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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 10:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So the taxes actually got done - mission accomplished…..

So again at least something got done the last couple of days. We did finish the Global Social Contract paper last week which was another mission accomplished though some would say what I’m trying to do is Mission Impossible! You start thinking like that and nothing happens, and the people who think that way never accomplish anything because they never try.

But I still have access and the unifying paper is done and nothing else new is happening in my life, so there is really no argument not to make the play. So there is that and in the background is the usual stuff I still have to do and sometimes it can be a bit much.

So that’s what’s happening with me. Monday looks like a nightmare with rain on top of it. Amazon has shipped many of my CD orders, and it’s funny that these are extinct but vinyl is new again and overpriced. It’s old tech and proves so if you apply it back to back with other physical media. Analog - maybe warmer sound except for those scratches.

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 7:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I’m actually making a reference letter for one of my gang…..

Never say never, but when I was in university I never thought I would be one of those guys getting alumni into jobs and furthering their academic endeavours - but it happened! As I bitched about my stymied attempts to go as far as my academic abilities would take me, as I bitched about the glass ceiling in the work place I could not break decades ago; it looks like I have some influence now - but for others…..

I got one of my gang into one of the largest and most prestigious law firms in Canada. She put me down as literally one of her only references and they did call and it went for 10 minutes. Immediately after I got a message from her thanking me profusely and telling me if I ever needed help to give her a call. Seems they hired her on the spot - just on my word alone! That sort of rattles your cage - that a quick check by other bosses impresses them enough to take your recommendations seriously. Another was a black rapper trying to get into the Masters program at a University I went to which shall remain nameless. As a black kid I guess again I was his only real reference. And yes, they contacted me, and guess what - he got in! He even wanted me to go to his graduation but I left it to him and his mother. He got the masters degree on his own, all my word did was level the playing field (the Positive Mandate at work). A black rapper and a Masters degree - only at my humble organization.

So in a weird way it may be therapeutic to have me switch roles with those that treated me so badly in the past. But I am just one person and the systemic discrimination - of all kinds - continues…..

Oh how I could go on about this. One minute you are mister “every man” kicked around by life; and then suddenly you gain this alter ego, so even though you still live the “every man” life you can put on your suit and tie like a super hero costume and you are in this other world that previously shut you out…..

I came to the UN as Mr. Nobody in January of 2015, made a speech on the floor of the General Assembly that July and spent two full days on the floor of the General Assembly Hall and the vote, that December - all within one year! How can you get that change processed in your head! It took three months to get around my first experience at the UN being grilled by member nations, and then there you are in December three feet from the Chair of Google (worth 10 billion dollars) and at the UN vote that you participated in for the last two years! I chickened out on meeting the Google guy, but that won’t happen again. He wears the same suit I wore - he’s just another guy…..

A view you don’t normally see - the famous green marble lecture at the UN from the back!

But I’m still the same guy I always was and still facing the same discrimination - but with a change of costume I can enter this other realm and hopefully keep making changes as I did early on. Some know my real identity, but I’m sure most don’t have any idea that this fox is now in the hen house…..

So I try for the big changes, going for that brass ring. Sooner or later I will get corrupted and just go to places like the UN to hang out with people I know. If I’m lucky they should kick me out for being too provocative, but then they would have no more influence on me so it’s probably the corruption destiny for me there. But right now I’m still the pissed off guy wanting change in a big way! But I am aware of the realities of time and change on an individual. Hopefully that will happen after I make positive change…..

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 9:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Two things today…..

First is that I sent off the personal taxes and now the corporate taxes remain. Over the last month we made considerable progress on the humanitarian front. I like the fact doing the resume thing with Sam yesterday revealed that she still poked around the website, even now that she’s a mother. Why not - as she has a kid now and has to wonder about what sort of life he will face. At least she is hooked into an organization trying to make it better in some fundamental ways. Like Dave (now a Director here) who has a large family and does the bicycling to work thing out of concern for climate change and what his kids and their kids will have to face in the future. This is a personal choice and individually won’t change the needle, but if enough others are like minded - maybe it will help.

