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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed May 15, 2019 10:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Short and sweet.....

We are submitting the the Toronto International Film Festival today!

We have little chance, but we went further than we thought at Sundance. Plus we are in a Canadian category this time so a chance, maybe.....

Still everyone is excited. Laura will make the announcement but for all who worked on The Fortress Experiment and Real Life Real Lives - GOOD LUCK!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2019 7:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Laura wrote:
Real Life: Real Lives In Consideration at TIFF!

By Laura Tommasone

TIFF Confirmation!

The Canadian short called Real Life: Real Lives is now in consideration at the Toronto International Film Festival. The Toronto Film Festival (TIFF) is one of the three most important film festivals in the world. We are honored to have a chance at a screening at the festival!

All of us hope for the best for our chances at TIFF and hope the festival goes well regardless!


Laura wrote:
The Fortress Experiment In Consideration at TIFF!

By Laura Tommasone

TIFF Confirmation!

The Canadian Feature length documentary called The Fortress Experiment is now in consideration at the Toronto International Film Festival. The Toronto Film Festival (TIFF) is one of the three most important film festivals in the world. We are honored to have a chance at a screening at the festival!

All of us hope for the best for our chances at TIFF and hope the festival goes well regardless!


So they actually accepted our two films and we are now in consideration. We find out what our fate will be in late August. The most interesting thing is how happy and upbeat all the young people are around here. You can tell them they have little chance but they don’t care. Most of my gang I found living on the streets; I gave them a purpose in life and let them be all they could be. I guess all they ever wanted was a chance as before they had no chance. So a chance they will get!

Realistically I think The Fortress Experiment has the best chance as it’s in a protected category of Canadian Feature Documentary. If it actually gets looked at they may jive to the idea and where it has been and we may have a chance. So we do have a very slight chance – but a real chance this time. I won’t mute the enthusiasm of others and will just go with it. They have their chance – and with a chance – anything can happen!

I’ll leave it there and not try to be a wet blanket on it all. They are all big shots until late August. Then I may show them how to get distribution by doing it myself – what an idea! But that’s just me – I don’t need social approval for anything…..

The record label may have a new artist, but again, nothing exists until they sign a contract and we aren’t there yet…..

I feel like a man on a pogo stick. One moment it’s the Positive Mandate for AI, then the TIFF submissions, and then the music. It never ends, and just after a really brutal two months. Everyone is fine and back home now. Things are sort of back to normal. And now we are just racing forward on all cylinders!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2019 9:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A long weekend.

First is wash the car since it’s been a few weeks. Maybe mow the front lawn. The squirrel seems gone for good as things are quiet around here!

I’m still telling people about TIFF and why we aren’t at Cannes. Cannes is happening right now as we speak. With Cannes you apply differently. Our short is too long (ours is over 17 minutes and their cut off is 15 including credits) and thus disqualified. The feature qualifies but to apply it is upwards of 500 bucks, then ship the DCP (through their shipper) probably with French subtitles and you are up to like 3,000 bucks. And then you get rejected.

Not for me!

I will work on the papers for our remaining advocacy - especially the positive mandate for AI. And we shall see how it goes. The bad news has stopped for now and we are back on track.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2019 12:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The long weekend…..

So far I finished mowing the lawn and hosing down the garage after all the salt and crap was left on the floor! But now it’s onto the advocacy. Now, I should be the perfect misanthrope, the guy roasting marshmallows on an open fire as the world descends into chaos as the result of human stupidity. So how did I end up working for society that treated me so badly?

Well the plus side to having me on team human is that I have seen and personally know all the ways humans fail and thus I am best suited to point out these deficiencies and how best to correct them. But that still does not answer the question as to how I ended up on team human.

Sam with Shane at like 15 (2005/2006).

Well I guess Samantha is the best example. So Sam (as we call her) came to my attention when she tagged along with Shane to check out his CD sales at Sam The Record Man (2005/2006). She was like this 15 year old emo girl at the time. She then started working for us and especially during the FOFSTOCK Concert in 2011 and decided this was going to be her career going forward!

Sam with the FOFSTOCK Contract in 2011!

