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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 7:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This weekend sucked.

It was a grind just to get the simplest things done. I slept through most of it on and off. But I am still doing stuff. I’m now really cutting back on Starbucks, now maybe 40% of what I used to do Cutting back on things like chip and dip, fattening TV dinners that I justified because of the pandemic. The pandemic seems to be a lifestyle thing now with no end in sight so this change happens now. However, this is on the personal side.

It hits me now much harder the lost of socializing due to my growing up here in Canada. You know you missed out - just as the anthropologists said - and there is nothing you can do about it. Now your youth is gone with little to show for it at home. You marvel at how easy it is for others to hook up and have kids while it’s like impossible for you - yet they can do it drunk out of their minds - it’s all down to social anthropology and that’s the answer. Any triumphs in my life were due to my association with international entities where my race and such stereotyping mattered less. However, in Canada things are still the same as always. You can’t fight human nature - at least on the ground. We shall see what happens at the top…..

In advocacy the big deal was binary being thrown out as a vector to sentient artificial intelligence. The big deal personally is being vindicated for focusing on quantum computers all along. You get cocky when this happens and even toning the exhilaration down means you have to go back and clean things up with a cooler head. But now I have renewed vigour to get the positive mandate as a preferred base engram for any possible future sentient AI. Other stuff still remains to be done. The royalties for everyone. Shredding receipts which should take at least a month. Business stuff that I won’t get into. Just another December…..

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 10:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well yuck - new data about vaccines and Omicron:

JOHANNESBURG (AP) -- A two-dose Pfizer/BioNTech vaccination provides just 33% protection against infection by the omicron variant of the coronavirus, but 70% protection against hospitalization, according to a large-scale analysis in South Africa released Tuesday.

The first large-scale analysis of vaccine effectiveness in the region where the new variant was discovered appears to support early indications that omicron is more easily transmissible and that the Pfizer shot isn't as effective in protecting against infection as it was against the delta variant.

The result shows that vaccinated individuals who received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine have 33% protection against infection from omicron, relative to those who were unvaccinated in the first weeks of South Africa's current omicron-driven wave. This represents a significant drop from the 80% protection against infection afforded during the earlier period, probably on the basis of lower antibody susceptibility, following the extensive spike protein mutations in the omicron variant.

Encouragingly though, the result shows that these same vaccinated individuals who received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine have 70% protection against hospital admission in this same time period. This protection against hospital admission is reduced from the highs of 93% in South Africa's delta-driven variant.

The study also found:
1. Omicron poses a higher risk of reinfection. For individuals who have previously had COVID-19, the risk of reinfection with omicron is significantly higher than that of earlier variants.
2. Risk of hospitalization from omicron is lower. Hospital admissions among adults diagnosed with COVID-19 attributed to omicron is 29% lower compared to the COVID-19 wave that South Africa experienced in mid-2020, after adjusting for vaccination status.

So get that third dose and mask up.

On the home front more videos at IAIJ and getting ready to push out those royalty checks and bonuses. I also see that the first confirmed dead from Omicron in the world was reported on Monday! Frankly I’m amazed by that given that to is has been around since October/November. Maybe because nobody knew about the variant before but - one death so far…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 12:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I’m just updating things.

Oh, and the IRS is sending me mail regularly now. Shane laughed at that and said be carful as the IRS just gets you at the border and throws you in jail more easily than the CRA up here. So I’ll be careful on reporting. IAIJ may also get listed with the IRS so instead of a pay-on-demand office in New York we may get a legitimate office there with the new business numbers.

More videos for IAIJ with another stop the war video from 2003 and maybe one about the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. I have started updating the back up forums but this I can done on my cellphone whenever I get the time.

Personally I have a long-standing issue with institutional religion. Most of my family is Roman Catholic and the reason why I sent the Positive Mandate to His Holiness Pope Francis. Funny that the Positive Mandate side-event has a relatively large religious representation there and we actually did talk about that package sent to his apartment door. Yes that took balls! But even with me in a Catholic family and upbringing everyone simply assumes I’m Muslim and when I asked them why they say it’s your last name. So because of my last name I’m religious and given a religion? Anyway I don’t belong to any religion but I did go to Catholic Sunday school. My sisters went to Catholic
School though. But the Positive Mandate and the appearance of sentient AI will empirically endorse the idea of God and what the Super Universe is really all about. Most importantly it will change religious institutions forever. So even though my life suffered due to institutionalized religion - I may have the last laugh…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 4:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well it’s happened, and due to shortages at Starbucks I found myself at Tim Hortoms getting a medium double double and a chocolate dipped donut. The world has shifted slightly now…..

