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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 4:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another late update but I am making progress of the last show…..

The Epilogue show is essentially done. I am just putting on the finishing touches on the thing and we are good to go! I was thinking I may be able to make a DVD for today and get the first complete series off to Shane and then Sam and Michael. That is how close I am to finishing the series now. It could happen today!

Back to work!
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Maurice Ali

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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 9:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well the series is done!


We just start handing out DVDs and getting back feedback and making changes – but no reshoots unless absolutely necessary. But it is done and looks good. The story, our story is what it is and we did our best. A true real life story and we went far. But watch the broadcasters dismiss reality in favor of fiction, or even science fiction. They could say things like: “How come while you are at the UN you don’t find out the world is about to be destroyed by this huge asteroid and use ancient alien technology to make the asteroid pass through the earth at the last minute?” Or: “How about you guys do your advocacy thing by day and put on Power Rangers suits by night and fight crime?” I wish I was making this up…..

But the industry is what it is and the audience has been conditioned to expect unreality in its reality TV shows. That is my battle coming up shortly.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 10:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A quiet day for me today…..

I did do a minor set of changes to the Epilogue show, just minor but were bugging me. I started late into the night and literally fell asleep with the computer on and then you get up and finish it. Then I had to make another DVD and while that was going on I went down to Starbucks got Mocha and looked at some cars – still doing that – just relaxing and reliving youth. Then back home and I mowed the lawn at the back and finished almost in time before the rain started, but I failed and got soaked but finished the job. Then it’s over to my dad’s place and all of the usual…..

I’m at the age where you regularly get depressed about it all; your life I mean. You’re running out of time. You have family responsibilities even though you didn’t deserve them. In short everyone around you is a burden, a ball and chain, keeping you from really being free to do what has to be done. I’m not the only one, as a guy I see daily is in the same lot, so I figure many of you can sympathize. You are running out of time, not life, but time and things start to close in on you. The UN stuff is still all good to go as I made that the priority. I am even grooming some others to take over if need be. That takes years so no time better than the present, but it sucks mostly. You live this crappy life for much of your youth and when things finally look like they are happening, this other stuff moves in to try to scuttle it all. I wonder if that’s everyone’s life.

Whatever, things are still happening and I am still in the best position to make them happen compared to the others. I just had to vent…..

What else?

Well is back on page one of the Google rankings. It will fall off again and so on but it is there if people wonder about human destiny. is there in the second place on page one in the Google rankings. It still amazes me how many of you out there hate me for bringing that idea to the UN. Why the hate? Probably because I’m a brown guy with that last name. But remember that I am also a guy who was born and raised in the Prairies of Canada, real red-neck country. Mom was a devote Roman Catholic to boot. Why the hate? Because I am like you but have the brown skin and that last name. Does this buck the usual stereotype? Does it shake that foundation of stereotypes you have come to rely on? It’s probably a good thing then. Evaluate people as individuals. It is more difficult than to just look at them and fill in the blanks with your stereotype of choice, and evaluate the ideas I espouse on their own merits. The ideas don’t have brown skin or that last name. They are just ideas and I am simply the animated flesh for that case. It’s the idea that matters and not some dude who registered the website. Fullest expression of humanity‘s mental and physical abilities is a laudable mandate in its own right! I don’t care if you care about me - but care about the idea and the mandate to get it out there. Or at least do not work against me…..

Goodnight or now good day…..
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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I attended a funeral for a family friend today. So not much will get done. Plus I am punching his out on my phone. So a more involved update later.....
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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 10:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Finally a day with not much to do…..

My gang or sorts is starting to get active again, but I knew that was happening. It’s the end of summer and they are getting excited about things going on here. They have more faith in getting airplay than I do but whatever. This is a busy place again. For me much of Thursday will be copying DVDs to hand out and puttering around the house cleaning the place up – finally – and all the other sundry things that have to be done.

I am actually relishing the idea of doing nothing – and I am a type A personality. So things have been hectic lately. I have been having bad luck lately, small stuff which is how I like it. Small amounts of bad luck and then infrequent but big moments of good luck. That is how I try to work it. The uncertainty principle again. At the quantum level where the observer is a necessary part. Can you have an impact on a problematic occurrence? Who knows? But the reality is that I don’t have to know or even truly believe. If you have expended all the other preparatory options, then all you have left is luck. In sports when the team and manager get superstitious before a big game or series they are prepared; and the only thing left to pine over is luck. The fact is you do need luck when all things are equal. So I try to influence the probabilities in my direction and hopefully get luck working for us if it exists at all. Remember: I don’t have to know and understand luck in order to manipulate it. Just like you don’t have to understand all the physics behind steering your car; you just know that if you turn the wheel the car changes direction, something like that.

