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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 11:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well Saturday night was a bust. Nothing to do, I had thought about going to the local dive bar for a glass of wine to wash down that greasy chicken dinner I had but too late now. I’m not in the mood for the car stuff either. So I am here typing stuff out to you who still come here.

In quiet times like these you realize that you really don’t have a private life. Only a public one and even that is sketchy if you really think about it. Lots of promise but nothing has been delivered yet. Sure there has been minor victories, but these only have value if you get at least one brass ring. I’m just bored and on a downer.

Having said all of the above I am preparing a presentation for the Bhutan and the Holy See advocacy that show this not to be a religious positive mandate but a humanist one that religions can embrace. Even so, while this was a high for most of the week, it never lasts and I am back to my usual self, alone and slightly depressed. I am supposed to be getting into a health kick after the biopsy thing and all, and what did I do? Well, I pigged out on greasy chicken is what I did! All that suffering and promises and look what happens. It is not over and I will be back to cutting out Starbucks after tomorrow on weekdays and take it from there.

I still have to finish up the formatted computer and now Microsoft wants all my Windows 10 machines updated by April 10! This shit just never ends! So a bit depressed. We still have projects on the go and sometimes you just want them to be done. But what would you do with nothing to do? And that is the rub again. Get some quite time, get some freedom – and your life is now completely empty.....

You can never win.....

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Maurice Ali

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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 10:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well things are getting back to normal around here.

Over the weekend I backed up all computers and replaced operating systems on two which was a royal pain for the suspect Win 7 machine. But all is good now and the cyber-attack of last week is gone with no unusual activity anymore. But things are getting back to normal. I even cut my hair and such. Next is trimming down a bit and the whole health care thing. Our projects are now of more importance than they were just a few weeks ago. The car stuff has more importance. Now that the threat of death or a shortened life is off the table I am reverting to my previous self. We did get direction from the whole debacle so it was not a total waste.

But back to the usual, back to familiarity, back to my normal life. I did have to rush another reference letter yesterday. Funny that as I was running low on toner but when I had to print a few of the letters off it just would not event try to print a few weak prints. The machine just would not do it. I got lucky and turned it off and tapped the machine on its side to cheat the sensors into thinking there was more and it worked. So while I looked at toner and balked at the cost and thought nothing important could happen over the weekend – well – it always does, so new toner on Monday!

Just back to the ususal which is for me is “usual” and unusual for you. I have to keep reminding myself of this. I am not doing the usual but that does not mean I am not doing anything. I am doing something and the positive mandate idea is worth the years, money and hassle, even if it fails. Even if it fails the idea will be properly out there. There will be a reason for my life big or small. I can at least take some comfort in that when it all ends…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 10:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

After I hit the post button on this I will send the final files for TWENT6HUNDRED’s latest album and get the manufacturer to make the first CDs – and yes we are old fashioned that way…..

Until The End Cover Design!

Until then I have to tell you that hopes and dreams for change in our world are very much alive where I sit. Change for us Is the creation of a creative environment where ideas can be born, and the creation of a distribution or dissemination system to broadcast these creative ideas and forms to the world at large. That is what I have created with our organization and conglomerate of corporations. It is not about money – but about creativity and the dissemination to the masses!

It was easy for me. I did it on an average person’s salary with a mortgage and all the rest. Yet how many people do you know who are doing what I am doing? How many people can slip from one reality of the common man to these other realities people just fanaticize about? I did it because I am capable and because I was disenfranchised from the society I grew up in. That schism and my magnanimity to humanity is what created this place – a moral imperative.

If I was accepted by the society I grew up in I would be perfectly happy with some teaching position at some university with a family and all the rest. Sort of like how my father lived much of his life. But that did not happen and the rest is history. And I still face the same problems I did as a kid. Maybe not so much at the international level, but back home I face the same discriminatory nonsense I always faced and the frustrating part of that is part of what is happening right now. I am sorry I am this brown guy with a Moslem name trying to put out a TV series with those bad optics, but the documentaries are what they are – the truth! It is more than just me and we play them up – but I will always be there and hiding it won’t hide it from anyone. Is it such a bad thing in the western world to show a guy like me interested in freedoms and transparency and all of the rest? Why perpetuate the brown boogie man mainstream media had a part in creating. Why must I pay negatively again and again and again? You have compelling programming and yet you balk at taking action….. All I ask is that you, all of you, try to be better than your base natures and do the right thing. You know what the right thing is – so just do it! The sky won’t fall down and the sun will rise tomorrow morning and life will go on. I now see mixed couples on TV commercials. I mean real black and white people pretending to be a couple to sell a product. It took 50 years – half a century – for my fellow advertisers to get the gumption to do that. Now, like a new toy they are going overboard with it like they did when they experimented with brief nudity in commercials back in the day. That is just one painfully long example that did not get big time push-back. Same thing here.

