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Booming A Microphone: 101

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Ryan Robichaud

Joined: 12 Jul 2008
Posts: 1
Location: Toronto

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 10:26 pm    Post subject: Booming A Microphone: 101 Reply with quote

Booming A Microphone: 101

By Ryan Robichaud, FOF Production Staff

Ryan Robichaud!

First of all I would like to state that I am a musician firstly, but small labels like fortress mean we have to wear many hats and audio production was my extra gig.

Maurice has a ton of equipment so I can pick and choose. He has a pile of dynamic microphones. several of the SM58 type. Rode NTG1/2 for outdoor shotguns with a NT3 for indoor work and a couple of minor players also but nothing spectacular. The headphones are the Senheiser 280's, the only real alternative to the Sony 7506s which are industry standard. I know why Maurice has the 280's because he needs the isolation the Sonys don't have plus you can use them for mixing and mastering work. In the bag he has a Zoom H4. Not my first choice but it works (hint: get a Fostex). He has his Rode in a Cavision blimp on a Lightwave pole. Personally I prefer the carbon as aluminum can act like a receiver/antenna, but whatever.

The right way!

So I was ready to roll and the following pics tell the story. That first one is correct with the right placement of the microphone. Reality is the second one. For some reason I found the sweet spot there so that is why I deviated from the book there.

The wrong way that works!

I record at 96kHz and in 24bit. Overkill you may say but it helps if you go into FX work. There you have it and that is what I do on the set of an FOF show.

A wider shot of the rig I carry on me!
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