But they have kids and kids suck up your time and money. The big plays are the domain of deviates like myself. Maybe not deviates in genotype and phenotype way, but society made deviates like me through their structural failures, and with power - “monsters” like me - with the ability to possibly change things on a massive scale, may succeed. There is no impetus for happy self-actualized - “upper classes” - who have everything going their way to make changes for those levels of society that suffer systemic discrimination. No, they find things fine, and it is these same people who go into politics and keep things the same because society works for them! But society should work for all so it is those that suffered from flawed societies that have to provoke change - provoke change…..

How massive a scale do we need to provoke change for the betterment of all? I would say that even the tiniest of influence - say disseminating an idea that takes hold - is an incalculable amount of change resulting in billions of people having their lives made happier. It’s does’t even have to be obvious, but that the idea or concept has an influence in policy making - going forward. Our minds simply can’t calculate or conceive of the type and scale of positive change in the minds, hearts and souls of everyone - billions - having their existence improved in even the smallest of ways. Structural changes to make life happier then puts the impact into the impossible to calculate category - simply beyond human comprehension! A quantum computer may be able to comprehend such change but the interface to express that amount of change would be meaningless to our senses.

So for me it simply means to make the play. A flawed society made it’s instrument of change for the better and I am just one example. The past month was a good month for our advocacy! I have something to live for…..

Now to the purely superficial…..

The new Mustang Electric Vehicle!

The new Mustang Electric Vehicle!

After I got my mocha at Starbucks, I passed by the dealership and saw the electric Mustang on sale for the first time!

The new Mustang Electric Vehicle!

See that rotary knob on the bottom of the screen. It’s for volume and improves on Tesla - take that Tesla!

Asking price is 56k so it’s not out of reach, but this isn’t a sports car - it’s a four wheel drive sport utility EV. As a Mustang guy it irritates me that my next car may have to be more practical as the Mustang and Buick Enclave get old. I may end up in one of these Mustangs in a few years when they have sorted it all out. So I actually had a car to look at! Inventories on all cars are low because of the microprocessor shortage that even impacted iPhone production late last year. But it was nice to actually have a car guy look at an interesting car for a change…..

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Maurice Ali

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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2021 8:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh yes, reading last day’s post reminded me many of you may not know what happened in the last month. Basically what happened is that the United Nations accepted my written statement about a worldwide vote at the UN while a year earlier barred me from making the exact same statement in oral form - score! Therefore, the idea became officially disseminated at the UN and thus I can point to that fact to help the advocacy moving forward! That happened on April 5 and later in in the month I finished the first rough drafts on the Global Social Contract. Realize that at the last in-person event of IAIJ was the side event about Positive Mandate and one question was why I came to the United Nations with the idea. The Global Social Contract now answers that question.….

The entrance to Conference Room 12 at the United Nations!

Maurice Ali hosting the side-event!

From here it is back to advocating at the UN. They know who I am now so it could get difficult, but there is more than one way to skin a cat! Could be the usual at the Commission for Social Development. Or the World Bank/IMF. Or the Institute for Social Development at the UN in Geneva. Or back to UNESCO from which I came, is also a viable recourse - “never forget who brung you” as the saying goes. Or the International Telecommunications Union in Geneva. Then the ones outside the UN system like the World Trade Organization in Geneva. There is always a way if the fundamentals make sense like it does with the Positive Mandate and the Worldwide Vote through Smartphones.

Anyway that is the plan going forward. Not as sexy as making movies or a TV series or putting on a big outdoor concert - but here is where the real payoff begins. It isn’t cash or girls, or phoney status or fast cars - no - it is righting the wrongs visited on me in my life and thus making everyone’s life in humanity a happier life. That is the payoff!

The fact that I was just an ordinary guy with an ordinary job with a house and mortgage makes it real to everyone - no sponsors and my dick was in nobody’s back pocket. Making my own moves, my way for the betterment of all. I don’t play the “who do I know to support who I am” game, l let my ideas speak for me and my identity. Others have fancy titles and friends, I am the opposite and making the biggest of moves - that is just so cool, so bad ass and refreshing - in this sphere anything can happen…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2021 2:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A really late one today……

I’m renaming some of the papers officially and this means new ISBN numbers and all. This is just to make things easier when I’m out and about advocating. I also registered another domain for the same reason. More on this later tonight but I have to run a few more errands today.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2021 8:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I though this past weekend was a bust but I pulled the minimum out of a hat…..

