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A Social Club Of One.....
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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2022 8:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, mission successful - I slept all of Saturday…..

Basically slept from Friday to Sunday with a few breaks to do the essentials, but yup - slept through Saturday. The reason I needed a break and sleep-through was in part because of all the good luck coming in with the advocacy.

The downward trajectory of usual social media is happening because tech is advancing. Twitter and its takeover may - in part - be the beginnings of a more inclusive app where you can do everything from social interaction, to banking, to entertainment consumption and so on. This would be done through an app, Google and Apple do it through a smart phone. The advantages for profit are obvious. At Apple and Google you have an ID that follows you through their world and their services. It is not a stretch to see this becoming a global identity for each person who then can enter any social platform or bank or entertainment company with this in ID and use the services provided. This is what is sort of happening at Bluesky - one ID for each person.

In the end with personal IDs that stay with you instead of accounts and passwords for each app and social platform, people can use and buy services far easier. You could look at this as a beginnings of the idea of a global citizen. But a concept as all-encompassing as this could not, and should not, be at the hands of each app and platform. The power of all these people would require a social contract to ensure fairness and accountability. However, a world where each person has their global citizen ID, we can’t have individual terms of service for each app and platform - no - to keep things fast and streamlined through all cultures, all nations and all languages, we would need a Global Social Contract agreed by all and thus going from one platform to another would not need you to constantly agree to terms of service. There would be one governing all - that Global Social Contract.

So this shift toward my advocacy was a big deal to me and I started advocating the big players. But it was too much and too soon and I got depressed and tired. So I took it easy till the weekend and slept all of Saturday. So that is what happened and how I dealt with it. Monday is a new day and we go from there…..

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2022 8:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I got enough sleep on the weekend, but that only changed my disposition from tired and depressed - to - pissed off.

I’m pissed off at my life. Pissed off!!!!!

I’m tired of everything, tired at being kicked at by almost everyone. I owe society nothing as society gave me nothing - yet - everything and everyone has thrown responsibility on my shoulders. And what do I get for any of this if successful? I’ll tell you what - nothing!

No matter - the plays get played! There is no choice. The people who run the world are no different than you or I. In fact I may have something on them…..

That’s not saying much as humans go. But if jokers like me don’t act the lesser individuals take over with predictable results. It just sucks and gets you down every now and then. Then there is the home front and all that - those my age know what I mean!

My music tastes have changed from contemporary to Psychedelic Rock. The kids probably don’t even know it exists. Those old farts with their canes and walkers once lived it up. That old hag in the walker was practically a nymphomaniac back in the free-love era. That sneering old fart at the pharmacy ran a commune back in his day - on and on. They see the kids as withdrawn and only looking at their phones constantly jacked in with headphones oblivious to the world around them. I came after these folk - the original x-gens - and then they took that designation away! No free love, no commune, only financial strife and lucked out to buy a house - sound familiar?


So who cleans up after all the boomer folly - you guessed it - me and others like me. As a kid I watched my dad on TV tell everyone computers were nothing to worry about and they would never take over as asked by a journalist on a morning show back in Edmonton. He’s 89 now and it’s on me and other kids of these computer pioneers to clean up their mess - also, I hate to say it but I’m better than him in his glory days. And I will add that I add “us” and “we” when so far it is mainly just me - haven’t met the others yet.

Dad’s faculty/gang (N.A.I.T), messing with humanity’s destiny - sort-of what I’m doing!

Oh there are others out there. The ones frantically trying to create sentient AI. If they read this post they would probably give a thumbs up and yell “Fuck Humanity”. I’ll be honest and say I can sort of be emphatic with the feeling. But I’m not finished with humans yet. Give them the Positive Mandate for Humanity and Global Social Contract and see what happens. But the fun is in AI unfettered with human interaction which only dumbs things down because they have to interact with humans. Enough of this!

Anyway that is my mood to right now…..

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 9:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A busy day on Tuesday…..

I decided to keep:

I’m trying to pair down websites - but I’ll keep this one around for at least another year.

I’m feeling a little bit better than yesterday. Part of it is just how life goes. My life didn’t turn out how I wanted it. Part of it is the increasing return of winter and so on.

I’m taking next week off, so some time to sleep in. I have to relax more. I’m also kicking some bad habits I picked up during the pandemic. One was a daily trip to Starbucks when everything was locked down. I still go there but down from two trips a day to two trips a week.

