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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 2:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A late one today.

The current editor setup.

I have a proper DCP for The Fortress Experiment. It plays wall with good color and excellent video – better than I ever hopped! Now on to the audio. The minimum for DCPs are left-center-right which is what I have now. It has proper sync but I note a very slight shift at the end that is probably CPU related as I was hopping around, but I will look into that. Also I have the audio levels at maximum and will probably have to lower it a bit but that is no biggie. The 5.1 mixes are more complicated but again, any issues can be CPU related. I will have to get a six speaker setup and test it in real time, or just stick with the four channels which are actually three channels.

I then moved onto the Real Life: Real Lives short and corrected two minor formatting segments and it is good to go and rendering now. That will take at least another three hours and another three hours to turn into a DCP. But that should be it and only audio levels being tweaked. All this has to be stored somewhere so I am going out to buy a 4 terabyte drive to hold it all. Then I have to figure out the Dolby 5.1 setup and look at it. But the sure things are the basic DCPs and those will be ready by Monday.

After that is household stuff, relaxing and UN stuff as it comes along. There are no sure things in life, and everything is just probabilities and chances. At the end of the rainbow is death. Always death. So you can add a bit of whimsy to your take on things. Nobody knows the future.

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 10:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well it looks like Real Life: Real Lives is good to go.

As for The Fortress Experiment I am going to try to correct the audio with a delay of 210 milliseconds and see if that does it. Normally a frame should be twice that but since we assume the sync at start is perfect we are robbing Peter at the start to fix Paul at the end. That is what some folk on-line are saying works for them. So what is going on? Well AVID doesn’t export video at 24p but at 23.9… - which is very close but not perfect. My DCP will correct video to a perfect 24/sec but I am thinking the audio does not quite make it. So for our short the sync is perfect or not noticeable but multiply the length by ten times and the length can make a slight problem in sync. So that is happening now and in an hour or so I will see if that fixes it. I know my viewer works as I checked the original DCP and even at twice the bitrate with 5.1 and on a tethered external it plays judder and delay free as in the sync is perfect. So for my DCP which runs at half the bandwidth with 4 channels on the same computer, I now know the sync is off. So we shall see if that fixes things. Regardless, even if it does I am keeping all the versions just in case and is the reason I bought the 4tb hard drive. Since I have the week off I could examine the 5.1 audio and if good try to marry it with the better video. But this probably would not work as I think the guy used a program called Resolve which varies where the frames are dropped on my 30p video so you will get wandering video. However I don’t know that for sure.

So I may actually start a real movie project in AVID at 24p. Then import the 24p fantastic looking video file and then import that 5.1 (24 bit 48 Hz) 5.1 Dolby file and simply export it “same as source” and have the DCP program simply wrap it! But it is never that easy but it is worth a try.

I promised Michael that I would get him the audio files to look at so I have to buy a thumb drive and format it into exfat and then push those sound files in. The 5.1 Dolby is 7-8 gigs alone! So I have to do that as well as the 4 channel version of the movie and short and let him have a listen while we still have time before we drop off the DCPs.

Actually this comes close to our reality, minus the red carpet of course!

As for promotion and the gang? We need to update the websites with some promotion for the premiere. Shane and the others are hiring a stretch limo to make a grand entrance to the theater. That should be funny as I am sure cars will be parked in front even if we put pylons there ahead of time. But that should be fun! But no limo for me it seems.

And so it goes and goes. Me making movies - If you told me this a year ago I would not have believed it possible. I didn’t think the video was that good, but we have passed that bar under my miserable skills at turning a sow’s ear into a silk purse. That is the real triumph here, not the audio problems I am dealing with now – but the main score with the video!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 11:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


I watched the revised movie from end to end and it rocks! I didn’t find a single mistake and the video was beautiful, actually beautiful! Just the correct contrast and gamma, with no artifacts, aliasing or any of that especially in the SD material. It is as good as it can get! Even the audio remained in sync for the entire movie. This thing is good to go. I am now satisfied to show this movie to the world. I am truly proud of this movie! Same thing for the short – it is all ready to go!

