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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 11:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, so we added Royalty to our list of advocacy for our positive mandate for humanity. When I drove Shane home he questioned me about how I came up with all this, so here goes.

Every day you wake up - and trust me when I say you take a lot for granted. The predictability of getting up and knowing you are safe. That society is around you, powering the lights and electronics, and food is there to eat and all sorts of staples are available to purchase with money that you get working at your job and that bad people are punished and good people are rewarded and all of that! But - all of that - is pure fabrication. They are human constructs that form our culture and you were brought up in it and know no other, so you never questioned it. But what if you were never at part of that? What if you were an outsider, or rather alien to it all? What if society didn't work for you and you questioned everything and then sought out other societies and found that one person's reality need not be yours.

So the world most of you live in is just one of a rather almost infinite variety of cultural lifestyles. Who chose the one you live in but never consciously bought into? Who are those that stand guard at the gates of reality? Who chooses the changes or not to change?

Well the people who blithely accepted their reality and still do are not the ones. The people with defective minds or rather damaged minds from the norm may have an alternate reality to present but that reality is most likely the product of incomplete thought based on typical human nature because they are flawed, and as such they are ultimately weak. The others are the normal people who unfortunately found themselves in the unusual circumstance that they were isolated and not a part of society. They had to figure it all out themselves - and that is a big "and" - if they survived and remained mentally intact, well then; you have something special that maybe can contribute to the introduction of new ideas or even changes to our global culture as they are like all of us but have that unique vision that lies outside the typical realm of ordinary individuals.

Maurice Ali introduces the Major Positive Mandate for Humanity at the United Nations!

Count myself as one of these healthy, normal, outsiders, an intellectual lone wolf. And I have my own ideas of change and the direction humanity should take. That was the Major Positive Mandate for Humanity at the United Nations. Fair enough, but how do you go about finding others with influence to take up your cause. I think the easiest way is to find those individuals at the UN that live in that same reality I live in. The Pope lives that reality and so does the leader of a Buddhist Nation. Royalty are those well-off, well educated and globally minded individuals who already are known in the advocacy game but have that global perspective that can easily accept what we offer and they have much more influence to open doors for support among member nations. Surprisingly nobody in my gang is fighting me or challenging any of this. It is quietly supportive if I can call it that, or "Hum, this is getting interesting"... type of thing. Anyway enough of this.....

Off to the Twenty6Hundred CD release party for want of a better term. I picked up Shane and drove the Mustang instead of the Enclave as he wanted to take a spin in it. A spin as in he wanted me to floor it every opportunity we got.....Hehehehehehe..... Anyway we got there and everyone was waiting for the boxes of CDs and then the drinks and photos and video took place.

(Left-Right) Randy, Jim, Shane, Michael and Mihai!

Anyway Shane did a video interview of the band but did not want to get credit for the official release article as he thought being a feature artist on one of the tracks would look biased. So the official release at FOF will be with me and Laura. One weird thing was that it turns out Amy May who created the cover art for the album was someone I knew for quite a while. She is the bassist and vocalist of the band "Drunk Lips" that played alongside of Twenty6Hundred many times back in the day!

Amy May is the brunette bassist/vocalist on the left of the band "Drunk Lips"!

Amy May! (Twitter)

Here is a photo (below) that unfortunately included me. The only thing I see is that I did not suck in my stomach and ended up looking like I had a weird pot belly. From everything under the belt it all looks good but why I wore that lumpy thick top is beyond me. Hint - wear a t-shirt and then suck in the gut when the photo is taken - too late now for this event. On second thought even if I sucked it in that sharp bulge near the belt would still be there so it would still look bad - Urgh.....

(Left-Right) Maurice, Randy, Jim, Shane, Michael and Mihai!

After the party I drove Shane back home and transferred the files of his Megadeath article onto a thumb drive I brought along. And that was how Sunday went. Man that was a long day!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 7:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Laura wrote:
TWENTY6HUNDRED's Album "Until The End" Released!

By Laura Tommasone, FOF Inc. / FOF Records Inc.

The front of the CD!