The world is ready for compelling relevant and cheap documentaries featuring a brown guy who is an all Canadian/American guy! Wow – what a gamble! Who has the balls to test that? Well interracial couples and even gays are on the soaps and that was the hardest nut to crack. Our stuff will be no different. And don’t pretend you guys aren’t reading this because I know you are…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 1:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow! I forgot about the daily update.

I’m running around trying to get all the stuff off to the manufacturer to make Twenty6Hundred’s CD. I also think the confusion with IAIJ and the tax man is now fully resolved. That’s where everything stands at this very moment and you now know as much as I do!

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

More work on the final aspects of music production for Twenty6Hundred…..

I like the idea of continuous creativity at our organization. Sure it would be more cost effective to just do the advocacy, but you can lose your course if you disconnect from creativity. Plus we have more “street cred” pushing our positive mandate if we not only talk the talk - but - walk the walk…..

It is the Easter long weekend and I really don’t have much planned. It is a wait and see weekend. So I may as well just do my personal taxes. Come to think about it I may as well upgrade all my Win 10 machines on the weekend and be done with it. I was going to show you a picture of me bearing my teeth, but I always lose my top row doing that. And it is my bottom row that has one crooked tooth to mess things up. It isn’t that bad but when I watch myself on video all I see is that one tooth. If I was White it is the opposite and the top row is always on show – then I would have a row of perfect straight teeth. But with me it all about the bottom row and there I fail…..

What else?

I did realize from my little biopsy experience how entangled we get in our lives. You don’t realize just how complicated your life is until you have to tidy things up in a hurry! Even for a guy like me with no wife and kids the shock of how tangled up you are in life is a shocker! Sell the house? What are you going to do about all that stuff inside? Will – What will? Finances all in your head but not on paper for anyone that has to take care of it if you just dropped dead! All sorts of things. It takes time to close up shop when it is you life.

In a way you want your life to be this torturous and convoluted entanglement. It shows that you have done things and lead an interesting life. Sure there are some people who live life out of a suitcase but still their lives have entanglements. The less entanglements you have the more easily it is to erase yourself from the human race. I don’t know if that is such a desirable thing in the end…..

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 12:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Friday is updating computers which are always a pain.....

The first is our office computer that fails to update to the Fall Creators Update. They keep pestering you to update and all the bad that happens when you don’t – so what happens when you finally try to updater? The thing fails to update. Anyway I am trying a different method and maybe this works.

In other news I also have to start my personal taxes. I am also on this heath kick and need to get some more exercise. I actually have cut down on the salt a bit and the Starbucks a bit. Slowly but surely. The weight is coming down but I am really just looking for about 8 pounds.

An event held by the Holy See!

I also have to finish my basic presentation toe Bhutan and the Holy See and then I can start to see if I can get an audience. It is easy if you are at the UN like I was in February. I could just wait until one of their events at the UN was over and just go up to the person and ask. It really can be as simple as that from where I sit if you are in the UN..... That is the advantage I have now. But before we go any farther with that talk I have to get those presentations finished.

And that is Friday’s update.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 12:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Posting from my phone.....

Well all all five online computers are updated. I was up till almost three in the morning doing this. A real pain but it is over. I’m posting the abbreviated version now because I have to run some errands before things close up again.

Much more in a few hours.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sunday I do the usual things most here in Canada which is just the Easter Sunday dinner with family and friends.

The computers are surprisingly free of gremlins this time around. Everything worked which is a relief. I will also replace the black toner cartridge in our reception copier. The one at my desk is probably due to be changed but the model is so old and defunct I may not find a cartridge. But we shall see. I really start the presentation kits (copies of the report and maybe some DVDs and such) for Bhutan and the Holy See today and then approach them when I can. But I am sure we will get final pdfs on the Twenty6Hundred album tomorrow so that is going on for sure.

The white one (that gets the toner) is in the reception and the black in my office.

The orgs continue to carry on primarily because it is the only thing I have created. It is the only thing that identifies me as a human being. That is why I don’t close shop an anything including the music. We just keep going. Planning from the outset to run these corporations as cheaply as possible pays dividends now as I don’t have the operating costs others have. I can keep it on-going even if things go dead for awhile.

