paper and get ready for the final push at the UN. After that it is back to the regular world and I know how tough that will be. But even in the last two weeks I have seen regular people give us deference because of the idea we have, so like I said the idea has legs. My personal ambition to identify myself as a philosopher has been endorsed by a concept and philosophy I am pitching worldwide. They didn’t allow me to go the usual route and get my masters and PhD, but you can be a professor without really creating anything new, but this way, the way I had to do it, is really sort of cool. I don’t need a piece of paper to tell people I’m smart anymore than I need a membership card endorsed by society that says I’m a philosopher! Despite everything done to you, you created and forged your own identity against al the odds type of thing. I remember the early days when I told people about my aspirations. Back in those days the only folk who embraced my ideas were teenagers and homeless people with no options. They latched on because I had some good ideas and a few scores along the way (mostly getting on TV with that bizarre Fortress TV Show where I said I wanted to go to the UN and make a speech on the floor of the General Assembly – which came true BTW). They showed faith and helped me create a small following, or as I call them “my gang”. Anyway, I remember them telling me what to tell the movers and the shakers of the world if I got the chance, and I intend to go through with it from my end. They can say “no” at the UN, but I won’t betray that trust - at my end - placed upon me. Strangely, the voting app (that new form of global governance) and the positive mandate – those concepts only came from me.

IAIJ at the beginning in January 2004!

So maybe I actually am a philosopher.

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So we have a late one today…..

Two weeks off and a total bust! Not quite as I did handle turning 60 which I dreaded. That is now behind me but it still sucks getting old. I think you still look forward till your mid-thirties and then start to dread the birthdays with each one getting worse. Anyway I don’t even think about it anymore now so that got done. The chimney got fixed. I’ll wait a bit and then water proof the work and forget about that for another year. As for the rat/squirrel: I have a new sonic device I will try, and it probably won’t do anything, but I will give it a go and maybe it does something. I did do some work on the papers and most importantly have a satisfying structure to the society in tech paper so there was movement there, but I wanted them finished. The new websites were a surprise but done, and that was about it. I did watch a bunch of movies and would be critiquing them if they were not so indie and obscure. Like they have a website for the movie and it is abandoned to the point I could register the domain! On imdb there is one review by some unknown person on the web. And I’m talking about one movie that won four prizes on the film festival circuit! And they did have two obscure critic reviews that point to the 404 – gone into the bit bucket universe – epithet. So I watch and leave them alone and that last one was still selling as a DVD and is ten years old, and one review - man, that is brutal…..

About the only thing of note on this day of reckoning is that the positive mandate idea seems to have legs. It seems mostly original as I haven’t found “Mambooloo” yet, but that also works against you as people will not publically embrace an idea not totally vetted. But that also works for you has you have more time to control the dissemination of the idea before others inevitably pervert it. For those of you like minded – you actually get to see how an idea is disseminated and worked on to become a legitimate idea in the grand scheme of things. We are up to 16 years in the making here. I was a young man in my early 40s (40 is young when you are 60) when all this started. You roll the dice and so far, so good. It could all have gone bad over the years, but I am still at it and the idea still has legs. And it is still an uphill battle. But the idea still has legs! And that is basically where we are at as of today. All the UN stuff holds me in good stead to get some recognition in the regular world.

Dick Tracy

Oh yes, my 1200 dollar Apple Watch I ordered on-line before canceling on-line arrived with a thud at my door by the UPS guy on Friday. They told me these things needed to be signed for…..hehehehehe….. Anyway I returned it to the UPS store as per instructions and will probably get my money back in two weeks. Funny thing is that watch (the other one I bought at the Apple Store on opening day) did keep my mind off of things as I turned 60. That watch was my birthday present. I would have preferred going to the UN when all the stuff was happening but that fell through, so Apple watch to the rescue. It really does the Dick Tracy thing in a pinch without me having to set up things before hand. Also, you can now buy real working replicas of that watch if you are a hardliner but the Apple Watch does more. So that little wish from when I was a kid came through, and I finally got my Dick Tracy watch!

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 1:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A late one today but we are getting things done.....