So when I start thinking about luck then our series is getting good to go!

Things should be back to normal tomorrow - Finally.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 1:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I’m still handing out the DVDs and starting to get feedback from all sources. The bottom line is that – so far – the series is a series and watchable. But I need more feedback from the general public especially those who know absolutely dick about the show to confirm this. Having said that I think we have met the bar to get the interest of broadcasters. That does not mean they will take the bait, but there should be enough to have them have a look before issuing a form letter back. With a few more improvements we may get it solidly in the contender position – of cheap doco…..

So this may actually be a horse race for me…..

But it’s still too early to tell, but I would stick around here and see what happens with this material. Of course the series is there to promote the basic tenets of our organization and aid in getting these ideas to become talking points and the UN and UNESCO. My big scores have to occur there. That is the real mission and mark. People time and time again tell me I have a talent for that, and so while I whine about not getting what people usually get out of life, you do have this other talent and so you may as well push the pedal to the metal and drive those talents and ambitions to the limit without the monumental baggage others have with marriage and family and all the rest. I have my hands full with the little I have now but I am still – and it is true – in the best position to advocate on those issues important to us all! Anyway that will sort itself out.

What else?

I am still amazed at the interest guys have about me and that Mustang I bought. Let’s call a spade a spade; I was just supposed to get a car – any car – to keep me functional after the Roadmaster went to that big junkyard in the sky. But we all know what happened, I was supposed to buy a Hyundai Elantra but I just could not do it! Really, that is not me. Who wants’ an advocate like me driving around in an “Echo” for example. Or a Nissan Mica or Hyundai Accent for an extreme example. Like I have said here many times before, there are some cars I simply won’t be caught dead in - literally. Let’s say in some alternate reality I was involved in some deal gone bad and got shot up in a Nissan Micra. I would have explicit instructions to my gang that they would have to drag my corpse out of that car and plop me in a real car and set that on fire! Same for other cars like a Ford Fiesta – not going to happen….. The cheapest Mustang was the only way to go, the only way out of my predicament. It was a stretch and also the cheapest of a brand I drove for 18 years of my car driving life and also a V6 as I have only owned 5.0 Ford V8s (3) and 5.7 GM Corvette motors. Getting the V6 was a comedown for an old timer like me but infinitely preferable to the turbo 4 – once again that is not going to happen in my Mustang world. They even joke about this on the Mustang forums, the old farts coming back to the last of the V6 Stangs for one last revisit of youth before it’s the rocking chair on the porch. Well that is me now and I was like that back in my twenties with the 5.0 Mustangs. So Karma again…..

Here is a photo for you Mustang guys. A line of Shelby Cobra GT350s I was looking at as I sipped my coffee Thursday morning. In between the 350s (and they are all 350s) are a couple of Focus RS models. A 350 horsepower all wheel drive machine which gives the Mustang GT a run for its money though it is really a rally car and costs 51,000. The GT350s cost 80.000 or 50,000 than my Mustang. Better engine and suspension tweaked and some new sheet metal – but 50,000 more? Even the interior is the same! For that money buy a base Corvette and save a few bucks in the transaction! Anyway I am happy with my car now. That is the best I could get under the circumstances and I made the right decision after thinking about it for two months. Anyway that is your update for today…..

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well a free weekend and how about that…..

I have to apologize to you guys as last week was just too hectic with all going on – so you definitely got the “abridged version” of the updates but I now have some time. For Saturday I should see the last of the bulk DVD production as Shane has yet to get his stuff. It is important to me that all the major players in the experiment get to see the final product and comment before we go out there and try to put it on the air. The other people are looking at it from outsiders and commenting on general watch ability.

In my fantasies I had envisioned going to broadcasters during the summer - but – now it looks like a big rush just to get the first approach in before my birthday which is the changeover to fall! But there is progress…..