I wish I had more years of my life to keep charging and doing things. That’s funny given what happened the last few weeks but you always want more. More time and time is the commodity you can’t get back or even buy back. I’m still in good shape but age is catching up here and there. Nobody cheats the grim reaper. Also, I go back to the periodontist tomorrow bright and early. We shall see what else needs fixing now that the lump (of death) has been removed. Then back to the usual.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 10:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just came back from the periodontist. We finally closed the book on the lump (of death) and it was either a cyst or vascular lake from the quick look I took. But that is now in the past and things got back to him charting my mouth and taking a look to see if more is needed. He hinted at some spots that may need grafting. Some work I am ok with and some not so much. I get to see him next week so we shall see what the prognosis is.

Easter dinner: As everyone updates the group on their work and life I could see that my updates had mostly silence. Some years I would not say anything. As we had Roman Catholics there I mentioned the mandate progress. But I think I am so far past the line of normalcy that I should just not say anything. I was even holding back as there is other stuff I have not mentioned here that is going on. I barely mention the distribution situation of the TV series. How many people talked about their TV series at the Easter dinner? The fact is I go it alone. The group I grew up with is mostly alien to all of this; and I am alien to the diplomatic culture that exists where I have to advocate. I am the kid with “red hair” no matter where I go. Bottom line is that I go it alone. Don’t expect recognition. Don’t expect any girls as the only girls interested in you are the ones that were interested in you all along. No money, this is a financial black hole. And the idea will probably be taken from you at some point and they will run with it and make it policy after changing wording and muting it a bit as always happens. But I see no alternative but to go forward and do that which nobody else in the world seems to be doing. You are not normal, you are unique and you have no place in society – but you can change it, and just how bizarre a situation is that…..

You have a purpose. You disseminate ideas and the fact you are going further than this means you have leap-frogged over that prior goal. Right now society is evolving and that evolution needs new goals and direction. AI is hazard-bound as humans are flawed and it is these same humans programming the AI – so I am sticking with developing humans – for better or worse….. Society will never let me in and I am too old now to change. It is what it is…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would have posted earlier but big time rain is coming and I had to get things ready.

The sump pump sits in that sunken water barrel.

First of all was to get some exercise outside and did that first. The next was making sure the sump pump works that prevents water from getting into the basement through the excavated patio. I plugged it in and it sort of worked – kind of. Then I moved that pump on its platform as sometimes the float is rubbing against the side of the pit and then nothing. Noise but no water – Shit! Shit! Shit! I don’t need this hassle before “the last wave” so I decided to get a new pump. Problem is nobody seems to have a big ½ horsepower Rigid pump for immediate purchase. I checked everywhere, only the cheap plastic pieces of crap that gives up after like a year. So I decided to fix the thing and buy sometime in the future. I figured maybe the check valve that keeps water from flowing back into the pump may be clogged. Grungy but still operational. I checked underneath that and pay dirt – a large snail! So I got that out and tried the pump. Well….. Let me say there was nothing wrong with the pump – and I will leave it at that. I hooked up the hose thinking that was it and then nothing again. The pump worked so what? I check the end of the hose that releases the water into the back yard. Sure enough there was the real problem. The grated outlet was full of debris. So I took that apart and cleaned it all out finding – yet again – another large snail (how the hell did they get in there in the first place…..). All done and I tested it and it pushed out the water with alacrity and cycled like it should. So that should be it for this year and I saved over 200 bucks just by trying some admittedly grungy maintenance.

What else…..

The CD fold out!

We had to tweak the traycard on Twenty6Hundred’s latest album “Until The End” and we probably got shunted to the back of the production line so we may have to wait another day or two for revised proofs.

Twenty6Hundred's "Until The End" CD face!

As for the mandate stuff. I continue to work on the pitches and kits. A nice rotating small desktop display like the ones I give out for the series would be a nice touch! But the big news is that I am actually doing this stuff in the first place! I still have no idea what I am doing because so few do like I am; but it is what it is. I have the gumption to do it and that is 86% of the way right there…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 7:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I get to go without my regular cell phone today…..

My iPhone 6s Plus!

