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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 7:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Today I updated computers. I also updated my iPhone and soon the watch. The UN report is basically done and I will sit on it this weekend and then just send it in.....

The UN from my hotel this last February.

I was thinking about New York as I was there toward the tail end of February. Just strange how bad and how fast things got over there with Covid 19. Apart from the United Nations stuff I was also taking the packed subway and strolling around the place with little care in the world. The big deal was having some kind of impact with the worldwide vote at the time and I thought that was the biggest issue at that time. Man how a few weeks can change things! And all over the world. Everyone now has their own drama to think about and my little story starts to pale by comparison.

The Statute of Liberty

I will of course continue the blog and the advocacy because nothing lasts forever. But it is weird to have some down time. Then pay off some bills as nothing else is going on. It just is what it is. So I will continue doing something close to nothing for the weekend. Everything is closed, everyone has their minds on the pandemic. Dissemination now is not some urgent priority. The only solace is hearing how other people have been given the bad hand either with the infection or the financial consequences of dealing with it. However, some things still don’t change with the plague. Recently I was looking at some cars on the front line and a security guard blared over the loudspeaker that the police have been called - Ha! Seriously, I’ll be 90 and they will still call the cops on me and the cops will arrive asking questions. But if I get robbed or mugged they won’t show up. Society shows all its corruption and vices when you occupy the lowest rungs. So today I was looking at some cars but took off before the time limit for calling the cops came up, and going back to my car I passed an SUV by at least 20’ and still heard the click of the locks. I guess that bitch feels secure now. Even in New York, women would clutch their purses if they saw me coming. Back in Toronto guys would leave their cars unattended. But if they saw me this look comes over their face and they return to their car and lock it. This is the drivel that is called humanity that I have to deal with disseminating ideas. Seriously, if I was a white guy things would have been much easier for me. People don’t care about the merits of an idea more than the idea of following the ideas of a brown guy. It’s really as simple as that! They would rather keep the status quo than change their lives for the better on the word of a guy who looks like a terrorist in their mind. So this is what I’m up against in the western world. Oh, these same people would say there is no such thing as racism in the world and scratch their head as to why a guy like me can do what he does internationally while his life back home is that of a typical second or third class citizen. They can’t put the obvious two and two together. They really would rather live in blissful ignorance that there is no racism and that white folk do better than others because of merit. It’s easier to live with inequality this way.

By the way - there is no discrimination of any sort on any of my advocacy. It is all there for everyone including the journalism - yet the same cast of characters (in this case from Australia) would want me notified to the RCMP as a security threat. That from a award winning journalist back in the day.....

All this bull shit is what I am up against just trying to do good for all. You can’t argue with stupid - though some still try! Fool that he is.....


Edit: If you think I was making it up, I ran an experiment in university where I would say something rather outlandish but had a white guy back me up and people took to that crap hook line and sinker. The results were too good and obvious! Then when I told the class what was going on the professor came down on me hardest and not the white guy helper - and it’s funny that I never thought about that all these decades until right now! Just because a guy is a professor, doesn’t mean he can’t be a fool. And to clarify that last statement - he was a fool! Just saying.....
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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 7:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I slept on it and that prior post stays up because it’s honest.


I was holding back on many fronts. But the take away for you is what kind of response will a brown guy like me get in the Middle East and the East Indies. How about east Asia and South America. Ambitious plans but you just watch!

You have to see how others react and react to you to get a fair perspective. There is nothing better than seeing preconceived notions blasted to pieces from others around the world. I could have tried the cult status swami Indian thing to disseminate my ideas at home, but that just perpetuates another stereotype from the sixties. It’s time for a wake up call on several fronts.

You just wait and watch.....

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright and an early one today.....

You have to realize that when I bitch about something - I do it with good reason. I was nine when I started to perceive the big thoughts like death and also my status in society. I knew all about being black in a white world from my first day at school. But it was in grade three or possibly four when I noticed the fight for civil liberties in the States and thought that things were going to change for me from now on.

