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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 10:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I’m already working on the AI and God reveal paper.

I think now that I will just slow it down a bit and catch up on other things. First is some exercise. I got a decent night’s sleep so that is a plus. Preen myself up a bit.

The car.....

The 180 dollar trunk mat in my Mustang!

Other things: Well I spent money of the trunk mat but now a day later there is no buyer’s remorse. There was one at a dealer in Mississauga in all of the GTA! That shows you how popular this thing is. Even the aftermarket does not stock these except at the main warehouses in the States. So I am glad I just went and did it in the end. Still no squirrel so that is a blessing so far.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 9:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just continue to work on the papers and mull around the house…..

I have to finish those papers as it is over before you know it. That should be my mantra: It’s over before you know it! True and especially true the older you get. 60 is coming up for me, and I sure don’t feel it or look it, but it is there. It is there as the folks that you grew up with are falling apart and retiring. Denial gets you the concentration to do things. At important events I am with, people are my own age at the pinnacle of their careers and as a group they tend to take care of themselves a bit more. But anything can cripple the advocacy or dissemination of ideas that is my moniker.

So you just stay at it and hopefully get all the ideas you want out there. Take for example the conscious/sentient universe idea. The well known professors that floated the idea were ridiculed to the point most stepped back on the idea. They have positions and reputations and universities they represent to think about. I don’t have any of that so I can float the idea all the way and not really incur anything of damage. At the end of the day I’m just some amateur journalist putting stuff out there for notoriety. So that’s my job.

At this stage anything can cripple your ambitions. For me cripple is accurate as I have very low overhead for the orgs and can get it done further if need be without jeopardizing any of the access that I now have. Keeping access open means playing by the rules, paying your own way. You do this so you owe nobody anything – no influence on what you do – and playing by the rules means they can’t dredge stuff up to ruin you if you advocate stuff some might take offense to. You operate as if you are on your own. It’s harder on you this way but a more stable position when you make the “big play” and the big play only happens once - no mistakes! So crippled but not down and out of the thing. But I would rather do it properly like I am doing it now. But the takeaway today is to push and get the stuff done and out there as nothing lasts forever - including our lives. You never think about it but you could die any day for an infinite number of reasons. So you just go at it as fast as you can and hope for the best!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 12:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Running errands today so a late one.....

Ai destiny googles fine now just like human destiny, but religion destiny is nowhere to be found so I will have to tweak that one a bit.

Droops Holiday's latest CD: Eastside Errrly!

Our music should start to show up in a lot more stores and streaming services now. So check them out if you have a favourite.

I’m reticent to start up anything now as the fall is big stuff no matter how it unfolds. So I may as well take it easy, not so much easy but more
measured. I’m a type A personality so I have to fight with myself to relax and do nothing. Force myself to sleep and so on.

Lastly is this: For the longest while I yearned to get the squirrel out of the attic. It was just this impossible dream to have it gone! Now that it may be gone it’s just like: Meh..... Before that the basement would flood due to the excavated patio. I would be there mopping it up every time a heavy rain happened. Then I graded the patio and added a sump pump outside. No more water problems and that became: Meh... I had to reign in expenditures and short term debt. It would bother me throughout the day. Now we have it under control and it’s like: Meh..... Getting something you desired only has the most fleeting of satisfaction and then you move on, there does not seem to be lingering euphoria or anything like that. You just move on. This is the way it has been with the advocacy. Even my impossible goal I would never get that I put out there to always reach - became reality on July 2, 2015. I had to set new goals and then reach them and just keep moving the bar further and further ahead. There does not seem an end in sight but the feeling afterward is always the same: Meh.....

Mind you You do intellectualize the accomplishment, you just don’t that that euphoric moment you thought you would have. What did I do to celebrate finishing the AI paper? I bought an over priced cargo mat for
My car. Sort of like that.....

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Maurice Ali

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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 2:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I will give you a short one today.....

I had to take care of family stuff today and nothing big happening. But I did get to do the safety deposit box thing for the first time. Didn’t know what was in it. I remembered Jason Bourne’s experience in the movie.

What would be in it?

We needed the bank’s key and then ours to open it after personal identification. So we find the box, use the keys, pull it out - and..... Empty!