In other news Yung Spot has rebranded himself as Corporate Spot! For an artist that is a ballsy move but I like folk who think out of the box. He sent me some music already and I’ll set up the website and get it into iTunes and the rest of the streaming websites in the next few days. Rumor has it that Shaun Kelly is also working on new music. When this comes out is still up in the air so it is just a rumor, but the premiere is the time to do it if it gets done by then. Just saying…..

Side event applications are now open at the UN for the 57th Session of the Commission for Social Development. I should have that application in by the end of the week. That is actually really early but I will also soft sell the idea of a screening of the movie if possible in any location and format they choose. So I will get it in early and let the idea stew and see what happens. Nothing sells an idea like a good documentary. Speeches are applied for in January so registering for individuals and side events is all I can do now.

One would ask why the UN would let a guy like me in to prattle about a new mandate that could fundamentally change the compass settings at the UN. Why bother with a guy like me. Well you see this played out all over the place. Ideas get introduced and pitted against each other at the UN. Like a gun fight competition in a western. I love westerns as the Wild West allowed communities to be run by different codes of conduct. So you have this one community run by this former gunslinger who was the best in his prime. He set up a town and runs it as his own with his own set of rules. And he even has a competition where people can challenge his reign, like another alternative to a vote. So if anyone can kill him in a gun fight they get the spoils. But only “also rans” challenge him and it gets boring. Then he notices some idealist with talent like his. And for all we know the boss man was an idealist himself originally but got corrupted here and there in the daily running of a town. He gets bothered by the self-righteousness of that guy. A guy who lives poorly but keeps his moral code. So the boss man invites him into his arena to test his ability and this philosophy in his town. Why does he do it when it is safer to just deal with those of lesser ability? Well I guess he just has to be challenged to know he still has it and that his way is best. An itch he has to scratch. But letting in another fox into the hen house means anything can happen. It makes for interesting entertainment. The main characters always get back together for a final battle. Hopefully I get my chance in a few months…..

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 8:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I finished backing up all the movie and movie short files onto all those hard drives. Now I have them all hooked up and then piped into my main editor - what an octopus of wiring. Anyway I will try to add the 5.1 audio to the video of the present movie and make it even better. But all that depends on whether the other guy mated all those tracks I sent him successfully. I will only know when I import the audio files and take a critical look at them. But even without 5.1 we are ready to go!

The hard drives connected to my AVID editor!

I sent in the application to personally attend the 57th Session of the Commission for Social Development next February. So now it’s mostly just the side event and then in January the speaking application. It has all come down to this! I find it funny that I equate my presenting the positive mandate to a gunfight. But it is warfare in a way. You are competing for ideas to be used and that is at the very least a competition and at most a play for power at its highest levels and that my friends is warfare. What happens at the UN is really just warfare concealed for want of a better analogy. So the old western gunfight is one way I look at these things. It’s a competition to present your ideas (as opposed to others) or in other words “I” am fighting for the right – well that’s not right – the ability to express myself on an issue I believe is of utmost importance to humanity as a whole. All I am asking for is the ability to express myself – and that brings in the subjective judgment of others as to whether I get the chance – and we all know how I fair at the subjective judgment. All my life and social exclusion of the past now come back to haunt me. I spent much of the last hour and a half just thinking about this. Society treated you like shit, deprived you of everything. And you ended up in the most forgotten of places in society basically on your own. So this whole escapade of being catapulted from a life of that back to the arena where you always wanted to be is a bit jarring. And here you are in competition with those who mostly had a charmed life which got them to this point. Actually you are the odd ball, the uncouth, hairy at the heel contestant still full of ideals and not having compromised your idealistic morals because you had nothing to offer anyone to corrupt them in the first place – unlike the others. So the others probably also have it in for you as you remind them where we all started out and what time has done to us. A nice life that leads to a corrupt end or a squalid life where you still keep your scruples…..