51 years later - over half a century - and nothing has changed! The only change I can see is that you now see mixed couples in advertising and mixed couples in the soap operas, and the first black President of the United States. But for ordinary non-white people it is discriminatory business as usual. Perhaps non-whites have moved a bit into the lower rungs of management in large blue chip companies - but that is about it for change. I waited my entire life for real change and it didn’t happen! It’s like we are so hardwired by our biology that we can’t escape our most base instincts. As stated in my speech at the UN, the positive mandate addresses and solves these problems by adoption, not only by governments as policy, but through the hearts and minds of all on earth. This is what I am up to - trying to bring out the best in humanity. But you know the saying: “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.” But I will try and as I don’t see anyone doing it like I am - thus as bizarre as it seems it is now on me!

Another view during the speech!

It is bizarre you have to admit. Bizarre as in I never thought it would come to this but here we are.....

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 2:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I’ll add a bit more as I have some time to reflect during this pandemic isolation…..

I am watching the movie “Hacksaw Ridge” and it always amazes me how a guy can just waltz up to a girl and talk to her. Always amazed at that! And then the impossibility of her going on a date with him! How is this possible? How do they do that? This only makes sense if you realize that I was this brown guy with a Muslim last name in a city (Edmonton, Alberta) where you literally were the only brown kid in the city. I never saw another in Edmonton until my teens. So you were a marked man and isolated, especially from teenage years on as what friends you had could socially develop and get interested in girls – and you could not. Moved to Toronto where you actually could see minorities. I marveled at seeing non-whites scattered around the place – how is this possible? But still 99.9% white with the same limitations. All these women and none of them for you. I’m not even sure you folk reading this know what I’m talking about. Realize that I sort of never had the opportunity to actually interact, so you were not technically missing something you used to have, like a prisoner in jail; but you knew you were missing something.

You laughed and marveled at how a guy in the movies could just talk to a woman and his life was not in jeopardy, and then ask her out and walk down the street hand in hand without being dragged away and killed in some side street – how do they do that? That was probably my fate back then if some girl was actually brazen enough to try - they didn’t try. So you could not even talk to a girl - that was the first part. Ask her out on a date – impossible! Father and mother actively opposed to it. Sisters and brothers working against you. The church working against you. All of society scowling or messing with you all over the place. There was no hope at all. That is why even to this day I marvel at some guy in a movie just waltzing up to a girl and then asking her out- How do they do that? I always wonder how the human race could survive past one generation as it seemed impossible to meet a women and have a family – how is this possible?

Of course that is my experience and as much as I marveled about men and women actually able to interact, you trying to understand me is probably impossible as I was so out of the norm. Now you know why I am the way I am and why I came up with stuff like the positive mandate. As a teenager I was studying mankind as we called it back then and trying to find out what went wrong. In my teenage years I was studying the brain and coming up with equations to measure the cranial capacity in skulls that were irregularly shaped. Funny thing is some guys actually helped me out with this – but I still got labeled “the crazy nigger” by them as a group. Funnily that was one of the nicer nick names – but I digress. My hatred and disgust with humanity continued into university where I had talent but nobody liked me and nobody really wanted to have anything to do with me in graduate school. So even if I deserved to be there it just didn’t happen. And did any of those that took my place do anything with the opportunity? Answer: NOT ONE FUCKING THING!!!!! One gargantuan waste of fucking time! But I digress. Now I did – against impossible odds – manage to get married to my mother’s friend, who had a daughter, but even then we had problems with the church, and the pastor or priest or whatever they called those guys said that we would have problems even though I told him they could have the kids for that religion. Absolutely, positively was not the least bit interested in religion. Anyway that ended in divorce.

Damaged goods, but I was not the only one. American Indians, remember those folk. They were always at the back of the bus in Edmonton. I didn’t sit at the back of the bus but wherever I sat nobody would sit beside me and I never sat beside a white person. Except this one time I was sitting as usual by myself and this attractive white chick looked at me and sat beside me! One of those important moments of my life, some white person sitting beside me on a bus! Man was my life this never ending shit hole….. But back to the American Indians now known as “First Peoples”. At the UN as a newbie you quickly learned not to criticize other countries. If you did they brought up the Indians. They would talk about those concentration camps we had them in and I stupidly would say: “They are not concentration camps – we call them reservations.” But they were right and “we” are to blame. 51 years later and did anything change for the “First Peoples” – Not a god dammed thing! Human beings --- Wow….. But I digress…..

Seeing where I ended up – you would think it would make for a good movie --- Oh-yah….. We did make a movie. Is anyone on interested in the Western Hemisphere in seeing it? Answer: No! Reason: It stars this brown guy! Human beings --- Wow….. But I digress…..