I’m turning all these positivemandate domains into redirects to the positive mandate for humanity site today. I’ll encrypt them tomorrow as I’m not bugging the IT guys on the weekend. That should be it for domains.

The reason for all this is because we have started to see support for the idea outside of the UN system. They still are not embracing us “as is” but they are not dismissing us either. They want us to do more and then they take a second look. That is big stuff when you are trying to disseminate an idea. Our idea has legs in other words. So I took all the potential websites before anyone got any ideas. So things are really getting interesting. So interesting it has taken my mind off turning 60!

In other news.....

A sonic blaster for rodents - yes, it has come to this!

I set up the sonic boom for rodents in the attic and so far so good. I expect it to fail miserably but I’ll wait for that to happen. You have to try everything. And after I post this I’m up on the roof waterproofing the chimney. Then I can coast a bit. And the watch finally has the first faint scratches on the stainless steel! Now it is mine! You can polish them off but this is character. Also I am getting better battery life from the watch now so I guess it is actually a real watch.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 7:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So the vacation is over and it ends really strong!

There was more going on than I lead on – I will just do the quick summary of the whole thing:

1. The Movie: I am torn between just putting it out for free as advocacy that anyone can watch. But then the production companies have to have something to talk on for the other productions we want to bring in. So far we made a feature length movie. We showed in on one of the largest 400 seat “stand alone” theaters from the 1930s as the premier and it looked good! We also did the film festival thing. Now its distribution and the quandary about what to do?

My first published book!

2. Another book? To really push the positive mandate idea out there I may congeal all the papers into one book with a long intro about the whole thing. Then I can do the book review thing prattling about the positive mandate while the first part is about the whole experiment that lead up to the positive mandate. It’s an idea and probably going to be done though these things are always a hassle in the end.

3. The actual dissemination of the positive mandate: I will finish up the two remaining papers and put them up on the web and still continue to work on them till the end. We will try to get more stuff about current problems in society with the new tech if the UN lets us next February but we have enough to have already started getting things recognized and disseminated outside of the UN system. Ideally once the concept is fully vetted and legitimized we will come back to the UN and push the idea again.

Then there were the other things I did on the vacation like fixing the chimney and buying the watch and all the rest of the tuning 60 angst. Funny that just last week I was a man in his 50s – oh well. But one thing as I reminisced about all of our achievements and that is how every major achievement was always bitter sweet. Nothing ever went off perfectly, always bittersweet. I won’t even go down and do the roll call. It just never is as you think it would be. People sit back from afar and think I had this great ride these last years, but not so much from where I stand. Sure there are the scores but it is never as you thought it would be. But in the end you are left with a few big cards still to play – but look at what you gave up to get those cards. And nothing is for sure in the end. But I digress…..


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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 12:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shane Murphy wrote:
The Fortress Experiment gets Distribution with Amazon!

By Shane Murphy - Fortress of Freedom Inc.

The Fortress of Freedom corporation is proud announce that we have entered into an agreement with Amazon to distribute our movie The Fortress Experiment. The details of the agreement grant licensing to the USA and Great Britain and possibly Japan for video on demand as purchase, rent or streaming.

The agreement has just been signed and some parts of the contract are still fluid. We may also distribute our TV series the movie was based on after some rebranding

More news as it occurs.


Yes it is true. But right now I’m running around like a crazy man doing things all at once. More details later.

Yup, vacation is over!
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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 10:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

We will rename the TV series as:

Laura wrote:
The Fortress Experiment: The Series

By Laura Tommasone

Fortress of Freedom has renamed the title of the TV series about the Fortress Experiment and the new tile is:

The Fortress Experiment: The Series

This change takes place immediately as executed in this date of October 1 (2019). Current episode titles should remain the same but may be changed to limit confusion with the feature length film of ours by the same name.

More news as it becomes available to us.


We are reinvigorating the TV series as we have the opportunity to air it on Amazon. I’ve already started things so if Amazon gets more selective on the video productions we will still be able to get distribution as we are now in progress.