In other news in my life is the funeral and that constant reminder that we are all not too long for this world. It isn’t all just work and then retire like obtaining some pipe dream at the end of the rainbow. You have to live life as you live it because you never know when it comes to an end. But you also have to be practical so you at least have some money if you make it to the end and retire as envisioned. Most people live the usual life where they go to school and get some job and get hitched to someone and have kids and then just end up living together for the rest of their lives. Then you have the outsiders who for many reasons don’t go down this path and do their own thing. Each looks at the other and wishes they had that. But it is just a different life. Certainly there is something to be said for having kids and having grandkids in the end – continuity for the human race and your own private blood line. But there is a price for that, as in a monetary one for the couple and the opportunity cost of giving up things for the family. I can understand how that can sting but you do get the family. For the others you have more of a free hand until the fifties I guess and you can go after those dreams and either score or fail and something in between. You get your chance and all it is – is – a chance, and then your life finishes quickly and you still have like twenty or thirty years left. Like for me the TV stuff and the music and advertising company and all of that could finish up and just disappear quickly and I am left with just myself and a few responsibilities and nothing more happening.

How much do you value that chance or giving up other things to take that chance?

In the end is a funeral, maybe a religious ceremony, a social get-together to celebrate their life. Then everyone goes home and that is it – all gone and forgotten. You worry about things, paying bills, worrying about things at work. The usual. But when you face death in the face, just how important were those worries. Really, they meant nothing. Suppose you died last night – what would happen at work today? Your work would be given to someone else and whatever problems or issues would just be waved away with wave of a hand. In the end all those interpersonal issues were just pissing points between individuals and meant nothing to the bottom line of the company. Had an issue with one employee, well he died last night so here is the new guy, you will like him better. The guy is dead and whatever issues you had people just drop or cut their losses and move on. That is you footprint in life. A few years before Don died he was worried about some money he owed the bank. Let’s say a small sum that could probably buy the cheapest new car you could find on a dealer lot, say a Hyundai Accent. He wanted to know if we could sell more of his music to pay it off. Don didn’t have many assets for them to go after, so I told him the bank could go and f**k themselves and I would not even bother paying the monthly interest and dodge their harassment and when he died they would just write off that small amount. Now he didn’t want to do that. I even offered to go to the bank myself and rub their nose in the fact the man landed on the Beaches of Normandy to fight to save all their sorry asses from fascism and all that and, he can‘t pay anyway and is in his mid-eighties so just eat the friggin loan and leave the poor man alone. Secretly I would have offered them pennies on the dollar and it would be cheaper for me and less hassle to offer that or nothing from Don as he had to eat and all (before they would see any money) and it was in default. Trust me; I know these bankers better than you think, and faced with total default or a settlement for some of the money they would take that. He didn’t want that either. But in the end the bank ate that loan and they probably didn’t spend a nano-second over it. But this worried Don so much – it just was not worth worrying over….. I really liked Don and we used to hang out together in the early years. He really didn’t believe anything would happen with UNESCO and the UN and getting our shows on TV, but I made a believer out of him, he gave me all of his music which was all he had. So I was predisposed to help the guy out as we had a bond, but the face and tactics I would use when I met the bank were not the methods Don would approve of.

Anyway, that loan meant nothing in the end. Don got an Honor Guard funeral at this military cemetery in Hamilton. And that is your life in a nut shell. All those worries and they mean nothing in the end. The only thing that matters in my life now are those ideas we presented at the UN and a few more I have in the pipeline. And I will use all of my skills (if you know what that means) to get those ideas out there and hopefully make this world a little bit better to live in. That is the plan and nothing else matters.

Funeral procession.

A military service for our WW2 Hero!

At the grave.

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 3:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I took Saturday easy and did little.....

I had a computer get buggered or infected so I spent Saturday night loading back Win 7 on that machine and am typing this out now on it so I am almost there. I’ll stay off the editor until I get more feedback on the shows, then final structural edits and then the final DVD authoring.

Then we go to the broadcasters. I hope you folks see that things move slowly in real life but for me they move and we are going according to plan.

I walked around the malls, yes – malls – just wasting some time and getting exercise. In one mall near my place I wondered like I always do – looking at that mass of people – why it is so hard to find individuals with a creative spark in them. I’m still looking for them to populate FOF and IAIJ as I can’t do it alone. Actually I can, but I won’t live forever and I have long since past my creative period of life. But I thought: “What if all these people had what I had back in the day; all these people here walking past me with creativity bursting from their brain. The world would be a much different place.”