Yes my iPhoe is going in for a new battery today. I had to order one from Apple’s support app and wait and a few weeks. I get an email that the battery is here and I have like five days to get the phone battery replaced. So at the store opening I will be there and hopefully get it back the same day. I backed up the thing and will erase all the information as I do all my banking and organization stuff on it. I don’t think that is a requirement but I have read instances where they need you go give up your passcode and all that to do the job. So I just backup and do a full erase.

My Blackberry Passport!

I will also take out the sim card and put it in my Blackberry Passport and see what life is like rocking with that phone for a few hours or even a day. Me and that phone went places and it was the Blackberry where I read out my first speech at the UN back in January, 2015.

In other news: The final proofs from the factory are in and approved, so I just email the go ahead for the CD manufacturing job for Twenty6Hundred’s latest album “Until The End” and it is always a moment of trepidation when I go to the plant to pick it up and check it out for the first time. That is probably a few days in the future. So a busy day for me. I will see if I really have some iPhone withdrawal but I fear not. My other phone which is the Note 3 was wiped for a possible sale and I can’t be bothered to reinstall and sign in to all manner of apps.

Anyway I have to get the day started…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 10:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Funniest thing that happened today is that I took my iPhone to the Apple store to replace my battery that says it has over 81 percent charge capacity compared to a new battery. They did a diagnostic in the store and found out the battery was dead. Her exact words were: "It's toast!" Finally some truth!
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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 9:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

OK, I will break experiment protocol and tell you about changing batteries in phones which the last was my iPhone 6s Plus.

With the exception of the Blackberry Passport all of my latest phones have had their batteries replaced. The reason is that you get a new phone again. My Passport though, is so unique and unsupported that this will probably go to the grave sans new battery replacement as very few know how to crack open a Passport and replace a battery, that is if you can find a fresh battery for that phone. But for the iPhone that is not a problem. Now Apple has the battery replacement program it always had but slashed the price after someone found code deliberately slowing older phones with the yearly iOS update. Many thought this was a deliberate act to get people to upgrade their phones prematurely. I see it more as an omission of convenience for Apple as they always had their phones rocking with the fastest processors around and that takes its toll on the battery quickly, especially with the thin phones Apple designs.

Anyway my battery passed the two year mark and I really use my cell phones hard, so I figured I would give it a go. First of all, you order the battery from within the Apple support app on your phone (you download that from the app store). They create a case number for you and then you wait. I waited about three weeks for my notification that the battery was there. You have like five days or so to get the phone to the Apple store you designated or they give it to some walk-in customer. So the next day bright and early I was at the store when the doors opened and was number 2 in line. I had already wiped the phone completely after making a back-up and I then connected to their wifi and they ran the diagnostic.

Here is some more bullshit. I understood informally early on they were not keen to replace the battery if it had 80% or higher maximum charge. Mine always said 80, but actually dipped to 79% when I ordered. Then with the wipe it rose to 81? Anyway these days they just replace it regardless but that new battery tester in the latest updates look suspiciously like the company wants to subdue the urges of people to get the battery. I say this because when I had the phone there to be dropped off, they did a real diagnostic and found that battery was effectively dead or “toast” as the Apple representative said! They also checked the case for damage and went through the disclaimers as no battery replacement if the phone was worked on by anyone other than them and if the phone got dunked in water. You then sign off on the job.

Anyway I left the phone there with them and would come back three hours later to pick it up. You leave it bare as in no cases but I did have a screen protector on it but even without being told I knew that thing may not be long for this world.

Come back at one (three hours later) and there still is a lineup of people wanting their battery replaced. I flagged down another Apple dude and he checked his records and confirmed the phone was done and on the way out of the Genius Bar. A few minutes later the phone arrives in a box and as I guessed with the protector cracked on the lower right edge – Crap! So I pay the lady and off to the people with the screen protectors who probably make a pretty penny off everyone leaving the Apple store with their cracked screen protectors. Talk about convenient parasites for Apple – but hey, it’s business…..

The backup/restore went well but realize all your apps have to be downloaded via wifi. Then I noticed none of my songs or playlists were there and you have to sync these up later and when the songs populate the phone (I have 15 gigs of that stuff) the playlists will appear. Same for videos and iBooks and all the rest. All my cards with Apple Pay had to be re-entered and all the same. A real pain in the end but the phone rocks a new battery now. Also the wipe is like replacing the OS in a PC. It can only do you some good despite all the agro.

I finished it up just now and I finally can get out and do my daily stuff I always do.

