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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 9:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I’m actually sort of on top of things…..

I’ll get the DVD and CD business finished by reviewing the files one by one and just ordering some for the office and just forget about it and let it all die it’s natural death.

Finish the Tim Cook letter this week and send it off by courier to what will probably be a dead end.

What remains is the Global Social Contract and it now seems I will go beyond just the concept but to the first pragmatic building blocks of the initiation for this new world of social identity. I’m just pushing the idea. Member Nations of the UN would reluctantly endorse the idea and slow development out of self-interest as this way they can control it and keep things the way they are till at least after they are gone. This is crowd control in a nut shell. I won’t be preaching to the masses, every community or culture ideally would have representative young handsome people extolling the virtues in their own way globally. When that happens - if at all - is anyone’s guess, but it turns out I do have something to offer the world for all our efforts, toil and expense, especially with The Fortress Experiment.

Some would say “be happy with what you have now” - but I have seen the way the world works at the top end and I may be able to have some impact. I have to try anyway.

My, my - how things have changed! The fact I am punching this out with a straight face - or you reading this without believing me to be totally bonkers - endorses the idea that anything can still happen. Think about how rare that is - that I have a chance, even if it is a small chance, to effect positive change. And given the numbers, tiny improvements gain massive immeasurable gains in happiness for all 7.5 billion involved! If you think like me you know humans have been around for at least 50,000 years and a total of 108 billion have been born. So to possibly improve the lives of 7 percent of all humans that ever existed is an achievement that is beyond all our mental comprehension! So you see, I have no choice especially given that I operate via a moral imperative. Don’t like the idea just because I have brown skin - the fact it bothers you so much instead of simply discounting it as a mad man’s rant just proves I am onto something. So do what you all do, it’s the idea that counts. I could be dead next week but the idea lives on…..

But hopefully I get to finish the Global Social Report before I keel over. And for those who shutter at me starting a paragraph with “But” - I love grammar nazis - you all just rock on! Ok - how large is the world in my mind right at this minute? It’s the size of a marble in my hand - I’m back…..

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 8:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

We continue with our CD/DVD farewell tour with Yung Spot’s Hustler/Scholar CD!

Shane Murphy wrote:
Yung Spot's "In Da Making 2: Hustler/Scholar" Released as a CD!

By Shane Murphy, FOF Inc. / FOF RECORDS Inc.

The front cover!

The Fortress Of Freedom Corporation and FOF RECORDS Inc. are proud to announce that Toronto rap/hip hop artist Yung Spot has released another album with FOF now in CD format! His latest is called "In Da Making 2: Hustler/Scholar" and is the second CD produced with Fortress of Freedom Inc. and FOF RECORDS Inc. and it is on sale at Amazon here:

This CD will be on sale only till June 4 2021 so get your copy while you can! On behalf of Fortress Of Freedom and FOF RECORDS we at this organization wish Yung Spot all the best with his latest CD release!

Yung Spot at FOFSTOCK!


So get it while you can cause when it’s gone - it’s gone!

What else: People keep telling me the UN member nations will never endorse the worldwide vote at the United Nations. Never say never as there are all sorts of ways to make it happen. In a “nut shell” they could endorse it if they felt this new form of governance would happen anyway outside of the UN and their influence. In this case starting the vote slowly and under their supervision upsurpes this competing entity to their authority and they can roll it out at their pace and under the UN constitution which means just a popular vote with no other power behind it. That is the most logical play to get it in there.

You may ask: What makes them think anyone would try to start this on their own and grow it to a point it could become a viable threat to their governance? All sorts of people and businesses or not-for-profit entities could do it! Even the guy pushing it at the UN could do it on his own if they don’t at least feign interest. All sorts of ways especially for a guy already in the media industry. I could - as an example - pitch a show called “Worldwide Vote” where a well distributed TV network would hold an issue per show with all the pundits and experts and end it all with a worldwide vote through the show’s cellphone voting app. That is just one way and there are many more - sky’s the limit!

But I personally believe the United Nations is the best place for a worldwide vote. No internal power struggles, corruption, and at a place where a popular vote could have influence over policy making. It just makes sense that it be at the United Nations.