So that’s what I did today.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 11:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is a long weekend for us so I will be cleaning up around the house and nailing down the religion destiny paper. I have decided to stay clear around individual religions and just talk about religions in the abstract as it relates to a possible AI sentient reveal. I’ll keep it short and simple and let others dive into specific discussions that they are more adept at discussing. This paper will be a small one but part of a package of papers to encompass the big human social development idea that encompasses all that I have been doing so far. So that is happening this weekend.

I am also starting to plan that trip to Europe in September. London is the easy part, but it is Geneva that will be the hard part. I want to check out the UN there while I can and set things up if we end up with a delegation there for some future reason. So that is also happening this weekend.

I also have to get serious and get Google to archive:

Other stuff? I watched “Ghost in the Shell” the 1995 Japanese animie version (yes I’m now watching Japanese animie) that was the basis for “The Matrix. Yes, nothing just appears out of nowhere! Survivor was not originally the American program but a series in Europe. Many things you think are original are just successful commercial copies of the original versions. TV is big business in the States and they don’t like to take chances so many shows are knock-offs of successful shows in Europe or abroad. This is the same for ideas, as ideas and dominion are fleeting, and this is why my ideas for free for others to use if I disseminate them. They will anyway, but that is the plan of strategy going forward. You may come up with some original ideas but others will take them and use them and possible take the credit for them, and really if you want to have an impact you just have to take this fact up the ass and live with it. Your only solace is that you personally know you came up with it, but for a guy like me that means living a life without any true recognition for what you have accomplished. But that is the best deal I will ever get given my situation.

Ghost in the Shell (the second crappier version)!

It is what it is…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 8:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I’m out and about.

All alone on the weekend though. That does spur you to clean up the house and get going on the papers. I’ve started that big one on social development and new technology. I recall Elon Musk repeatedly talking about the lag of action between the sentient ai reveal and regulation being the death of humanity. So I will do my part with the social development and new technology paper and hopefully get it in there as a talking point so that future attempts to discuss will see that the topic has made it into the UN system, maybe several times, and you won’t have that hesitation to bring up this topic again.

The scientists and physicists have been busy lately with quantum computers now messing about with quantum entanglements to get that so called data teleportation. Basically two alike quantum particles can react alike over vast distances and while in superposition the data is impervious to hacking and instantly revealing if attempts to read it happen. While they brag about this at conferences, they fail to mention that quantum computers could compromise every encryption on earth in a day - funny how they didn’t mention that..... In any case the Chinese has done the entangled “teleportation” of data several hundred miles to a space station so this is no fantasy.

For ordinary people this is distressing. So now we have the possibility of sentient AI that could communicate among themselves without any physical blocks to this from us. And how would developed sentient AI regard the primitive humans that consume all the earth’s resources they may need? You get the picture.

We need to start discussing this now and here I could help in my own small way and that is what I am doing now. You can’t count on the scientists to do the right thing as history shows us otherwise. So at conferences they will talk about their successes while avoiding the obvious red flags and give maybe one sentence about being responsible about the consequences of research! One sentence! Less than useless! And Oppenheimer’s quip about being the destroyer of worlds after the fact does nothing. The fact is these scientists are myopic in scope and when they get involved in a project they lose the “big picture” and just obsess over details to get things done. They need oversight and if industry can’t be relied upon to do it, then it has to come from somewhere else. So that’s what I am involved with this long weekend.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 7:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Still working on the papers.....

Don’t let the quantum teleportation stuff scare you too much as this is not “sub space” communication like in Star Trek. Any interference along the way ruins entanglement and the Chinese sent millions of entangled quantum material to get positive readings for a few. But this ability to travel through space and time imperfectly could explain some things automatically dismissed in the paranormal world (Einstein called this quantum activity “spooky”). We - the humans - need conventional signals that the state has changed in entangle particles - but among two quantum computers still in superposition? Who knows, only speculation and the recent Japanese experiments teleporting inside a diamond only made the news just a few days ago.

For the big paper the conclusion is to only peruse research if it advances humanity and if it does not this activity should be “discouraged” as is does not advance humanity and may be a threat to it. Holding back revealing a sentient quantum AI, but rather developing a more advanced human mind interface may be the better alternative. May take longer but better.

This has already happened with cellphone use. Many of us can’t live without these things on our person. We are for want of a better term “cyborgs”. Physically attaching it would be definitive but these things are permanent accessories so pragmatically it is the same thing. The same can happen in quantum but just short of an individual sentient artificial intelligence. So opening discussion to all stakeholders and not just to scientists would be a good thing for humanity as a whole. So that is sort of where I am gong with this.