The Fortress of Freedom Corporation and FOF Records Inc. have officially released TWENTY6HUNDRED's latest album Until The End! The release followed a CD release party at the band's studios in Toronto. What follows are the digital and CD stores you can buy the album from:

iTunes. Apple Music, SimfyAfrica, YouTube Art Tracks, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Play, Deezer, iHeartRadio, Napster, MediaNet, VerveLife, Tidal, Gracenote, Shazam, 7 Digital, Juke, Slacker, KKBox, Akazoo, Anghami, Spinlet, Neurotic Media, Yandex, Target Music, Claromusica, Zvooq, Saavn, 8Tracks, Q.Sic, Musicload, Kuack, Boomplay Music, Pandora (but they decide if you are worthy), Amazon On Demand (CDs)

This is the band's third CD with FOF Records with the first happening all the way back in 2006! This latest album brings the band a more cohesive sound under producer Mihai Trusca who also plays guitar and vocals on the new album. In addition to the usual band mates Michael, (guitar and vocals), Jim (Bass, vocals) Randy (drums), Mihai (guitar, vocals) we also had our own Shane Murphy as a featured artist on one song called Transformation.

(Left-Right) Randy, Jim, Shane, Michael and Mihai at the CD release party!

As noted before the album is produced in CD form for promotional use but also available in its full 16 bit sound through Amazon on Demand. On the digital side you and buy the album or stream it on all the popular streaming sites like Spotify or Tidal or Google.

Album information summary via an iTunes snapshot!

So all of us at FOF congratulate TWENTY6HUNDRED for another great album and wish all the band mates continued success and creativity on their next project!


So another album for the record label! I think that makes about 20 so far. Going to the CD release me and Shane were talking about the direction the label should take. The Death Metal I have been pushing on you lately he called "Nu Death Metal" which came from Europe and is getting popular here. I don't know if we really want to go as far as Death Metal but we are probably headed to a heavier sound in general so that is why all the bizarre music lately. I will give you a break from that for a while so relax.....Hehehehehehe..... Anyway, like I keep telling everyone, we keep going and we don't close the doors on any company because these companies can run on vapors. Just keep going and building.

Now all of this would make no sense if we were just in it for the money, but we are not. We are in it for a cause, a philosophy and a mission. A mission of free expression because it makes us happy and what makes us happy makes for a better world. I could itemize how "happy" is desirable as in healthier with less high BP and less stress so less cancer. Less crime and such and less conflicts and war, easier cooperation. I don't have to sell that to you do I? Freest expression- more ideas and ways to solve problems. More development of our culture - Yadda, Yadda, Yadda..... So we keep building on this movement, this idea, this philosophy. We create a focal point for the movement that is this idea and organization so people know where to find it and examples of free expression and how it enhanced the lives of those that created it.

That is what we have been doing so far and it was exciting. Now I have to concentrate on the advocacy which is rather dry and boring. This blog of sorts was never created for "views" or "likes" or profit from advertising. It was just part of the experiment. If you came here because you are interested, then fair enough. But I don't owe any of you entertainment just to keep you coming back - that was never the intent here. It is just this blog of sorts and expect it to get boring in a hurry. If I was young and attractive then going to the mall or gassing up the car would have all sorts of people looking in. But I am just trying to change the world, and even if we have only a gambler's chance, just look at how few could care less. That does not bother me as much as it should bother you as that is human nature at work. We just try to bring out the best in it.

Anyway, I have to concentrate on personal taxes and back to the business of running the companies and taking care of the everyday things. We just keep going. You can think what you want of how I do things but we are getting places I never thought we would get to. You may think I am just a mark being used by others for their own selfish desires, but I own, and I use - just as they use me, so consider it a happy co-existence. Nobody is coming out of this alive, we will all turn to dust and disappear; but if I could give birth and nurture an idea that is good for all then it is worth it. All the crap that went with it will soon be forgotten as time slips away.....

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 8:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am now actually working on the cover letter to His Holiness, Pope Frances.

Vatican City

Yes that is how to address the Pope formally. And now I even have the address in Vatican City (and you don’t use Italy as the country). By the way; I have to tell you just how weird this feels. I have to set to the tone by taking it straight to His Holiness because it is for him and him alone. It won’t go to the Pope but you have to keep it written for him. But I have to admit it is weird writing this way. In fact writing all three is totally weird I guess because it is rather unusual. Anyway the thing is started and I will get some sleep and start to really get the letter going through the drafts for all three people and then prepare to send them out.

Did I mention that I feel totally weird doing this…..

