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The Series Is Finished: Now What?

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:26 am    Post subject: The Series Is Finished: Now What? Reply with quote

The Series Is Finished: Now What?

By Maurice Ali

Emily's expression after performing is exactly the way I feel right now!

It took about two weeks to sink in, but the Fortress Experiment is finished. This was a story about social networking in real life and about how much talent can exist in the twenty four person tribe we live in; it shows that human creativity needs an outlet for personal self-actualization and general entertainment and evolution of our culture. The story goes on and we will keep the cameras rolling for different reasons explained later, but we are finished.

That really explains the funk I was in for the past few weeks and why the "walking through the door" statements in my little blog. I really do not want to sit on the series anymore and I am ready to put it up for distribution right now. We still have parting interviews for those wishing to give them and final analysis but things are mostly done, in the area of principle shooting. The post production is another matter. This will bring in new people outside the story yet still part of it. If we get picked up by a major player, then there is the story inside the story to be told so things are still very much fluid. But I have taken the experiment as far as I can on my own - this is the truth.

I like that fact that everyone still has hope in their dreams and broadcast would be a part of this story in a bizarre way - from the grave so to speak - but I like it so far. No, we don't see me at the U.N., but we have opened the door. Shane has certainly changed for the better. Everyone seems to have renewed their reason for enjoying life, which I think is the best part of what came out of the experiment.

I am tending toward co-production rather than going it alone, if possible. We also seem to have found a lawyer that can handle this kind of partnership. And MORE VISION will be growing a bit in the next week or so and will take a major part in the activities of this enterprise. More news as it unfolds people.

That is where we stand right now. I want to get the distribution end of things done in the summer as that is the dead space in broadcast where we can get the ear of people with influence. Anyway, that is where we stand right now.

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