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The Fortress On Tour February 2013!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
Posts: 7952
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:53 am    Post subject: The Fortress On Tour February 2013! Reply with quote

The Fortress On Tour February 2013!

By Maurice Ali

Here is a travel log of the distribution of The Fortress February 2013 issue:

Seneca College:

Seneca College still has racks for newspapers and I think they still put out one or two for the school. There are enough of these around you can still have room to display you "rag" without anyone getting upset.

Centennial College:

Not as many racks for magazines and papers as last time but you still can display your paper there. Located around the front main entrances, but not as common in the other areas as they used to be.

Ryerson University:

Lots of racks for papers and magazines. Note that Ryerson has a well known journalism school so the paper newspaper and their associated displays like racks and boxes will be the last to go.

University of Toronto:

This waw the biggest surprise of the day. I could not find the usual racks for magazines or newspapers as they used to populate the common areas of Robart's Library. What you find instead is computer terminals galore. So I just put some copies near the end of one of the rows of terminals. This was a downer for a guy who still likes the romance of a paper newspaper at the university. They even had a dedicated box for one of the universities papers inside. All gone now.

York University:

York does not disappoint with racks for all the usual national papers and there own. Above you see my rag pitted against the Excalibur. Oh, I remember the early days when we used to put our paper beside all the local university papers like we were in competition. Those were the days.

We will continue to update this little travel log as time goes on. The "hey days" of paper newspapers seem to be gone. But they still linger. Centuries of tradition die a slow death.

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