So the global social contract paper now has an ISBN number and slowly getting finished. I waffled between “A Global Social Contract” and “Global Social Contract” but stayed with the “A” as I have all top tier domains for that but I also got to help redirect anyone who forgets the “A”. The .com is taken but not used and the .org is being hustled for anyone stupid enough to pay a broker and then pay through the nose for the domain. It won’t be me…..

Anyway I also changed the long winded name we used at the UN for the vote to “Worldwide Vote” and added a new ISBN number to that. The websites in question will be updated later today with the new changes. These changes make it easier for people to find and are now self-explanatory.

I am also back at working on the second newer board for when this I’m breaks, and it will. Took two months to get the nerve to come back but I am back at it.

Canon XH-A1

I am done with big video projects. We did it for the positive mandate and fortress experiment but we at done! Technically you can still buy videotape - but not in Canada - you have to go to and pay over 550.00 bucks for 10 hours of tape that at best only records HTV which is among the crappier codecs for HD - and forget about 4K. These same tapes will also work in my old 17 year old PD170 as DVCAM but it’s too expensive. I have backup tapes I don’t use anymore so we are good there but my iPhone is superior for everything but zoom. Then there is my shoulder mounted super VHS camcorder that still looks impressive. I’ll fire it up today just to see if it still turns on but it’s time has gone. I do still have a brand new Super VHS deck and should get around to transferring whatever tapes I shot onto a hard drive, but no rush here. Suffice to say all this makes you feel old.

Sony PD170

Technology has moved forward. Making a movie or TV show isn’t the big deal it used to be. At least I did live the dream of seeing your TV show on network TV and your movie in a big stand alone theatre from the 1930s like you would go to as a kid. Seeing your stuff on Channel 3 and over the air via “rabbit ears” was a rush as this was how I always watched TV as a kid. Even now, getting on Prime Video to stream (as all our shows did) is now a big deal as indie non-fiction is barred from the platform. YouTube was always the best platform, but I had to live these experiences for my own sake and I hate to say this but YouTube didn’t exist when the Fortress TV Show aired. It’s now on YouTube but I rode all my video down the distribution scale like any “real” movies and TV shows would - I can live with that. I would have had more views on YouTube if I did all that five years ago - but where is the fun there? If I interested, some of you can push our view count past thee hundred for movie (just watch it for at least 40 seconds)….. 300, the Fortress TV Show got 60,000 running after Saturday Night Live (and that was something you didn’t brag about back then) and this just shows how times have changed…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Tue May 04, 2021 10:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was looking at whether the pandemic was a good thing or bad thing for our advocacy. I only have a few concrete examples, so instead of theorizing I will give you some empirical date:

1. Pre-pandemic: I didn’t get to give an oral statement though I tried every avenue to do so including flying to New York personally to try again after the usual procedure netted no response at all. That was February of 2020 weeks before cases started showing up in New York.

Pandemic: Submitted written statement (only statement that could be made) that was received by the Secretary General of the United Nations.

2. Pre-pandemic: Would have gone to Geneva (UN, ITU, WTO) in the summer advocating for the Positive Mandate and then to the World Bank/IMF with the same mission in the fall.

Pandemic: The delay allowed me to formulate the Global Social Contract tying together the Worldwide Vote application along with the Positive Mandate for a more complete and sellable concept to advocate.

Those are the two obvious examples so far. Maybe post pandemic things become so congested in advocacy it is years before I can do anything – or – maybe things are still “thin” in terms of travel for much of the world and this allows me more of a voice and opportunity at the places that matter? Who really knows, and nobody has a crystal ball.

What I can say is that without the pandemic the status quo would have remained and made things harder for new innovative ideas. The pandemic shook or broke those screens and the set up barriers for change, in short things become more uncertain and that means I have a better chance…..

In other news: I will continue to work on the second board now that I have some time.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2021 8:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I made a statement about World Press Freedom Day at IAIJ and if interested here it is:

The strange thing is that our fight for press freedom has become freedom of expression for all as citizen journalists and bloggers can be anyone and thus everyone has to have freedom of expression. Freedom of expression must apply to everyone or it essentially becomes meaningless at our organization.

Here I am with the first issue of our newspaper back in 2004!