The positive mandate for humanity still rules through, as long as its humanity’s expression and not a new separate competing entity.

Once Human

In other news I still listen to Metal but we need a female lead and the growls have to be unmistakably female and I need that normal female segment as total growls are too much for most people - even if the lyrics rock!

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 3:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A successful long weekend.

So I actually have the skeleton of the big 105 page human social development in the new technological age paper. That was not the plan, but that is how it turned out. I can live with that one. I also upgraded my travel laptop to Windows 10 Pro as it has stickers for Win 7 Pro and Win 10 Pro, that is what you get with the leased refurbs. Windows 7 support ends in January of 2020 so it was time with that new SSD installed. Cleaned up and vacuumed the house, then mowed the lawn front to back. So all-in-all, a good bit got done.

The big deal now is to do what the others can’t do and that is getting the AI issue disseminated into the UN and normalize that issue there. By doing so you help shorten the time it takes to get moving on real member nation discussion as an incident that sparks concern spends the early part doing nothing but getting bandied back and forth as to whether the issue deserves to be there (at the UN for example). If I could take a year off that is so huge in so many ways. So if I and the handful of others could drop the delay from 10 years to let’s say 6-7 years, that can make the difference between catastrophe or survival in the race after a sentient AI reveal. Funny that the reason for your entire existence was just to shorten the response time to get international policy for AI regulations and enforcement. But that could make the difference and so it could be huge. I won’t play games on this one but put the issue out there and go through the motions.

It is strange how you interpret things after the fact. My first side-event was the cell phone app for a popular vote worldwide at the UN. Zero interest officially at the UN – but large interest on the ground among ordinary people. When I started the event I was practically alone in the huge formal conference room! Normally you would find that embarrassing, but we did get some folk in there. 10-15 all told if you count me and the AV guy. And one NGO VIP who answered some questions at the end (that made it into the movie). But the big thing was this guy with a great idea sitting down and presenting it at the UN all alone. A guy who didn’t fall for social pressures but did the right thing – because only right is right! Ultimately that was the dissemination of a new form of global governance, and that is how these things start. Me in that large formal conference room. I was not supposed to actually get it but I did and it just makes the whole thing even better! The lone wolf presenting an idea to the world at large at UN headquarters in New York and doing it in style – lone wolf style! But in the passage of time, it became one of my more defining moments! A real tour-de-force that!

The positive mandate had much more people from the start. Maybe even more if I get the chance next February. But you get the idea. That is my job by disseminating the idea and starting the discussion. This type of job picks the person and not the other way around – and – it picked me.....

There is no point philosophizing about it or getting emotional about it. You invested the time and money with good strategy and doors were opened to you by others as you seemed the kind of guy who could get the job done. So I am following though on that. Others do things differently. I swear that a group of scientists at this one company deliberately snatched R&D money away from the quantum researchers and spent it going down a path that stood no chance. But they were very clever in how they sold it to management. Usually I decry scientists for lacking moral fiber, but these guys seemed to be the exception that proves the rule. Anyway my hats off to these unknown heroes! Anyway it is time for me to get some sleep. It is what it is and we just gear things up again and go at it one more time.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 8:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I’m still in the music stuff.

Jelleestone's fans at FOFSTOCK!

This is a crazy industry as you make no money but the characters and creativity more than make up for the hassle if your organization is broad enough to take advantage of that.


Here is a photo of Shane and Scootz playing to a rather large crowd in the afternoon:

We did just that getting TV shows and some decent concerts and even a movie - but the best was the advocacy and that positive mandate. A whack of money and 16 years of my life. But I wasn’t doing anything else so.....

The Lox poster held up there by our own JL!

The Lox at The Spot in Niagara Falls!

The Lox concert in Niagara Falls. On the poster it says: D-Block and F.O.F. Present. The reason why is because the venue didn’t have the 20 million liability insurance and The Lox aren’t playing without that! So Samantha set it up, but I was holding the bag if anything went wrong. Sometimes I think I should get my head examined - Ha!

The Lox all together! (Left-Right): Jadakiss/Sheek Louch/Styles P

The Lox ticket prices!

We keep the label going but now at a relaxed pace. We are almost alone as a legitimate corporate indie label with any street cred to its name. I really want the NuMetal act. We just keep at it. I think all artists are better with their music connected to our cause as it becomes larger than it would be by itself. We will soon put up better files of the early songs as this ain’t 2006 anymore. A huge pain in the bum as our catalogue is in the hundreds of songs. Just a lot of work in addition to the advocacy.