The AMC pitch!

Anyway, I thought I just had to clarify that. I actually have made pitches to many broadcasters and with some success. AMC: Joel Stillerman’s office (Madmen - Breaking Bad - The Walking Dead) checked it out but told me they were only interested in scripted shows. NBC sent it from 30 Rock in New York to their production offices in California and the lawyers there told me not to even think of litigation if a show there looked like mine.

The One Three Media pitch (now United Artists)!

HBO passed but sent a talent scout from the History Channel for a journalist/actor for this show they had. I sent it to Scott but Actra would not allow it - but we did get something out of HBO. United Artists (formerly OneThree Media) actually looked at it and passed. This was Mark Burnett’s outfit (Surivor) but also had the Hurst Family involved (Randolph Hurst as in Citizen Kain) and Patricia Hurst was actually involved there at the time! PBS took a long look at it and passed. CTV accepted the pitch formerly - and passed on it. TVO actually got me an interview with their top award winning producer. This means an offer will be made which was for the Don Brasseur show and only Don Brasseur. Under their pay scale it was worth 80 grand but I had to keep the stories together, so I passed and out the door I went. And then there was Netflix…..

The NBC pitch!

If you are curious, the pitch process is actually like how it was portrayed on the sitcom “Seinfeld” and it really does happen that way!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 9:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well the music advocacy has started:

Maurice Ali wrote:
FOF Sends Letter to Tim Cook of Apple About Metadata and Branding!

By Maurice Ali, President - FOF Records Inc.

The actual letter sent to CEO of Apple Inc. Tim Cook!

FOF Records advocacy has sent a letter to CEO Tim Cook of Apple Inc. regarding their policy of restricting changes to song metadata that impact an artist’s ability to develop their brand in the current media marketplace.

This issue happened at our label when the artist formerly known as “Tabitha” changed her stage name to “Rudegal Tab”. When we tried to redistribute the previous songs under the new stage name, we were told this was not possible due to a new policy change at Apple (about altering song metadata after first distribution on music platforms) that is now being adopted on other platforms. Realize that this is by no means illegal but the policy change does limit and affect all musical artists and their ability to work their brand, and branding is what it is all about in this current music industry. Being banished from large popular music platforms (if you don’t agree with their terms of service) makes it almost impossible for musicians to operate in the current music industry, so this is policy change has an impact on all musicians regardless of its legality.

FOF Records Advocacy realizes this issue and has reached out to Apple Inc. to open up a discussion on the issue as they truly may not realize the impact their policy has on musicians in their everyday lives. We sent the letter on April 14 (2021) and will await a reply if there is any reply at all.

More news as it becomes available.



We shall see just where all this takes us. The whole issue is pretty much self explanatory in that article. We even had the new artwork for the new stage name ready to go and Tunecore (a large music aggregator) would not allow it as per the new policy change at Apple. This may take a while, so I will update as events change with regard to this particular bit of advocacy.

In other news you can expect more news about our final offerings of CDs. Basically you will have only six weeks to purchase a CD before Amazon closes CD/DVD/Bluray in-house manufacturing and sale of CDs and DVDs/Blurays. The angst displayed about this change depends on age. Those in their twenties don’t care at all, but for those musicians in their fifties this is a big deal. But economics being what it is, this does sound the death knell for physical media in the music industry with the exception of vinyl. Unlike analogue vinyl, CDs are digital so there is nothing unique about the files themselves so we may not see a “renaissance” with regards to CDs in the future. They will be like cassettes and 8-Track and disappear into the annals of time.

So get them while you can. They are a keep-sake and a physical reminder of the art that we produced here at FOF RECORDS!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 9:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another day and another CD release:

Shane Murphy wrote:
Syse's Album Black Fire Diaries Released as a CD!

By Shane Murphy, FOF Inc. / FOF Records Inc.

Syse's new album!

