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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 8:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well Blackberry fans, those that are left, are in countdown mode for the last three days till WhatsApp fails to function. This was mostly regarded as the real EOL notice for the Blackberry 10 operating system. This really is the death for Blackberry as a phone company. The Android Blackberries still being sold around the world are only licences with the logo on the back. You can get one final Blackberry called the KeyOne that runs the latest Android and has a physical keyboard, and arguably it still is connected to the real Blackberry in Waterloo as the design came from Canada. But for the hardcore patriots, Blackberry was only Blackberry when it was making its own phones and running its own operating system. Also, Windows phones are also on death march as the older phones go dark along with Blackberry when it comes to WhatsApp. But only the older phones. For Blackberry you can still cheat and have WhatsApp by using and installing the Android version as Blackberry 10 devices also have Android runtime, but at Jelly Bean level. So Android apps will work for a while yet but with Blackberry itself shuttering Blackberry World in two years it is all over folks.

For me I got my start with Blackberry when I replaced my old Motorola Flip phone from like 1991 with a Blackberry 7100. A really cool device as it sort of looked like what we would call a phone today instead of those oval monstrosities that had keys spread out like in the old corporate Blackberry phones.

Blackberry 7100

Then I moved up to the 8320, and was blown away with having a camera on the phone and could also shoot real crappy video! This was the start of citizen journalism as I used to carry a camera with me all the time just in case some accident or news event happened. Now I just kept the phone and you were good to go anywhere!

Blackberry 8320 beside my 7100!

I jumped from there to an iPhone 4 but still bought my brother-in-law's Blackberry Torch. The Torch was the tipping point where the iPhone really showed its superiority. I was also starting to use more phone lines now and also bought a Blackberry Bold and a Blackberry 8520 for my dad along the way.


But the iPhone was my go to phone and stayed that way until I got the Samsung Note 3 which was another revelation with the big screen. Everyone looked at me and shook their head and said they could never use anything that big (we all know what happened in the end). But that is just a side note. One year after getting that phone I got notice from the UN that I could go there for the NGO committee hearings in January of 2015. My dream come true I celebrated this by buying a just out Blackberry Passport! This was the last gasp for Blackberry and was most definitely a Blackberry and a phone like no other – because it was square! People would sneak a peek at you using it. They would talk to you in the elevator about it. At this one company an actual crowd (about ten people) gathered around to let me show it off. Blackberry was still cool for one last time. At my parent’s place one of my sister’s friends was visiting and she shouted: “Hey that’s a Passport!” In New York the UN folk eye-balled the phone. Interestingly, women on the street couldn’t get enough of that phone and their eyes just stared at it at crosswalks and they would walk with me to look at it some more as the phone was not yet available in the States. That phone was interesting because of the size and square screen. It also could run Android and Blackberry apps. It actually was a cool phone. That is the only Blackberry I still have now. And now that phone is riding into the sunset.....

Blackberry Passport

I even have a playbook that is used as a video and music player as it has twin speakers on it and puts out the volume. But this is it for Blackberry as a phone maker. Unofficially they still have me using Blackberry Enterprise as they think they can still get that business from me and they still may. But the phone stuff is definitely history.

In other news there is no news and that is a good thing as I am grooving to the idea of nothing to do – now that it is coming to an end. I was looking at some old William F. Buckley “Firing Line” clips. Buckley was this intellectual who was very opinionated and had frequent dustups with other intellectuals. Just so funny! Nothing but poses in his chair leaning back with a wry smile and cutting up his guest with that language and bulging eyeball stare. The best were his scraps with Gore Vidal – another intellectual – where you could see two wimpy eggheads threatening each other with violence – just too funny! But this was what I did in the quieter moments before things around here really ramped up.....

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 3:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Super late one today.....

Almost three in the afternoon and I have done nothing. That is not bad and according to plan but I was actually walking or pacing up and down my bedroom for no reason. I need some action even if it is negative. This is driving me crazy. But only two days left and all sorts of things to do. If I had a family it would all be moot. But I don’t and do this other stuff so business hours.

