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Jamie B.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 10:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
love is the smile,the satisfaction of the bed being filled , the sigh of releif, when you role over in bed after a year to see the most gorgeous thing you've ever seen. to wake up and know your day is going to be great....
love is the sneakiest motherfucking peice of shit the most of us go through. love can be both the greatest thing in life and the worste, most stressful, most painful thing anyone has encountered. love is THE number one killer. love motivates, inspires, convinces, pressures you into doing things you would never normally do(whether it be good or bad) love makes us vulnerable, love opns us up and allows both wodnerful and horrific things happen to us. is life. love is "pain for pleasure" love is "hurt so good" love is the satisfying feeling you get after biting off a finger nail, even though you bit too much off and now your finger is hurting like a is the dead black tooth in your mouth after falling 8 feet to your face for the ONLY TRUE LOVE in your life. and then even after a concussion, 10 stitches and a dead tooth you are dieing cuz you want to go ride that true love the next day. love is the girl you msg at 5am when your not even able to open your eyes. love is the stupid drunken fist-fight you get in for a friend cuz you know shit would have turned ugly if u didint step in(once again..your welcome.) love is the hours you wait for some fat ttc worker to go and get the camera you stupidly dropped on the is the snow you walk through to get to the payphone to call someone special. love is the tears falling from your face when you lose someone special. love is the hours you are a therapist for your is the pinch you get on your cheek from your 95 yearold great-grandma.Love is a need, not a want. love keeps us going/love shuts us down. love is the blood flowing through us; you cant get rid of it.
Love is....

love is the ultimate amount of dedication, comittment, motivation, passion, hope, trust, loyalty blah put into anything in your life. and this is why love is so undefined, because it can be anything, and it can be agonizingly painful, and it can be magically delicious....

Love is life. Live with it. move on, grow from it, Love it.<3
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