Shane Murphy

Joined: 19 Feb 2005 Posts: 301 Location: Toronto, Ontario
Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:39 pm Post subject: Willis Hiscock Signs Record Contract With FOF Inc.! |
Willis Hiscock Signs Record Contract With FOF Inc.!
By Shane Murphy, A&R Manager: FOF Records/FOF Inc.
Willis Hiscock with Maurice Ali (CEO: Fortress Of Freedom Inc.) holding his recording contract!
The Fortress Of Freedom Corporation and FOF Records are pleased to announce that veteran country music performer Willis Hiscock has signed a recording contract with our label! The contract is to produce one album with Mr. Hiscock for commercial distribution and radio play.
Willis Hiscock with Shane Murphy (Manager: FOF Records) holding his recording contract!
Willis Hiscock, who hails from the East Coast, has been performing in and around the greater Toronto area for many years with Vern Brown and call themselves "Willis and Vern!"
Willis and Vern Performing!
From all of us at Fortress Of Freedom/FOF Records, we wish Willis all the best in the production of his first album and the best wishes for his continuing career as one of the finest performers in Country Music!
Willis Hiscock!
Please Visit Willis's Website At: |