And that really is about it. I had some other ideas but think I will force myself outside and just do – something..... Two more days.....

Oh, my iPhone crapped out on me and kept trying to turn on and off over and over again. The battery levels kept changing saying 1 percent then instantly 15 percent and so on. I am not alone on this and there are several class-action law suits headed to the courts about Apple and the batteries and slowing down of the phones. For me I just wanted my phone to work. I started switching cables and used an iPad plug and finally got the phone to charge and so far so good. But I was almost at the point of switching the sim to the Note 3 and taking the phone into the Apple Store.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 9:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I’ve gone this far I may as well just close it out with nothing but sleep and moping around the house.

It is getting blisteringly cold now. My home town of Winnipeg was actually colder than the North Pole on Christmas Day! Anyway it is shut in time and that just means more relaxing and down time. In the end this has to be a good thing for my mind and body so I just stick to the plan and do very little. I should watch a movie today since I have all those movies from when HMV bit the dust. It is interesting that when you get lazy and do nothing, even writing for this update gets tedious. I can see how immobility catches itself and escalates as you do less and less. I can see how it happens to other people - But not to me!

My iPhone 6s Plus!

The iPhone is back to normal. I think I really messed it up shovelling snow in -19 degree weather and having it outside my jacket. Still, there is documented proof that the iPhone’s battery and indicators are messed up deliberately or otherwise. You have to see the nonsense to believe it and gives some credence to iPhone user’s claims that the phones are being messed with to spur sales of the next model. Usually I don’t carp about tech here because it all looks so dated and old in review, but this crap has to be mentioned and from the most profitable company on the planet no less! I turned on my iPhone just after a reset and it goes from 1% and then to 65%. It just never did it before this latest iOS11 series of updates.....

Go figure.....
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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 7:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well it turned out I slept though the New Year festivities. I had thought to go to my dad’s place with my sister for a small celebration, or driving downtown and catch it in amongst the multitudes; but instead I slept through it..... ZZZZzzzzzzzz.....

The Fortress Experiment is done. My personal goals were all realized from start to finish in the experiment. Those ideas at the side event last February were distributed in a synopsis of the Session to all Member States of the United Nations officially – so we did accomplish our goals in setting up an organization that disseminates ideas on the world stage for use in the betterment for all. That actually happened! I did talk to member states about journalism and free speech culminating in the acknowledgment of citizen journalists and other media workers on the internet as valid practitioners of their craft at WSIS+10. It did happen! No fantasy there but hard reality. But this was a hard fought reality in that ivory tower that is the United Nations. The pragmatic value has yet to happen on the ground, in that place we call the real world.....

I was never supposed to do any of the things I have done. There was never any hope - unless you thought outside the box – but in doing those things in The Fortress Experiment, we have dismissed that idea and have given hope to all! Just my little experience alone has had this carry-over effect to my gang who are now more dynamic and motivated to do more than what they ever thought they could do before. Abilities may vary, but the idea they can be more than what society says they can be is powerful, and our own little experiment puts that out there as well as propping up the positive mandate for humanity. It is all good from within here. The challenge is to get those still operating in the usual way to help do our bidding of dissemination whether they know it or not.

So it is back to the world of the usual tomorrow. Back to the world of hurt. Back to the prejudices, the class or caste systems of society. Back to the irrationality of human nature at its worst. Back to a place with no love for me because people still can’t go past social conventions based on the color of your skin or even your last name. At my age I fear not much will change for me on the ground like it did for me amongst the elites of society. They are two different worlds I now occupy at the same time. But this union in my mind and this schism in my environment is probably the best thing that happened in a while. It tests access to the decision makers of the world – if you have the balls to try! And it opens up the ability of those with good ideas that would never get a hearing on their own – to put out these ideas on the world stage and have the usual apparatuses of dissemination take or steal that idea and make it reality. Ideas are not so much property as they are ideas for all. Short term monetary gain or fame is fleeting. Nobody lives forever.....

