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Gritz: Hype On The Mic. And Aggressive With The Flow!

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Joined: 20 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 8:57 am    Post subject: Gritz: Hype On The Mic. And Aggressive With The Flow! Reply with quote

Gritz: "Hype On The Mic. And Aggressive With The Flow!"

By Gritz (Johathan Chuck), Journalist


I have been rapping since fourteen and writing for two years. I do it because I love it. Gets my mind away. I feel that I can accomplish something with it. That why I am here with Fortress Of Freedom.

My real name is Jonathan Chuck, and I am twenty three years old and was born and raised in East York in Toronto. I have lived there ever since. Ethnically you could say I am a combination of: Portuguese, Guyanese and Yugoslavian. Got a son, Miguel two years old and I live with his mother. I will state that I am on social assistance because I am going to school (adult learning center) and trying to get my high school diploma.

No problems with the law, no criminal record. Best not to get in trouble and I have been very fortunate. Both of my parents are still alive and separated when I was two. I hardly talk to my dad because of a drug addiction. I was in and out with CAS (Children's Aid Society) and grew up with foster parents and in group homes. Some were alright and others were unbearable. You can only go outside for fifteen minutes a day - sort of like a prison but I had committed no offense. No sexual offenses or anything like that when I was growing up. This lasted until I was thirteen to seventeen - as mother became overwhelmed from the stress in her life and I went to stay with my grandmother.

As far as rap goes, I will do it as far as it can take me. I really will take the rap as far as it will go but I will always be there for my son. I do the newer rap and "I try to get hype on the mike and aggressive with the flow." My immediate priority is to get into a real studio and lay down some tracks.

My vision of the future: Hopefully living well and healthy. Living well means wealthy, healthy and not relying on the check to check. No hard drugs.

Shane And Gritz Before Their Performance At The Now Lounge!

Editor's note: Gritz is a rap artist living in Toronto. He most recently collaborated with the song "The Way We Roll" on Shane's (Shane Murphy) new album titled "Real Life"; and in music videos from the same album, and has appeared in clubs such as the Now Lounge.
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