You do go through withdrawal when they have your phone and I have the Blackberry Passport with the iphone’s sim card installed. For what it’s worth the Passport performed as it always did even with the apps stuck on Jelly Bean Android – a surprise there. But I was happy to get all my apps and phone running again. Now that I pay for almost everything on the phone you realize just how archaic it is to pay for things with pieces of paper and metal coins – Just like in ancient Rome. Times are a changing.

I have to say though, that I picked up my phone the same time this lady originally in front of me did, and I could tell usually she would not normally give a shit about a guy like me. But here we were comrades in arms getting our precious phones worked on. She did not have a standby phone and actually had to go without texting and such for three hours. When she got that phone back and saw no obvious damage and all was working; it was like she had a missing appendage found and sewn back on. She was happy! She was so happy and relieved she was smiling and wished me well and even winked at me as she left. So, giving up your phone these days is like losing part of your body. If I leave the house without my phone, when I realize that, I always go back. These days – apart from my penis – my cell phone is the next important thing on me…..


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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 9:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well - snow today for Toronto…..

This is a typical winter in Toronto. Typical in that we always would get one small dumping in the first week of April and it seems this year returns to that. So while I am a shut in I may as well follow up on some things on the go around here.

First up is Twenty6Hundred’s CD production. Well we still wait and I suspect CD production may get done today sometime or on the weekend which means pick up for next week on Monday or Tuesday. We shall see as we are low priority these days.

The iPhone battery replacement: Now here is where it gets interesting. I charged the phone hard from an ancient NiCad practice of charging the phone to 100% and standing on it for a while. That means keeping the charger on it for a couple of hours. Apple and the others claim the phone will not over charge but bounces from charging to discharging at 100%. I am not crazy about charging over night and keeping it doing that but I did it this time just to be sure we had a full charge. The result was 28-29 hours endurance with heavy usage. That is about on-par with the original battery which lasted a day and a half for me. I think if I babied the original battery it would go the full two days. Same with this battery except I wifi watch videos now and bluetooth it to my car for music. So all in all Apple really did give me a new battery. I hate that it came with only 8% charge but it is what it is and most like to see at least 15%. So I fully charged and discharged the battery first time out. Most say there is no need to do this but that is not absolute, so I did it. I didn’t drain it to the point the phone turned off though. I kept it in performance mode that you can do in iOS 11.3 and at 1% the phone really started to stutter and lag and freeze so I know I was taxing a drained battery and turned it off at that time.

So it’s charging right now (just over 50%) and I will take it to 100% but not go overboard about keeping it charging. From now on I use it like I always used it. Some other notes:

The battery replacement was pristine. Not a scratch anywhere on the phone and the screws don’t look messed with or rounded off. They may have just used new screws to put it together. The line between the screen and body is pristine and frankly, you would never have known the phone was ever taken apart. So the actual replacement was first rate and well worth the 39-40 bucks I paid.

An old iPad 3 used to finish restoring my iPhone!

Keep the screen protector on and it will be cracked when you get it back. No brainer here but be prepared to get another and I didn’t expect Apple to give me one either. Also, if you wiped the phone better have another Apple device handy as getting your Apple ID back is easier with an iPad to get the two stage authorization completed.....

Apple customer service is first rate. First rate client service. Where else can you take an out of warrantee over two year old cell phone and be treated like this – and get a cheap cost on a battery replacement.

So Apple’s battery replacement program gets a rare thumbs up by me. That does not get Apple out of trouble here and that is where we go next.

Like so many issues with Apple, they seem to stick to the letter of the law but not the customer expectations normally associated with their claims. The synthetic sapphire crystal on the camera lens and on the home button is one such example. Is it synthetic sapphire? It is not the synthetic sapphire found on expensive watch crystals. I believe those had a scratch resistance of nine but Apple’s just went one above ordinary glass. But if you look into it you will see it is the weakest synthetic sapphire that can still lay to claim and then it is this laminate or little more than a coating on the pieces of glass. So not exactly misrepresentation but not what we expected either. But like all things Apple, it probably would survive a lawsuit claiming fraud.

Was Apple deliberately throttling back the performance of old phones to push people to buy new ones? No - they would say; they throttled back because the older batteries would chock on demand and thus throttling back gives the iPhone user a better experience using the phone. Like I said yesterday, this is probably an omission of convenience as it did push people to buy or upgrade their phones. The funny thing is that by changing out the battery it does go back to snappy performance. It is interesting, though, that Apple will only replace batteries on phones currently running the latest software. It would be nice to see performance on original iOS operating systems just as a bench mark to prove this case more surely. But it seems they are correct that their processors tax old batteries to the point of instability. So in a slick and slippery way they will wiggle themselves out of this one. The fact that the battery replacement alone reinforces their user experience reason for the throttling back. So the program actually makes sense to keep the brand loyalty at a high level. Having said all that – It is interesting that iPhone sales have fallen off with the battery replacement program in effect. I guess getting back a properly functioning phone keeps you from upgrading…..