This does show up the differences between our new form of journalist association and the more traditional journalist associations. Most still embrace the traditional trappings of the press and there was and somewhat still is some push back from the traditional media press and the citizen journalists and bloggers. They will typically stay in their traditional sphere of activities to identify themselves as serious full time dedicated journalists with a platform that allows them to broadcast their journalism to a large audience. As such, if availability to press conferences and scrums is limited, they will typically get their press passes and credentials ahead of citizen journalists and bloggers.

But it is also true that large media news agencies need money to operate and thus there will always be some influence from those who control the cash box as opposed to citizen journalists that have no such influence. Actually, both have a place in journalism and both can live together. However, I see that in advocacy the associations like ours that are inclusive to everyone have an obligation to everyone internationally - as we are international - to advocate for freedom of expression in all its forms as part of its advocacy and not just press freedom. And that is the reason for the Positive Mandate and the Worldwide Vote and now the Global Social Contract.

IAIJ Incorporated on January 25, 2004!

I’ll give you one example. Back in 2003 I wanted to become a journalist and submitted the required news articles and information and a cheque for admission. I then couriered it to this established Canadian journalist association and got the delivery information and signature. Nothing ever happened with that application, no acknowledgment or anything. Also, at the time journalists did not reflect the ethnic diversity in the community that they reported for. Thus I started IAIJ, first as a journalist credential service for journalists in our international newspaper called The Fortress, and for those barred from entry to traditional journalist associations; and when the numbers grew I created the association where anyone could be endorsed as a journalist anywhere in the world free of any cost and thus open to anyone in the world without any barriers. This is the difference between us and the other associations and our advocacy will always reflect the fact that press freedom is in the end dependent on those freedoms and rights available to all - and that is how and why we are advocating the way we do…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2021 9:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another dull day.

I do have to do stuff with the family and maybe wash the car. Then work on the second board. We are still getting journalist requests from around the world. So there’s never a dull moment even if the day itself is dull - if that makes any sense.

I’ll get the Global Social Contract on the IAIJ website this weekend and finish with it. Then it gets published in The Fortress - that publication has been delayed enough, so with a proper publishing of the material it’s back to advocacy and peer review.

Shane and Samantha at the record store back in 2006!

In the music, Shane is making new music after a considerable hiatus. Plus, I’m expecting a ton of CDs and DVD coming in and we will make our last orders and that will be it for physical media.

There’s just lots of small stuff going on…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2021 8:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It’s complicated…..

Life for me is complicated right now dealing with family matters that conspire to stop most of the tasks you had that day. You still think though. It always amazes me that I still thrive in the music business while most everyone else is dead in the water.

One reason we keep going is the advocacy. If we get traction on the Global Social Contract, it won’t just be for a worldwide vote, but all forms of expression start circulating without the trade barriers that exist these days and especially in their past. I never realized how much music from my past was located just miles from my house. I figure if it was in the radio it must be big…..

You don’t know big yet!

Truly opening up the arts on an open global platform with few controls is an experiment like none before! Now you are open to EVERYTHING!!!!! Some people, especially women, find all this irresistible, mostly because as I talk about this stuff - with me anyways - even if it’s an infinitesimal chance, it still could happen and thus the interest…..

I was never into the music at all when I was younger and running the record label at this stage of my life introduces you to all forms of music all over the world all at the same time. So I’m not quite as stuck in time as others my age. Like not being corrupted in advocacy by the time I have influence on the world stage - you now have a president of a record label with absolutely no biases in the music industry going forward.

That has to be rare…..

Me and women is complicated. Stuff they would never put up with with other guys they put up with me. So we are in the car and I start playing a song from the “Planet of the Apes” sound track (The Hunt) and the only response is this “bug eyed” look staring straight ahead (they probably thought about the music selection later in the day and just giggled). But I never got what some other guys got, which is the woman bolting from the car never to be seen again. Another thing that mostly happened in my forties: How many of you guys had women (conveniently?) leave their phone with you overnight and unlocked with all their photos (all their photos, BTW) and conversations/contacts/emails and music and all, and not be totally mortified with me being in possession with it! Then they show up the next day on their way to work with you parked at some parking lot. And up comes this women looking like a movie star. You all know who you are - but damned - the only thing that goes through your mind is: What a babe…..

Anyway, me and women is always complicated - like the music and all the rest of the arts and my plans for this new world order…..

Man - no plan here punching this out, but just look at me talk! I guess a lot of women find that compelling…..

The Actual CD!