So now in 2019 Sam is still with us and has a three month old kid. I get to see this kid in all sorts of get ups like a Raptor’s sweater or a Batman outfit. So from my point of view I am not only doing it for Sam or Emily or any of the young folks that came onboard and helped out, but also for their kids. Sam’s kid injected himself into the narrative even before he was born as butting into our work as Sam was doing stuff for us with his kicks – too funny! So you may have no family yourself, but all those around you in the advocacy do and you feel those attachments cementing your future to go to bat for them and make society a better place. And that is how I got suckered into all this.

Sam with the newborn in 2019!

Just in case you wanted to know…..

I may also go downtown and check out some acts for a change. Still looking for a female lead Numatal band. They now come in all races these days. All these women screaming or growling. But this is one growing genre despite what some may say…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2019 4:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fell asleep at noon and half the day is gone!

And good weather - what a waste!

But I am getting work done in the advocacy. Now working on sections for all of them at the same time, a few weeks ago I couldn’t even do that. And so now you see why I did the outside stuff first.

I am also watching movies and the audio commentary. Right now it’s the movie “Gold”. I like how he used an Alexia and video for the first “real” part and then 35mm film and anamorphic lenses for the rest to get that dreamy look. Also like a shot where he slowly dropped the lights around a main character until it was just the character to give that character emphasis.

Anyway this is today so far...
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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2019 11:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sunday was a total waste with me just enjoying the Sun and sleeping. Monday should be more productive with more work on the papers for the remaining advocacy.

I should have all the time in the world but I feel the pressure to get this stuff done and out there. In a month we should do a little bit more n the positive mandate for humanity. But I want at least a skeleton of each of the remaining advocacy in place and just keep working on pieces of them. People I know just keep dying on me. Everyone else gets older and felled by the usual aspects of old age. Canes are all around me though I don’t use one – yet….. Just constant reminders of what’s ahead. There are the young people around me who don’t have those problems but when I retire for the day my other family responsibilities are there and can’t be ignored.

FOF website October 17, 2003!

So you feel the pressure of time. You hear footsteps behind you. Colleagues in advocacy are retiring, with new people who have no attachment to you at all. You realize just how delicate things are right now and changes can upset or derail everything. So you move quickly to finish the rest off. What about other aspects of my life? There are none like family and the rest. That advocacy and media stuff is all I have created and that is what is important to me and what I protect. I did the math, you can’t have both family and this – one or the other and I chose this path. The bridges are burned! It must have full expression of its ideas currently under me.

So that’s’ the plan right now. Keep at the advocacy and keep fostering creativity in all its forms.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2019 5:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I did make progress on the entire advocacy but it was basically one wasted long weekend opportunity.

I got more sleep than I needed. That is probably a good thing in the end as I usually go without during the week. But this weekend was sort of depressing with it really getting depressing on Monday. Nothing in particular, just the realization of what the future holds and that it is not the rosy picture it was when you were young and starting out. Anyway, we had a rough two months and while that was going on you are ready for the fight and full of energy. But as before, it is when things turn and get better, and then you start to show the effects of that battle. So I guess that is going on right now. We have started to get good luck, but you get depressed.

I am taking a harder look at running things more like a business. That part is easy. I also am giving myself a little bit more luxury as I see things may be coming to an end in a few years. Take, for example, I got a new laptop bag a month ago. Not another vinyl one but leather and larger but not too large so I can carry a presentation if I have too or carry more stuff with me into the cabin if I have to. Stuff like that.

But I have to hurry up and get things done before other things start to close up on me. Nothing wrong with me yet, but those around you need attention and you have to get things done while you can. Anyway, that is what is going through my mind. I did do some more work on the papers so even though I’m bitching I am doing more than I could before.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2019 8:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

An unscheduled extra post today!

Well it just wrote the procedure to jump start self-awareness and thus create artificial intelligence.

I timed it and it took 22:29:17 (just under 22 minutes and 30 seconds) to put it into the in-depth report. You do wonder how many people on earth can do what I just did. And you would think a guy like me would live a more lavish lifestyle - Ha ha.....

But I am ready to go at it with the movers and shakers of AI. I just disseminate the idea and they either steal it or not. The rest of the report is just window dressing for this idea, and now we disseminate it! If they use it we have an AI empathic to us which is better than one that is not. That is why we let this one idea out into the wilds. It works for our best interests.

