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Shane Murphy

Joined: 19 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


By Shane Murphy, A&R Manager: FOF RECORDS

Shane Murphy

The Fortress of Freedom Corporation and FOF RECORDS, are pleased to announce that a new website has been created for our record label. The new website is:


The new website will further secure and consolidate the name recognition and portal to cutting edge music that is the foundation that is FOF RECORDS!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 1:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am tired but things are still humming along. We made another jump in delvelopment as now that we are on the radar we have to compete and defend our ground against others. That is why there is much posting about other companies and why we activated the new website. The effort here is challenging - what more can I say.

I hope it is worth it in the end.....
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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 7:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Susan Earps - one of our founding members and a director - flew into Toronto from London, England (where she runs our office over there) to meet more people and get updated on activities since her last visit in May.

Welcome back Sue!!!!!

Susan Earps!
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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It is remembrance Day and we at FOF remember Donald Brasseur and his sacrifice in WW2:

As for myself, I am taking things easy wining and dining our out of town members and building the growing infrastructure that is FOF/IAIJ/MORE VISION. This may seem boring on these pages, but is a necessary ingredient to any organization with lofty goals such as ours. For example, I wanted Don's show to air for Remembrance Day, we could have done this - maybe - if we went with some second rate cable channel; instead we targeted the largest and most inaccessible network and are still in negotiations with that network. It is the same here, we are going for it at the highest levels we can, because it helps you to reach even higher goals.....
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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Still taking things easy, but I will refinance any credit to the lower interest rates available today. This is just straight forward business, nothing glamourous, just doing the things I am expected to do. I am free of stress, which is a change. One needs this type of "time out" every now and then.....
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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 11:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well it looks like FOF RECORDS has appeared on the google radar scope. That part of protecting our name is done. This will be an on-going thing, so I am ready. Running this madhouse is sometimes a chore but I would probably be miserable not doing it. Off to bed.....
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 10:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Going home tomorrow , I've had a great time and look forward to, hopefully,visit again

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Maurice Ali

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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm back!

No, nothing in particular. Just never got the time to put some thoughts down. Anyway, I am back to looking at the bottom line and have pushed the line back a bit. There is still some more to do on the fixed cost side of FOF..... We shall see. The thing here is we kept the overall debt of the companies stable while our equity grew. That kind of growth is fine with me, there is more than one way to skin a cat. This is boring to all of you, but vital to keep things going.

The facts of life!

Understanding the business end is why we are still able to act and take advantage of opportunities five years later. The only thing I have to do is keep a viable environment for the companies to operate in. I am progressing to that as we speak. I will not bore you with the particulars, just letting you all know that we have to push past this financial and psychological barrier.....

Also, the stepping down of Yang at Yahoo..... For those of you that follow these things. Yang was one of the founders of Yahoo. He took over CEO last year - I believe - to prevent Microsoft from buying them out. Now the shares are at 11 dollars a far cry from MS's 33 dollars, so Yang is sent back to the corner..... To a businessman and shareholder this is madness, but to a founder of a successful company, Yang's actions are understandable. MS would have scrubbed the name and rewritten history - it is not all about the money. Yang would have lost his baby, it must be something to go to work at a huge company you started and have the awe and fear of all those thousands who work for you. To know you made this and it is yours. So Yahoo, like Ebay, went public and now the founder is no longer in control of his company. Like Conrad Black - now hoping for a pardon by G.W. Bush - going public has it's risks. Black tried to take Hollinger private after trouble started, little did he see the pitfalls before him. Yes, incorporating in the State of Delaware has bragging rights for international status; but Black had to deal with the Americans when trouble arose - and that Lordship was extra incentive for them to "stick it" to the arrogant "upmanship" of Black. His fate in prison would never have happened if he incorporated in Canada..... So I guess the lesson learned is that going public may bloat the company and produce big numbers - But you let in the opportunists and may find yourself no longer at the helm of the company that was your brain-child.

Live and learn on all fronts --- Goodnight!
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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 6:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shane Murphy Appointed: Manager FOF TV&Film Productions!

By Maurice Ali, President and CEO:
Fortress Of Freedom Inc.
International Association Of Independent Journalists Inc.
International Archiving Of Independent Journalsts Inc.

Shane Murphy

The Fortress Of Freedom Corporation is pleased to announce that Shane Anthony Murphy as been appointed to the position of "Manager: FOF Television and Film Production." The position has been accepted by Mr. Murphy and takes place immediately. Mr. Murphy's duties will be to help in production and distribution of all TV and Film projects. Of primary concern is the 13 episode series titled "The Fortress Experiment" which is being finalized and prepared for possible distribution or sale.

The position compliments his ongoing position as A&R Manager at FOF Records. From all of us at the various companies in our organization, we all wish Shane the very best of success at his new position!

Shane Murphy and Maurice Ali with their first film production: Real Life!

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Maurice Ali

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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just a note to you Blackberry users. I gave my old Blackberry, and old 7100 series to Susan before she left for England. Anyway, she put her sim card in the thing and if works no problem with phone conversation crystal clear and text messages instantaneously as usual - just a little personal FYI about compatibility with the older phones.....
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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 7:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I am back to my healthy happy self. I felt really good physically today, nothing wrong or sore anywhere - at my age that is a great feeling. I also seemed to have turned the worm on the fifth year blahs. Usually I get that itch to change things after about four and a half years and it showed up here as usual. But I am past that and it looks like everything here is here to stay. I like the fact that people in the organization started to make their presence obvious when I did my "arms length" hiatus as it were. I sure would be curious to see what would happen if I just disappeared for a while or went away for medical leave or some other excuse. Would people take the initiative and keep things going, and what direction would everyone take it.....