Happy New Year.....
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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 1:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I made it.....

I finished the vacation basically doing nothing! Having a type “A” personality do nothing for a week or two is like almost impossible, but I did it! This type of vacation is needed occasionally even if I always feel raring to go. But the fact is non-stop pushing it will have a negative impact on your health so you literally have to force yourself to do nothing. Or train yourself to do nothing.

I did nothing today, absolutely nothing. I did sleep and surf the web. That was about it. This is all good. What comes next is probably constant rejection with the TV stuff and frustration and rejection with the UN initiatives. You keep at it as there is always that possibility that something positive will happen. But even if it does you will probably have gone through considerable rejection. So this break from the pace sort of fortifies you for the upcoming pain. The plays are playing out and things generally start to move downward from the stellar rises in things that you had in the past. You are also getting older and being tied down with more family responsibility that used to be shouldered by your parents. Soon it will all be on you. Simple things in life you now realize will never be attainable for you. The simplest of things! You realize that those simple things are just accepted by others as a right and they get it without a second thought. But for you it means having to turn society upside down just to accommodate yourself, and that isn’t going to happen. That is always a tough pill to swallow but human beings are weak that way.

So back to it all. And especially back to the entertainment world. We are still creating. Still pitching for distribution. We have a great story to tell and it is all real. But we compete amongst other forms of entertainment that are just entertainment, where anything and everything goes. Our story is the story and we can’t change that. But it is real and a great story. But you watch how things play out and why I needed this break to recharge the system for an onslaught of rejection and despair. We are putting a true story out there against other forms of entertainment that have no limits. How can you compete with that? Anyway, we still try.....



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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 8:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So Tuesday was back to work.....

I started things off by taking out two large file folders of receipts and that with the emailed receipts should start me on the taxes – yes always taxes. Then I topped up all the bank accounts- and there are a zillion of them – you regular people have no idea. All sorts of little things like taking out the garbage and washing the dishes, shovelling the snow and even raking up some left over leaves from the fall that collected near the front door.

Back to the usual.....

But here is the dicey part. I have started thinking about the long game. Started thinking about how many years at this I have left. You look at the total picture. At least nine years left and maybe more on the advocacy front. There is the business but there is also the emotion side, you are a human being after all, and all the complications that family responsibilities bring into all this. It starts to get complicated but one thing is for sure: You make the plays!

You make the plays as in you continue to lobby broadcasters for TV air play and you continue to advocate member states of the UN on your important projects. For the TV stuff you keep pitching. There is an urge to scale this back as there are only a finite number of these people to go to. Scaling back would keep the “dream” alive for as long as you wanted. But we here are not like that. The reality is that if you wimp out and stop pitching, then you have no chance. If nobody gets your TV show to evaluate then no broadcaster is going to air it - 100% certainty. Scaling back only dramatically decreases the odds as the show gets old and irrelevant. The actual experiment ended less than a year ago, so all is still good. I can even make an argument that prior to this – like at TVO – the show was incomplete and a different animal than what we have today, but now it is finished and really can’t be improved in conceptual ways.

So there is really no argument not to go for it all right now! As long as you keep submitting you live in hope, that something can happen and by submitting you actually do open the possibility for something to happen. Shrink back out of fear and nothing happens and that is for certain! So we keep at it. At the UN and in TV Land. I got over my fear at the UN last year and start up with this upgraded advocacy for 2018. And we still create at FOF and do in-depth journalism at IAIJ. I can’t advocate full expression if we don’t practice what we preach – so it just continues.