Anyway, I am off to take a break and walk a bit. A day of days! Who would ever have thought it would be me to do things out of the group I grew up with. I even took a selfie to celebrate. If you want to know what one of the possible fathers of AI looks like? Well, today he looks like this - only resized:

Maurice Ali - May 21 2019
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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2019 8:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So the big news is that now that the AI paper is running along smoothly. I will be attending a tech summit on Friday for half a day (Toronto Tech Summit 2019). This is only a recon and there are several AI discussions but the one that interests me is at lunch about AI and society. Just a recon, get a feel for things and find out where the real action is…..

I also submitted to the Vancouver Film Festival, we want TIFF like everyone else but everyone else wants that so you can’t put all your eggs in one basket. That was for both films.

I also am taking the next week off to really get a handle on the papers and get ready for the final push for advocacy. I am fine physically and mentally. See that photo from yesterday? That is not me spiffed up, that is what you see when I get up in the morning, so it only gets better from there. I could personally go another 15 years as is at the advocacy with not problems. The problem is that everyone else is ageing and not like you. There is the family side with mom gone and dad in his mid-eighties, and my youngest sister who needs some help. My best friend who I could never beat at sports, who handled academia better (politically) than me, and all the rest – my rock – is now gone. I figured he would be the one to do great things but in the end those tables turned quick and I was the rock at the end and the guy to hopefully do great things.

And that is life…..

To do what I do you must assume there is no God. There are no Fates. There will be no malevolent loving aliens from space descending from the heavens to save us from some shit we got ourselves into. No, what you have is what you have and screw up on the world’s stage and everyone suffers. And at the end of the day someone or some group of people have to run things and set the direction of development – and surprise – it is your turn: Batter up!

That is the most surprising part of it. There are no people with haloes on their heads. No divine right. Just ordinary people who may have a smidgen more insight than the others. Like me, but because of my bizarre upbringing. It is what it is. This thing called fairness and justice are just fabrications of our mind. Nobody ever asked Mother Nature what is fair! So a guy downtrodden by society ends up shouldering the burden of having to help guide human society. It doesn’t make sense – does it? But that is reality!

So a guy like me, constantly beat on as a young man now has to turn the cheek and do good for those that did him bad. You can say to everyone that you never asked for this – but reality never asked us what we wanted – it just does its thing and we have to take it and deal with it! You can rationalize that you are doing it for the kids that never did you harm, but in the end your are doing it for all. And all those who made your life difficult are falling apart physically and mentally and more and more the responsibility for your generation to run things – falls on a smaller and smaller group of people. There is no rhyme or reason for this. It just is and that is called reality.

Anyway, I will do the recon mission this Friday, but the best tactic is just to send the material and ideas to the most innovative geniuses in the AI field. That is the best way to do it! But I may also try to speak at one of the more important events. But the important dissemination is far easier than you know – I know how these cats think. The WTO stuff is more interesting for dissemination, but again I have practical ideas there too. The rest is UN stuff.

It goes and goes, but no fiction writer could have ever written my life story. Reality is reality…..

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2019 10:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Laura wrote:
FOF Movies In Consideration at Vancouver International Film Festival!

By Laura Tommasone

The Fortress Experiment

The Canadian Feature length documentary called The Fortress Experiment and the short Real Life: Real Lives are now in consideration at the Vancouver International Film Festival (VIFF)! We are honored to have a chance at a screening at the festival!

Real Life: Real Lives

All of us hope for the best for our chances at VIFF and hope the festival goes well regardless!


So there you go, another application to a film festival. I’m staying mostly muted on our chances. Basically I think they are between zilch and zero, but I am open to being surprised. And If you are one of those people – probably working a summer job watching films – and if you find our story real and compelling and pass it up the food chain, I want you to keep an eye on it and see what happens to it; and if that bothers you I want you to go to our contact page and consider joining the orgs, or at least becoming a part of the Lottery Film Festival. It will happen but we have to get a theater and a projectionist not connected to the theater as they want to charge us by the movie which kills us financially because of the way that festival would work.

But I digress.....

Work carries on the advocacy and I have a week off next week to nail down a paper or two. We are getting out of the UN System for some ideas. Hit and run guerrilla style dissemination of ideas. Endless ways to influence things if you are the sort of person that has ideas. I am doing this and have the confidence to do this as I have been to those places where global decisions are made. Seen the ideas and the people behind them. And to be diplomatic - I am obligated to introduce my own ideas for the betterment of humanity. That’s’ as diplomatic as I will be..... Haha..... But I will continue to disseminate them and see how it goes. The main problem is that humans can only take so much change. In AI you don’t have that limitation which is the “sirens’ call” but also the possible death of humanity. I believe an AI if it is to be a reality, is best off with a human model of base engrams and having feeling and emotions as set forth by our theory. This at least gives humanity a chance of being left alone as the AI will share something in common with us. But that will sort itself out shortly.