The Fortress of Freedom Corporation and FOF Records Inc. have officially released Syse's debut album Black Fire Diaries as a CD! You can find and purchase the CD from Amazon through the link below:

You can also buy the album right now from iTunes or stream it on all the popular streaming sites like Spotify or Tidal or Apple Music. The CD version will only be on sale till June 4 (2021) so buy it now before it’s too late!

So from all of us at FOF, congratulations to Syse for a great album and we all wish Syse continued success as his music gets out there!


I’m coveting the term “CD release” while I can because in two months it won’t exist as an ongoing thing in FOF Records productions. So get them while you can!

The delivery record sent to CEO of Apple Inc. Tim Cook!

In the advocacy the Tim Cook letter arrived at Apple at 8:54am California time. If you at wondering how a physical letter gets there so fast remember the three hour time differential, so a 5 hour cargo flight actually takes only 2 hours when you land on the west coast. So it’s in Apple’s hands now and all we can do is wait for a reply - if there even will be a reply. But you will all get to see how the Apple Inc. organization handles a rather unique situation like this…..

And as strange (yup, started a paragraph with “and” - deal with it…..) as it seems, I can now concentrate on the Global Social Contract paper - finally!

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Maurice Ali

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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 9:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So where I live - Toronto, Canada - we didn’t get a curfew in this third wave, what we got was worse as in a stay-at-home order where the police can stop you anywhere outside your home and anytime and if you don’t have a good reason for not being home you get a hefty fine!

What makes this interesting is that pre-pandemic we had this divisive issue of “carding” where police could stop anyone in a poor and black/brown neighbourhood and ask them what they were up to. This is against our constitution but was endorsed by rich white people who knew they would never encounter the police in their neighbourhood. But because of the pandemic this basically can happen to them now under the present orders. As of midnight last night everyone everywhere can be stopped by police and asked for their name and home address and what they are up to. What this means is that the rich upper class that tolerated the lower rungs of society having their rights violated now get a taste of their own inaction. Now, for the first time, some well-to-do person in a wealthy neighbourhood will get a twinge of anxiety as they walk their dog in the middle of the night and “feel” anxiety of the presence of the police coming their way - even if they don’t get stopped.

The end result of this is that ”carding” is now done for good. They won’t make a big splash about it, but the issue should just “quietly disappear” now that they have had a taste of what was going on with the other folk. The police will now just have to get more creative in gathering their intelligence.

In other related news….. The sum total of all this is:

My Oma. The maternal instinct overrules all!

You have no rights. You have no constitution. And if your freedoms are acknowledged as being broken - who enforcers those rights? The same people that broke them in the first place! Your only recourse is to get outside your country and the UN does have that recourse - but it operates basically by other countries that operate under the same paradigm as your country. Only a new Global Social Contract that gives you that true access to that mass of humanity as the last resort - can work. And that is what my Global Social Contract is all about.

Anyway that is what I will be working on this weekend. Realize that what drives all this is my bizarre upbringing and life experience - in my case reality is more bizarre than fiction. Why would a refugee from Nazi Germany take me into her home and change my diapers and sing me German nursery school rhymes and teach me how to speak German (yes, the brown guy’s first language was German) and treat me like one of her family. Why did the extreme far right in Canada take me under their wing, treated me like one of their own, and show me how the world works and how laws are made. If you saw me back then everything would look as you’d expect except for this lone brown guy running around there - what up with that? That would be the most bizarre thing - but that was real life and not the movies. As strange and as unlikely as it would seem the movers and shakers in those organizations liked what they saw in me and made an exception for me against all odds!

I’ve gone further than they ever thought. In fact the last conversation with the guy that protested on Parliament Hill with the snipers trained on him - had me asking if his organization needed any help from my organization as we were now more capable than the org that brought me into this sphere of social-engineering in the first place…..

They are all gone now. Whatever spirit they had resides in me now. But I have my own ideas and I will try to make things happier for everyone in humanity. I’m my own man apart from my history - and my compass is a moral imperative. I can’t escape my past but a guy like me is made and not born. No “cookie cutter” characters in real life. It is what it is and you got me now…..

Deal with that…..

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Maurice Ali

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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 8:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lively discussions on the Global Social Contract where we add a new layer of perception of humanity outside of the usual geopolitical models.