But all I saw were ordinary people with ordinary problems going after ordinary goals put in their heads by those who shape society. So how do you find those individuals who can shape society, who have ideas to shape society? Well you just set up this vortex of power in the world and see who comes to the door. That is what happened to me and the others. It’s a small group out of the billions on earth but they get to present their ideas and some of those ideas can change the world. I have met many in my travels. Some like me work from a moral base, but others don’t, and what do you think their thoughts are on that mass of humanity on this planet.....Hehehehehehehe..... It sometimes makes for an interesting discussion. Suffice to say the general public should be happy there are those like me to help do their bidding (insert uncontrollable laugher here.....). I get where they are coming from. A guy like me will always be an outsider to the world of the ordinary life of the everyman. And those others probably wonder why I care. That could make for an interesting discussion too. Like with the pro AI guys who secretly have given up on the human race and want to father a new AI race instead.....

Think this is all sci-fi nonsense. Well you keep thinking it.....


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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I finally got all the shows to all the major cast members and now I get back on the editor and make the shows even better with outside information and criticism.....

Laura in the Mustang with "Blob Man" somewhere in there!

Last on the list was Shane and I caught up with him and Laura down in the trendy Queen Street West neighbourhood on Sunday. Shane wanted to check out the car and was impressed. As an old V8 Mustang guy I always looked at this car (the V6) as a compromise but they seem to really like it as it is. The funny thing is Shane took a couple of photos of me in the car but when I got them I seemed to have disappeared from all the photos. Like those car commercials where the car is driving around the city and suburbs and you never see the driver – so you can put yourself in the drivers’ seat. I call those guys “Blob Man” the shadowy and blurred out driver of cars for the past fifty or sixty years. I guess Blob Man came into being when cars got sold internationally. Prior to this a prosperous young white man would be seen in the driver’s seat. But with an international multi-ethnic and racial and multi-cultural marketplace; it works to have that driver disappear in the driving shots. Nowadays they throw in some clips of real people but they are usually static shots placed there for that specific audience while the more dynamic driving shots have Blob Man. For performance shots where the car is driving around the track wildly and drifting across the pavement sideways (so positioning the camera to obscure the driver is impossible) the Blob Man wears a flame retardant suit and motorcycle helmet so you have no worries there. But the shots around the city and suburbs look silly with a guy wearing a motorcycle helmet so Blob Man has job security.

Where is the driver - "Blob Man" at his best!

The Mustang is now a big seller in China so North American commercials won’t work there, as well as the Middle East. But in the photos I seem to have the Blob Man thing down to a science. That first shot with Laura posing through the window looks like there is nobody in the drivers’ seat but there I am. If you follow the driver’s window area to the back you will see the side of my head and my ear. I was so good I thought the shot was taken with me outside the car but I am in the car for all photos. Look at the full on front shot. There is Laura looking like she’s sunning herself and I completely disappear in the shadows and tree reflections. There is really only one shot I messed up and with a little work on the brightness control and I would disappear, but the driver side shot you can sort of see me. But this is what you want from a marketing perspective. Nice shiny sports car with hot blond chick in the passenger seat and – most important of all – a blacked out driver so you can put yourself in there instead; and that is what sells cars bud.....

Here I am, this dark shadowy smear behind the wheel! "Blob Man" rules!

Sue balled me out for constantly prattling about the car at the Sunday conference call, but this will soon end. I had to buy the car on the spur of the moment when the Roadmaster crapped out on me so I bought the car just before the mid-cycle refresh and later this year the car – though new – will look older as it is no longer the current model. The only consolation here is that the V6 will not make it into 2018 so if I could not get the V8 it was this 2017 car or no Mustang and back to the Hyundai Elantra. The V8 Camaro is almost 8-10 grand more with the v6 (even more for the premium model) as the turbo four is the base car there. And the Challengers are more expensive to start but the V6 has abysmal performance compared to Mustang and Camaro V6 cars. So like I said ad nausea, I did the best I could under the circumstances, but all this hype is ending soon and back to me wallowing in my own self pity. At least you have that to look forward to.....


BTW: Bob Lutz (former Vice Chairman of GM) was famous for saying that we (the car companies) tell them (the customer) what they want to drive. Which is the reason for my never ending rant at Ford pushing the turbo 4 as better than the V6; and twisting the truth to get it. Well this ad man knows better and the V6 was a steal at the end. Just saying.....
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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Back to School!