Anyway, enough of this. When I send in my quadrennial report I will send the positive mandate idea directly to the Institute for Social Development in Geneva and see what happens there…..

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 6:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It’s back to work but one final thought on all this advocacy I’ve been at.....

I’ve actually sugar coated my past as it’s worse than I talk about here. I constantly hold my tongue as the internet is forever. My opinion of humanity in its present state would be more colourful than you find here. So why do I try? Because the kids don’t seem to have the negative hard wiring in them brought out until the adults energize it. A cute little white girl will want to play house with a cute little black boy and quip that they are going to get married - and then the girl’s mother takes her away to have “a talk with her”..... That was a real story from a famous black celebrity who then took his kid out of that kindergarten - but you see how all this starts! So I have a soft spot for the kids as they really do start out pure, or as pure as can be expected. And it has to be mentioned that the kids never did anything to me, so I am morally obligated to at least try to give them a better life - all of them! Remember I was brought up by “displaced people” from the former Nazi Germany and yet I was treated as one of their own kids and slept in the same bed with a cute little German/Canadian girl - who was not read the riot act of racism - and this does have an impact on my advocacy going forward.

(Photo: The Cosmic Companion)

As for the AI stuff? Even if we don’t see sentient AI in my lifetime it is nevertheless important for understanding humanity by creating the conditions for sentient AI devoid of the legacy biological hard wiring humans have. If it is necessary for sentient AI it is necessary for humanity - all the rest isn’t and a lot of that just holds humanity back! Luckily, the positive mandate is a natural prerequisite here which means it can only bring out the best in humanity with all of humanity’s negative baggage.

So I hope this helps explain what is going on at FOF and IAIJ.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 12:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just a quickie.....

Just proof reading the UN report. Looking at it and off it goes! We should stick around a while but I’m sure I and IAIJ have a target on our heads.

Things are gearing up in every corner of the orgs even though everything is shut down due to Covid 19. I’m not alone as non-essential businesses seem to surreptitiously getting ready to resume business just as we are expected to hit peak numbers. I know there needs to be time to get the businesses up and running but they may be way too optimistic.

As for video I watched Terminal with Margot Robbie is Suicide Squad fame. It was alright and by that the Director made the best of a humdrum script. Robbie rocks and the movie is purely beautiful from start to finish. So this isn’t exactly “Apocalypse Now”but still the reviews were brutal though the director did the best he could with this consortium of investors and production houses involved. Lord only knows what dealing with that was like but I did enjoy the film.

With our own movie I was constrained by reality and the people involved including me. We were all just ordinary looking people and not Robbie and Mike Myers. Our equipment was basic and a doco so you go with whatever the environment gives you in terms of light. And production was basically me, myself, and I! But we got a real watchable feature length movie with a point. That we did a watchable feature length movie played in a real
stand alone theatre is an achievement I’ll take. But the reviews and disappointment like at the festivals are hard kn you and that would be easy to take if it was fair - but they are anything but fair! The series has way better numbers than the movie. I questioned making the series as a long list of hour long docos looks better on the resume - but the series was the better move. A series is harder to make and people will check it out first in the Amazon junk title bin where we currently reside. Bigger numbers by a country mile really! And I love being in the junk bin. All the movies I watched this weekend were found in the Walmart 5 dollar bin which is the same thing. Hacksaw Ridge was a solid movie but directed by Mel Gibson. Every movie seems to have it all but for one reason or another is held back. The Fortress Experiment belongs in this bin and I’m proud of it. Getting everything right and proper is the mark of pure commerciality. I don’t want that.

Keeping it real.....
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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another “blah” day.

I hope some of you enjoyed my first draft posts as much as I do when I get around to proof reading them. Yesterday the spell checker turned organization into organism - how on earth did it do that? Anyway, I still work a regular job with long hours during the pandemic and take care of my dad and sister “in these uncertain times” like buying food and decontaminating the stuff - so you have to fit these updates in where you can.

I could just miss a day but then you start missing a week and when you get back to the daily routine, everyone else has left the building. It’s easier on apps like Facebook and Instagram where when you post and you just show up in someone’s feed that follows you - but that is a trap. You can’t show things that violate the rules - like a woman’s breast in one case. You can’t talk about controversial things without worrying about being reported as the sites just cancel or suspend accounts and ask questions later. No, for a guy like me it has to be in a private website owned by me where I have to freedom to do as I wish.