My job is to introduce and disseminate the idea and have it become a legitimate talking point. I go back to work on the paper today having caught up on everything else. The CDs are out and I have ordered my stash. We wait on the Tim Cook letter response if any is forth coming, but the big deal is that Global Social Contract. I personally have initiated three - three - charter applications during my life. The first was a police stop just after the Rodney King incident and I was maybe in my early thirties at the time. I had to do this on my own and time limitations existed on the application. It was funny to see the aloof facade of the police go right out the door when I submitted the constitutional challenge. Anyway, the application got sent up to a higher court who said there may have been a rights violation. The Justice of the Peace I dealt with said the same but that the remedies under the constitution were draconian and so he kicked the case out of his court and told us to come up with a resolution on our own. The takeaway here is that the courts don't want the constitution tested for the most part as it shows just how little rights we really have. But all this happened before the current advocacy or even my journey into the fringe groups for my identity. At that time I believed the constitution would work for me if I tested it - it didn't so I looked elsewhere. Over thirty years later here we are - me pushing an identity for all outside of the current geopolitical system. I did try it the way the constitution was supposed to work and it failed - time for something new.....

With this new identity as a global individual who wishes to make their world a happier place (the Positive Mandate) through the Global Social Contract would have a new avenue for rights violations of all kinds via all of humanity and their consensus through a global vote. Doing this was complicated and it's too complicated to go into now, but humanity needs to grow and a new identity on top of our others is needed, and this is my idea. So back to work on the paper and we shall see what happens. The idea is to just get something together on paper and keep working at it. Then when things open up you get the idea out there as best you can.

So that is what's happening now. You may ask what business a guy like me has doing this at a global level. My reply is that nobody else seems to be doing it and I am therefore obligated based a moral imperative to do it myself. It's the idea that counts and not who disseminated it. So the advocacy continues no matter what your preconceived ideas of who should steer humanity would seem to be.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 9:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

All our internet and my primary phone line is down due to huge issues with one of my providers which is Rogers Communications. My secondary Toronto line and all international lines and data associated with the international lines are still active and unaffected.

I’m now working on the Global Social Contract in-depth report and made real headway on Sunday. We just keep at it but the real updates come when we get our internet back. Like a power failure you don’t know how much you rely on the internet until you loose all of it!

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 4:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

OK, I’m punching this one out early as the internet and phone service is still down.

I’m adding The Fortress Experiment to the Global Social Contract paper which is now growing by leaps and bounds which is not always a good thing. But I am focused and things are progressing.

So when the internet does not work what does? The Apple watch does! This was the only way for me to communicate by phone. Basically I wifi called on it and technically I should be able to do it one the iPhones but it won’t. It should but it won’t. So this is the second time the watch comes out a champ when the chips are down - who would have thought…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 9:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The internet is finally up again so I can give you a proper post…..

Shane Murphy wrote:
Lucifari's Album Anarchology Released as a CD!

By Shane Murphy, FOF Inc. / FOF Records Inc.

Lucifari's new album!

The Fortress of Freedom Corporation and FOF Records Inc. have officially released Lucifari's debut album Anarchology as a CD! You can find and purchase the CD from Amazon through the link below:

You can also buy the album right now from iTunes or stream it on all the popular streaming sites like Spotify or Tidal or Apple Music. The CD version will only be on sale till June 4 (2021) so buy it now before it’s too late!

So from all of us at FOF, congratulations to Lucifari for a great album and we all wish Lucifari continued success as their music gets out there!


More notifications that you can still get CDs of your favourite FOF artists and today it’s Lucifari! Remember that in less than a month and a half it will all be gone in terms of being able to buy a CD, so get yours while you can!