Next up is TV dinners on the weekends. It used to be one Swiss Chalet chicken dinner on Saturdays, but when that got closed down it was TV dinners. Such is the pathetic life I lead.

The car gets an oil change and last raking of leaves.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 8:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I’ll start to plan for a bit more first contact advocacy with social platforms that should take me into next week.

Basically, I can’t ignore the fact I’m getting older and have to prioritize my plays and carry them through. What was once easy and fun ten years ago get more difficult now with all the new responsibilities I have. The future becomes more frightening in some ways. Like it’s a toss up if I keep my smarts into old age or start to lose it like my dad has. As little as two years ago I just threw up the idea of quantum computing and Qbits - and he knew! Not so much now. His sister, now into her 90’s is super clear headed, extremely intelligent and talks fast with no hesitation. She frequently travels a lot - on her own - and takes care of business for that side of the family. My mom was older than dad but kept her wits and memory sharp to the end. I’m fearful my “Golden Years” will be an absolutely spectacular dive into Dementia/Alzheimer’s never seen in both sides of the family.

Unlike all the others, I had real creativity on my side and I fear the price paid for that is sever mental decline later on. So the plays have to happen now as I can’t count on the others in my gang to fervently go after the things I hold dear. If I knew I could go the distance clear headed my plans would be more laid back. I can’t take that chance so the plays happen now!

Oh, one other thing: If you have an iPhone 14 you can now contact Globstar satellites for emergency SOS or location texts to family and friends. There is a demo mode so you can wander around outside trying to connect. Many in the States now have it but expect a delay of a day or so in Canada. This was one of the reasons I upgraded in September.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 11:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, I guess I should end the Alzheimer’s talk yesterday by saying that if you have family members that have it you are at increased risk. Those people start freaking out every time they forget someone’s name or miss place something. I personally think you would have an easier go of it to simply accept that you will get it and plan and live your life under those worse case scenarios. Then if it never happens you win but to live in fear is - - well - pointless as there is nothing you can do about it presently. So I figure I will get it and it makes dealing with it in others more acceptable as you are now “one of the gang” and living with it in others is cathartic to what will happen to you. Mentally I’ve burned brightly, especially when I was in my teens to early thirties. That has to require some payback - so the price I pay for doing what I can do is mental disfunction later in life; it’s as simple as that…..

Nuff said…..

The plays will continue. Dissemination is the key. And future humans will look, act, walk and talk like me. I am a mix of three or four races and the human race will mix it up from today’s teenagers and their kid’s children. My ideas on a new global governance will be their future as they certainly will not put up with an anachronistic governing system as we have today. So my ideas will really matter from 60 to 100 years in the future.

Nothing lasts forever and that includes warlords, monarchies, nation states and so on.

A global town hall for global matters is needed and people have to think globally and the best way to do this is with a global identity and a vote on global issues. This is what I am pushing today. Just keep making the plays, this is the future world populated by mongrels like me. All my life I never fitted in with the crowd I had to live with. But I can do this for the future where they will all be like me. Sam’s kid is mixed race and just like that - things keep evolving and nothing stays the same…..

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 11:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A late on as I was busy. Anyway the iPhone 14 Pro Max has Satellite connectivity!

Screen captures from my phone!

Yes, I always wanted a “sat phone” and now I have it in my iPhone. They have a “demo mode” that actually connects to a satellite for people to try out!

So apparently the programming was delivered in a previous update and only had to be connected to a server to show up as it did last night.

You go into an outside open area, turn on the sat phone program and start rotating in place looking for a satellite. after a few seconds you should see an object that is probably a satellite. arrows guide you now and when it hits green you are connected.

This is so cool and fun. I’m still playing around with it as I rush around doing other things.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 6:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Miscellaneous ramblings…..

I planned a week long vacation, but the week will probably be used to just catch up on things.

No new projects. Just do things like the IRS tax request and such. I need to buy a hard copy of A Global Social Contract and send it off to Ottawa. Web based stuff have to be updated. I always never succeed but just get 60% in the end which is always frustrating but at least there is progress. I need to plan out my final moves at the UN advocacy with the global social stuff and then the push back to hardcore journalism.