Shane has already mentioned Netflicks coming to Toronto months ago and talking with Scott he also mentioned the same thing to try Netflix before we are totally committed to Amazon. Man - one moment nobody thinks we would get on any major paid streaming service, then when we find one they are all about moving up the ladder before everything is locked down. I find this funny but perfectly natural and understandable. Anyway it will take a while to get all the files and closed captioning done, so I will review our contract and what my options are outside of Amazon. In the mean time I am rendering a master for Amazon to use for streaming customer preference with regard to bandwidth. This is trial and error but if we have a setup that works then that will be the workflow for the series.

So things are looking up in TV land, but I’m reminded of sayings like “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” and maybe even more. And it also isn’t lost on me that on the last hot summer like day of the year, is the one day like how I imagined it would be. One day - then the rain comes in the evening and the temperature drops. So The Fates gave me one day to enjoy things and then back to the squalid life. Oh, and all the positivemandate websites are now encrypted!

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Still rendering the movie into streaming quality and size.

It takes over two days to render. Anyway, Amazon is currently moving into Canada so I’m taking advantage of that thirst for content. I am not so much a filmmaker as an access provider so dealing with Amazon directly even before I have access to Canada has advantages. I can’t tell people trying to get into the professional broadcast industry that I can help them and then shuffle them off to some outfit that helped get me on to Netflix - for example. I have to do business with them one-on-one. CTV and Global TV were all handled one-on-one personally, and I intend to continue the tradition. I loathe intermediaries personally even though we may become one. Sign up with some and you now have a silent partner and can’t do things you want.

Sam with our TV series poster!

More contracts hamstring your material and for our stuff there is the advocacy. So it’s more complicated than it seems. Also with Amazon in Canada it is only a matter of time till they come to FOF asking for Canadian Content Certification’s of which I have many. So all of this works for me. I spent years making the series and getting it out there is a priority. This works and the industry is in flux. A well known brand may tarnish in the future so I don’t take branding into consideration that much. For example, you can’t sell a movie on YouTube without an aggregator, you used to but not anymore which goes against the grain of the original spirit of the site but you know that things change.

Anyway we just go with the flow. I will put up 8 of the nine one hour episodes that comprise the series. We will just do the work and put them out there. I cringe at the thought of some of the reviews for the movie but that is part of the industry. You have to have skin like a crocodile in TV land. And even traditional TV is changing and morphing as we speak. The lines are getting blurred. Who gets their TV from rabbit ears anymore? You could with our TV shows in the past which was such a thrill for a guy my age, but not such a thrill to my younger gang; things change.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 8:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

All of a sudden I’m very busy now.....

We are still transcoding the movie into streaming codec and this should finish on Thursday. I did more work on the papers and really want to get them buttoned up quickly. Then we turn all of that into a book about the positive mandate! So I guess you could say I’m all in on the positive mandate for humanity. Those six websites dedicated to the positive mandate may be considered overkill, but better to have them than to let some opportunist get it and hold them ransom for us later on. But I now have direction and we are completing projects and obligations to our gang as we speak. I like the idea that all of what we have done was for this positive mandate idea we are pushing at the highest places. It really makes all the effort and money and time worth it not just for me, but for all who participated. It is a great idea at the right time and we have to push things with all our might and hope the idea takes hold and grows.

JL with a pitch and DVD for NBC - They looked at it and sent a rejection through their lawyers!

It is a very cool thing to see how all this came about and developed. We didn’t really waste anything in the end as it could have all come crashing down like it does for others who take the gamble and go for it. But it is time consuming and you could not do this with a traditional family with wife and kids as you could not spend it all on an idea while impoverishing your family in the endeavor. No, this had to fall on the back of a guy like me. So there you have it. The cause found the guy and not the other way around…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 11:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just a quickie as I’m trying to figure out strategy in the Amazon broadcast files.

The quick and dirty method is to simply export the DNxHD or better yet the JPEG 2000 video file and have them (Creative Post) convert it to ProRes 422 and be done with it and let the post facility also upload the 250gig file to Amazon’s servers.