In other news is that I now have all the footnotes and endnotes all converted to endnotes and I should have all references in one place with regard to the Global Social Contract paper. It goes out at the end of this week – no “if, ands, or buts” – and will be linked at the Global Social Contract website:

There will always be that pull to keep working on it till it’s perfect and the other pull telling you that you have to get it out there even if it’s not perfect because it will never be perfect. Every time I think about it - it reminds me of TV show like Star Trek where the chief engineer always whines about something not ready to go and a 1 in 10,000 chance of working and the captain telling him to flip the switch - caution and expediency butting up against each other. That is happening now with this paper. For most caution (and fear) usually prevail and that is why so many people never finish anything. But something – to me – is better than nothing and you have to train yourself to put out less than perfect work and get it out there than nothing and then forgotten. In fact, an early version of the paper is actually uploaded onto the website already (with no link) just to keep me updating it. So when push comes to shove, I side with the captain and order the switch to be flipped, something even if in rough shape is better than nothing out there at all. There will be revisions, but the idea gets out there regardless…..

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 6:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

More progress on the Global Social Contract…..

I streamlined the paper today first by excising the front part of the thesis which includes the title page, abstract and contents page (which are designated in Roman numerals) and keeping that separate until the end, and started with the introduction in normal numbering. I added a bit to the structure but made the mostly disjointed material flow together. First was the necessary ingredients to make a society along with arguments against a solipsistic universe that forces you to agree that others like you exist. As such what matters most to you which we present as happiness must also be attributed as most desirable to you in your mind by extension or empathy to others. Thus we have our unifying idea or concept in which people around the world would find as a valuable reason to opt into this type of society.

Worldwide Vote side event!

Along with the association built upon our wish for happiness is that background of the Positive Mandate for Humanity and why happiness is a prime mover for this Global Society along with The Fortress Experiment that provides the empirical data to back up my claim toward the happiness concept. Now every society needs some method of governance or tool to make decisions and for that we have the Worldwide Vote through smart phones which is another paper I include in this paper and presents the practical reality of giving this society normal tools of any society except this one is global – for the first time. We also go into how the United Nations is the best venue to make this a reality but not the sole venue. And finish the whole thing off by showing that the Global Social Contract is the necessary precursor to the first Global Society Constitution.

When I step back from all this I can’t believe it is all going off without a hitch. The intellectual stuff I could do on my own but getting the word out needed the subjective judgment which is my Achilles Heel. But just dumb luck or The Fates for you more superstitious minds, whatever you believe, it sure seems to be going my way. Remember that I can’t make anyone do anything, but I can be there to make the offer. But I have to acknowledge that I have had luck on my side pretty much the whole way. I do what I can practically to force the odds my way but this is getting to be too much more than luck. Even getting the time to finish up the first rough draft this week was a good/bad luck thing depending on how you look at it.

The Fates!

The fact all my contemporaries and professors at university ended up doing nothing as in “fuck all” with all their opportunities and degrees and accolades in the academic sphere – juxtaposed by the fact I could do what I have done from the base of any ordinary person on earth is just so “bad ass”! Creating the orgs to get the word out, to the experiment, the Positive Mandate and Worldwide Vote – the whole thing could not have turned out better.

Ok, so really, none of this is popular among those my age and I get it - it’s a younger generational thing. I do it because I’m a philosopher and because I tried it in my late 20s and just could not do it. Yup, for all my creativity and talent, I just could not do it! Probably the same for the others - and who are they going to turn to for help? May as well be me and that’s what is happening. Sure it’s easier to stay in the past at my age. Some arguably say our music was even better. But I’m not going to give up on change or change for the better simply because of my age. Humanity has to develop just as music has to develop and change with the times…..

Yeh - it is cool to be making these plays and having all the infrastructure out there to make it all happen. So when I am happy enough with the paper it gets posted at IAIJ as an in-depth article. Then it gets published on FOF’s magazine called The Fortress. Technically the magazine is now fully on-line, but for the big academic papers we will still make a small run of physical papers, and I carry a couple to the UN as it impresses people my age.

If it gets to the UN as a side event we get peer review and maybe it gets formally disseminated at the United Nations as an oral or written statement. This has now happened twice before with the Positive Mandate for Humanity and the Worldwide Vote. Can it happen again? Maybe, but the radar is up for me now at the UN, but we will try…..

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 9:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another day and another CD for sale…..

Shane Murphy wrote:
ZX/81's Album Back to BASICs Released as a CD!