All of this is going on and playing out as we make our final plays before a new breed takes the stage. But funnily enough I am here right now. Who would ever have imagined! So now you know all the angst and trepidation as I fill out this application form to send it off to the UN. I will probably give myself till Monday to send it in as I want to update the positive mandate report. I can’t even categorize it as a workshop or briefing. It is “other” as it is unique. Anyway I could go on for pages with this rant. The long and short of it is that a guy treated like garbage and ostracized all his life has to go out there and fight for the very people who treated him this way. He claims he does it for the kids but he is doing it for all in the end. And I am as shocked as anyone to find me here fighting with all my might and skill for a world where I have no real stake in. How odd is that…..

Let the competition begin…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 2:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Too busy even to update it seems…..

So the updated or revised report on the positive mandate is mostly done. Now I just keep looking at it and then lock it down and put it up on the web. Mostly the same thing with two new chapters to make it more relevant to the upcoming event with updates in a appendix. The application for the side event is now mostly done and like the report we will look at it for a couple of days and just send it in and forget about it till we get notice of whether it is approved or not. I am putting it all on the table as we know how things work and sending it in to them early so if they do review them as they come in they will get an idea of what our event is all about and less changes as we go along if approved. So this coming Monday many things on my mind should be off my mind for a while and I will just concentrate on the movie. It is up to them what to do with our request. I am making the play as I promised. I am a robot and I have been worked – at least that is how I am operating now.

We are still dealing with new music. Nothing is ever for sure here and we still have to work out some details before I take it and put it out there. That is why I never do anything before it is locked down so you don’t have to back track later on - there is always that.

I pigged out on chips and dip and now I taper off on the junk food and get back into routine. I pig out every once in a while as a tribute to my departed best friend as we used to pig out on food regularly. So every now and then I gorge myself – noting better then that! As I continue to try to get 5.1 on the movie. We have it on the short and now the main attraction. It could happen today but we shall see.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 10:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So this week has been a productive one.

The movies are done and all I have to do is format one hard drive to Linux and then move the movies onto the individual drives and we are set!

The next three days will be used to lock down the report on the positive mandate and post it on-line and also lock down the application for the side event. Note that there is no right or wrong here. We may get it or we may not. Others are also vying for event rooms and times and there are only so many spots. It is an actual competition of sorts. Plus I’m not sure but member nations may get final say over this so if that is the case things could get nixed that way but I’m not sure. Room availability even if selected is secondary to member nation use so nothing is a lock. But all I can do is apply and wait.

In the end all I can do is run the plays and see what happens. Our side event is a bit of an odd-ball defying categorization but I will put it all out there for them to know what will be going on. And we either get a chance to express ourselves or we don’t. I say “we” as I may bring help there for the first time – and again we shall just see what happens…..

This is it! At this stage of the game time, money, and everything else does not matter as much as making the play. You have the rest of your
live to live after this. Just concentrate on this play you have to make. Like being on some mission, you have your target, you have your location and you have a time frame. Just concentrate on getting in the side event and a speaking position to the Commission for Social Development. Some would say why bother since it can all go wrong. I reply because if we don’t then nobody will. Everything involves risk and if you have something important to contribute to society then you do it even if you fail. Just do all you can do! It takes balls to put 14 years of your life on the line like this, but in a sea of 7.5 billion people it does not matter at all – only that you try to put the idea out there!

Like any new idea the description has the propensity to sound crazy so I will try to make it sound as normal as possible. But there is only so much you can do. Heck, the website for the positive mandate is – and just how ballsy is that! So it is what it is though I was surprised nobody snagged But it’s ours so we use it.

So that is where I stand. I might go out for a breather and check out the Black Friday deals. Yes, Canada officially has Black Friday except it’s not a holiday. Anyway, back to work.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 11:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I spent the morning running errands because the rest of the day will be rain.

Corporate Spot website!

