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IAIJ Receives Invitation to Attend the 55th Session of th...

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Tyrone Taiwo

Joined: 07 Aug 2011
Posts: 14

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 1:57 pm    Post subject: IAIJ Receives Invitation to Attend the 55th Session of th... Reply with quote

IAIJ Receives Invitation to Attend the 55th Session of the Commission for Social Development

By Tyrone Taiwo

The International Association of Independent Journalists Inc. has received and accepted an invitation to attend the 55th Session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD) being held at United Nations Headquarters in New York City on February 1-10, 2017. From the UN website:


Since the World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen in 1995, the Commission for Social Development (CSocD) has been the key United Nations body in charge of the follow up and implementation of the Copenhagen Declaration and Programme of Action.

Originally known as the Social Commission but renamed in 1966, CSocD was established by ECOSOC res. 10 (II) (1946). Its purpose was to advise ECOSOC on social policies of a general character and, in particular, on all matters in the social field not covered by the specialised inter-governmental agencies. The Commission's mandate was further developed by ECOSOC resolutions 830J (XXXII) (1961), 1139 (XLI) (1966) and 1996/7. Since 2006, the Commission has taken up key social development themes as part of its follow up to the outcome of the Copenhagen Summit."

The IAIJ representative attending the session will be Maurice Ali who is President of IAIJ and has issued this statement regarding IAIJ's participation at the event:

Maurice Ali

"It is an honor and a privilege to receive an invitation to attend the 55th Session of the Commission for Social Development being held at United Nations Headquarters on February 1-10 (2017). We at IAIJ believe that our attendance there as observers and possibly as contributors to a side event (on cell phone voting on popular issues at the UN), will make this session worthwhile for us at IAIJ and hopefully for all who attend the session. Our proposed side event specifically addresses Chapter 4 on Social Integration from the "Copenhagen Declaration and Programme of Action" of the "World Summit for Social Development" held in Copenhagen in 1995. Chapter 4 of the agreement states:

"66. The aim of social integration is to create "a society for all", in which every individual, each with rights and responsibilities, has an active role to play. Such an inclusive society must be based on respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms, cultural and religious diversity, social justice and the special needs of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, democratic participation and the rule of law. The pluralistic nature of most societies has at times resulted in problems for the different groups to achieve and maintain harmony and cooperation, and to have equal access to all resources in society. Full recognition of each individual's rights in the context of the rule of law has not always been fully guaranteed. Since the founding of the United Nations, this quest for humane, stable, safe, tolerant and just societies has shown a mixed record at best."

Whether as observers or observers also holding a side event, we at IAIJ wish the 55th Session of the Commission for Social Development to be a productive event for all who attend, and a productive event for the world at large."

More news as it becomes available.

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