A rare second post for the day but we have reached a milestone of sorts..... I have talked to several people just this morning about the shows and they are watching them – and more importantly – making constructive criticism. I look at those as a bell weather statement on how good the shows actually are. When they are amateurish crap people that know you will fawn over the material without going for the jugular and telling you the truth. It is only when thy think the material really has a chance – even if it is only a slight chance – that they get to work and tell you in very blunt terms what has to be done. It is those critiques that are coming in now. So that much is a relief in a way. Now we just keep re-editing and getting the major problems out of the way and moving to the smaller ones and then clean up and then out to the broadcasters we go. But I like the way – as the shows get better – the criticisms come back more blunt and scathing and you now can tell they have watched it several times and nailed down what they think is the problem and solution – And I love it!

So the shows may have a future.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 11:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another backup and another update for you guys.....

We are getting solid criticism for improvements for the shows and I am making the big changes as we speak. Then we whittle down the edits to the point we are good to go. So we are taking this to almost full completion I am going to firm up the credits and who did what and continue on. I just did a fair bit of work on the AAVRY KNAPP show, just some editing down on some explanations segments and cutting down on some extraneous footage. Then I replaced it with more of a guitar solo Dan did while recording the album. The music plays in the background so you get to hear the bulk of “Angry Man” while watching Dan do the lead guitar. The two music videos for the album are “Angry Man” and “Nawlins” but only Nawlins is featured at the end. But with that long Angry Man guitar riff we shall see if that carries the audience. I could also lay over some of the Angry Man music video as he plays but prefer to keep it studio with people seeing his motions at the guitar and all. We shall just have to wait and see how the real audience reacts. If they are entertained then it should be almost good to go!

So that is what is happening right now. People in communications everywhere. This organization is mobilized.....

Ad I took a quick look at the website for the show and it seriously need a redo. I have to delegate as there is too much going on.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 9:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I got up and got to work on the video this morning. Last night I worked on video till I could not keep my eyes open.....

What was the urgency?

Possibly cutting video like nobody has ever done before. It is rare enough to take a sequence from a guitar track in studio and then splice in the music video for that song and interject between the two and split frame it for the rest. So you see Dan with the actual performance for that one guitar track along with the video playing beside it and zooming in on the really good solo parts of that performance and then back to split screen and to the music video. I have never seen that before but there is a good possibility it had been done before. But add to it the problem complexities of working with this SD framing on an HD palate and I may just be the first person to ever do this in the video world.....

And that is just F**king awesome!!!!!

Just such an awesome feeling! The idea will get taken and used now that the word is out and certainly if this makes it to broadcast alone with everyone reviewing the material for sale. Imitating SD framing between music videos and actual studio performances. Dan – bless his heart – was old school and did it from start to finish which is another reason for this unique opportunity. Everyone else it seems, chops the performance up to make it perfect these days. New ideas are like that. Nobody owns them and I exist for disseminating new ideas. But this bit of video work was rewarding!

Dan's Guitar Solo!

I’m going to finish up the segment and review the changes and maybe tweak it a bit before rendering another DVD and handing it out for review. But Man! It feels like when I was in my twenties again. When you were truly creative and full of beans! I am old and lucked into this one – but the feeling is just the same.


Here is the original studio performance:
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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

On the editor.....

The DVDs go with all this to the broadcasters!

I was going to do this and that but I think I will just stay with the AAVRY KNAPP show and finish it up, burn the DVD and hand them out again. For editing I should get the AAVRY KNAPP show and the FOFSTOCK show done today but the FOFSTOCK DVD can wait. After gushing over the new segment I was editing yesterday I end up cutting so much of it off the front end that it is not as impressive as before, but it is still there. As much as I love my unique little bit of editing, it has to work with the rest of the show and flow with the pace and that is how that bit of work ended up. It just keeps going. My biggest problem is changing all the "fade -to-black" transitions to grey as we do everything on the grey HD palate. This background is where we put the SD and HD and graphics and move things around without the mix of formats being too jarring. Another Maurice Ali innovation of sorts.

Everyone seems to be coming back from vacation or having fun in the summer. We have a youth oriented international crowd so things pick up when the young people go back to school.

Stuff is starting to happen at IAIJ also. If interested here is a news article on pioneering women in India getting recognition:

Apart from that it is just business as usual. I am working at full tilt and should be taking care of other things. However, I have two weeks left so I have to boogie.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 1:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Long story short - I ran out of time.

So I'll do the update on my phone as the day goes on.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 6:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Finally, a long weekend and a bunch of things to update.....