I started by getting a mocha at Starbucks and looking at some cars. The car thing has mostly played itself out so less and less of that from now on. I sent off one hard drive to be formatted to Linux and then have the short transferred on to it so that should be done today or Monday. The Fortress Experiment website needs the theatre premiere info on the home page so that has to be done. I uploaded Corporate Spot’s song on to iTunes and the streaming services. He had to send me the original artwork and wav files so it is confirmed that FOF Records will be releasing new music. All the delay was just clarifying things as the artist also runs a record label of his own. But that is sorted out. So the website under his name goes up too and it will be basic but artists can add to this as they please.

Apart from the movie and new music we have advocacy at the United Nations. The positive mandate report update should be up later today and then we only have to deal with the side event application. That should be done Monday morning latest and then I can forget about things for awhile.

And that’s how things stand at the moment.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 11:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

One more day to go.

Most everything I wanted to do got accomplished this week. The only thing I didn’t do was to check out a movie at the Royal Cinema but I can do that next weekend. The big deal was the upgraded video for the movies and that basically closes the DCP production for me. Now it is just getting the word out. and have a front page advertisement about the movie premiere and will stay up until the screening. The side event application should be out by tomorrow and then we just wait and see. Nothing is for sure there and we might not make it but we may.

Despite this, the overall mood in my head is despondent. We shall see what happens at the UN but to be excluded from expressing myself at the session whose theme is social inequalities and social inclusion would be the height of irony – almost a modern Greek tragedy! That would put the capper on a failed life where creative altruism has no chance based on our better natures that fail to transcend our primitive natures. Look, I can whine about this all I want but it will only matter when we get word. I am trying as best as I can and we have a great idea that needs dissemination and fleshing out at this very venue! Just make the play.

But I am getting older, and my life is running out. I get pissed off many times at how I had no chance to even have what most people consider a right. The damage is done and you can’t get back time. The funny thing is how time is closing upon me faster and faster these days. For awhile time was slowed down incredibly and all of a sudden you are rushing around to do what you want to do. And it always is over before you know it is over. I hope it is not over yet. I’m sort of like that plant that grows in a crack in the concrete. It’s there because it does not know it’s not supposed to survive. It can’t flourish as there is not enough earth or water and it just survives as this tiny plant for as long as it can and that is all it will ever be. That is my existence right there. But I do have this idea that has some merit, but at the end of the line I’m really no different than that plant growing out of a crack in the concrete. There is no starting over, and at the end of the line, your creativity and accomplishments, small though they may be, is at the discretion of others as to whether you will get to express yourself and disseminate those ideas. It always comes down to that, and I do poorly at the subjective judgment. However, the UN has proven to be a different arena for me. Nobody will be muffled at my side event if it occurs, of that you can be sure and all can participate! Anyway, nobody said life was fair, and my last gasp “beat the devil” play may or may not work. But I did try my best, and that is all I can do. Man, these quiet moments can be depressing…..

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 7:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It was a productive week all told!!!!

The movies are ready to rock and roll, but that isn’t the end of it. I should pick up the “Real Life: Real Lives” Linux CRU drive today and put that movie short to bed. Then there is the main movie. As long as the volume level is about the same on the 5.1 version I will just go and transfer the film onto that drive. But I might wimp out and have the guys just reformat to the base standard ext2 (128 node) from the ext3 format and then transfer it from there. The bottom line is I want it done and out of my mind. Then comes the laborious task of ferreting out all those folk from the movie’s past an inviting them to our world premiere. That in itself is a journey of sorts and all coming up shortly. I will split this between me and Shane as he is more connected to many of the FOF Records personnel and a bunch of others involved in the movies as in both the documentary and the short. So that goes to him and the rest is on me and we have like less than a month to go…..

An acknowledgment page when you apply for a side event.

This week I also formally applied to attend the 57th Session of the Commission for Social Development being held at the United Nations in New York City in February. That was easy but the application for the side event was more involved and involved an update to the original in-depth IAIJ report called “A Positive Major Mandate for Humanity at the United Nations”. I got the report updated and uploaded and then applied on Sunday night. So that is now officially in and there is nothing more to so directly with the UN until the New Year. So while I still plan things, I can put it out of my mind until after the movie stuff.