But the weird part of the weirdness is that it is not weird enough to make you stop writing to the Pope for example and sending in all the documentation to support your request. Same for Bhutan and the other mystery of our advocacy. It has to be this way. Just knock on their door and try to start a conversation if someone responds and go from there. It has to be this way if you want to change the world in even the most miniscule of ways. But secretly (just between you and me) – Ideas can change the world in very big ways. Own that moment, own that power for I have only a small window to do it. It sounds like prose from those Death Metal songs I was listening to but for me it actually applies strangely enough. You have to believe you have to right to dictate change. Never having been bested in university has continuously shored up my gumption, my sureness of ideas, now you just have to make the play.

Paro Taktsang

I have changed my mind. You all are probably better off to keep an eye on this place and see what happens. Shane was particularly interested in all this on Sunday. Actually he was impressed when I spelled it all out for him. So I guess my ideas and plan of action are not the rantings of the insane. We have a chance…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 10:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have separated the kits and correspondence of the positive mandate into separate files as I work on all together. I also have to do my personal income tax and just be done with it.....

What else.....

What always kills me is those that laugh or discount the chances of me making a difference in the world. Did these individuals try themselves? Nope; then why criticize the guy that did and actually is making a difference. I deliberately started this to make a difference against the laughs and jeers of those who saw our first show – and where are they now? Or maybe it just bugs them that a guy with brown skin is making the play – and – that is what is wrong with the world today! Do you guys know how hard it is to do what I do? Hard for you (and you thought that was going in another direction – Hehehehehehe…..). I’m not doing this for my contemporaries, but for the kids as they never did anything to me. And by kids I mean kids (those curious wide-eyed and totally empty vessels waiting to be programmed) and young people. I personally see my effect on my own gang as they do their own advocacy and worry myself when that advocacy influence gets them in trouble. So far I have kept them safe but never saw that coming….. Anyway it is better for them in the long run. I have given up some personal luxuries to do all this. The car was the only indulgence lately and by the stretching for the Mustang instead of driving the econobox. Starbucks withdrawal was supposed to pay for the extra expense and I am working on it. But none of that is critical. I am most bothered by the little things like not walking hand in hand with some woman on a beautiful day. It gets lonely where I am, and you miss some simple pleasures…..

Even on Sunday the discussion was whether it would be best have more women in my life, certainly not like a permanent live in relationship but something to take care of my needs. The end point of the discussion was that I should continue to live like a hermit and keep at it without distractions…..Hehehehehehehe….. But that is kind of cruel on a personal level but inconsequential on a global level. I don’t have “a kid or kids” as you would recognize, but I claim all children in the world, every last one of them, as my own – and – I and my kind intend to deliver them a world that is better than the one we presently have.

At least I am “pro-human” as opposed to some rather talented individuals who quietly have given up on the humans and their mentally organic affectations that always seem to lead us in totally predictable and nefarious paths. They are trying to play God and give birth to an AI without those limitations quite unaware that those same despised humans such as themselves are programming in bias as in the basic axioms and postulates of the core kernels and resulting engrams of this so-called new and better consciousness. Will it be better – not if it is based on the programming of human frailty!

So I stick with the humans. But like the US military during the Vietnam War, it isn’t the most ideal war, but it’s the only game in town right now…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 4:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You actually get an update and when I say “goodnight” I actually go to sleep!

Well the good news is that the advocacy to Vatican City is coming along. I basically ask for a meeting with the Pope and then list the reasons for this meeting and the list includes the idea of the positive mandate and what has happened so far to bring us to that point. Then a more direct reason why we need the Vatican and Holy See to help garner a core of support that can lead to putting forth a resolution to endorse this kind of mandate. Something like that but I will have to be somewhat vague about the actual UN procedures as I have to review them and they were never really made for what I am trying to do anyways. But we shall see.

What I want you to notice is how I am now deep into the details of starting our own form of advocacy and attempting to take it all the way – as opposed to – just trying to get on someone else’s advocacy well under way and making some selfish speech and basking in the glory of that little deed. And that was just a short while ago, what I am doing now was simply unthinkable back then but with time and evolving your mind, anything is possible.

Juxtapose all of the above with my distain or frustration with regular society that is still operating in the dark ages in today’s society. Where people are simply given a worth based on the color of their skin, or what they wear, or what religion they are. Where people are still married off to other people they never selected, where dating outside their religion or race or socio-economic status is unthinkable. In many ways people are just savages with cell phones…..