Of course freedom is not quite right as I do have the freedom but nevertheless watch what I say for political reasons. But if you invest your brand completely to YouTube or Facebook or Instagram or whatever - you are ultimately at their discretion and if you make money they constantly whittle that down and change conditions on it so as not to piss off the advertisers and all the rest. Your brand is no longer yours.....

So that is why I am hidden on this aging message board where I am. It’s all
about dissemination and change for the better. It’s not all about likes, minutes or followers. Though.....getting influencers like attractive hotties of both sexes to get on board with the positive mandate and spread the word may work for the idea and concepts even if they don’t work for me.

We shall see.....

In other news, every day I get a text or phone call regarding the label and the music. I thought record labels were dead? So the label keeps trudging along even though the owner and president never gave music a second thought for most of his life. How bizarre is that.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 7:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I’m getting sick and tired of people bitching about having to stay home and having everything shut down by the government.

You think you have rights out here in the west? Well you don’t, you never did, and I have the proof! On a whim, all sorts of people were imprisoned to their home by decree and commerce and livelihoods also shut down by decree. We all were shocked to see this happen to the Covid 19 pandemic in China but thought this was how it goes in a communist country, but now it has happened on your home turf. This has happened to half of the world (at least) and with the exception of Sweden, has happened to all democracies including the States that supposedly has civil rights and liberties enshrined into their constitution.

So I guess this is the first time most folk in the west had their rights like freedom of movement and association striped from them at whim - and so now you know. We thought laws banning groups of more than 5 or 10 people to be the realm of a dictatorial political structure - but here we are! Most turn a blind eye to this as it’s for a good reason - and they are probably right, but it does shine a light on the truth that you really don’t have rights that you always thought you had. And until those rights were tested, you lived in blissful acceptance or ignorance that you had these inalienable rights while others around the world had none.

Well, forget about the current pandemic, forget about people you know being stopped by police, parking ticket officers and bylaw enforcement officers for “your papers” to prove you have a reason to drive or walk or take transit to some place - I’ll tell you how I found out about this by personal experience long ago.

You see, I do things you guys don’t - like submit charter challenges when I think my rights were violated - and then find out I never had any rights to “be” violated in the first place. So my first “charter application” was in the 1980s when Rodney King was a big deal and I foolishly thought I was unjustifiably stopped by police. So I submitted a constitutional challenge called a Charter Application. Now this is a more complicated thing than you realize. There are time limits to adhere to for the application to be valid and you have to deliver the application to the judge and prosecutor and all the rest. I’m an idealist and I had nothing but fantasies of a landmark judgement in my dispute because my rights were violated. The Justice of the Peace actually figured unofficially that I was right and kicked both of us out of the court and then brought us back in after we were shouting and arguing outside (too funny when I think about it now). So the JP starts telling me all the ways the cop screwed up that would cause all the charges to be dropped and allow me to walk out of there scott free if I dropped the charter application (never saw that on any of those law and order TV shows.....hahahaha.....). I was having none of this as this was a matter of principle - it was all about my inalienable rights! The Justice of the Peace was now truly pissed off and glared at me and said that all of us were getting back together here on Halloween night to settle the matter. Then me and the cop went back out to argue and shout at each other some more and then we had to wait for Halloween.

So Halloween comes and the JP said he had to kick the application up to a higher court and the ruling was that my rights under the charter “may” have been violated - but - that the remedies under the charter were draconian (my tickets would be dropped) and the crown didn’t want to deal with it and he kicked me and the cop out of the court room to figure the whole thing out among ourselves. So with the charter application failed we settled on a speeding ticket with no points and the judge laid that on me and out the court we went. Outside the cop didn’t apologize but told me he learned something and then asked me some questions about my new 5.0 Mustang as he was thinking of getting one himself - seriously, how could I make any of this up.....

Shamless photo of my car to breakup the monotony of all this text!