But I’m not there yet. I don’t trust high bitrate “Marquee” (one file does all) shows and down converting examples that just make me cringe. This is more important to us guys who have a mix of HD and SD and all sorts of wacky files that take down-conversion in different ways. I would rather have a quality SD file that looks the same across all streamed formats than a great full raster high data rate video and craptastic phone and laptop viewer files. You feel obligated to give someone who specifically paid for the movie the same resolution as what we had in the theatre. The subscription folk get whatever they get and that worries me less as they specifically did not shell out money just for me kind of thing.

Our film on a 40' wide screen (if they pay me I want them to get this)!

It’s a complicated mucked up thing in your mind you have to sort out. But I should have the preferred workflow for the video and closed captioning done by the end of this weekend. Going ProRes 442 also works for Apple TV so there is that as we develop as a media distributing company.

Decision, decisions.....
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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 10:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Video – video and more video…..

I now have at least one 30gig file of the movie I can upload to Amazon and more on the way. The next is a higher bitrate file with the difference that it is coming from a Quicktime Pro program rather than the Sorenson Squeeze program. Both are now defunct with Sorenson ditching Squeeze which we videographers and especially AVID die-hards loved to use, but also Quicktime Pro 7 is now defunct but both still work if you got them before they disappeared. I have no idea what this next file will look like but I am impressed with the Quicktime Pro compressions from our JEPG 2000 master.

In other news…..

Google quantum computer chip! (Photo: Google)

I had to run around to keep my IBM Q access to its quantum computers but I am still in there with access, but only to the 5 and 16 qubit computers. IBM says a bunch of 20 qubit computers and even the new 53 qubit computer will be accessible but I think only if you can show you have corporate chops as the partnership network is still only 80 strong now. But I will use my conglomerate and CEO status and see it I can get gallery like access to the really innovative stuff happening there. At Google they were bragging about quantum supremacy with their latest 53 qubit computer – with the “Sycamore quantum processor" and they have a 72 qubit chip in the works. They did a comparison of a job that would take a regular computer 10,000 years with their own qubit computer doing it in 200 seconds! Anyway, I am hanging around these people and keeping an eye on things and then if it all starts to spiral out of control at least you will have someone with access to sound the alarm – but we shall see…..

Me, Shane and Laura at a Twenty6Hundred performance!

Laura bought a big RV camper trailer and at Friday’s office conference call Shane came up with an idea for a show and we went through the process of the pitch, and the treatment as a prelude to more business along these lines. We shall see what happens with this idea but I like how fast we are going into the commercial world as the experiment is over.

I have started the book and it is now at 116 pages. Figure about 150 pages when done. Maybe a month or even less and then I get the ISBN and manufacture some books and then off to the National Library of Canada and the second published book for me. This time it will be about the positive mandate and I am pretty sure it will be called: Positive Mandate for Humanity. It will have all the papers connected to the mandate with a very long history and introduction along with intros to the papers and a long roundup and conclusion at the end. This makes it very easy for me to disseminate the idea in the regular commercial and academic space.

And that is it for today!

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 9:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Closed captioning: .srt

Closed Captioning back in 2005!

That’s the file type I will use with the closed captioning of our movie. Then I download their text editor and correct things and such afterward. I pay for this also but it is cheaper than the closed captioning for our first TV show. I did get Christmas cards from the closed captioning people though.....

Closed Captioning software!

While this is going on I’m transcoding another higher bitrate video file of the movie. This is tedious stuff and you have to have your head examined to do it for fun. But we are making a go of this commercially and all platforms mostly require captioning so we set up the workflow now with our movie and TV series. You know you are running a business when you look at it as work!

I’m also getting some progress with the book. Hey - at least we tried and have some method to this madness of dissemination of an idea. A concept and philosophy. I do have that but look at the effort involved. This is not for
The faint of heart. Anyway that is what is going on.

Oh - I still love that Apple Watch,I had my doubts about its use and need but now it was money well spent. I know how it sounds, but it is worth it now that I have lived with it for a while. I like the fact I got the synthetic sapphire crystal and stainless steel like most of my watches have been. Was it worth the cost? Well, the are no other alternatives - does that answer the question..... Also the spell checker sucks lately!

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 9:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A lot got done on the weekend!

Closed Captioning software!