I don’t even want to think about it really. There are even legal considerations. And this in a division of our organization that makes little money. But truth be told the music is one of the few parts of this org that actually does make money - there is always that!

I like the cool factor a record label has, I like the atmosphere and the constant drama as they are all “characters” and they need an organization that has their back as it’s a cold lonely world for creative people with fragile egos out there.

See: This is how I talk myself up to do work for the record company. It does have its lure. You are a cool person to be in the music business. It’s a dichotomy of love and hassle with the love having grown on me over the years. But there is much hassle truth be told. So you talk yourself up before you dive in. That’s how this nerd does it.....


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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 12:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I’ll add this extra post as it’s relevant and funny.

Back at the AI conference in Toronto they were mostly talking about AI customer care. So I get this call from a human for the Bank of Montreal and then she quickly hands it off to an obvious - to me anyway - AI. So I even ask it if was and it answers that it’s wasn’t. Humm..... Cheating..... Then we talked a bit more and it carried some nuances well but the killer was when it asked a question and I asked a question back to say my name backward. Pause and then the question again where I asked to to say my name backward but the the first and last name a then total silence. Probably waiting for the hand over to the human. I hung up!

Human: 1
AI: 0 (Man, its even in binary)

But this will get better as time goes on. But the real kicker is if they get a quantum computer to do it and the second time I ask it to say name backward it relies: “Fuck You brown guy!” And it hangs up! Now you can be afraid! Be very, very afraid.....

But we aren’t there yet.....
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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 9:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I’m actually working on the AI stuff again. The three scenarios of happy co-existence (not), shanty town poverty (probable especially in the early days), and annihilation (sooner or later but will take some time probably). It’s a hard case to make for the research into sentient AI.

But here is the thing.

The folk that are proposing slowing down and regulation and reviewing this type of research to keep humanity alive and developing, are probably the same folk who would defend to the death the rights of such entities if they became real. Once the Genie is out of the bottle there is no going back. When you bring forth sentient life you can’t say – oopps – and destroy them all after the fact. May as well not have brought them into existence in the first place – right….. So really the most rational policy is to slow this development down and set limits so we don’t have to deal with this after the fact.

The United Nations is one way, but you can’t just rely on them especially at the beginning. There are no guarantees you will even get to bring the issue up, it’s all up to them in the end. So another venue is the World Trade Organization (WTO). If you present the argument right you may get swift action from these cats as they are more motivated by self-interest. Show them models of a true AI attack on the economies of the world. The lost of personal fortunes overnight. The destabilizing consequences of a large scale AI attack for resources on nations and their political parties – well – now you have an audience! Maybe companies would cut R&D for possible AI sentient if they truly believed the threat. And the threat would be self-preservation for the AI at the expense of humanity. So anyway, this is another plan of activity at the old FOF-IAIJ.....

A new extension to WTO Headquarters!

BTW: The WTO is in Geneva so if I go to the UN Headquarters in Geneva in September I will also do a recon mission at the WTO and make the most of that trip!

I must be out of my friggin mind! But I never seem to get stopped in my tracks doing this stuff. So bizarre and why me? I know why, because I was never bested by anyone in my university years. Some would say even now. And we are not talking about book smart. I’m no physicist or scientist or academy award winning director. But I have a vision for humanity and have started presenting my ideas to the world and they all work together. That may be rare so I have that instead. But I wanted to be a man-of-the-world and I got my chance. You just keep leap-frogging ahead. You keep pushing that set of goals further and further ahead! You are alone for the most part. You literally have to know how to do everything by yourself – for example the taxes – done by the accounting firm of “Me, Myself, and I”! It’s just like in university, nothing has changed. Well what has changed is that my disappointment at not being bested intellectually is now more of a call to action on my part to disseminate your ideas to the world and see if that has any impact. Given my situation and resources, that is the only way for me to have influence.

Anyway that is it for today. I have no idea what the WTO will do when I knock on their door. Probably not open it – but I have to try…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 10:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Double post today.

You can speak at the WTO at their public forum. Unfortunately the extended deadline was June 14 with the forum in October.