People would say I am reaching an age where I should get my house in order as the years are catching up on me. But what I am doing now is getting my house in order! You only live once and this – is – what I always wanted and fantasized about. It is just coming late in life but that is not a reason to pack up my toys and go home and supposedly save for retirement. You do what you want to do and you do it now. And I have a moral obligation to carry though with the agenda, especially since many have opened doors for me under the pretext that I would not balk and quit, but rather persevere and do some good! I’m not in a bad situation anyway, so everything carries on like a freight train at full throttle. I just wanted to explain why I am pushing things like I am. If this was just a vanity then I would spread the stuff out forever and just wine and dine attractive women and drive nice cars and live the fantasy of the good life until my pecker stops working. But – instead – we have a real chance of making some change in the world, and that is no fantasy. So like it or not we push things and if we get non-stop rejection; then that is just part of the game. You win a few and you lose a few but you keep fighting. Crap, now I’m quoting Gordon Gecko from Wall Street.....Hehehehehehe.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 1:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just an update:

Well for what it’s worth I have selected our next broadcaster to pitch. I’ll keep this one quite for the time being but I already went to Staples to start preparing the thing.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 11:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Got up early and slept in so a late start today.....

This return to work week has been riddled with bureaucratic problems from the start. The best so far is Koodo Mobile that sent me their first bill. I got in on line and even that was a problem with me calling the Philippines help center to log in. Now whenever I try to pay with any credit card it says there is an error. So I spent an hour and a half with these guys trying to fix it. I still don’t think they did but told me to give them 72 hours which is really five days before I tried to pay again! So that is still in limbo. Just stuff like that. For Thursday I will start burning DVDs for that next pitch. Yes we are not shirking from the pitches. The weather still sucks – always cold - and has an impact on your emotions and general well-being. Just a whole lot of little things that suck!

Sabrina helping out during a music video!

I did call up some of my gang about updates and such but still a bit quiet around here. And with the push for broadcast I am getting in touch with my gang from way back. Take Sabrina who did work for us and even starred in some music videos; after like ten years I wonder what she is up to? She did modeling back then and I have so many photos of her l don't know which ones to post...

A posed shot back in the day!

This was Sabrina pretending to be dead, it didn't work as she looked too good - Ha!

And that is about it for now.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 8:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Made a big move.....

We now have our American broadcaster target in the States and we meet all their requirements! I’m keeping all these secret for now as a little uncertainty always works well in negotiations. But we are back in the States! This is a big move because airplay in the States is airplay in Canada and a broadcast population of about 400 million people! That almost gets me half way to my original goal of 1 billion broadcast distribution of The Fortress Experiment worldwide! Big stuff folks.....

Of course the odds are still against us but now they are like everyone else’s. But we shall see. In the mean time I still am running again with the pitches, new music from Twenty6Hundred, and the UN trip all in a month. It would seem that mini-vacation was worth it. Then there is the stack of receipts and statements for seven tax returns coming up. But I am pushing things most definitely now – I am alive! Time, money and all other resources are a go from now on. I have many times what is needed so the Fates have the right man for the job. I am healthy and it is only others around me that could hold me back. This play against different philosophies and concepts and new ideas has to play itself out concept for concept, philosophy for philosophy, and idea for idea. This adventure can’t end because of health concerns, or money or stuff like that. I have everything I need to make the play.

Some would say the message of the series is corny and old but it is power. My personal trip is one of emancipation and empowerment. These are the two things that keep people from being all they can be and keep them from being truly happy. If it means we have to stand society world-wide on its head then so be it! Ideas - people have to buy into them and mine will be popular, I am sure of it! Change is inevitable, we are in a new age and our kids need the tools to prosper and survive, and deliberately throttling expression, thought and culture will only put the human race in more peril.

Make the play! Goodnight.....
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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 7:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The weekend will be just preparing the pitches.....

I have decided to send the first to the American Broadcaster than the Canadian one because the American one probably has a longer lead time. It should go out next week and then we wait.....

What of the positive mandate? I note is almost the top result when you Google my name. I didn’t see that type of branding coming my way.....Hehehehehehe..... After my side event I had a meeting with a VIP on the 29th floor of the Secretariat Building. The big thing is that the person did not tell me I was crazy trying to do what I was trying to do. I actually know how to do this. I actually know how to do this! If you take the number of NGOs with consultative status, and then those that actually use it, and finally those that have the ability/agility to present an idea like I did – well they may fit on the fingers of one hand. But I feel that actually it’s just me. How cool, how insane is that? How did that happen? When the odds get like that you are operating in a universe of possibilities that don’t exist for the others. I know where humanity should be headed. And there is a very pragmatic roadmap to present and advocate my ideas and possibly make them into flesh.