But this is the world I have to work with. I told you before that I ran across authors in the past that had heart-to-heart talks with their readers from the future and told them how it was going to be, that they would die and things would go on and on. And yes, if you check, they are all dead, every last one of them. If you are reading this in the future – well – am I still alive? Or is this truly ancient history? Can you find out what happened to me after I wrote this? Did I meet with any success or was it all failure from now on? Did I find happiness in my later years? Did I die a natural death or something more violent? We are all condemned to death and only the particulars remain for anyone with interest. In many ways it is all pointless. But my moral imperative makes me make the play regardless.

Fact is we live in an age where the human race really can be eliminated from relevance just like – That! Environmental crises, deadly plague, an asteroid hit (like the dinosaurs) or even the sci-fi reality of an AI takeover – anything can take us out. Some very learned people have talked about the urgency to consider this possible fate. But yes, like the dinosaurs we also could be wiped off the earth just like that, only the details will change. So I and others like myself have to act even though humans are just a sad joke in so many ways…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 8:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well this weekend is definitely the finishing of the Vatican advocacy. My only concern was that if we rushed out that one then the one we submit properly through the UN may have changes or inconsistencies with each other that could lead to problems or misunderstandings. So I may finish this one and do the other one and make sure that things are congruent throughout. I will use a Swiss Chalet greasy chicken dinner as the carrot to make me finish the thing today. I really want to get things going but I have to do it as right as possible as the stakes are rather high…..

What isn’t high is my blood pressure. I took it on Friday as a lark and got a normal reading which for my age is quite good. I find it interesting that as I move closer to what I always fantasized and wanted (man of the world) that my biology is responding positively. Granted I am, as of this week, eating better and exercising more but that just started. This is the positive mandate at work, Doing and expressing myself how I want to makes me happier and the blood pressure readings are just another way of endorsing that concept!

So onto the label where Shane messages me that he saw Justin Beiber and a girl that looks like Salena Gomez (allegedly) leave an accident where a Lambo crashed into a cab. Shane parties hard (tonight at “The Dog’s Bullocks”) but has a good record on these things, so it is possible….. I checked and Beiber was in the area yesterday so it is possible. But we shall see. Apparently he picked up speed tried stop and the car spun out and hit the cab - All allegedly (to cover our ass) including Bieber running away from the scene headed north (allegedly). I have to say this constant ticker tape of stuff in the music world reminds me why I still love the idea of a record label. Like a hub for artists and all sorts of industry people, it keeps a creative atmosphere and keeps life interesting. It really can get lonely for artists without someone in their corner, even if just to keep some “atmosphere” when things get quiet.

But at FOF we are still looking at branding the label and that can take you into strange genres. Death Metal is not the strangest by any stretch of the imagination but there you go. Just keep an open mind when it comes to culture. New ideas are always mocked – and that is something that will happen with my positive mandate for sure. So I am sympathetic to creative new ideas…..


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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 3:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nothing much to say today which is why I didn’t say anything. The Vatican stuff is basically done and only needs proofing. That said it is now without question a fact that I attained my dream/goal of becoming a man of the world. Creating your own ideas and presenting them on the world stage and petitioning movers and shakers of the world with those ideas is exactly what a man of the world does (at least the definition that I knew as a child and not so much now). What happens after that does not really matter as it is what the man himself does that matters to the definition and not the results. BTW: I know I should use person but it was “man of the world” back then and that was the title I strived for, plus I am a man so it works.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 7:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I guess I owe you a proper update…..

Yes I have become what I fantasized about but I never knew what that would be like. It is sort of like people who think that if they get the look and wear the same clothing carry the same cell phone, talk the same talk and all that – that resembling what you see and hear will turn you into that person you admire inside; well it does not. So while I strangely lived almost exactly what I dreamed about as a “man of the world” back then, the reality is that I feel very empty inside, and I want more, more in what others have, like a sense of belonging in society. I know I said it before and it gets tiring, but you get tired of being isolated and alone. That probably is a necessary evil to be a man of the world but it leaves you wanting. You realize also that the superficial aspects of it don’t matter, sure on paper even I am impressed in how we look as an org and advocator, but the real virtue is what you do with that position and ability and so far we have done something but not the big things that were suggested in my fantasies but not fleshed out. So you get the title but not the inner satisfaction of making a difference, at least not yet.