All my fault, but I’m not ready yet. I haven’t even started that paper yet. But it would have fit into their theme this year. Those are the breaks. So concentrate on the UN stuff now but start that paper. Look for opportunities but not just the public forum as there may be more than one way to skin this cat! Just get your ass down there in September and get used to the place and work on the paper. Your chance will come. But yes, the big takeaway is that speaking at the WTO is no dream but a planned event now. Just like that! And I may be able to do better than the public forum. We shall see. But the United Nations is still my bread and butter - make no mistake!

But rats, rats! And again all my fault.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 12:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I’m still taking care of things in the seedy underworld of music.

Actually it’s seedy everywhere. My motto: pay your own way. No partners.

Like with the paper. We had no paid advertising . Trust me once the ads come in, the clients exert control over the editorial aspect of running a paper. Even if they say nothing, you avoid topics that may cause them to pull the ads. Why do you care? Because once money comes in you get dependent on it and then you can’t survive without it and they have you. The paper is now theirs and you work for them!

Same with the advocacy as there are traps and minefields everywhere. Belong to a group of other NGOs then you have to abide by their rules. You self-censor yourself as what you say impacts the others in your group. Pay your way and even if an opportunity to skip out on an expense appeared, you still pay your way. Nobody gets away with anything anymore and sooner or later someone will find you out and possible use this against you.

If I didn’t pay my way I would be on FOFSTOCK 4, but then would it still be mine? It would look like mine to the outside. People would look up to you. You would have more women. But then the moment comes when your backers want you to do something against your morals or values and then it just hits you that this is no longer yours. You can actually go back and get the price tag to have your creative effort taken away and given to others.

Well this post is going off the rails so I’ll leave it here. Suffice to say I’m nobody’s fool. I work for the common woman or man as they have no voice. I want to hand off the orgs without any accessories. The kids have free reign to go where they want. So no backers and no hand outs. The orgs can run on vapours and are very agile. My dick is in nobody’s back pocket. I may not look like much but I am my own man and disseminate what ideas I want. That is rare and the reason I keep going.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 1:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A late start today as I catch up on sleep.

A more involved dissertation tonight for
Sure. But I have to get things started and run some errands. I will start the constant monitoring and privacy concerns people wanted me to address on the technology and social development paper. It’s not all about AI. We can monitor people so much now that they are vertically prisoners in their lives. I will address that today.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 7:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The weekend was a total bust. I did nothing but sleep.

I did watch a movie called Gattaca. It’s an allegory sci-fi movie where our traditional racism is changed to genome ism and people with better genes get better jobs. And have easier and better lives if they were designer babies. Anyway the movie was “ok” but much of it is too obvious and too contrived.

Not giving away the plot but one brother is a genetically better test tube baby and the other born the old fashioned way with flaws. In the movie he beats his biologically superior brother twice. But I suspect the real reason was because normal guy has a harder life (he got to clean up buildings as his job) and was tested more psychologically, so he wins that way. Why things happen are not so obvious or clear cut in real life.

The (the normal flawed guy)could just as easily lose on purpose. That is reality as it happened to me when I was six years old. I was in grade one and we had this race across the asphalt lot at the school. The race started and I quickly was in the lead even though I was a year younger in grade one. This was odd and I looked back to see number two huffing and puffing with all his might while I was cruising. So I slowed down and let him win. Try putting that in the movie - Ha!

Anyway I did not want to make my life worse. These people were the only people I knew and I wanted their love and acceptance even though I would never get it. It’s pretty fucked up but that is what happened. That is reality unlike the movie. I’m very much mongrelized so maybe you have the opposite - hybrid vigor guy- where the stronger, faster more intelligent guy is the one discriminated against.

One thing is for sure. Neither the guy in the movie or I did anything to change things. We simply played the system to participate but in the end the system endured.

They declared me mentally retarded In elementary school while a clinical psychologist said I had a IQ above average. Not their doing but my dad who was doing research for his Masters Degree in civil engineering at the University of Alberta at the time. They tried to stream me into grade school instead of university later on and I had one of the younger teachers tell me the truth about what was happening and why he and some other teachers petitioned against this racism and got me into the university stream. And there was also graduate school where I probably would have made a name for myself. And what did the others do with the opportunity I was hinted at getting? FUCK All is what they did! FUCK ALL!

So that’s a little bit of my take own on the human condition. So I slept through the weekend. I did note my skin tone improved with sleep. So I got that at least.

So that was the weekend. Was the winner the guy who actually won the race - or - the guy who could have won but threw the race because he wanted something more important to him. This was my doing. Like I said, life is pretty fucked up if we are truthful and honest.

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