I have to do stuff on the home front. I’ll maybe call in the junk man just to toss as much junk out of the garage and backyard as possible at my dad’s place.

That tooth has to be finished on Monday. I also want another frame for those expensive glasses of mine before they become impossible to find. Just all sorts of stuff that has to be taken care of.

My phone connects to a satellite now - it is fun stuff!

And I have to admit the iPhone 14 Pro Max unexpectedly seems to have wrestled the crown from the iPhone 4 as the phone I enjoyed playing with most after purchase. Just little things that really improved. I set up the main camera to shoot at 48mp and then compress and format to jpg. I have to do this through an expensive third party app (Halide) but the result is the best files ever from a smartphone I have ever used. And I have a widget on the lock screen to shoot like this instantly! In night mode I can shoot a photo and enlarge and crop and it still looks good! Anyway, always on display is welcome but in the next major update we finally can have some control - like we should of had in the first place! More new stuff all at 4K for video including stabilization. Still like the form factor of stainless steel and glass. The dynamic island, and now satellite connectivity so I finally get the sat phone itch scratched and can move on. Like the iPhone 4, these phones are still hard to get, so driving out of town to buy one worked for me. It’s still a toy but at almost two months in, I’m still having fun with this thing!

I also have to cleanup around my place. The office floor (yes FOF take an entire floor of my house) is presentable but I have to fix a seat back on my office chair, vacuum and mop out the floors. The storage room has to be cleaned up and so on.

Oh, as part of my agism advocacy, the Alzheimer’s file is taking me to places I never thought. When does human life end? That question for the ages has the unusual opposite side bar for abortion. When does human life start? And how can you come to conclusions in one direction and not the other. Interesting for now, but I am so glad I don’t have to take political stances on issues and just concentrate on things globally - there is always that….. Hehehehehe…..

That will be my week off…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 11:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, the first day of the vacation was productive.

Of all things, I’m sort of working on the ageism book again. First it was just about the value of a human life. Then the issue of when life ends. Now I’ll throw in the Alzheimer’s and Dementia. This book will not make it in the e beat seller’s list…..

A new yet unused Camcorder!

I bought a Samsung monitor for half price and replaced one of my last of two CRT screens. I may just get rid of them last tonight and be done with it. I have one last large old fashioned TV I test SD material on. This one will be a pain to get rid of so I’ll just leave it be.

Davinci Resolve replaced AVID!

I’ll give the office a look around and make sure everything is where it should be and just carry on. I’m on a cost cutting kick but I don’t want to go overboard. I just want everything to remain able as we don’t have any major projects right now outside of advocacy. “Able” is the key word and enough for now. All that hardware and software for video production was a good thing to get out of the way fast, as I probably would have scuttled that division if I looked at it today…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 11:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Short and sweet…..

Another letter gets sent out today or early tomorrow - it I prefer to have it out today!

Losers wait…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 1:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Monday turned out to be a productive day…..

First of all I got that crown put on that molar that snapped a bicuspid off the front inside and was filled, then snapped the rear inside bicuspid two weeks ago and that was it and I needed a crown. So that got done!

I sent off another letter to Elon Musk except this time I sent it to Twitter in San Francisco. You just keep sending and trying things till you get a response. Next up is probably Reddit.

I bought another Samsung monitor at half price and replaced that last CRT screen in the audio booth:

New monitor and some old hardware!

I kept that little flat screen so that I can have the big one for waveform layers and the small screen for controls and pop up tools. I hesitated because the music production is a slowly dying thing at record labels and most musicians make the music themselves. But my goal was to come out of Covid 19 with complete functionality and this purchase may be the last for office hardware. The one that stung the most was the video camcorder and Davinci Resolve but I made a deliberate thing to take care of that first thing before I could talk myself out of it and it is done!

This now brings me to an interesting thing I noticed as time marches on me and at 63 I can’t help but notice time marching on. I will hit 65, retirement age in less than two years and I’ll probably keep working but the marker of age is still there. Sure I don’t feel or look my age but the years are there. Friends and family age and die off, but you seem to have a few more active years on them. Enough to see the global advocacy through!