The UN these days - the Secretariat Building is the tall building!

The usual prerequisites don’t apply at this level, only the fact I am here and can make/play this play and that makes me “The Man.” Where I came from does not matter. Only the play.....

So nothing is most likely to happen you say, but what are the true probabilities? I would say it is not unlikely, but rather 50/50. You either make change or you do not. For probabilities you really need some critical mass of tries to develop the probabilities. This is so unique, so rare, that it is success or failure and that is the probability. I’ll take those odds! We are talking about ideas and I am merely animated flesh for the cause. You can’t kill an idea. But it needs an avatar to advocate and disseminate into the sea of humanity. So this is not about me at all, only about human destiny and constructive goals at the United Nations. It has to be this way; it can’t happen any other way than the way this is happening.

No love for me – but I have this.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 5:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am supposed to update things and then go to bed but more often than not I only get half way and finish it up in the morning.....

That won’t happen this time. Anyway, Saturday was finishing up the DVDs and then falling asleep and getting up in the afternoon. I then went to my dad’s place and off to a mall just to walk and exercise, still cold with a high of -16. Anyways I celebrated things happening with a chicken dinner and then a glass of red wine with brown guys throwing darts in front of me – fun that as I wondered when they would miss and hit me. Then it was back home and a call from one of my gang wanting to write a book. I started him writing the prologue first and we shall see how it goes.

But while I was at the mall I started thinking. To get that positive mandate for humanity I have to enlist member nation support at the UN. I know that procedure but getting to and talking the right people is where it is at. Once you start talking and, and that is a big “and” - if they are interested; well then things go off the UN radar until we all return to see if we can get consensus on the positive mandate. Anyway I have to embrace the “President and CEO” thing more than ever. I have to be the part and not play the part. I deserve to be there and do the things I am doing. Where I come from does not matter, only that I have access and I am there now and can hobnob with some of the richest and most powerful people in the world. Some of the vilest people are CEOs but those are just some. I will try to avoid corruption of all sorts on this new little journey, but at least I am in it for all the right reasons. I did it on my own and don’t owe anyone anything. My dick is not in anyone’s back pocket. I come from humble origins and really I am a self made man. I also have the agility do to what I want and as I see fit, and that my friends is a rare thing. So I don’t want to squander the opportunity, I want to do the right thing. I figure I will get corrupted to a degree – but we will see how much in time I guess. Can I do this – who knows?

The Temptation of Saint Anthony

Of course all of that above is mere strategy. I need that CEO designation front and center to get the ear of the people that matter. I have to own this. The reason you were there with the likes of Eric Schmidt (Chair of Google/Alphabet and worth 10 billion) is because you are like them, you are one of them. There you were in the same room, in fact mere feet away from Schmidt and could have introduced yourself and shook hands, you breath the same air, sit in the same seats in the same room with no security, you are there because you are one of them. You are one of them, even though you may feel obligated to squirm bit saying that – and then you try to give humanity its marching orders. But you belong there because you are there. That one event was a hot ticket. You had to apply to the President of the General Assembly to attend and get on the floor of the General Assembly Hall. Ordinary people get no such consideration. The only people there were Professors of universities, politicians and CEOs. You are no professor or politician – but – you are a CEO. So own it!

I will also admit that I am really, really, really going to miss this feeling; this feeling of opportunity, this feeling of an open future, and this feeling of invincibility. Yes even at my age healthy and full of possibilities – I – feel invincible! It never lasts but what a feeling! Juxtapose this with what you miss out like a wife and family, but nobody has it all. Your life is what it is. And quite frankly you fantasized about this as a kid so there you go..... I am almost prepped in my mind. That UN trip is just going through the motions to make that play, the real play happens later. But no matter, I have jumped into a new level of advocacy.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 7:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I am almost finished the American broadcaster submission.....