So my rights under our constitution were not worth a couple of traffic tickets! That is the reality! Now if I was smarter and less idealistic, this would have turned out way better for me. The remedies under the charter for a violation are that all charges are dropped - but the Justice of the Peace actually gave this remedy to me if I did not go forward with the application. He fully expected me to do what 99.99999999999% of others would do and take the dropping of all charges and run. My mistake was that I wanted to stand on principle and put him through all sorts of hassle and that was why he was so livid with me. So I could have got what the charter promised if I played along and didn’t try to test my rights in a court of law. Now I know better, but prior to this I actually believed I had rights. The truth is cops can stop you whenever they feel like it. Break into your house without a warrant and the only thing that could happen is the dropping of charges later - but - regardless, your rights were still violated! Which leads to the conclusion that you never really had rights just like those other countries we criticized, and that I was foolish enough to pull back the curtain to show the truth to myself.

I could ramble on about this and all the nuances for 50 more pages - but you get the idea. You really have no rights but it makes everyone feel good to think they have rights - rights that are never tested except in exceptional circumstances - and, the most important part - always after the fact! Now I did submit two more charter applications on two frivolous tickets just to piss the cop off. The last one had the cop really pissed off about it, even telling the JP he dropped the speed and then “I” did this to him. That was a long time ago, but something curious happened. The next time I got pulled over the cop got my stuff and went to his cruiser, came back and issues me a warning! That never happened to me before! I figure I got a “gold star” or comments that I “wasn’t worth the f**king trouble” when they run my license through the system. Now they get all that stuff just by pulling behind you and scanning the plates - so far I have never been stopped again - so in a non-idealist way, I have have my rights to freedom of movement the same way as a corrupt official in a third world country gets ignored by the police. So I may now have some rights just because nobody wants to deal with the hassle and paper work - but that’s not how it’s supposed to work, and it’s supposed to apply to everyone.....

Nuff said......

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 10:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another day and another update.....

I told the membership at IAIJ all planned events were cancelled or suspended with the exception of our AGM next year. I can’t see travel happening anytime soon and even then - only for the most urgent of needs.

The only good thing is that all our dissemination is currently done and all our major projects are finished and out there like our movies and TV shows and books. I actually can “coast” a bit. I found something that has to be changed in our UN Report son I’ll do that today and look at it again. I have to renew domains again and the usual stuff. Taking care of family locked down and working a job that is an essential service takes up all your time. So the restrictions during the pandemic work for me and my responsibilities right now and you just make the best of it.

I will look for my old Note 3 battery and see if it can still hold a charge (I currently have a new battery in in there but two is better). I keep the phone around because it has a removable battery. Ever wonder why the Presidents of the United States (Obama/Trump) went from an old Blackberry to an old Samsung for personal tweets and an altered Samsung S5 for his official stuff (Trump)? Answer - because they all had removable batteries. There are too many ways to compromise a phone with a non-removable battery and make it look “off” while silently on and recording stuff (just ask the NSA). So old modified phones work well here and the battery can be removed when needed for truly secret meetings.

Doug Ford still using a Blackberry!

Even Doug Ford (Ontario, Canada Premier) can be seen using an old Blackberry 9900 these days (along with the usual personal slab phone) and most importantly during the early days of the pandemic and teacher union negotiations. BlackBerry still supports handsets like my Passport and the most secure and best encryption in the world. Not dead yet for VIPs. I should add that Samsung now has a modern and expensive phone with a removable battery of there. If there is a need - someone will build it.....Hahahahahaha.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Late one today cause I slept in.

I like to see how people try to get their ideas across in North America. A few days ago I was talking about how a brown guy could get his radical ideas out into the Western Hemisphere and the only way via me and my image was the middle eastern swami type of thing from the 1960s. If you can keep them staring at your brown face for a minute or two - you have them hooked - it can work. Some actually do this today and find it effective. But I hate playing games like this and it’s better to just to put out movies and TV shows and books and do the UN thing. That may not be enough but if word starts to get out and people jive to your message you will become a swami anyway. So why not embrace that and have some young hotties for your pleasure every night. Why not - because that always corrupts your mission and allows opponents to discredit you. I suppose it’s fun in real time but does not give you the legacy in the history books of having any impact.

Like in the movie and book called “The Fountainhead” There is a big price to be had to having your ideas and sticking to it. I keep forgetting the parallels between Roark and me like the problems in university - I should have gone to graduate school but instead I was tossed to the wolves. People will want to corrupt the ideas for petty ends and all the rest. You start to hate humanity to the point you don’t want them to have any part of your work. It’s all there funnily enough.