Other stuff?

I went to the dentist and got checked out and got the flu shot so everything is up to date. A lot more has to be done but much of the heavy lifting was done this past week so that is a palpable relief! You just keep going through the motions and making those plays. You fight other people with their own ideas but secretly you know you are better and have a more important message – but your ideas and theirs will still battle it off head to head for expression – it’s a completion of sorts! You work via a moral imperative and your past relationship with society may be at odds with your actions now but that is just the way it goes down. You are pulling the trigger on disseminating ideas that will help your target audience which is the kids, but it is for all in the end. So as unbelievable as it seems, it is happening….. You have your ups and downs but you don’t give up and you just have to keep fighting for what you believe in and what is best for the world. Well, look at me having said that previous statement with a straight face and without thinking about it ahead of time. It just rolled off all natural and smooth – just like that. It just happens like that and then you catch yourself afterward and wonder – that was me? How did that happen? Who would have ever thought…..?

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 8:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So Corporate Spot finally gets his official introduction and website and music with FOF and FOF Records!

Shane Murphy wrote:
Introducing Corporate Spot!

By Shane Murphy – FOF Inc. / FOF Records Inc.

Introducing Corporate Spot! Young Spot is no more and has transformed into Corporate Spot. To celebrate this transition Corporate Spot has given us at FOF a new single to distribute called: Do You Wanna?

Corporate Spot website!

As you can see above we have already received the song and artwork and have distributed it to all the popular download and streaming websites. When it goes live you can be sure we will let you know. FOF has also started a new website for Corporate Spot (still under construction) at:

Please check it out and more news as it happens!


We are slowly populating the page with links but it is working now. Here is the funny part, as we get the new music in the record label up; there is a lag between when something happens and when the staff gets the notices up. Like right now we have introduced Corporate Spot and his new single “Do You Wanna?” but the song is already up for sale on iTunes and places like Spotify. Then other stuff happens like Shane losing his cell phone, welcome to management, that's the way it goes sometimes!

Anyway I’m probably the first person to buy his song as I still value hard money for music. So even though I am posting a snapshot of his song on iTunes, it will be another day till we make the official statement on his music going live. Partly just the way things work in our organization and partly the substantial distribution that has to take place. It got on iTunes first and I bought the song but was nowhere else but Apple Music. Then it got into Spotify and that is the way it goes. You have to wait a bit or you make the announcement and someone finds that it still is not on Tidal for example. And so it goes.....

Next up is the movie premiere. Now we get the word out as in finding cast that is disconnected from the last contact information because it’s been years since we have talked with them. I’ve prattled about that before so I’m not going to drone about it again but that is the task now more than ever. I was thinking about making one of those back boards with FOF and IAIJ logos for people to take photos as we are all getting together for one last time at the movie premiere - maybe.

Laura wrote:
Details of The Fortress Experiment at The Royal Cinema!

By Laura Tommasone, FOF Inc.

The Royal Cinema!

The Fortress of Freedom Corporation is excited to announce that our feature length movie The Fortress Experiment will have its world premiere at the Royal Cinema at 608 College Street (Toronto) on December 22, 2018 at 700pm. The first movie will be the feature length called The Fortress Experiment followed by the short called Real Life: Real Lives. Maurice has told me he is extending theatre opening till 10:30pm to accommodate both film screenings Built in 1939 The Royal Cinema was also known as "The Pylon" but is now one of the few cherished movie house landmarks left in the city. You can read more about the cinema and its unique place in the film industry establishment as a movie mixing house by day and indie/art house theatre by night here:

Admission is free for all to attend! Many more updates and reminders as the event grows near but this theatre is one of the best places to present our own movie to those that participated in its making and the friends and family that helped and put up with the making of this motion picture!

The Royal Cinema Screen view!

The Royal Cinema back view!

More news as it happens.


Another mystery is how the computer experts can’t seem to format the drive to Linux EXT2. Last time I talked to them they said the drive does not work and I will give them another day of silence and then I will confront them and see if they can format a drive even on a PC platform. To add to this frustration is getting back to the usual routine with nothing happening routine. All I wanted was to get back to routine and The Fates are not giving it to you – life…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 12:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A couple of things….