Speaking of the music, a shipment of CDs from one of Yung Spot’s early albums arrived on Thursday. This is just to start and more to come. I’ll update the CD post with this photo - buy them while you can!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2021 11:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Miscellaneous ramblings…..

First off is living with the iPhone 12 Pro Max. I came from a 6S Plus so the upgrade was long overdue. Even with the battery change a year and a half ago when I was constantly charging it. So the biggest upgrade for me was that battery and the pro max finally gives me that. That was the biggest upgrade. At the last minute I doubled the storage to 500gigs which I don’t use. 128 gigs had the possibility of maxing out so 256 should have been the sweet spot but now that I will use this for video I suppose the 500gig was a smart last minute decision.

The only regret is not having touch ID. But here is the thing, by the time September rolls around with orders realistically coming in late October, will touch ID be too late with things like masks fading from use? Under screen Touch ID isn’t as good as the original as you learned by feel where the button was and depressed it as the ID feature validated. That is more complicated now and you have to touch and look and place your finger when the finger print display shows, It’s better right now in the pandemic, but after I would rather use Face ID instead. I don’t know, but the supposedly bigger cameras and 120htz display don’t count. I don’t use 5G because of battery life and I would look at the refresh rate improvements for the first 30minutes of getting the phone and then turn it off for battery life issues. Yet an always on display rocks! Always being able to see the time and date is a positive addition - but is that enough of an upgrade? I’ll leave it there but an upgrade may not happen this year.

The Brawlers EP CD on sale at Amazon!

In the music we have more CDs arriving. I’ll post a pic of The Brawlers CD later and update the post about CD availability later today.

I’ll also start on The Fortress today. This play is going down soon and all the bits and pieces are there. You may say I have little chance, but I do have “a” chance and out of all the people I ever met on my life, I seem to be the only one able to try this. Probably the same in your life so I have to try…..

I’m off to make up for lack of sleep now…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2021 10:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I spent most of Saturday sleeping - but I did buy an AirTag…..

So as I muse about upgrading my iPhone in the fall (I don’t want to as the thing already cost me 2300 dollars) I spent most of Saturday sleeping in - but I did buy an AirTag! AirTags are essentially Bluetooth devices for finding things they are attached to. But when you get into exactly how they operate - then you get ideas…..

I bought one AirTag for 40CAN as a curb side pickup at the Apple Store near me. Essentially it is a white plastic disc about the size of a quarter with a stainless steel cover over the top of the device. The battery pack is an ordinary computer motherboard battery that is replaceable and good for about a year. The tag is tracked by your phone via Bluetooth near by and by pings picked up by other iPhones nearby. So when theses are all over the place, you should be able to track anything anywhere in the world. Even now YouTubers have tracked vehicles with a tag in them and while there is a delay, the thing actually works!

For me it is my dad always losing his keys. He’s 88 and so these AirTags make sense to locate the keys in the house - but also have a secondary function if he leaves the house and gets lost. We are not there yet, but having the tags on that key ring is peace of mind for all of us this Mother’s Day. And I hate to say this to the kids who are actually kids, but mom may be hiding one or sewing some tags into your backpack or sticking it on your keychain to keep an eye on you….. The uses for these things is endless. Supposedly the Apple Watch 6 has one in the board and one is in the iPhone 12 so I can use my old 6S Plus to find my lost iPhone 12 even better than the older way! But I will deal with dad first off and see how they work. I did think of hiding one of these in my car if it got stolen, but soon I realized the coolness of my car without the tracking tech in it and I want to keep it that way, so…..

Apart from the new AirTags, company stuff got done. I handed a copy of the new Brawler’s album to Pize and he was impressed. So for
This one we are going into manufacturing of CDs in quantity before the economic door get shut. I keep laughing about how everyone else is going out of business but at FIF we thrive during the pandemic- reality is stranger than fiction…..

Goodnight….. 0), I did buy Apple’s latest device called “AirTags”. AirTags are essentially Bluetooth devices for finding thing they are attached to. But when you get into exactly how they operate - then you get ideas…..

I bought one AirTag for 40CAN buck as a curb side pickup at the Apple Store near me. Essentially it is a white plastic disc about the size of a quarter with a stainless steel cover over the top of the device. The battery pack is an ordinary computer motherboard battery that is replaceable and good for about a year. The tag is tracked by your phone via Bluetooth near bye and by pings picked up boy other iPhones nearby. So I’m the dirtier when theses are all over the place you should be able to track anything anywhere in the world. Even now you tubers have tracked vehicles with a tag in them and while there is a delay, the thing actually works!