You’ve seen me muse about Superman as a family man - it would never happen. What about Howard Roark as a family man? How would that work? And does that explain me or what? Can you do what I did with a family? Is this a characteristic I wanted or did I just get shoe horned into this by circumstance - and the job of trying to reform humanity was the job finding the man and not the other way around? A circular argument.....

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 7:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I slept most of Saturday.....

But I did pay some bills for my folks and then later bought groceries at a supermarket that didn’t have a lineup outside. I was planning to look at this Camaro ZL1 for sale at this dealership and beside this place was the supermarket with no lineup! So I charged the entrance and started buying food. I did put on some rubber gloves but I was probably the only one without a surgical mask - but I did have an N95 just in case in that fanny pack that I now carry like a shoulder purse. So anyway, I bought the food and took it back to my dad’s house and we decontaminated the whole mess. I did buy a Heineken and some potato chips dipping into some Apple paste and sipping on the beer. That was a welcome change.

A 200mph Camaro you can drive on the street!

So Saturday night they had this stay at home concert co-sponsored by the WHO along with a speech from the Secretary General of the United Nations which was a sort of twilight zone moment kind of thing. But it’s cool to see the UN getting involved in multi-media especially music as we do here. Now if they could only get interested in the worldwide vote - but I digress.....

But it’s a big deal to see the UN dipping its toe into this type of thing. Changes are happening as we speak. So maybe all this has a chance and is worth the effort! After the Rolling Stones I went home and started watching “The Internship” while eating chips and drinking that beer in a proper beer glass. And that was Saturday night.....

Sunday is finishing up stuff and taking it easy. Monday will be a nightmare with more work than before businesses were shut done. Everyone is doing nothing but picking their nose at home but I’m running around like crazy with a possible death by Covid 19 as my reward. Life was never fair. Meanwhile everyone is scamming the system working full time jobs and getting thousands of dollars a month from the government. Working for cash and getting thousands a month from the government. Restaurants that were failing before and owing tons of money, now have an excuse to dodge the bills and loans and close only to reopen hat in hand for money from the government. What’s in it for me - oh - nothing except increased taxes to pay for everyone else - and maybe the Covid 19 hard goodbye.

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Maurice Ali

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 4:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I’ll do this now.....

Yes the pandemic is depressing but the tactical side is to use it to your advantage. Without the pandemic I was off to Geneva and probably a recon mission at the UN there while participating at the WTO’s freedom of expression days. Then another try at the IMF and World Bank in October. I didn’t like my chances at the UN in September. Anyway that was the plan and all dashed.

Anyway, I’m not the only one and everyone seems to be saying that they want their lives back. It will come back but I guarantee you that if there is any uncertainty - fear - will override self-interest and that could give you the opening you were looking for! So it’s very fluid “in these uncertain times” as I hear constantly in advertising. What’s that again: “in these uncertain times” and that says it right there! It’s time to take a flyer at opportunities you thought were beyond you. If fear is the basis of ordinary human minds then put it to the test and be fearless when others are paralyzed by fear. This can still be a day if days of you take advantage of the unusual situation we have here right now.

So we shall see. I still have one card to play with the UN and the worldwide vote so that is still in play despite what happened in February, you will just have to use your imagination. We just carry on doing one thing at a time and make the plays.....

A 200mph Camaro you can drive on the street!

Oh yeah, I’m not buying the Camaro, if anything I would get the new Vette but the way the ideas/concepts/philosophy is going now, I would be a fool to spend money on that. I’m stuck with my little Mustang - a curse put on me by The Fates for my transgressions of the past. So be it.....

The Fates!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 9:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well Monday was a disaster on all fronts.