First the people at the Royal Cinema have contacted me about the premiere. I will email them the information shortly but that is a go even now. It was good that I took time off to get bored – because I’m not bored now!

CRU drives!

Still with the movie stuff, I was finally able to format a second drive to EXT2 and then changed my mind and formatted it to the current EXT3 standard the CRU corporation formats for new drives used to download Digital Cinema Packages. Now the hard part is sending the DCPs to the drives. For this I am going to download a Linux OS onto a thumb drive and boot a Windows computer off of it, to facilitate the transfer to the Linux external drives. How cool is that – a computer in your pocket. This works well for me as I am just using it for transfers and costs me all of 20 dollars to do so!

So we finally got the Dear John letter from Sundance. Man this took long as I figured we would have been disqualified or junked a while ago. No matter and even if it was more commercial than I thought it would never have made it to the final cut and here is why. When I was cutting the movie I had some people look at it and give input. Their overwhelming suggestion is that it be about me and only me. That would be more commercial, popular and exciting. But I couldn’t do that! First of all it is advocacy and the experiment and its participants had to have their say and their experience. Secondly, making it commercial is single handedly the most racist thing I could do and in fact I would be propping up those racist values by placating them subliminally if I made it more commercial. For example, I could have made the movie showing some brown guy in a “going nowhere life”, all of a sudden go from that to starting a book publishing corporation and newspaper publication to advertising and radio play to making TV shows and airing them on the biggest networks and music production with a big ass concert on the most desirable summer date of the year in the year in Toronto’s Times Square. To the association and advocacy culminating in speeches at the UN and international policy making and trying to reinvent the international order….. Sound exciting – but imminently racist. I would be popular because I made myself into a freak; something outside the norm – when I am in fact the norm. People like to see this as it reaffirms their underlying believe that dark skinned people are inferior mentally and ethically and a brown guy that breaks that stereotype is so odd that it is a spectacle to behold! That is more commercial than the way I did it showing a guy mercilessly barred from contributing to society who lucked into an opportunity for expression via the new internet and changing racial makeup in Toronto which allowed him to start expressing himself – especially when he got to the international community. So instead of the freak that is unlike the others of his kind, you have a guy like the mainstream - yourself or maybe even better than you, suppressed in his ambitions because of the racist society that is tacitly supported by the people like you watching the movie. The North American public does not want to see that let alone pay for it. So it is no surprise that Sundance tossed me form a venue where 66% of the films get distribution. I don’t make it obvious in the movie but people must end up putting two and two together and start to feel a bit bad or ashamed of the things their society does to other people of visible minorities or disabilities. So that is what happened there and the reason we are having the Lottery Film Festival next year. We are going to show the world how it should be done and hopefully evoke change for the better. Anyway all this was deliberate. I am nobody’s fool and to be honest this movie would play well in the international arena because it is so honest and fair. And thus the underlying message is non-political and actually has a chance. We continue to go forward…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 8:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have a bit of a surprise for you - we aren’t done with Sundance yet!

I actually got the news about the main movie and didn’t think about the short (Real Life: Real Lives) but supposedly it is still in there and this is crunch time! Maybe though they just didn’t get around to notifying the shorties because most of the submissions are shorts. They got over 14,200 submissions for like 150 screenings so you do the math and figure out the chances. I thought we did good with the movie as I figured we would have been tossed out early. Anyway, the short still technically has a chance and I had to notify Shane (the star of that thing) that it’s now all riding on his short. So if it does get in then I move the short to the beginning of the premiere and we warn people of the language and the kids go to the drinks and popcorn concession for 18 minutes or so. I may even give Shane the marquee with his name just due to defying the odds. But I really think we don’t stand a chance and we just have not found out yet. But hope springs eternal. That is why you don’t rag on an event as a knee jerk reaction to bad news - as we still had projects under consideration and they do check stuff on the web if you are a contender – there is always that and my mouth always gets me into trouble.