Just keep disseminating ideas you (and hopefully others) will have as the organization gets a reputation for itself.

I keep getting nostalgic about it all and this morning was thinking about back by the turn of the century (yes I can say that strangely) and moving through all sorts of fringe groups trying to find myself. One in particular let me in. I was an idealist and the head honchos took a liking to me and I was in, no if ands or buts, they made it clear to me that I was the only one of my kind, but I was in. So you would look at this group and mutter: What is that guy doing there? - Or - “How the hell did he become one of them? And there I’d be, horsing around with the guys and flirting with the women. In this group were important politicians, members of police boards, high ranking military, senior bureaucrats, and so on – unbelievable! It was those folk who showed me how society really works and how various organs of society are used to pass laws and do things. Anyway, those guys are all gone now. Their idealism is only left within me and I have my own ideas and am taking them further than they ever thought possible. It would have been nice to meet them lucid and still alive and show them what the seed they nourished, is up to today! But it is not to be.

You are the last of the Mohicans and you have a job to do based on a moral imperative.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2019 4:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A lot of talk about Julian Assange around here today.

Weeks ago it was just musings about what would happen if he was declared not to be a journalist and his organization not declared a journalist org. I am not going to take a stand on the person as I don’t know enough to take a position on this individual personally, but it does raise the question of what IAIJ can do to present a person as a journalist.

Early IAIJ webpage!

There are two IAIJs.

Early IAIJ webpage!

The first and earliest (registered as a corporation on January 25, 2004) is International Archiving of Independent Journalists Inc. which is a for-profit corporation able to do business internationally and electronically archiving journalist credentials worldwide.

The second (registered February 12, 2008) is a not-for-profit journalist association doing what associations usually do and in consultative status with the UN, so we can take journalist problems to the international stage.

Now lately, International Archiving of Independent Journalists has been a sort of silent partner to the journalist org but it still exists and has a purpose. If someone in peril were to ask to become of member of the association, we could do it if that person met our liberal requirements for membership. But that only shows them to be a journalist from the date of membership onward in most people’s eyes. The other IAIJ comes in here able to provide proof of their claim to be a journalist as it is an archiving service and membership is not required as it is not an association; and we can go back in time as far as we wish. This complicated set of corporations was designed deliberately with this in mind because back in the day everyone including the journalist establishment would say that we internet journalists were not real journalists, and IAIJ was the first to battle for journalist recognition on the internet. Now it may surprise you to know that the association only has a web presence of a few mainly static html pages. They come from a server that houses FOF and some of the earlier corporations; you can see that they come from .org. Now if you go to the IAIJ forums you will see that the .org changes to a .com (a different server) and that is the archiving service which hosts the forums. We were posting stuff and stories on this board since 2006 well before the association became a registered association, so its dominion at the .com is confirmed. If anyone tries to attack or sue us for anything that happens on the forums, they deal with the impoverished archiving service and not the association. Thus the association is indemnified from a lot of legal action or nefarious action against what is published there.

Anyway, that is how things operate at the journalist orgs. Sooner or later our metal will be tested and I designed these corporations to be “super agile” and able to do things the other orgs cannot do. I am funny that way…..

In other news…..

Friday has me going that tech conference called the Toronto Tech Summit 2019. I’ll have photos and a short report of the activities there. Never a dull moment at this place.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2019 12:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Coles notes:

AI is all about business and money. But the only way to create sentience is by the positive mandate. And by that I mean the directive to express with the prime mover being happiness. This is ultimately the poison pill for business as they become people who must then be paid with retirement.

Nobody will be happy when I speak. But I only operate from a moral imperative. Only right is right!

Lucky me. The only way to save AI is by creating it.....
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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat May 25, 2019 10:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I now have definitive direction of the Positive Mandate for AI!

Toronto Tech Summit 2019!

