
Joined: 08 Oct 2007 Posts: 29 Location: Toronto
Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 7:00 am Post subject: IAIJ Director's Meeting and Other Updates! |
IAIJ Director's Meeting and Other Updates!
By Ainsely Wronski, Editor: The Fotress Newspaper
On Friday, November 13, IAIJ held another meeting of the directors. We moved this one up as Susan was in the country and could partiicpate without the usual videocall. I usually take the minutes of the meetings. First up was Maurice and Susan's trip to Ottawa. We were given a brief photo and video presentation of Archives Canada as Maurice and Dave both have their books there along with all of our music. Then we saw local landmarks like the Supreme Court of Canada and the Parliament Buildings. Maurice bribed a security guard to allow him to take some photos at the National Press Building, funny story about that.
Archives Canada in Ottawa!
Susan at the Parliament Building in Ottawa!
Maurice at the National Press Building in Ottawa!
The Supreme Court Of Canada
Most interesting was their visit to the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. Everyone was asking questions about this with Sue talking like it was some social visit and Maurice like it was some tactical thing.
A video capture of Maurice walking to a meeting with the Canadian Commission For UNESCO!
Other things were like an increase in pages for the next paper and possible change to a magazine format. Maurice liked the idea but worried that color spacing problems would make it a disaster for a small budget thing like IAIJ. He added that we had enough problems just trying to get the photos to be legible in the paper instead of black boxes and color on gloss paper was a nightmare he would rather not suffer at this point of time. So the vote was to increase the paper to 16 pages if the material warranted it.
That was the end of the meeting. These are usually boring but this one was really exciting!
Here are some more photos -
Susan and Dave, Directors at IAIJ
(Left to Right) Maurice, Myrtle, Susan and Phi at the Director's meeting! |