In Omicron news: Seems Omicron attacks the airways and not the lungs and is the reason it may be milder. Question: Is it SARS if you don’t have lung damage and falling O2 levels. Some optimism here folks.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 10:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

With the explosion of new cases I’m at the mall finishing up Christmas buying. Then I’ll get Tyler to help signing cards we send to artists with their royalties and statements. Even the journalist org has new articles and membership requests.

That is one reason the updates are short lately, as there is much going on. You just go with the flow and scratch things off your to do list. Anyway I’m back to shopping before capacity limits and shutdowns happen - again…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 4:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I got up early on Saturday and then slept again till almost three in the afternoon…..

Looks like a female bare leg at the third seat on the left!

This is alright as I needed to catch up on sleep anyway. But now I have to get the weekend on track. First of all it’s a snow day and I’m just going to stay in and do nothing. I may try out the new snow shovel I got but that will be it for outdoor exercise. The royalty statements have to be finished so that gets going this weekend. I’m also watching movies and the one I’m watching now is Thunderball with audio commentary. The most interesting part is when all the double 00s get together in England - there was actually one 00 “licensed to kill” agent that was a woman! Yes, as they currently toy around with a female James Bond there was one already in the 1960s! The audio says the third chair from the left but I see the first chair on the right wearing a bun? However, the third chair from the left has a bare leg showing so it is probably correct while the one at the end is wearing a suit. Suffice to say there was a female double 00 agent way back in the stodgy 1960s.

A black and white production still that proves it!

I was also correct in rushing shopping and buying groceries on Friday as capacity limits have started again. When will this end? Anyway we still have to see just how deadly this version of Covid is. When I give you information it comes from trusted sources. The business about Omicron targeting the airways and not the lungs comes from a study in Hong Kong through Associated Press. The one before is from Reuters. You have to shop around for your information but be certain of the sources and if they can be trusted. This is the new reality these days and it requires more work on your part but don’t do this and you can go down algorithm rabbit holes that can have you believe anything.

I’ll also update the shadow forums and post whenever I feel like it. The pandemic sucks but still, after all this time the Positive Mandate and Global Social Contract are still on track, just without the excitement of me going to the UN in New York and making some speech about it. That is fun but in the end it is all about the dissemination and that 1500 work statement about the new Global Social Contract could not be done any other way. That comes up in February so stuff is still happening. I just sucks that it could not be a bit more exciting and involved (like James Bond) – but stuff is still on-track…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 2:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A miserable weekend.

I start sending royalties out on Monday. At least that is going along as planned. Everything else was miserable. I won’t get into it but the new Covid 19 variant and new restrictions and all the rest made me just zone out as much as possible. Basically everyone is relying on you but you have no one to fall back on. That part sucks - but it is what it is - but it still sucks.

Saturday by myself at home warm and cozy was a treat - watched more movies; but Sunday was business as usual. Monday will be another grind…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 12:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well it turns out the water heater bit the bullet at my father’s place and leaked water everywhere but it was in the basement on cheap rugs on concrete and didn’t make it to the walls - so not much damage. That’s why I’ve been so quite lately here. Turning off the hot water and mopping things up and getting the appointment to replace the unit. They are just finishing up now replacing the unit.

So another delay and a big pain in the ass! But that is life with things happening out of the blue and scuttling your plans.

Tomorrow is another day…..
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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 10:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Man, the first day things are sort of back to normal.

My sister still has to get her booster. Plus I was delivering royalties to those near by, and then groceries cause I don’t want to deal with this stuff just before Christmas Eve. The night before I got like 2.5 hours of sleep and maybe four to five hours last night. Progress!

For Wednesday let me push out the bonuses.


No word on the human rights case or Apple. All those folk are probably gone for the holidays anyway. Funny that my posts that reflect one person’s account of trying to change the world now looks like a Facebook post. In any case February is coming and that means the 1500 word dissemination of the new Global Social Contract at the United Nations. My biggest play ever and during a global pandemic- never saw that happening- that’s for sure!

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 8:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

For the first time this weekI am catching up on things!

First of all I took care of my staff and they all have a bump of cash to help with Christmas presents and such. This used to be more of a social setting pre-pandemic. Sam would sign a stack of royalty statements as she is also the paymaster as well as account executive. Jessica would meet up and sign Christmas cards for our artists. Then I hook up with Shane and do a final review and signings and off it all goes.

Shane signing stuff pre-pandemic!

I think this is the second virtual year for things. My gang is scattered all over Ontario now but one is now in town. I’ll still get more cards signed but it is a “catch as can” type of thing. Tyler should sign a stack and then Shane and myself. However I will admit I miss the pre-pandemic times. You could hand deliver royalties and say “hi” and catch up on things with the artists and there is like about 50 all told. The reality of how big the label is getting hits you when you have to send all the cheques and transfers out!

