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IAIJ To Pursue Observer Status At the United Nations!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
Posts: 7921
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:51 pm    Post subject: IAIJ To Pursue Observer Status At the United Nations! Reply with quote

IAIJ To Pursue Observer Status At the United Nations!

By Maurice Ali, President: IAIJ Inc.

Maurice Ali

International Association Of Independent Journalists Inc. - a not-for-profit Corporation - is excited to announce that the association will begin the process to attain "observer status" at the United Nations!

This latest move is simply the next logical progression in IAIJ's growth. From the paper and incorporation of the archiving service, to the incorporation of the database into the base membership of the association and the government support and lately, a journalist course and certification. This international association is ready to make an overture to the United Nations. "Observer Status" is relatively passive - as opposed to the proactive ambitions of IAIJ - but small steps right now as I don't want to mess up things at this point.

Our Letters Patent hanging on our reception wall!

It is surprising just how fast we grew to be in the position we find ourselves today. What most thought of as unrealistic goals mentioned in our first TV show; I am now in a position to make good on all those tall words. A speech at the U.N. is still looked upon as fantasy, but participation at the U.N. is now considered quite probable. So most expect me to "save face" with some participation at the United Nations, but I will not be satisfied until I have my voice to the world, that ultimate goal will no die easily.

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