And so begins the start of the first real week for everyone as last week was a short week. The holidays are over and with that comes the hard reality that is the real world. After days of reading me drone on this narcissistic rant to pump myself up, we, or I am there. Now comes the reality of emails and letters telling me I am not needed and so on. Everything I am doing is negative in the probabilities, and I know the reality, I am not insane. But I did enjoy this last moment, this lull on the eve of battle as it were.

I am watching movies again. Right now I am in the middle of “A beautiful Mind” which is the story of John Nash – a famous mathematician. He gradually succumbed to mental illness like so many of his kind. Note that Kurt Gödel who I admired and understood some of his work; also had mental problems and I developed a bit of an explanation on this. These guys were too good at mathematics. They lived almost exclusively in mathematics and that was the problem. As good as they were at math, that math would never give them the foundation of reality needed to live life on the outside as it were. For most of us religion takes care of the unknown. But for these scientific minded people that is not enough and their tools would never give them those answers. Arithmetic is a subset of our world, and a subset will never fully describe that set; so those mathematicians were living all the while on a shaky foundation of reality that they could never understand through math. Those that had to marry their mathematics with the real world like Einstein and the consequences of the Bomb, could stave off this predisposition. Add in a possible biological predisposition to metal illness and is it any wonder these folk lived difficult lives. Anyway I will finish that movie when I finish typing this out.

The other movie was “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps” and was a rather poor sequel to the original. I just hate how they use common plot devices like the girlfriend telling the boyfriend she is pregnant when the market crashes in 2008. And: That ending with babies being born and good times for all. I was, though, given an unexpected surprise with Charlie Sheen making a cameo and bumping into Gecko at this charity get together. Funny as all hell! But maybe Oliver Stone should have left well enough alone.

That is about it for now. I am a rationalist and know what happens next. But I am morally obligated to try and try my best because nothing is for sure. Plus I seem to be the only one doing many of the things I am doing so we forge ahead. And no matter what the outcome, that experience is written down on this blog of sorts for everyone to read.....

Oh, and for anyone that cares, the Koodo Mobile thing was resolved. It turns out they won’t’ accept your card until you fill out the form I had to have filled out over the phone. Why they could not tell you that upfront is beyond me, but that closes the loop on that insignificant bit of esoterica.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 5:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, I’ll add a bit more after watching the end of “A Beautiful Mind” but with my own little take on it. It’s entertainment after all and they really changed the wife part. Nash’s wife was beautiful and it would have been nice if a super hot women stood with her man through thick and thin. The reality is otherwise though in Nash’s case the wife did remarry after the divorce much later in life. So that part did not mirror reality. I’m not going to pick apart another man’s life but these guys live lives that don’t’ work well as general admission entertainment. Certainly in my life I don’t have some pianist playing along with mood music as the situation dictates – although – I have added mood music to my videos so I guess the corruption has begun and made me already a little bit of a hypocrite in that regard. And so goes the way of all flesh.....

Realize that at this stage of our development, mathematics is a practical application that can easily be monetized and thus we laud mathematicians with accolades when their theories and algorithms work for the big bad green machine. The core base of Google was an algorithm after all. And while the net result is a bigger car and more chrome around the TV screen, all of that does not in the end tell us how to live our lives. It is merely a tool. That is why Nash in the movie could not, or never did get rid of his demons. Science as physics and all of those disciplines that have a methodology and structure that can be built on, ultimately fail when it comes to the base questions all of us ask. Why are we here? What does it all mean? What is life and death? You can keep going on. But science and math ultimately are limited and fail on this level. They are merely tools that find relations between things that can have practical applications, but they don’t tell us ultimately about the things themselves. In a mathematician’s mind the only way for a subset to describe the set is to gain information from outside of itself, and the only obvious way given the limitations of mathematics would be to gain this from God or supernatural means, but math and the scientific method won’t allow this properly and so there you have it..... Of course I am putting all this in layman’s terms; there are rather complex proofs that show the ultimate limitations of mathematics or other such systems, but the results are the same.