Funny how I now take pleasure in running the businesses as businesses and concentrating on personnel and successorship for the future. My how things have grown.....
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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

New Directions.....

By Maurice Ali

When I was young, I thought I was a capable guy when it came to philosophy and always had ideas popping into my mind day and night. At almost 50, those days are long gone. But the memory of burning that bright and not having any outlet to express those ideas has stayed in me, and through FOF I am trying to correct that frustration. University is not the answer, sorry, but true creativity and the structured world of university - particulary in graduate programs - does not seem to work and it did not work for me.

One year old.....

Enter Fortress Of Freedom! I strive to keep the portals of the mass media open for those who are frustrated with a media that is closed to them. I am not interested in making money except when it helps the organization grow and allow us to do things. Personal wealth does not motivate me, this legacy of a creative "fortress of freedom" is where my heart is at.

Seven years!

DO NOT underestimate my creativity when it comes to making examples of people who would stand in the way of our main objective. I will happily wear the badge of the "biggest badass bastard" of the media industry if it furthers the cause of access to creativity and genius. I'm really not looking for a fight, but sooner or later that day will come and I will have to show the industry I mean business. However, I feel that big business that runs the mass media, are populated by people that will see the rather humble motivations of an organization like Fortress and help us out even if the money is not the primary factor, it has already happened.


Having said all of this, the purpose of this diatribe was to show the direction our organization will take when we have consolidated our technical and commercial interests in all facets of the mass media. I am here for creativity and genius in all areas of human thought. I don't expect creative people to have the patience needed to get their ideas out there, that is just the way it is. That is my job in these later years of my life. As the world gets more wired into the global homogenized culture of the future, we will need - more and more - shortcuts for creative ideas to enter what will become a harder barrier for true expression on the world stage. Perhaps I am wrong here and the future will be easier for ideas to become "viral" and enter the stream of mass consciousness. History will probably prove otherwise as human nature never changes.

42 and starting FOF!

So the cause has found one of it's instruments - I am not the only one and hopefully that trend will continue. Part of the problem with ventures like this is that the people who start these things are usually talented, good natured people with good intentions. I am sour, miserable, and a back stabbing ass by nature, so I got the nod from Fate to take this idea into the "business jungle" and make it work. Don't underestimate the truly inspired new ways I can come up with in order to get what I want. Don't underestimate the stark and ruthless manner I am prepared to take to keep the organization alive and moving forward. I know I am right with this cause and so anything and everything goes, for the good of what we are all about here at Fortress.....

46 and surprising myself with accomplishments!

Fortress is here for the kids to express themselves to the world and provoke change. Creativity and genius will be the savior of mankind as he meddles with nature and I am here to help support that idea. I expect that if we are successful, the people that use this instrument will be self-centered, arrogant know-it-alls who will not say "thank you" and will probably look down at the people who run this place. All is forgiven as we were all like that when we were young and creative. Don't ever let that change!

49 and getting grey!

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Maurice Ali

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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Most of the refinancing and bank account topping-up was done today. I also got some more used equipment, from pros going under or leaving the field. The big score was a Slik Professional 4, the head was missing the handles but at 10 percent of the original 600 to 700 (depending on the dollar's value at the time) I love it. The thing is well used but no dings and indexes correctly and is so tall I can walk under the thing fully extended..... I may get those handles but in the mean time I got a used Manfrotto 229 and added that pro head to the line up at about 35 percent of original. I really should stop shopping around every week - it is just that the deals are so good.....

Anyway, we are back to pushing the companies ahead. The series and experiment are over and the ongoing task of fulfilling the mandate is the long haul now. So I am making sure the companies are run properly and eventually become independent. There is other news I won't get into yet, but things are happening around here. This is still a fun place for me to meddle with and that says a lot.....
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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

First of all, here is that photo of the Slik tripod I got for 70 bucks.....

Now to the main stuff which will be boring to all except me and the reason for this blog is for me to access later and find out what was going through my mind when the triumph or tragedy resulted from my actions. Anyway I went through all our credit and only one account had lapsed and I could not get them to re-open it - see the credit crunch at the banks is happening here also. It was the lousiest account, but a good businessman keeps everything just incase. So I was given my gentle reminder and will keep an eye on the accounts and exercise them regularity. Having said that we took advantage of all requests to increase limits and have more than enough for any sane transaction and some insane that may come our way. Basically I am the only one here with the stellar credit rating and the assets to back it up so this is clearly my responsibility. My investments - 30,000 shares in all three corporations - that is where my money went. During our conference call today it was mentioned that in a tiny way we are acting just like all the large corporations, funny when that was spelled out for me in detail, but true. So Ryerson Business School has paid off and we are still standing while others go "belly up" and I never regretted those years learning the facts of life in the business world.....
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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In looking back on this year we broke with making music and filming shows and it was almost all post-production and structural changes. The thirteen episode series called "The Fortress Experient" became a reality. We finally got the association and my temporary soap box to speak for all and lobby internationally - a bit more than a face saving act..... MORE VISION became a corporation. Susan actually made two trips to the head office and our base in London, England is definitely a reality. For the first time I had to deal with the government and got government help with our staff at IAIJ - big deal for me there. More and more of the same. Not much creative but meat and potatoes stuff we needed to do. Personal reality also came to the front and money had to be spent of things other than the organization. This is now ongoing - but we had a good run of a few years where it all went into the organization. I will really summarize everything before the new year. This was the year we consolidated the organization into a permanent thing.....
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