First off is that for about two days we were right smack dab in the middle of page one of Google with our website when you Google human destiny. In fact we were in the number two spot for a while under Nonzero, that other idea. The fact that when anyone searched human destiny they get my ideas staring in their face is just such a rush. Remember that just a while ago I could not find our website anywhere in the first 20 pages. So to move up that fast is a big deal for me. When I advocate with member states of the UN the first thing they will do is check me and the organization out and then the idea; and having it up there so high in the rankings helps validate the idea in terms of broad appeal. All of this stuff is a campaign of sorts but we get to it in earnest when I finish with the preparation of the series sales package shortly.

On to other things.....

This long weekend will just be about the shows. I know, boring for you guys but we are making headway. I just want it broadcast and out there. More evidence for disseminating our ideas at and a chance to get our performers out there in the world at large.

The car – remember that? Yes the car has become a car. I still love driving the thing, how would I describe it? A happy car – that is how I would describe it! It’s not a car pushing the envelope of power like the 5.0 and having seen people lose control of the 5.0s in town and smash the car up; that particular engine would be more a feeling of reigning in a beast more than anything else. In reality it is a docile car but you can get into trouble fast if you explore the limits. Like the old Porsches, the Mustangs are tail happy cars and when you lose it they like to spin around the engine. I personally saw a guy in one of my old Fox platform 5.0s rev the engine and all to impress his date at this industrial park and he lost it and the car just slid into some other guy’s car with the other guy freaking out. That stuff happens. But for my car it’s this happy car that always has more than enough, always. Happy in that – like this moment for example – I was rushing for work and thinking about things and turned up this steep hill near my place and it occurred to me that I effortlessly took that corner flat out in the car and zoomed up the hill without the car making any noises or down shifting or anything. Just this bizarre feeling of power to do anything without breaking a sweat – It just felt happy. So that’s what I mean. I have premium non-ethanol gas in it for the last few weeks and you feel the increase in power and response, but in a linier way and not in the low end punchy way the turbo for does when it kicks in.

The V6 is now finished production (for good) with the 2018s starting to roll off the line in less than four weeks in only turbo four and V8 choices. The new Mustangs will have a power bump with the 5.0 increasing in horse power and torque. The four cylinder gets a massive 30 pound increase in torque but no horsepower gain. This is because I think the engine is at its limits. What they are doing is giving the engine an “over-boost” for a few seconds stressing the engine even more but allowing you to better burn-out the tires now that they have line-lock on the four cylinder. It cuts out after a few seconds to prevent damage to the engine. Now, normally this is illegal for posting of engine power, but if you let off the gas before it times out and hit the gas again the over-boost function is on long enough to allow posting the power increase officially. So this “parlour trick” gives you the appearance of a more powerful engine all the time when in fact we are talking about like 20 seconds – enough for a street race. The reality is that virtually all the time you are just in its normal mode which is four cylinder mode. With gas prices sky high due to flooding in Texas, I almost guarantee very few are running 93 octane in these cars now and the real horsepower in the cars is down to 275 (on 87 octane). My old V6 gets “at least” (according to Ford literature, and apart from Rolls Royce - who quotes horsepower figures like that for a sports car?) 300 horses on 87 but with non ethanol 91 I get 308 horses minimum (Motortrend dyno tests with torque also at 287) and probably 314 horses conservatively right now. So a 25-40 horsepower gain for a street race. This is about right with the Camaro 4 vs. 6 engine advantage. The turbo fours top out in stock form at about 142mph (the motor falls flat on its face at 5,000rpm and is well documented) and with tuning at just under or at 150. Both the Camaro V6 and Mustang V6 get top speeds at 157mph with the governors turned off, and with the V8s getting 164 for the Mustang and maybe even better in the Camaro. The reality with the V6 is instant throttle response and linier power available all the time. Pull up beside a four banger Mustang and the only way he will make a horse race of it is to rev his engine while stopped at the lights to get it into the power band. Don’t hear him constantly revving the engine (which is how it is most of the time) – then you have won the race before it even starts as the turbo lag does it with this car. But with no changes to that engine Ford gets to post big increase in torque by upping the boost temporarily. They also played this bait and switch power game with the 51,000 dollar all wheel drive Focus RS. Claimed power especially torque similar to the 5.0 Mustang (given horsepower to weight ratios) but when they race the Stang drives away. None of this matters anymore for the V6 as it is now EOL – or until the turbo V6 makes its appearance.

That is about it for now.....

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