Real Life: Real Lives

I did tell Michael that I would hang myself if the short made it to Sundance while the feature length movie did not. He laughed, but that short was just for fun. We did it as a movie version of his long Real Life song he wrote in prison. The language is violent and earthy. Almost all the players in this film are the real people he rapped about in the song. The only one that required acting was the prostitute played by Sabrina, but there was also the “John” who picks her up, takes her home, and strangles her to death (this was a real person BTW) and she didn’t trust our stable of rappers so I had to play the part which is strangely absent in the credits….. So poor Sabrina has to get undressed on camera as she changes from single mom to street walker. Then I shot her in the back of a real movie studio in Toronto strutting her stuff on the street. Then I drove up in my 5.0 Mustang and she gets in. Now you don’t see my face, only the back shot of me and Sabrina walking to her couch and then I jump her and strangle her there. My mother was not crazy about that scene, but whatever as it was a re-enactment of a real tragedy. Anyway that short is still in play so we still cling to hope only to have it eventually dashed in a sea of reality and futility of life – but I digress…..

Real Life: Real Lives

In other news:

I went home and turned on my computer to install Linux on my thumb drive and the computer says there are disc errors! I doubt it was the Linux OS on that disc but whatever; the disc is probably going bad. It is the original that came with the refurb Dell business class laptop, and a nice one with an i7 processer and all. But I usually change the disc when I get one and now maybe the time. There is no personal data on this as I travel with it so I can chuck the disc and replace it later today if I want. I will go back in and save any data later but this sucks to happen at this time. I am real about all this as I have had my best friend and mother die all at the wrong times. They don’t mean to but it always happens at the wrong time as in there is never a good time to die. And yes, it is all about me when someone dies, I always find it funny how someone else’s moment of death is greeted by inconvenience to the living.

But I will grab another laptop and download the OS and put it in the thumb drive and delete it before I shut down. Then email The Royal Cinema their information and finish with that. And finally buy a new and much larger drive for the failing drive laptop and be done with it.

And that is another day in the life of your freedom fighter extraordinaire…..


The Making of Real Life: Real Lives (NSFW):

Real Life Crew (NSFW):

Real Life: Real Lives Ending:
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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 1:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I am still learning Linux but I am sure things will be alright in the end. I was confident enough to replace the dodgy disc drive in the laptop with the ssd I bought. That is solid state drive and I took the old one out and put the new one in and – nothing. No drive shows up in the bios? Turns out the ssd drives are thinner and if they don’t hit the lot right they will not catch the slots at all and thus the no drive recognized. So I turned the laptop upside down and I could feel real resistance as it hits the slots and mounted – finally. This time all screws went in as last time one would not catch which explains it all right there…..

The reception area as it is now with Linux on the laptop via a thumb drive

So the drive is in and I put a Windows & disc in and it started to run! And it was lightening fast! So now I have the thing running Windows 7 and will upgrade to Windows 10 later as this business computer has stickers for both. Now back to the drive that crapped out on me. I hooked it up and all the files were there. I should have all the personal files transferred over by the time I post this so I haven’t lost anything plus I now rock ssd! So that all worked out for the better. But I have no time now – got to go…..

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 4:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Late one today!

And that is because stuff is getting done. I spent much of the morning finishing up the laptop repair because the hard drive that came with the laptop was starting to bite the dust. So I replaced it with a solid state drive and so far so good. I put Windows 7 Professional as I didn’t have a Windows 10 Professional disc and just wanted to get the thing up and running. I can upgrade at any time as I have the Windows 10 Professional sticker also. As of right now the thing has the OS installed and authenticated and all drivers and equipment work as that is always a royal pain in the bum to do. Then came the apps and updates and with a few exceptions all that is done. So I booted back to Umbutu and messed around with file sharing and I am presently putting the new and improved feature movie in the first CRU drive! Last I looked at was 10 gigs into an estimated 220 gig file folder – so this will take awhile.