I don’t need results for the job description to be valid but without concrete results you are like a guy that scored a job but maybe does not know how to do the job. I am getting there and you can learn the job as I am doing it but then there is how good you are at the job and how successful you are at it. But even if I score you still would seem to be left wanting in your life. As an aside I find it interesting that as we still look for distribution for the TV series, we nevertheless are using the TV series as backup proof of the positive mandate - as I said before I never saw that coming. Does that mean we don’t need broadcast of the shows? Yes we do because we are still disseminating an idea!

Yes, the original idea was to just disseminate ideas on the world stage. We have taken it upon ourselves to go a bit further and try to help adoption along by advocating more than anticipated. This is all gravy at this point but our chances are slim. But in any case that is what was going through my mind on Sunday…..

in other news:

Above is a capture of Shane in front of the alleged Justin Beiber car at the alleged Justin Bieber incident/accident!

Speaking of cars I did a lot of car stuff on the weekend and spent a few hours just with the seat reclined back and the sun baking my face and body - Glorious!

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2018 10:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This warm weather has me going out more. It is actually slowing me down!

I will set the deadline for the Vatican mailing for two weeks from today but it will probably go sooner. I just want to get this started and deal with the results.

I just had to deal with some music stuff and I really want to get out and enjoy the first hot day of the year – so…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2018 8:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well first off congrats to Twenty6Hundred for the latest album “Until The End” getting airplay internationally with the first on an Irish station I believe.

Next is progress on the advocacy for the Vatican. I will make a bound pamphlet of supplemental IAIJ material along with the bound positive mandate and also include the series pamphlet – so three bound pamphlets along with the cover letter and contact pages. Then we have the TV DVD shows and the rotating display and the carry-all for the whole thing. So we may be in a position to send the thing off today! But that won’t happen as we will continue to tweak the cover letter and such and maybe after a week of getting bored just send the thing in.

This is amazing in that what I am doing now was never really on the agenda before, just the dissemination at places like UNESCO and the United Nations. The hard part was just getting my head around doing this more aggressive advocacy and actually pushing our agenda on the nations that can make it happen. That is "man of the world" work so there is that realization.

I suppose this is what will define me, but all life is finite and some things you can have and some things you can’t. At my age the bridges are burned on starting over and all you can do is play out what you have already started. And once you walk away from that you are definitely off the radar scope - definitely off the map. This is my life…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2018 8:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am making real progress on the Vatican advocacy.

All I really need to do is finish collecting the files for the supplemental pamphlet and then with some tweaking to the cover letter – we are done! The pamphlet should certainly be done by Monday. I have been schooling myself on the Catholic Church and such and now and I believe I have the correct pitch for why they may want to endorse this particular piece of advocacy. Of course whether they do is another matter. The whole thing is wild in a way – a guy like me as an outsider asking the Vatican for support and all. But that is how the logic worked out and the selections were made. I am more than a bit curious how they react. The documentary stuff may mess up perceptions a bit at their end but I can’t change that.

So we just have to see if they react at all. At the very least much of the material I have reworked and such are useful to the other member nations at the UN. So it gets easier as we go along. You just stay focused and keep chugging along. I like how things keep progressing but I am also aware of the length of time it takes to get things done. Coming up on 15 years since I started things and posted a first post on this very message board. That’s a 15 year old board – a piece of history. Seven years since joining UNESCO and three years at the UN. The years add up and don’t talk to me about the money involved. But you don’t get second chances and we have our chance now.

Anyway that is the update today.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 10:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A late one as I slept over at my dad’s place. There Is some major reno work with the roof happening next week. So my personal life impacts on the IAIJ and FOF stuff.

I basically have all the bits and pieces to finish the supplemental pamphlet for the Vatican advocacy. So that should be done by the weekend and tweaking of the cover letter and it should be good to go early next week. That is exciting and depressing all at the same time. I have made my goal with the organization disseminating ideas on the international stage, but depressing as trying to move things beyond that is going to be harder. Not harder than I thought as I never really envisioned going beyond dissemination, this is a recent move but you never know. This is what I think about even when I exercise. I really despise the present state of human existence but what keeps me going is positive change for the future, for the kids. And that's where it's at for me.....