Sam signing stuff pre-pandemic!

I’ll also continue with the basement clean up at my dad’s place. The gas water heater is now upgraded and works flawlessly. I also like the fact that all old valves are replaced with new ones. The 50 year old shutoff screw valves always leak and drip at that age so to have that replaced was nice. Anyway we continue to make sure all is dry so we have no issues with mold later on.

Jessica in 2020 just before Covid?

Business everywhere comes basically to a halt today until the New Year so I’ll finish the pre-Christmas royalties today and really catch up on things on the four day long weekend coming up.

And yes, as I said yesterday, the advocacy is still going on and February at the Commission for Social Development is a very important one with the new Global Social Contract. There is still a reason for this blog as the biggest plays get made - the only difference is the “pizzazz” of the optics like what we had pre-pandemic, but they are still happening. Keep that in mind as I turn into a senior citizen before your eyes. I hope you young twenty-somethings see that even the semi-successful kids your age who followed up on the dreams of their youth - quickly become older before your eyes. The youthful vigour to do things is still there and I don’t feel old! This is what will happen to you and when you idealistic kids see me, try to see yourself through me as what will happen to you if you follow your dreams. The price you pay for that is paid in years of your life and you can’t get those back! I’m one of the more successful examples.

So if you see grey whiskers because I ran out of time to shave and all those other signs of aging - just remember that I’m doing this as good as you can possibly do. I do have a chance to change things in the world. That brass ring is still there to grab. For almost everyone else that does not exist. I haven’t sold out! I am you into the future - don’t write me off as just another “old man” because this may also be your future….

There’s a whole bunch of old farts following this blog secretly hoping I fail because I tried to do something they wrote off as impossible and I’m still at it on the world’s stage. Having a bigger house than me and driving an expensive car is a hollow comparison as it’s no comparison. I may get nowhere but we passed that already with ideas being disseminated. For my contemporaries it’s really a love/hate thing with me. They sort of wish me luck but would sleep better at night if I failed. And they would probably be nicer to me if I did, that is human psychology right there. Anyway we continue trying to make the world a better place. And when I say world I really mean “world”! Also, I feel there is a certain percentage of people at the UN and it’s special agencies that like a guy like me maurading around there with idealistic ideas that could work. That would explain how I got from first visiting the United Nations in January and then making a speech on the floor of the General Assembly six months later (my impossible goal stated in our original Fortress TV show). That just does not happen there especially with my history and resume…..

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 8:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, Christmas Eve:

I’ll just make one comment about booster shots and Omicron. As regulars here will know, I got my booster in mid-November and when they looked at me they said I wasn’t old enough (over 70) and I had to show them that I was covered as I had two shots of AZ and they still looked at me like I was scamming the system! Bottom line was that I was the first they saw so others like me saw no urgency to get the booster shot and this was for Delta as Omicron wasn’t known yet.

Fast forward to today and people are lining up at three in the morning for boosters at places that only allow those with appointments! So they get turned away and then bitch to the media about how this is all the government’s fault. The reality is that nobody knew about Omicron’s speed and figured you had a buffer of like two months. But here is the reality - boosted mean you may not show symptoms but it seems you still get Omicron and can still spread it. So the occasional cough, occasionally wiping your nose with your hand means you are spreading it unknowingly (I also note that “loose stools” is not a thing anymore- hurray)! At least with two shots you would know you had something. And that something is on the level of a cold to a flu it would seem (and so you would self-isolate and ride it out at home). I only bring this up because the hysteria about getting a booster is out of line now with current knowledge.

With the rapid spread we all will probably get it. 40 to 50 percent even if not boosted will show no symptoms. Time after time I see people boosted with the best protection get Omicron, they find out usually when tested because someone else is positive so even boosted the bug will probably find its way in you. Get the shot because you never know - but don’t get hysterical about it. Yes I was boosted five weeks ago but five weeks ago nobody cared and chided me that I needed the booster because I got two doses of the “inferior” AZ shot - while they had two shots of Pfizer. Now I’m still some dude that scammed the system…..

Anyway the real complaint is the lack of Covid tests of all kinds. That is a valid criticism, but the booster shot thing is what it is. It could of turned out that a booster does not work on Omicron - then what - nobody has a crystal ball…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 9:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, Christmas is done…..

The most memorable Christmas present this year was some Covid rapid tests my sister gave me! Could come in handy some day, you never know - but a clear sign of the times as these are hard to get unless you go to the black market (over here it’s called Kajiji). Christmas dinner was at my dad’s place with me doing more stuff with the food than I ever did before and a Zoom call with family and friends.

Covid 19 rapid test kits!