Now I really have to start finding long lost FOF personnel and let them know their mug will be up on a forty foot screen in three weeks…

I have the time but it is always tight. But with the CRUs getting done it looks like this thing is really going to happen. Man - A movie premiere as I approach 60 years of age, talk about leaving things to the last minute. I almost feel ashamed to say 60 years as I sure don’t feel it. I feel much younger. But stuff is a happening so just concentrate on that. You just try to forget that you are using up all your life and make those plays. You are making pays with others your age. And most of those are CEOs just like you, but you had the harder path (I may be the saddest example of a president and CEO but I am there with the rest of them in the arena – at least I got that). So make the most of it bud as there is no starting over. There are no reruns.

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
Posts: 7731
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 7:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another late one today….. And I am so busy I forgot about our announcements:

Shane Murphy wrote:
Corporate Spot’s New Single Released!

By Shane Murphy, FOF Inc. / FOF Records Inc.

The song on iTunes!

The Fortress of Freedom Corporation and FOF Records Inc. have officially released Corporate Spot’s latest single Do You Wanna?! What follows are the digital and CD stores you can buy the album from:

iTunes. Apple Music, SimfyAfrica, YouTube Art Tracks, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Play, Deezer, iHeartRadio, Napster, MediaNet, VerveLife, Tidal, Gracenote, Shazam, 7 Digital, Juke, Slacker, KKBox, Akazoo, Anghami, Spinlet, Neurotic Media, Yandex, Target Music, Claromusica, Zvooq, Saavn, 8Tracks, Q.Sic, Musicload, Kuack, Boomplay Music, Pandora (but they decide if you are worthy), Amazon On Demand (CDs)

This is the artist’s third project with FOF Records but the first under the Corporate Spot name!

This song is available in its full 16 bit sound through Amazon on Demand. On the digital side you can buy the single or stream it on all the popular streaming sites like Spotify or Tidal or Apple Music.

So all of us at FOF congratulate Corporate Spot for another great song and wish him continued success and creativity on his next project!


Sam wrote:
2018 Royalty/Christmas Bonus Checks Sent Out!

By Samantha Blackwell, Account Executive IAIJ-FOF Group

It's that time of the year again and royalty and bonus checks are being sent out. If you have changed addresses and contact information please contact us so we can send you your money in time for Christmas. Season's greetings and happy holidays to all at FOF and IAIJ!


So after I setup my laptop, I celebrated with some greasy chicken and then decided to get serious about the CRU movie drives. I decided to format one drive through Ubuntu (Linux) and see if the permissions stay if I did it through that computer. The drive was a 500 gig drive like the new SSD I put in and didn’t check like I should and formatted the PC drive to EXT3!!!!! Words cannot fully comprehend how pissed off I was. Partly because of the brain fart that lead to that and partly because of all the wasted hours spent loading up files and updating things.....

But nothing on the disc was irreplaceable so I just went to my dad’s place with the wifi and loaded it all back up again. That took me to Sunday morning and this time I disconnected that drive so there would be no way to screw up that drive again or anytime soon! So now the laptop was an empty shell of a thing with a thumb drive operating system. Now for those not used to Linux, you have to know that file permissions are a big thing in this OS. With Windows like NTFS you can just paste/copy/read and write with abandon, not so here. Every time I mounted a drive it would bark at me that I was not the owner and did not have permission to write to the disc.

Linux hack!

I employed a cheesy hack which is not proper but works exploiting a glitch in Linux with a (DOS) like command. (And for those in the know – yes - it took me three tries in long hand to get the coding right!) The big movie is almost done and I will check the file format on another computer and if all the file properties check out we are finished with The Fortress Experiment. Then I will do the same thing with Real Life: Real Lives and meet my goals of finishing the CRU drives this weekend. I will also finish off the laptop and everything should be good to go Monday. Then comes the unenviable task of letting everyone know about the show. We will also put up some flyers around the neighborhood as it is free admission to the general public. I have 400 seats – larger than the largest at any Cineplex, and I need to fill those up!

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