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Another Issue Of The Fortress Hits The Street!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
Posts: 7858
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 7:15 am    Post subject: Another Issue Of The Fortress Hits The Street! Reply with quote

Another Issue Of The Fortress Hits The Street!

By Maurice Ali, Journalist

Ainsley checks out the paper!

Well we had to rush this one through, but yet another edition of The Fortress makes it's way to Ontario universities at the end of the school year. This issue makes the first "university" issue and edited by our very own Ainsley who is a York University student here in Toronto. The paper now has a different feel to it as Ainsley has added her own style with poetry and more lifestyle segments, plus we have our first advertising in the paper promoting our FOF musical artists. However, we have still maintained the twelve page format on 50lb white paper with and banner at the front.

I picked up the stacks of paper yesterday morning and delivered that first copy to Ainsley later that day before any of the papers had been delivered to the usual universities. In the photo below is a photo of myself and Ainsley posing for that first issue. Every issue is a learning experience as ink and paper is an art and not the mechanical thing most people think it is. The photos came out much better and the front page was about as good as we had hoped. For me the biggest concern is that the print not get washed out in the background and such and that the photos can be viewed properly. What we submit and what we get back are two different things than what you get with on-line versions Anyway, the quality is getting better and now all we have to worry about is the growth of the paper and continued viability of what we have now.

Ainsley and Maurice pose for a photo with the lastest issue!

Congratulations to Ainsley and the other contributors who participated in this issue of The Fortress. Now is the distribution of the thousands of papers to the racks and such before university ends for this school year. Once again, thanks to all who participated in this issue and we are already working on the next issue of The Fortress - Stay tuned!

Maurice Ali with a huge stack of The Fortress!
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