For me it is my dad always losing his keys. He’s 88 and so these AirTags make sense to locate the keys in the house - but also have a secondary function if you leaves the house and gets lost. We are not there yet but having the tags in that key ring is peace of mind for all of us this Mother’s Day. And I hate to say this to the kids who are kids, but mom may be hiding ore sewing some tags into your backpack or sticking it on your keychain to keep an eye on you….. The uses for these things is endless. Supposedly the Apple Watch 6 has one in the board and one is in the iPhone 12 so I can use my old 6S Plus to find my lost iPhone 12 even better than the older way!But I will deal with dad first off and see how they work. I did think of hiding one of these in my car if it got stolen, but soon I realized the coolness of my car without the tracking tech in it and I want to keep it that way, so…..

Apart from the new AirTags company stuff got done. I handed a copy of the new Brawler’s album to Pize and he was impressed. So for this one we are going into manufacturing of CDs in quantity before the economic door get shut. I keep laughing about how everyone else is going out of business in the music industry, but at FOF we thrive during the pandemic - reality is stranger than fiction…..

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2021 10:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The weekend…..

Basically not much got done on the weekend but I managed to pull it out at the last minute! Basically, I just decided to post the Global Social Contract on the IAIJ website - or to use a colloquial term these days: Just Send It!

So the advocacy starts now, warts and all on a rough version of the paper. To add to the urgency is the fact that we have started work on the next version of The Fortress. With all sorts of stuff happening in my personal life, at the end of the day I have to make the play and this one is for the Global Social Contract! So we are up and rolling there - finally…..

More CDs and today we have Corey Johnson’s “Speechless” CD. If you are a fan and want a keepsake CD with full resolution files of his songs, then get it on Amazon before June 4th!

As for the AirTags, the thing actually works! I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to find the keys in the house attached to an AirTag. Your phone acts like a divining rod pointing a direction and counting down distance till you are right above it. Outside the home it is a spastic delayed sort of GPS, but this is now a better tracker than anything commercially available to the average consumer. My only issue was the unnecessarily fat key ring that came with the Apple key-ring assembly, but any key ring can be substituted and all is good! As such (for non-nefarious purposes) I can endorse AirTags at this point in time.

An AirTag as a key ring!

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Tue May 11, 2021 8:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The only news right now is that the Global Social Contract will become a book in a week or two.

This book will become another “prop” for me as I advocate for the idea. Every idea or concept needs a proper book it is based on so we will have one here. Most of the work is already done including ISBN which will be transferred to the longer version of the report which will be the book!

I’m rushing to do this now, sort of cornering myself into a position where I have to do serious advocating on its behalf. Outside of the UN system, a book can get you interviews that would not happen without a book to refer to. So there is a reason to publish another book. This one will be about a 100 pages as opposed to
The 178 of the positive mandate. We will have electronic versions and the physical versions that will get sent to Canada’s Library and Archives. I still giggle that people in Ottawa actually signed the book out and returned so someone else could read it. That is just awesome!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
Posts: 7720
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2021 9:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

First rough draft of the book is in and it’s at about 104 pages.

I’ll leave it there for now and concentrate on The Fortress. I have way too many jobs that are part done and then stuff on the home front like banking and seeing if my dad’s gas lawn mower still works! The UN in Geneva is starting to toy with (or be coy) with actually reopening so it’s good that we are tidying up stuff in the Global Social Contract.

But I will - make the play….. Things are starting to happen in the advocacy!

The update: I did note things in the office like recording the first real video in over a year last week! Major video projects are over for now. The new music is still happening and money being spent. Right now I’m listening to current pop jazz - yes jazz and not death metal and women screaming incomprehensible growls. Right now it’s Michon Young with backing vocals by - of all people - Lindsey Webster who is a regular top 10 Billboard singer on the jazz charts. Seriously, Lindsey as backup looks just like some girl-next-door in Toronto to sort of help out and not get in the way. Actually in that video the whole crew looks like some cohort from university in a jam. But the music is great and you should check both artists out!

I listen to all the “music” but I do listen to some more mainstream music - just to let you know…

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