I’m still doing all the things I’m supposed to be doing to disseminate my ideas even though everything is shut down. But before things resolve themselves and get back to normal, I want you to see what happens to people under pressure. I’m sure you will see the the ones who think much of themselves as the leader or big man in the group turn to total insecure cowards when push comes to shove! These are people who may have a status but with nothing to back it up. I saw it with SARs and I saw it with people who were big mouths when it came to political issues but when it came down to it - when now sticking to your values meant breaking the law because what was legal before isn’t legal now - you watch them turn into blubbering cowardly whining idiots whose word means nothing because they turned tail and abandoned their supposed values at the moment of truth and they always have an excuse to do the cowardly thing. Then the winds of politics change and the legal thing made illegal is legal again and they sheepishly come back and start the same bombastic shit that you now know means nothing. Saw that with my own eyes. I saw the biggest proponents stand by their values and even die standing for their values never wavering, but never getting to see them get it back. The full gamut of humanity was there before my eyes and for the most part it was not a pretty sight. But it did have an effect on me and what is happing with disseminating my ideas.

First of all I’d say 90 percent of the population are total cowards and will follow any order because they are too cowardly to decide not to do it. That does not mean that 10 percent will not do it, but they will only do it if it makes sense to do it in their minds! You find out a lot about yourself when you get pushed and have to make a decision. I’m happy with how I turned out. Not happy at the opportunities society offered me - but happy I found out I was not one of the sheeple. That was a long time ago and most of those people are now dead. But I at least carry on and with the ability to make change in my society - in fact - all of society. You have the proof of that in my actions so far. Sure now life has made things harder to disseminate ideas, but you just keep trying till the last moment. Like that major flying the B52 bomber trying to get the bomb doors open in Dr. Strangelove - he did it and rode that atomic bomb on its way to global oblivion. My ideas won’t end up as global oblivion - quite the opposite - but I am motivated to disseminate those block buster ideas in the same way. And yes, I’m a country boy from Alberta so I really could wave around my Stetson as the ideas dropped on their intended target. A great feeling!

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not much new is happening.

Almost all activities at the UN in New York are canceled for May. The record label officially has two projects on the go, but with social distancing here mostly everyone is waiting it out. You could do it all online but most would rather wait as there is no rush.

I let my hair grow wild so I might get back that afro from my teenage years. Well it’s growing and some guys would kill to have my hair. But letting it go seems to give me hair like what you have on that sci-fi show “Babylon 5” or something out of the Hunger Games.

It’s closer to the truth than you think.....

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Maurice Ali

Joined: 14 Nov 2003
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 7:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

More miscellaneous ramblings.....

So, after a couple of hours since posting yesterday’s update - I was greeted to some incomprehensible dribble for a post just a few lines long - but now I think I have the answer. The worst posts are done on my iPhone which has autocorrect, but the problem is I have a rather unique grammar style of writing that the programmers never coded for, so when I do the quick re-read and figure I would only have one or two minor mistakes - as I hit done and proceeded to copy and past into this board that has its own spell checker - well you end up with incomprehensible dribble even though you didn’t type that out. So now I know and now I have to proof it several times when I post it now.

I’m getting ready to send the UN report in - finally - though nobody will probably look at it till 2021 as the NGO Committee’s May session has been cancelled.

I’m even thinking of trying to get our TV series on Netflix Canada. That is just Netflix Canada so you Canadians can see it if interested. More trouble than its worth but it gives me something to do meanwhile. I still think airplay for the movie on multi-cultural channels or even Vision TV is better - so even more options! But in the end it’s something it do.....

My Mustang showing off!

I’ll end this debacle with some idiot in a black Mustang (same vintage as mine) doing donuts at Yonge-Dundas Square. No, it’s not me but before I watched the video I did wonder what kind of car was doing it only to see your very own car doing it (2017 V6 black Mustang). There aren’t too many rear wheel drive sports cars on the road anymore. And by sports car I mean a two door coupe. Now they are trying to sell coupes as 4 door cars. I counted the number of 2 door cars in our parking lot and as usual - mine was the only one. Anyway despite what I said earlier in the month about the virus giving a renascence for gear heads - doing donuts at YDS with everyone videotaping you is just clueless. Not a good l look - but whatever.....

I did find this on Global News:

“Toronto police say a 21-year-old man is facing a variety of charges after a car performed doughnuts in front of Yonge-Dundas Square Monday night. Toronto police say a 21-year-old man is facing a variety of charges after a car performed doughnuts in front of Yonge-Dundas Square Monday night.

A video posted to social media appears to show the incident, which police said occurred shortly before 10:15 p.m.

A black Mustang could be seen performing the stunt in the middle of the intersection as bystanders watched on as some filmed the incident”

My Mustang!

Oh, and the squirrel is back in the attic chewing on stuff!
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