By Shane Murphy, FOF Inc. / FOF Records Inc.

ZX/81's new album!

The Fortress of Freedom Corporation and FOF Records Inc. have officially released ZX/81's debut album Back to BASICs as a CD! You can find and purchase the CD from Amazon through the link below:

You can also buy the album right now from iTunes or stream it on all the popular streaming sites like Spotify or Tidal or Apple Music. The CD version will only be on sale till June 4 (2021) so buy it now before it’s too late!

So from all of us at FOF, congratulations to ZX/81 for a great album and we all wishZX/81 continued success as their music gets out there!


I actually got a check from Amazon with real money involved - so naturally we have to shut down that service….. But FOF now has a bulk wholesale order to deal with so keep the orders coming while you can!

The first real version of the Global Social Contract paper was uploaded to its website. We now have a paper and I’m actually taking a break and then making sure all the main parts are there and then concentrating on each chapter for proofing and revision. This will happen even after it is posted. However, we now have the blueprint for a new global society/global identity and a new form of Global Governance!

Hubba, hubba, hubba……

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Maurice Ali

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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 7:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I always wondered why my book was on sale at Walmart but officially sold out - now it’s official!

Jessica King wrote:
The Positive Mandate for Humanity Paperback Book on Sale at Walmart!

By Jessica King - FOF Inc.

The Fortress of Freedom Corporation and the International Association of Independent Journalists Inc. are pleased to announce that our book "Positive Mandate for Humanity" is now for sale in paperback form at Walmart. you can find the book at Walmart (32.58USD) here:

The ISBN and critical information is:

Title: Positive Mandate for Humanity
Author: Maurice Ali
Publisher: Fortress of Freedom Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-988407-02-9

Here are a few pictures of the actual book in print:

The back:


Currently the book is about 174 pages. The book is very simple in design with a gloss black cover and white title on the front and the ISBN and publishing company designation on the back. The printed version is a beautiful black gloss design with a half inch spine only presenting the title and ISBN number and publishers logo and bar code at the back. For those interested there is a Kindle version as well as the paperback version available at Amazon. For those who’s means preclude purchases but who are interested in the essays in the book, all these are available separately at the appropriate websites free of charge.

More news as it becomes available.


Yes! My paper back on sale at Walmart! This is kind of old school and it will probably only impress those my age, but apart from having a book signing at the very few books stores out there - this is as good as it gets for the ones like me…..

I’m other news…..

Looks like Shane and some familiar faces are making music. Don’t know what they are going to do with it - but I’ve listened to one track and it actually sounds good! So stuff is happening behind the scenes and I only find out when they tell me - see this is actually not a one man operation…..

As for the paper:

Now that the first true rough draft is out there I’m taking a more laid back approach. When I feel like it I take one chapter and work on it. I started at the front with the abstract and then went to the back with combining it all together. Then I tackle the middle sections and then revisit the back and finally the abstract again.

But this paper along with the others is all about advocacy, and hopefully I get mobile and out there. Apart from the UN in New York and The World Bank/IMF in Washington, there is Geneva in Switzerland. Why such an interest for Geneva? It’s because all the rest is there and literally within blocks of each other.

For example, we have UN headquarters for Europe in Geneva. But literally across the street you have the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). Since I have that Worldwide Vote idea to advocate having the UN and ITU in the same place is a huge plus for me. It doesn’t end there as the World Trade Organization is basically beside the UN and ITU - one stop shopping for my brand of advocacy…..

So that is the lure of advocacy in Europe for me, but there is also the International Court of Justice or World Court in The Hague in the Netherlands and so on.

First thing is to get that paper out and most will be disappointed that I don’t make any headway with regard to the actual substance of the social contract. Trust me, if you are advocating just for the “idea” of a social contract and Worldwide Vote, any actual statements on the substance of the social contract will be your downfall. If I did that as in put anything in the social contract, you will find a quagmire of objections. I don’t need that yet so I stopped at “happiness”.

Anyway that is what rock’in in my head right now.


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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 11:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A quick update…..