What was my real Christmas present if I could get it? Having my written statement about the new Global Social Contract go through at the Commission for Social Development at the United Nations. That happens in six weeks and that would be my biggest score so far. The Global Social Contract builds on everything before it:

1 - The Fortress Experiment showing what makes us all happy!

2 - The Positive Mandate for Humanity taking the results of the Fortress Experiment and making it into a mandate to make everyone as happy as can be.

3 - The Worldwide Vote at the United Nations showing that the UN Constitution allows this giving everyone on earth full expression in global matters that also makes us all happier.

4 - The Global Social Contract that gives all of the past work an umbrella into a cohesive framework for global decision making toward global and individual happiness all at the same time as a third house at the United Nations.

Number four is coming up in six weeks as one to three have already been disseminated at the United Nations. So dissemination of this new Global Social Contract in six weeks will be my real Christmas present. They won’t like this statement as it plans to upset the stays quo. They know me and what I and my organization are about as this was clearly shown in 2020 just before the pandemic took off. Member Nations and NGOs who take pride in their exclusive access won’t be exactly crazy about embracing what I offer. However, the world is changing mostly through technology and decision making among nations has its limits where global decisions via everyone on earth would come to quicker consensus to aid in global matters. This change must take place starting now if we as a species are to develop in a positive direction. The play is huge and really only dissemination at this stage. However, as the saying goes: “Rome was not built in one day” and even Rome has its issues (just ask Julius Caesar). But that was better than what was there before…..

So that’s what’s going through my mind now. Soon it’s back to my ordinary life where I was born, and then my alternative life as a man of the world. My goal is to make everyone a “person of the world” and if successful I destroy myself as a “man of the world” and into a “person of the world” with only one vote among 8 billion…..

The Fates

My success is success for all which is a happier existence for all! And remember that with Covid 19 raging around the world - the usual checks and balances that may have stifled my ability to disseminate ideas are possibly crippled or broken for now. Things are uncertain right now, and my biggest play is going ahead. This is reality and not a movie. Things don’t move as fast as in a movie - but the play and it’s possible consequences are very real. A great time to be doing this…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 5:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not much to say today as I just keep doing things I put off.

The only thing I have to do with the organization is the mailing of cheques, everything else is catching up on personal stuff. I did watch the audio commentary of the James Bond movie Dr. No. But a snow day and cleaning up stuff and throwing out stuff and - you know - stuff like that.

Just chilling and actually relaxing for a change. It never lasts and even if you plan ahead, the basement floods like at my dad’s place so when you have dead time you do little and enjoy it!

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 11:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As usual the final day of this long Christmas weekend was really catching up on stuff…..

The idea is just to take care of stuff you always had on the back burner but never got around to. You just see something not done and you do it. Paying all your bills. Paying outstanding domains - and there will be a culling coming up soon! I had like 50 old credit cards that had to be cut up and never got to it until now. Contracts that I have in pdf form but never printed out. All sorts of stuff. About the only thing left to do is the remainder of the payroll and some of that needs address confirmation.

More and more as you do this you realize that you have to start getting your house in order. Not because you are dying but simply because your life is painfully complex and simplifying things makes it all more stress free. I’m not getting any younger and leaving all kinds of open ended stuff from the past just adds complexity you don’t need now. If was totally on my own I could let things slide more, but not in my present circumstance.

I watched more movies with commentary like Goldfinger. Turns out Pussy Galore was a lesbian but the censors would not allow that so it was just suggested. I never got the suggestion…

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 7:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Making real headway now.

All the shredding is done! I spent four hours doing it but it is done. That was one job that just kept staring me in the face but it got done. I even started on the payroll again. So I basically did what I thought I would do and that’s success for me.

I’m sure this sounds boring for you but clearing things up that just occupied the back of your mind for weeks is freedom in your mind. Sort of like tidying up your desk. With everything thrown around your head just swims looking at it all. But start sorting things out and even taking care of some of it and all of a sudden everything is organized and easier deal with. Your head is clear again - just like that.

So I’m still in that vibe and doing what I have to do. By myself everything is rocking, but waiting on others is a chore. Even something that was online and automatic is a chore. Just renewing a business name online has you waiting.

Anyway that’s my life today.

Oh - I’ll end this with another Goldfinger moment. When Bond lands in Kentucky we see Pussy Globe’s Flying Circus of Buxom Beauties land their planes and hop out looked - well you know. But if you look carefully at the planes as they land and come to a stop you will see old guys wearing wigs! And one apparently was smoking a cigar! This is one of those things that once you see you can’t un-see (I checked YouTube for the clip and found one but the dude cut the part with the old aviators wearing blond wigs. You can tell by the jump in the music) - probably did you all a favour there)! Check it out!

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