Back in university I was the quintessential skeptic and one professor asked me that it was all well and good to be the skeptic; but what do you offer in its place? The world is going to keep rotating on its axis and people have to keep living and raising kids and all the rest. You can criticize how things in the world work, but if they fail under your thought processes then what do you offer in its place. And that is what I am doing now! So the skeptic finally grows up and offers an alternative sign post for humanity. I sidestep religion by stating I have to act as if God does not exist, but that is just a clever way of avoiding arguments. Without avoiding the religious argument it then becomes a popularity contest between my thoughts and established religions and good luck with that contest! So I offer my thoughts on the matter - dodging religion in the process, and that’s about it for now.

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 9:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

All the bits and pieces of the State-side broadcaster are done and all I have to do is print up the stuff and send it all off.....

By-the-way; don’t get too impressed with mathematicians scribbling symbols and looking intelligent. I did that back in the day and look what happened to me. I guess the optics weren’t right.....Hehehehehehe.... But for the big questions they went the wrong way. Instead of breaking things down in to small and supposedly easier parts to understand the super universe – they – should have focused on the macro version of understanding. A complete polar opposite to how they were doing it. The problem here is that you can’t monetize it like you could with their stuff. What I am talking about here would fly in the face of what they consider to be understanding. But thought systems are like fashion. They come and go and the more practical ones stick around because they are useful. I’m not going to blather too much about this stuff at this time. Just realize there is more than one way to skin a cat – more so when it comes to organic thought process and moving forward to a world with artificial intelligence. So I will leave it there. I could show some of my work that looks right at home “symbol wise” with the greats in mathematics, but really, who cares? Where did all that knowledge get me anyway.....?

Remember, at the end of the day I do this for the kids because they never did anything to me. If I hang out with my sister’s kid he just treats me like any other, the prejudice and bigotry is a learned response for the most part although some studies still try to tie it to our base instincts. But I have seen enough, the kids deserve better – tabula rasa - and guys like me have to look past our past and see the big picture and do the right thing. People that look at my life these past few years still don’t’ get it. It is not a story of some guy coming from the lower strata of society to have influence at the highest. It was a guy who never should have been there in the first place. Remember the young “Mod Squad” high school teacher telling me that the old fuckers (and I stand by the language as they are most definitely fuckers) tried to deny me a university education and stream me into trade school. They – that is their kind - had their way in the end and I was unable to continue with my philosophy in the institutions. But the prodigal son has come back on his own marauding around focal points of power and influence to disseminate my ideas my way. And they still don’t get it. For the most part their egos can't get them to even question some of the most basic presumptions of their place in society and others. Putting me in where they think I should be won’t work as I grew up ‘White” and know better. No inferiority complex here, so I pushed back and am still pushing back. And those wide-eyed slack jaw expressions of surprise that some guy from the slums thinks and acts like them makes them hate me even more as they have to re-evaluate their past assumptions of people and class. Growing up you really feel that they are all out to get you, and if you have ability this almost becomes this insane upside down society! But that is the past and my contemporaries for the most part (as they are not all like this, by any stretch of the imagination) are too old to change. But this is why I concentrate on the kids and the future.....

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
Posts: 7732
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 11:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This one will be quick.....

The pitch to the U.S. broadcaster goes out today! Don’t put too much hope in this one, but it is one of the more interesting broadcasters that may be open to the type of programming we offer – time will tell.....

Twenty6Hundred is currently sitting in on the mastering session. This would be Mihai the producer of their latest album “Until The End” and we should all wish him well putting the finishing touches on the new music!

A part from that we still have two books on the go. These guys find it so daunting; I hesitate to tell them I actually have a finished novel in a file folder waiting for the right moment. But I like to write so it is easier for me. Shane is also working on new music. I have to contact the UN to confirm some stuff but that may have to wait until tomorrow as there is too much on the go. In fact I have to go and finish up packing the pitch and send it off to the States.....

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