The second rough draft of the Global Social Contract paper is basically done. It comes in at just over 60 pages. We will continue to work on and improve it but I see no reason not to make it available on the global social website. Putting it out there forces me to keep looking at it before finally sending it off to IAIJ. You will be disappointed that I have nothing concrete about the content of the social contract. This is deliberate for political and diplomatic reasons to advocate for this idea. Remember that most will have never heard about the Positive Mandate or Worldwide Vote, so that is shock enough – but with the Global Social Contract wrapper we now give their existence a “reason for being” if you wish. I also added that this society is a social layer over all other societies and geopolitical constructs; and this means those who don’t join the society will see no change in their lives and nations will see no change in their influence or affairs. This tactic is needed to have any chance at international venues that matter.

Please be patient…..

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
Posts: 7720
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The finished second rough draft is up on the social contract website.

You will be disappointed if you read it as this is a political paper more than anything else. It is a wrapper for the Positive Mandate and Worldwide Vote. Like I said before, it gives the two concepts a reason to be used, but I don’t get into the nuts and bolts of the actual social contract and I don’t get into the actual authorizing legislation that could occur to make it happen as that just leads to a quagmire of issues before the idea is even seriously entertained. If I was more academically minded I would have tried to include the base foundations for the society over the obvious ones but that is the downfall of academia when it meets practical advocacy.

Seneca Pub!

Anyway, I will keep looking at it and checking for redundancies and what not. But I did take a break from it on Saturday and thought about other things for a change. I noticed that my favourite dive bar is gone. The Seneca Pub is no more! It was replaced by some billiards sports place and maybe by the same owner as the previous bar I loved. Who knows right now, but there are changes inside and the stage is probably gone now – so much for my gang playing there for practice. The thing about that run down bar was that when I thought about what I missed the most due to the pandemic, when it came to venues it was doing the old man thing of buying a coffee at Starbucks and walking round the mall for some exercise – real old man stuff there – and – occasionally walking from my house to this underground bar and relaxing a bit. And not much happened there when I was there; it was just this place you could go to on a Saturday night to remind you that you could do something on a Saturday Night…..

Seneca Pub’s stage for unknown musical artists!

Enough of that, I’ll probably go back to the mall stuff when the pandemic eases – if – the malls open up at all again. Who knows, but that was what was going through my old crusty mind. Now that the paper is out there I can do other interesting things like my taxes and updating websites. Never a dull moment for me and that army of aging divorced guys I get associated with. However I do still watch movies and mostly DVDs. The latest was “Don’t Say a Word” with Michael Douglas from September 2001 just after 911. The commentary on that film by the director was superb as they shot in Toronto and New York and even car chase scenes were split between Toronto and New York – Cool! Anyway, that is my life right now…..

You would actually find me here with a beer or glass of wine with that chained up empty peanut dispenser, watching drunks try to play Ping-Pong - I wish I was making that up!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 12:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I’ll get this update out of the way early…..

So the paper is out and it characteristically has no extra insight like the positive mandate and worldwide vote - and this was deliberate?


If I did this in the truly academic spirit I would have talked about a new society with expanded perceptions and insight using all our abilities including our visceral senses. I would change the course curriculum of elementary school students, expanding their minds and perceptions and discarding their parents ideals, opinions and archaic cultural traditions - basically equipping them for the brave new world technology will give us. That kind of thing won’t fly politically- and it won’t fly in a worldwide vote; so I didn’t go there - see what I mean?

So you get what you get. I have the advantage of not having kids and thus not wanting them to be like me in any way. Real development can’t happen with children taught to behave like their parents. One example: When I was nine I thought race relations were being solved and that things were changing. Fast forward over half a century and what has changed? Oh, the soap operas and commercials can show a racially mixed couple - how pathetic! This kind of development won’t do and if nothing is done it spells humanity’s doom sooner than later! But I digress, it is what it is…..

It’s that as I talk like this - I am completely unknown. If I had used my intellect to selfish materialistic ends, I would be much more well known and revered. The fact that this would be true shows how backward we really are. E=MC2 - Einstein would be a forgotten man it it didn’t help make the “bomb”!

Sunday is taxes…..

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