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Final Act Of The Fortress Experiment Plays Itself Out!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
Posts: 7986
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:40 am    Post subject: Final Act Of The Fortress Experiment Plays Itself Out! Reply with quote

Final Act Of The Fortress Experiment Plays Itself Out!

By Maurice Ali, President and CEO:
International Association Of Independent Journalists Inc.
Fortress Of Freedom Inc.
International Archiving Of Independent Journalists Inc.

Maurice Ali and Ainsley Wronski (Editor: The Fortress) proudly
show off the IAIJ "Letters Patent!"

In the next few weeks the final act of the Fortress Experiment will play itself out for all to see! The past few weeks have been most stressful on me and for no apparent reason. However I feel the "real" reason is probably our on-coming collision with reality and possible annihilation of my always optimistic view of human nature and our institutions entrusted to uphold all that is the best of humanity.

Maurice Ali with Samantha Blackwell (IAIJ Staff) and The Fortress Newspaper!

Yes I really am that type of idealist individual. A philosopher - yes that is who I always was. I have taken the experiment as far as one person can humanly take it. In this respect the experiment was a success in that private individuals can access all aspects of the mass media by themselves. The final chapter is now how and if those large institutions will react to our request to participate in the mass media as partners. I can honestly say I do not know which direction this will take. I will, though, be brutally open and honest about what happened and put our experience out there for the whole world to see. You have my word on that. Our little experiment in freedom of thought and expression can only have real meaning if our experience is broadcast to as large an audience as humanly possible. I want my fellow citizens to see those institutions functioning at a level they can relate to and see whether those institutions are what they claim to be, or something less.....

Ainsley Wronski with our first issued diploma in journalism!

I am putting all this down before any final decisions are made as I will never by as powerful as an individual - as I am now. This is my last chance to influence things before we are forced to react. Personally this journey has been one of the great moments of my life. I am pleased to see that after all these years, I am the man I always thought I was. I have always comported myself in a thoroughly professional and businesslike way. I never took advantage of anyone at this organization and in dealing with the general public. After all this time, the issues are still altruistic and ideals are the focus. The Fortress Experiment has defined myself and my being to my rational mind and I can live with it. In these years I have met many people that became members here and showed me that in every part of our society there are people who believe in our ideals and debunk stereotypes of all forms. I would personally like to take this moment to thank all who participated, you people are the best humanity has to offer! The Experiment has been one personal success for us all!

Susan Earps visits our office in Toronto. Sue runs our office in London, England.

So it all comes down to this moment. I really did take us to the precipice of all that was said in the first television broadcast. We now have the possibility of an opening for a broadcast licence in this miserable economic climate and a chance of getting our TV shows air time. We have made contact with U.N. through The Canadian Commission For UNESCO and now awaiting a decision on membership shortly. In all areas like our request for air play for Donald Brasseur with CTV, possible partnerships or Class 2 licence, and membership with UNESCO; will all be a non-zero-sum. There will be no "sort of" or "give it a little more time;" we either get air play/membership or we do not. That is how we have always evaluated organizations from the start: did we get what we wanted or did we not. Of those three areas the broadcast licence will be the longest to resolve but I was surprised when the possibility came up suddenly with the other projects. The most gut wrenching and possibly heartbreaking part of this is the possible decline for membership with UNESCO. We need a partner in this like UNESCO. I researched the organization and believe in their ideals. I really want our organization to become a member here for too many reasons to summarize at this time. So this is the moment, the "Fat Lady" is getting ready to sing.....

I was never much for humility but this experience has taken a lot out of me and brought humility out of me with it. The cocky, arrogant person I always was is probably still there, but has now been tempered with the experience that was The Fortress Experiment. No matter what happens the organizations will continue, that much for sure. However, to grow and continue to have greater influence, we have to partner with larger broadcasters and UNESCO. All we can do now is wait and let the fates reveal that future.

To all who followed this unique journey and especially to those who participated, a very hearty "Thank You!"

Maurice Ali

A group photo at one of Sue's visits to our Toronto office. Susan Earps flanked by
Samantha Blackwell and Ainsley Wronski.


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