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10 Best/Worst Countries To Be A Journalist!

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Joined: 01 May 2011
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Location: Toronto, Canada - London, England

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 5:01 am    Post subject: 10 Best/Worst Countries To Be A Journalist! Reply with quote

10 Best/Worst Countries To Be A Journalist!

At the International Association Of Independent Journalists Inc. (IAIJ) we have decided on an annual review of world press freedom on World Press Freedom Day - May 3, 2011. We will publish our 10 best and 10 worst places to be a journalist. Our little list will be a bit different as we will meld the worst and best for both career journalists and citizen journalists/bloggers. In doing so we will mirror our own membership and more accurately show the best and worst places for people who would become members with us.

This year will be our first and the results focus on many issues and indices most notable being from Reporters Without Boarders and the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). But we have looked at many others and also used our own experiences which is why we moved up Japan into one of the ten best (simply by virtue of the massive information coming out of there, at the worst of moments for that nation and available to us from bloggers, citizen journalists and the usual broadcast journalism).

10 Worst places to be a journalist:

1. Eritrea

2. Syria

3. Iran

4. Turkmenistan

5. Burma

6. North Korea

7. Sudan

8. Rwanda

9. Vietnam

10. Yemen

10 Best places to be a journalist:

1. Finland

2. Icelend

3. Norway

4. Netherlands

5. Sweden

6. Switzerland

7. Australia

8. New Zealand

9. Austria

10. Japan

So our first top ten lists are what they are. You should note that large countries which traditionally have bumped up around the worst have been savvy enough to keep themselves out of the light of the top ten lists even though it is still business as usual. That is more reflective of the shrinking global nature of media where many repressive countries do look at how they are now portrayed on the international stage rather than simple isolation and indifference. At any rate that is how they faired with us and other organizations may still rank them among the worst.

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