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The AI Song!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
Posts: 7967
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2023 6:44 am    Post subject: The AI Song! Reply with quote

The AI Song! Testing the Reach of AI Without Theft of Intellectual Property!

When FOFSTOCK declared its stance on the increasing use of AI in the music industry, we only saw its effects mimicking major artists voices and music and imagery. However, how far would an AI get in social media of it had no ability to use human intellectual property. What if the AI could only use what ordinary musicians used.

It was a spur of the moment thing, but we decided to test this with what was just a recording to test some sound samples. A Gibson Les Paul was hooked into a Line 6 POD HD500X using one of its effects and then hooked up to a cheap 10 watt amplifier. Then a Fender Stratocaster was also hooked up to the same amplifier and we (actually I) played the two guitars at the same time. This was just random stuff and we dubbed it “The AI Song” as most of it was just electronic with some minor strumming that has no intellectual proprietorship as it’s no even a proper chord. It really is something an AI could extract from the equipment and the web without violation any intellectual property laws - and we also decided against any video and thumbnail as it’s too hard to come up with video or photos that did not derive from human hands. Then we uploaded it to YouTube and watched to see what would happen!

Not much happened, but the song did come in the early searches in the beginning. Three days later the song was in the 40 view range which is completely different from the millions of views an AI gets when using famous artists to mimic and steal from.

We will keep the link alive here and a few places and see if anything changes in the passage of time, But right now it seems that an AI by itself would get nowhere just using the tools every human artist uses to make music from scratch.

Click the link below to hear The AI Song and we will update the results as they evolve over time.

The AI Song:
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