Ok, here is the thing. When I stared this organization 19 years ago, one of the criticisms was the cost of what I was trying to do. I now have the actual empirical life experience to make that determination. And that is that for me in my situation – me doing nothing but working and not doing all this would have had literally no difference (financially) than what I did over those years. Yes, believe it – for my situation it would not have mattered and I would be pissed off that I never did anything with my life and all the rest. Now realize, that is me and my situation with my family. If I was all on my own it may have made a difference. It may, but I would still be in my house in retirement and all that. I could probably have managed it though - but it would have had an impact. If I had a family instead, then the advocacy would have been impossible – but you would have had a family to show for it. I didn’t know how well this ultimately turned out; it just is, but that decision was one I don’t have to pay for dearly.

Having said all that, that does not mean you reading this should try the same. I had good business sense and got lucky and had some ability. Most would have lost way more money and gotten out sooner. Could they have made it up – who knows? Money likes to move around and most people get conned out of the money they worked for by the sweat of their brow. Then they get the itch to invest and lose it all on Bitcoin or something like that. Better to have done what I did instead. Anyway, that is my little sermon on life for today…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2022 5:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


A very productive day. The biggest thing was sending our advocacy to Reddit!

I actually like and use Reddit so this one was a no-brainer. Reddit is one of the top 20 websites in the world and all about social. Like I said before, I was a salesman and I work the numbers. You cannot get hung up one on mark, you have to have others and let the numbers work out for you. So that makes four from what was one for the longest time.

All sorts of things happened on Tuesday. I finally got that laptop motherboard battery. It was literally 20 bucks for a battery you can get for three bucks but Dell has them in an enclosure with a connector to the motherboard. Anyway it is here and goes in Wednesday morning.

A new yet unused Camcorder!

I also got rid of my old computer monitors at a second hand place called “Value Village”. You go to the back loading dock and give it to the man. He always gives you a coupon that I never use. I also finally threw out all the cardboard boxes for the new monitors, my graphics cards and finally that box for the camcorder. That camcorder is being replaced by a new model with a better touch screen and usb-c connectors. Nothing else so I’m a bit relieved that I’m not missing out on something right now. They also boosted the price by 500 bucks which is pushing past 4,000 with a microphone and two batteries - ouch! Like I said, you have to make these purchases when you can and just forget about it…..

I’ll start concentrating on the angism book toward the end of the week but still shocked I’m still working on the thing!

Which leads to the fact I myself am getting older. When I started Fortress I was a much younger man. I wasn’t old enough to be anyone’s dad back then. We all were younger and thought we could change the world - and - actually that is still up in the air! Real life never plays out like television, but we come close. Or, this is as close you will get! The plays must be made now. The end game as this is not a lifestyle. Actually my lifestyle has remained the same but every now and then I go into these other worlds for a break. I’m going to really miss all of that if it comes to an end.

You see how the organization has grown over the decades. A real organization I created. I see it the physical office. All the old cameras we used and upgraded from. All the old computers and laptops. The key word is old. After almost 20 years of this I can’t divorce myself from the “old” moniker also. You fulfilled a youthful ambition when you were middle-aged. That is rare as lifers are corrupted by now - yet you are a fresh face but with the experience and wisdom to do things the kids (and you when you were their age) want to do but can’t.

Is it still an experiment? Probably till the last plays are played out…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 1:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My latest Dell laptop!

Wednesday was a family day but I did get around to finally replacing that clock battery for my Dell laptop. It came from China as it was wrapped in that plastic and yellow tape that screams China. Then more and more wrapping and finally aluminum foil over the plastic sleeve that the battery assembly was in. It’s as large as a quarter. I wondered why the cheesy foil wrap and it occurred to me it was a way of getting around expensive and complicated shipping for batteries - has to be! But it’s installed and that is done…..

That battery is on the lower left side of the fan.

Thursday I relax, do the dishes and make sure all the bills are paid. A sort of real vacation starts today…..

Also I’m cutting back on more Covid 19 bad habits that are not needed post-Covid. The TV dinner stuff gets cut back. I don’t fully cut back (cold turkey) as it works better that way.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 7:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Friday and basically the non- vacation is over!

I ordered the paperback version of “A Global Social Contract” and will send that off to Ottawa to put in their library as per the agreement. No word on what happened to the Worldwide Vote, but we will give it some time as they did receive it.

I did lots of family stuff and even then we got stuff done at the organization. Another package sent off to Twitter and now Reddit. The agism book has new life again. Lots of little things done. And now returning to the usual grind.