What about the cell phone performance app baked into the operating system? Again, if I just charged my old battery up and hardly did anything it would probably go to 80% of the new battery. But the way I use the phone would have the phone sputtering down and percentage reading jumping all over the place. The battery was dead and defective through use. But technically I could see them showing how you literally could get 80% of the new battery charge. Is it completely honest? Nope. Is it completely dishonest? Nope. What it is - is adhering to the letter of the law. Apple is one of the richest companies in the world, so they don’t have to lie or participate in out and out fraud. But they are profit driven so if they can stretch the truth and such they will, as long as it stays within the letter of the law. To be blunt, Apple is a slick company to deal with. On the other hand, aside from Apple you are a nobody to all the other cell phone companies when you complain about your over two year old phone. So that part of customer service goes to Apple.

In conclusion, I suggest you folks with iPhones one year and older go and have you batteries replaced. The big question was whether you get a phone back that looks damaged or messed with and I have firsthand experience to tell you the work is first rate. So you can go ahead and do it.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 8:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have not forgotten about the Positive Major Mandate for Humanity. Far from it and we have made some progress which I will address now…..

First of all I have formularized the kit we will give out to any face-to-face meetings we have. One is that rotating display people love so much in TV land. A bound copy of the report and another copy published in The Fortress. I wanted to offer up the shows but didn’t want a case of DVDs so the result is video files on a jump drive we will attach to the rotating display along with other sundries such as a recorded personal message from me with the advocacy pitch for the mandate and so on. I have also expanded contacts to include individuals in the international diplomatic sphere along with some celebrities if things start to get traction…..

I am being good on my world that I will move this along at freight train speed. In fact it is a constant bother how I have to take time off to adjust and get into that headspace to do this kind of thing. Fact is, what we are talking about is changing the world in a rather ideological way. That is big stuff – that is huge! But to do this you have to have the gumption, the courage; you have to be absolutely sure of yourself. You don’t think the mandate is the mandate for humanity – You Know the mandate is the one for humanity.

We can side step the usual political troubles by keeping it intellectual and broad in discussion. Then leave it to individual nations to interpret in their own way. This way we should d get the 2/3s you need to secure the resolution at the United Nations for example. The UN is not the only venue for dissemination. TV is another one and in fact all aspects of the media from news stories and articles to music and books – it all builds the brand of our organization and what we stand for which is: the freest expression of humanity’s mental and physical abilities because it makes us happy!

The Three Fates

Perhaps this will all end in failure, or, perhaps it gets adopted – or – perhaps something in between. It is all good to me. We are strategically positioned to do this so there is no question of what to do anymore – you just do it. Make the play! The Fates, if there is such a cosmic reality, set the stage but the actual play is what they want to see. Sort of like watching a TV show. You know what will happen at the end, and you know it will be 30/60 minutes in length; but you watch it so see the specific characters react to the storyline that has been set up for them. And so will be my life. I tried to fight my destiny and it did not work. You run to the farthest corner, the most mundane existence and then – poof – like magic you are transported to the world you fantasized about as a kid, prepared for in university as a young adult; and now act on as someone trying to self-actualize their existence - everyone’s existence. The Fates are out there…..

I think it is certainly worth giving up of one life out of 7.5 billion. Someone has to do this. Someone has to have the stuff inside themselves to present ideas on what we should be doing with ourselves. So we go forward. I am at an age where it is a ticking clock that is running out on me. Not urgent yet but we have to keep going and pitching ideas on the international stage. That will continue regardless what happens with this mandate. We have done that at least…..

In other news.....

I was watching Chronicles of Riddick because I love the great pullback at the end of the movie. Not the theatrical ending but the director's cut ending. In the end a crowd of humanity comes toward their new leader who gets the job unexpectedly in his perspective, and then see him from their perspective and the long pull back begins as they bow to the new "Lord Marshal". I thought about this as my goal was to just disseminate ideas, but you have to be careful as you may get caught up implementing those ideas and you can almost see the protagonist think: "Oh shit - what have I got myself into....." Great cinematography!

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