Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003 Posts: 7986 Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 7:00 am Post subject: FOF Music Sent To Mediabase And BDS! |
FOF Music Sent To Mediabase And BDS!
By Maurice Ali, President and CEO: FOF Inc./IAIJ Inc./MORE VISION/IAIJ
The Fortress Of Freedom Corporation is excited to announce that FOF label music is now being encoded by Mediabase and BDS (Neilson) for track upon airplay.
As noted by SOCAN earlier this year, August 2007 starts royalty tracking by electronic "fingerprinting" of songs that get airplay. This makes it even more imperative that any airplay we get be logged by these information services for easier access to airplay by other stations and royalties for the artists and labels. Prior to this was the very inaccurate method of the occasional audits for royalties. Hopefully the present system will be more accommodating to the smaller players in the music industry.
Victory for the little guy! In March 2006 Maurice Ali's first act as TV Producer is to authorize royalty payments to himself - the media industry was not amused.....
As a personal note, it is amazing just how bureaucratic the music industry can be if you really want to be a player of any sort. Couple this with the economic downturn in profitability in the industry, apart from the biggest corporations, and you can see how small time operators face a huge disadvantage in viability. I am trying to fight against this inequity, at our little organization. It was with immense pride that I was able to crack that "invisible barrier" with the Fortress TV Show and present Dave and Shane with their first royalty checks. I could do this since I was a legitimate TV Producer of a show that included music and live performances; along with being the producer of said music. I had some friction with this from the industry and noted that later; rules for royalties during the hours we broadcast were changed. Perhaps we were a part of this or perhaps we were not , but if we were then so be it, the industry has to be a bit more inclusive..... So it is with trepidation that I start active radio play next week for FOF performers. I have more cards to play in this arena than the smaller labels, but they may be none-entities as the industry is truly decimated by the technology (i.e. piracy and the general lowering of perceived value of music due to piracy) as of late. The only players in the small to medium sized businesses are ones like Fortress who are stakeholders in every aspect of the media. Once again, we got this right from the start and only time will tell what happens to this business model..... |