
Joined: 14 Oct 2003 Posts: 200 Location: London England
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 7:14 am Post subject: UNESO Membership Update! |
UNESO Membership Update!
By Susan Earps, Director: IAIJ Inc.
Susan Earps
The International Association Of Independent Journalists Inc. - a not-for-profit corporation - has an update on it's continuing request for membership with the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. The association originally approached the Commission in February to ask for membership. After which began a fairly involved process with had the association submitting documents, artifacts and financial records to the Canadian Commission For UNESCO. What is where the request for membership stood until later this past week.
On Friday September 11, Maurice Ali (Founder of IAIJ Inc.) received a call from the Commission's Special Advisor To The Secretary General stating the request for membership is still on-going and that most questions should be answered by the end of September. If we are still in the running it will go to a vote for the general membership early in 2010. As you can see there are no guarantees in this process. We are not the richest association, but we believe in what we preach and what we stand for.
That is where it stands at this present time.
IAIJ's Letters Patent!