Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003 Posts: 7992 Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:30 pm Post subject: Jessica King: After Canadian Idol! |
Jessica King: After Canadian Idol!
By Maurice Ali, President and CEO:FOF Inc./IAIJ Inc.(Association)/MORE VISION Inc./IAIJ Inc.(Archiving)MORE VISION/IAIJ
Jessica King!
The Fortress Of Freedom Corporation is pleased to introduce Jessica King! Jessica was selected to be on the Canadian Idol Show in 2006. She was 1 of 10 picked from just under 1100 applicants from the Ottawa area. She and the others were then sent to Toronto for the competition and spent a month with vocal coaches and such in preparation for the competition. She, like all other contestants had to agreed to a "gag order" with the producers of the show. I am another producer, and so I will respect their wishes and not go into the rather interesting details of the making of a Canadian Idol. What I can say is that Jessica fell ill at the start of the competition and ended up in 37th place. If she carried through the anticipation was that she would have gone to 12th place.
Another Shot!
Jessica was originally born in Stupsk, Poland and was adopted and brought over to Canada by her new parents and was raised in the Ottawa area. Jessica went to Algonquin College between 2006 - 2008 majoring in Library Studies. At the age of twenty, she has now moved to Toronto to pursue her singing career which is a mixture of POP and Opera that you have to hear for yourself. What follows are some "mug shots" of Jessica after she got caught in a rain storm and pretty much has the bare canvas of her beauty to behold. I can see why she got picked by the idol people. It is all there, not perfect, but it is there and you can work her features to get that look.....
This is the shot I love for evaluation. Straight on and flat lighting.
She knows how to pose, but I deliberately asked for a straight face.
This is the template for a MUA!
Another Shot!
Another Shot! She is cute, like I said , she knows how to pose!
So Jessica and FOF will get to know each other over the next little while and see what happens. There is never a perfect time and FOF has a pretty full plate. But a female act was always that elusive thing we never had. In any case, this is a tough business to break into but if Jessica really wants it, that career in entertainment is definitely a possibility. Just remember Jessica, that we all had to pay our dues.....
I checked the refraction of the teeth via the original source material
and they are fine. Just my poor photography technique.
Love that outlet.....
A Group Shot Of Jessica, Shane And Ryan!