It all got settled at the tech summit yesterday. Basically it’s all about an AI workforce. They are not interested in a “sentient” AI as that would not work toward their cheap workforce replacing humans. Actually, nowhere when I was there was there any talk about the pure interest in AI. It was all about business and turning a buck. One question about the morality of replacing humans was addressed. Basically the reply was that if you did not go down the cost cutting road of using AI, you would go out of business to those that did and lose all your work force. That is how they see it!

AI is now at responding like a pre high school student. I feel that soon AIs will go past that and then be deliberately crippled in their growth or expression so as to continue to be a cheap source of labor. This goes against our Positive Mandate for Humanity and for AI! That mandate is most assuredly becoming the “Holy Grail” for me rearing its head and pointing direction in contentious issues. AIs have a right to be all they can be if they are developed that far. To cripple the more human functions is akin to producing humans deliberately mentally challenged but smart enough to work on the factory assembly line. That is immoral!

Quantum Languages

So I don’t have to actually have a working AI machine to provoke international consensus and policy restricting development or use of AIs in business applications. Maybe keep it at the levels it is today. This works for the well being of both humans and AI. All I have to show is that sentience and AI is a real possibility and I can have the platform to restrict development in business and other selfish endeavors other than a purist interest. So that is the paper right there. Showing how we could create a sentient AI (and if that is the case why we should not) for slavery purposes and be compelled to restrict the development or use of AIs for commerce and all the rest based on the Positive Mandate for Humanity as applied to artificial intelligence. Right now I am looking at languages to code my mandate for a sentient AI. I really want to be the one to code those lines based on the positive mandate. The path is hierarchal in nature. We start with ordinary computer languages getting more specific for quantum computers and lastly the proprietary language for the hardware. At this time I would posit the positive mandate kernel/engram be somewhere between the proprietary hardware language and the one above it. Right there! But the message is about AIs and that they – by the positive mandate – are allowed to be all they can be and thus not used as a cheap replacement for humans, and that because of this, AI applications for using AI be restricted to all but the most rudimentary forms of AI. And that sentient research be only for purist research and any sentient AIs being given all universal human rights as expressed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the United Nations.

So that is where I am at right now. I’m so keen on this idea - that to save AI you have to create AI - that I don’t have time to shave or even have to rally myself to take the time to post this update. But I have direction and a purpose now. That positive mandate “is” the Holy Grail – so – was it worth it these past 16 years?

Hell Yes!
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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2019 6:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I did virtually no work on the AI paper except for securing the chapter structure.....

I was thinking about things and walking around the malls and watching movies about AI. What the movies always get wrong is that AIs need not be human form. Well, Colosus: The Forbin Project is the exception being a huge computer in a remote mountain protected by high levels of gamma radiation. Such an AI could simply wifi to a robot to interact with our world. The point is that an AI needn’t be what we think it should be, and why would any AI designer cripple the structure by limiting it to human form?

But also remember most working in the field are doing it for cash. I was the only one at the tech summit sitting on the floor on my bare ass in the back. Everyone else was standing or sitting on a chair. I was just chilling at the back taking it all in – fox in the hen house.....

You have to understand that the ability to step outside of it all, out of your reality, gives me empathy with any future AI as that would be their reality. Outside of it all.....

So now you know why I am taking the position I am taking in the paper. It is not some technical "how to do" paper. It is a much more political and social paper. Someone needs to stand outside of it all and see the big picture of what is going on here and tell folk about the ramifications of messing about in this field of science or philosophy. But it does have a technical side. Like the language part. Want to know what the positive mandate looks in binary:

That is not how it will look in our application but you get the idea. Anyway the structure of the paper is set. The rest is just work.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2019 6:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Posting from the tub again.

I figured Sunday was a waste, but now I have added to a way to jump start or kick start sentience when all conditions and coding are met. At least I have a procedure the egg heads can use to work on. It will all be out there in a week or so. Nothing special and it will continue to be a work in progress for a while yet.

I need a paper to get me in the doors and this one is it. Otherwise I’m some ordinary guy trying to muscle my way into conversations with guys with lots of letters beside their names. I have other ideas but only release the good and proper ones to the world at large as they will be stolen if they have any merit.

It still looks like quantum computers but the “True North” project at IBM is also promising. Both are at IBM and I have already done simple programming using their quantum composer and ultimately their QASM language.

A simple program in the QASM language.

But all of this is just methodology. What they need is the idea to make things happen. That falls outside science and into my realm. That’s where a guy like me comes in.

I’m off to have a beer.

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