Could have been worse. Life situations can always be worse. I did relax and finally get my smart wool socks. They are expensive and harder to find now so I just bought eight for 250 bucks! Trust me it’s well worth the money and I checked and not on sale for Black Friday. I’ll probably pass by and make sure as any savings will be enormous. The same for a 4K version of “The Deer Hunter” and a Bluray of “Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood“. It’s at the DVD store so if there is not a sign saying everything **% off I won’t bug them.

Friday is cleaning up around the house and making sure all the bills are paid.

I’m kind of liking the idea of all this is having an expiry date. It’s easier to just accept the idea of dissemination of the ideas with little if any credit from them. I could have kept it all under the bed like a lot of musicians and their music, but then it never gets out there and it’s like it never existed. Moby said if he never lucked into fame he would just write and perform his songs for his girlfriend. Many artist do this in bars with just a few patrons and of course the girlfriend. I have greater ambitions and I want the ideas out there and implemented. I need to see how they work in real life, or how they get corrupted. If I get some acknowledgement that’s great. It would be nice to see a brown guy like me in Western History books for a change.

Of course the ideas can get corrupted and have me become notorious. A possible Wikipedia in my life. Maurice Ali (1959), the most evil man in history…..

I don’t see it happening and I deleted the possible evil outcome in case it makes it into the search engines. You just never know. As is, it’s a thing of beauty, corrupted it can become something else - all with your name on it - or not…..

So next up is Tiktok. This one is a curiosity as I can advocate to a platform that was from China but sort of claims a separation with its operations in the western world. I’ll send it to the western address and see what happens. I’m really curious as to what happens there even if it is nothing.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 7:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well shucks - I sent the stuff to TikTok!

Actually, Friday was the most productive of them all - from family to the orgs.

I got that all done by about two o’clock in the afternoon and then headed out for the Black Friday sales. I got some black Levi’s that old farts like me always wear. I checked to see if my socks were on sale and they were not so that was resolved. Same with the DVDs I waked past the place and the discs were not on sale.

I did pick up - unexpectedly - a sci-fi DVD called “Rubicon” which turned out to be better than I hoped and was actually worth the 15 bucks I spent on it!

Saturday I relax and putter around the house.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2022 6:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another Saturday night…..

Tonight I watched Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood. It was alright actually, and I took a break in the middle and came back to it later. So, I still covet discs to watch movies – and – I actually made a couple for my own features; one feature length movie and a short. I also have a TV series in there also. The budget for both was 140,000 dollars which was enough to sneak it into all of the movie process. The filming, the cast, the production, even the film festivals, network showings of the early stuff. To a real theatre premiere, then to Prime and ending on YouTube and IMDB. Heck, now Prime is very hard for indie to get on. Without a distributor the most you can hope for is straight to sales and not free streaming like I got in North America and the UK. Never thought I’d say this but for indie it’s almost impossible to get on Prime now! The whole experience, and for a movie buff that is the best!

I finally ended my Black Friday shopping picking up some underwear and actually getting my Levis in a size that perfectly fits me, so the one I purchased the day before goes back. I got the two monitors and got rid of the old ones. Everything at the office is updated and works

I’m not going over everything I did but this had to be one of the most intense stay-at-home vacations ever!

The advocacy is in high gear. I am running out of time but strategically I could not have it all come together like this. Three platforms in one week! The UN is next up as I have like only four weeks left for side-events and such. The question is how aggressive I get with the oral speech. They don’t have to let you speak but I’m almost at the end of this program of advocacy and we did the written statement last year. I’ll have to think about this and just apply.

Just make the plays and make them quick. Time is not on your side and how quickly that is becoming an issue. I can still remember me at 19 years old realizing I was going to die and how much time I had left. I was still technically a teenager. Heck when I was at Ryerson and like 18 I told a fellow student I could not imagine what it would be like to be his age of 28! Yes laugh, but those words came from my mouth and he just laughed…..

The Fates

Just like that you are now this guy in his 60s. And today I found out Irene Carra (Fame, Flashdance) has died at 63, the same age as me. I know where the years went but human lives are too short. You start to age rapidly and the body and mind go. It all just sucks to be human. And there is not much you can do about it. Just make the plays and disseminate the ideas even if you get no credit in the end. The Fates do not care about personal glory.


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