You never know. How many are dumb enough or smart enough to do what I am doing right now, maybe only me. That in itself is worth the trip; this adventure is unique in itself. The eyes of the world are on us just because of that. If it ends in failure then so be it. But I think it won’t end in failure and even if it is not all successful and somewhere in between that is still success for all of us.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2018 12:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A late one today but there is too much to do!

Patrick Roy with the Conn Smythe and the Stanley Cup (Photo from the vaults of International Hockey Archives)

Any way things have to be taken care of like the increasing membership at IAIJ. Our latest member hails from Germany and is a big hockey fan. In fact he has written an extensive article on the Habs (Montreal Canadiens) which you can find here;

In other news:

More mundane things have to be done like fixing my glasses as one of the nose pieces fell off and has to be replaced. Glasses are becoming a thing of the past. My sister had her eyes successfully lasered over 10 years ago and no issue to date. I could have done the same but I would have to carry reading glasses as I am much older than her. Plus I always wanted history to remember me – if it remembers me at all – in the vein of 20th century philosophers and mathematicians and as such I needed wire-rimmed spectacles!

What else…..

Well I mentioned many times before that when I am on my game the earth shrinks and when I do my international thing at the UN the earth is held in the palm of my had. This size of the earth is like a barometer of your confidence and influence in the world. Most people feel they have no influence or control in the world and as such feel themselves small in a very large world! But right now I may be at my most confident and powerful moment. No “no’s” have arrived yet at the advocacy or even things like the TV stuff - so the world is very small and even manageable. But the rejections will start to occur and the world will expand back to a larger size like softball size again (which is still not to shabby). I have room to play with as the earth is now the size of a marble. Yes, it occurred to me that small ball sized earth has shrunken to marble sized earth. How long that will last is anyone’s guess but it is now very small indeed. I will celebrate this day and moment with another greasy chicken dinner tonight. But it is true that right now I feel almost invincible! I feel like I am doing things not really tried before. If you are up on pop probability theory you will know that situations without a track record have better probabilities for success because their base probabilities have not been tested in the real world. Moreover the players in my game of advocacy are probably not used to guys like me knocking on their door, coming from out of left field, and so they may give me more consideration, have that little bit more interest, than the usual fare they deal with.

Have I got a chance? Hell yes! We at this organization actually have a chance to make change, mess with the machine. Why….. Because nobody has ever tried anything like what we are trying to do – that is why…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 2:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another late and short one today…..

I was bored after I ate my greasy chicken dinner and I could not even wash it down with wine as the dive bar was closed for renovations. It serves the local college and now that school is out they decided to renovate. So I took off for my local cars and coffee hang out. Before I even got out of the car it started to rain and as I reclined the seat and laid back all I could hear was the sound of passing performance cars with some gunning their engine as they past me bye. But I got lucky and it stopped. So I was drinking my coffee looking at some cars at this dealership and found to my surprise they were selling a 2016 version same as my car for more money that I paid for new! They really run up the prices on the used cars but this was ridiculous. But it appears the new discontinued V6 cars hold their value for those that just can’t drive a four cylinder Mustang. Some of the other guys thought that since I bought mine from fleet sales – I might, just might, get a GT for very little extra money especially if it was a 2017 they just wanted to get rid of.

Now the 2018 Mustangs have a revised engine with some problems so I tossed that idea out the window and now just looked for a black 2017 GT. I probably won’t find one but it makes for an interesting Sunday. One thing, I found - this Lamborghini Gallardo on the used lot at this one Ford Dealership. Who the hell trades in a Lambo for a Ford?

A Lambo on the used car lot of the local Ford Dealer!

The engine on display out back under glass!

You can find this same interior at the local whore house!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
Posts: 7732
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 11:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well the weekend was a write-off for the advocacy but was much needed fun for me!

So Monday was back to normal but there was reno work at my dad’s place starting Monday morning. I have to decide whether to work on the supplementary pamphlet or wash the car. Well I guess I will work on the pamphlet. I had a chance to print the thing but there was a power failure at the printer’s place so that was not possible today. Actually l will wash the car instead…..

Sure the advocacy is more important but you have to have balance in your life or it starts to affect your disposition. So wash the car and maybe some work on the pamphlet but I should also go back to my dad’s place and check on the work also…..

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