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Some Changes At IAIJ!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
Posts: 7861
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 9:06 am    Post subject: Some Changes At IAIJ! Reply with quote

Some Changes At IAIJ!

By Maurice Ali, President and CEO:

International Association Of Independent Journalists Inc.
International Archiving Of Independent Journalists Inc.
Fortress Of Freedom Inc.

Maurice Ali

Some important changes are happening at IAIJ! In short, We are separating the duties of the association from the archiving service and FOF. International Archiving Of Independent Journalists Inc - a nationally registered corporation in Canada - will now be solely responsible for the content of the paper. Prior to this the newspaper was a collaboration of all three corporations with MORE VISION as the distributor and manufacturer. The reason for this move is one of liability. Even though this week The Supreme Court of Canada relaxed liabilities for libel to proper journalistic procedures being followed (from the "proof" test); we are nevertheless protecting our ever growing association from liability in such matters. The webiste and - soon to be released - blog sites were always the domain of International Archiving Of Independent Journalists Inc. as noted by the ".com" designation as opposed to the ".org" designation of International Association Of Independent Journalists Inc. and thus any liability goes to the archiving corporation. International Archiving Of Independent Journalist Inc. still carries on it's archiving service and credential verification service and indemnifies anyone in the association with liability residing for any credential query being solely the responsibility of the archiving corporation. All emails forwarded to the .org accounts will either come back from third party providers or from the .com server which is separate from the .org server and reservoir of .org emails; and liability for email responses will also be the domain of the archiving corporation. So in brief, International Archiving Of Independent Journalists Inc. archives credentials and runs the websites and the paper. International Association Of Independent Journalists Inc. is just that, an association and advocacy group.

As CEO it is my job to coordinate this conglomerate of corporations and private companies to work to a synergistic whole and these moves further that agenda. The move protects the association from serious and "nuisance" lawsuits that could potentially bankrupt he association. The move also protects Fortress Of Freedom Inc. from the same lawsuits and "nuisance" lawsuits as the production house now has considerable equity and lawsuits tend to go to where the money is..... The archiving service is a true business entity and has the lawyers and resources to handle any lawsuits. The changes take place as per the date of this announcement: December 26, 2009.

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