I now have my closed caption, and the artwork and the video file. Of course all of these can and should be improved, and so we will have another go. The artwork needs the highest resolution files as they now display on big TV screens instead of monitors or phones. The closed captioning was surprisingly accurate, so even though I paid it was money well spent. Now you can use their editor to change things. In the photo above you see the word “inaudible” as that was drums playing and shots of Times Square in New York City. To improve the captioning I would change inaudible to “Times Square” and so on – you get the idea. As for the video I can get by with what I have but there is absolutely no reason why we can’t do way better and so we shall. This is trial and error so it takes a while. The final in the end decision would be to go with the low bitrate file that checks all the boxes or just convert and hand them a ProRes 442 file which is the same as a DNxHD file. I’ll give this a week or two and then just pull the trigger and get all the movies and shows up there. I will probably get the first two TV shows in there as well just for archival purposes as genuine SD material. So we would also get a landing page with Amazon for the production company. When this is done I will breathe a sigh of relief that all that work was not wasted!

The book is almost done and at about 150 pages. Just some tweaking and formatting and then I put it out there! This along with the advocacy steer the interested to all sorts of information and media to help get the idea out there in the real world outside of the UN system. So all in all there is method to the madness and I can’t really complain about anything yet. Just keep at it and don’t give up.

So what happened with the movie in the end? I hated the film festival submission process but that got you connected with other filmmakers and this steered you to the best form of distribution for our needs. So making the film, premiering it in a real theater along with the film festival circuit actually did lead to distribution. Amazon works for us as a Netflicks deal for peanuts gets you on Netflicks but they would not deal with the TV series and the shorts and past shows, and they probably aren’t crazy about putting like material on other platforms with like material drawing away potential sales, so Amazon works for us the best. All these platforms constantly change and become more restrictive as they reach full capacity. Even Youtube is much more restrictive than it once was. So I will not dillydally and get the stuff up there on stream and sale…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 9:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I’ve got my video file and it has already been uploaded!

Now all I need is the closed captioned file. I bailed out in doing this all myself after seeing a pro capture ambience and songs for the hard of hearing. No way am I getting into all of that so off to we go for the professional captioning. I’m using the recommended captioning partners for Amazon that are FCC compliant so they can’t argue with me afterward.

I’ll update the artwork with more resolution and submit and see if everything is correct. Then it is back to finishing the book. So if the movie goes live I will make JEPG 2000 files of the shows and follow the same workflow and get it all up there. Finally!

I have no spare time in my life anymore. You don’t have time to wallow in despair or get down on life. You just work and there is no time. Lots of full—time directors love this and try to live their lives in this zone. Just create and nothing else matters. You can spot these folk just by their resumes and I was hesitant to call them out, so I won’t. I can’t really explain it if you never lived it. Sort of like living in a different realm like when I lived for my hobbies as a younger man. The trials and tribulations of regular life are suspended and you live in this other realm where you just express yourself and create! I’m rambling now so I’ll leave it at that.

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Maurice Ali

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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 9:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another quickie.....

So now I turn my attention to the TV series. For those who have been here for years, remember I wanted a viewership population of 1 billion. The Amazon deal gives me 400 million for the States and Great Britain. If I spend the money for captioning I get Japan and Germany which is 200 million more for 600 million! Getting there, and if I get into India with Hindi and Punjabi I get 2 billion total! Canada unfortunately is an afterthought with 20 million English speaking population though I will caption for French eventually and that gives me France which together gives me 89 million.

Those are serious numbers to disseminate an idea! I still find it incredible that I’m actually making a go of this! But one thing at a time.....

For Wednesday I try to improve on the movie poster graphics and preen myself up for Thanksgiving. I then turn my attention to finishing up the book and making some physical copies. I will probably Kindle this one for sale even though the bulk is available as separate reports. But the beginning is proprietary to the book.

Time is running out and even though I’m 100% I still have responsibilities that can create conflicts. But this sure seems like the dissemination is going down and we will have resolution one way or another. Things are getting interesting.....

The Fates work in mysterious ways. A few weeks ago I was pissed off with not going the the United Nations and now look where I am!

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