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FOF Corp Begins Formal Applications For TV/Film Funding

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
Posts: 7992
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 8:51 am    Post subject: FOF Corp Begins Formal Applications For TV/Film Funding Reply with quote

FOF Corp Begins Formal Applications For TV/Film Funding

By Maurice Ali, President and CEO: FOF Inc./IAIJ Inc.

Maurice Ali

The past three years has seen our organization grow and we have seen some pretty remarkable achievements. Having said that, the reality of media is that it costs money. If we are to survive as a media access organization, we must do everything necessary to fund our projects; specifically our television productions.

I stated earlier in the year that we were looking at the Canadian Television Fund. This fund - along with other programs - is now administered by Telefilm Canada. Here is Telefilm's mandate as stated on their web site:


"Telefilm Canada
Developing and promoting the Canadian audiovisual industry

Telefilm Canada is a Crown corporation reporting to Parliament through the Department of Canadian Heritage. Headquartered in Montréal, Telefilm provides services to the Canadian audiovisual industry by means of four regional offices located in Vancouver, Toronto, Montréal and Halifax.

Our mandate
Telefilm Canada is a federal cultural agency dedicated to the development and promotion of the Canadian audiovisual industry.

The Corporation acts as one of the Canadian government's principal instruments for providing strategic leverage to the private sector, supplying the film, television and new media industries with financial and strategic support. Telefilm's role is to foster the production of films, television programs and cultural products that reflect Canadian society, with its linguistic duality and cultural diversity, and to encourage their dissemination at home and abroad."

With those objectives of Telefilm in mind, I intend to approach this organization for funding of our television programs. Full transparency and documentation here and on our newspaper and on-going documentary will archive our struggle to give Canadians - who pay for these funding initiatives - their right to access the mass media and express themselves to their community.

We will not be satisfied with a form letter in the mail dismissing us and our altruistic endeavors. If rejected, I will approach the politicians and corresponding agencies and committees with some hard questions about why this media access company cannot get funding for true Canadian programing having produced and broadcasted a Canadian Television Program (as designated by the CRTC) on one of Canada's largest networks and fully meeting their most stringent broadcast standards. Once again, full transparency and full credit or criticism through our various media organs such as our newspaper.

The Fortress Of Freedom Corporation believes that communities are better places to live in; when ordinary citizens have access to the mass media - in all it's forms. We at this organization, help achieve this goal by documentation and demonstration of our very own attempts to access the mass media and have ordinary people express themselves to their community and the world.

Telefilm Office Building At 474 Bathurst Street In Toronto

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